When people think about running a marathon, they often wonder how anyone can run for that long! Yes, a marathon is a long distance but it doesn’t need to be boring. There are ways to make the training more fun and to help the miles pass by more quickly. One of the keys to being able to train for and run a marathon is to avoid boredom while training for the race.
How to Avoid Boredom While Training for a Marathon
Have you seen this episode of “How I Met Your Mother”? Barney’s advice on how to run a marathon:
I mean, Barney has the right idea but I’d like to think there is a little more that goes into running a marathon than just putting one foot in front of the other on race day. I can think of at least a dozen things off the top of my head right now. If you are the type of person who can just go out and run a marathon without training, more power to you. For the rest of us, there is likely a few months of training required.
I actually wrote this post because my husband wanted to know how to train for a marathon without getting bored. He’s done several marathons, but does not enjoy the process at all. This made me realize that maybe a lot of people who aren’t used to running all the time get bored running day after day. I love running too much to ever get bored with it but I also think that there are some things I naturally do to prevent boredom. I thought I would share a little about how to avoid boredom while training for a marathon!
How to Avoid Boredom While Training for a Marathon
- How to Avoid Boredom While Training for a Marathon
- Make a marathon training schedule
- Sign up for some shorter races
- Add some fun workouts
- Run with other people during training
- Change things up to avoid boredom
- Challenge yourself when training for a marathon
- Add some cross training to avoid boredom
- Show off and get support!
- Entertain yourself to avoid boredom
- Get your own 18 Week Marathon Training Plan!
Make a marathon training schedule
If you decide to train for a marathon and just decide to run a whole bunch of times you will probably end up bored real fast (and undertrained or injured). If you make a schedule you will always know what’s coming and have things to look forward to.
Sign up for some shorter races
Look at your schedule and find some places to fit in a 5k, 10k, or half-marathon. I wouldn’t recommend racing every weekend, but once a month (or less) is a good amount while training I think.
Add some fun workouts
Typically my training plan consists of easy runs, speed work, tempo runs, hills, and long runs. Avoiding boredom while marathon training is easier when you have fun workouts to look forward to! I like this variety as it keeps me doing different types of runs. If you are running your first or second marathon you may not be doing speed, hills, or tempo and that’s ok. A great workout you could do is fartleks, or speed play. You basically just go faster for some intervals throughout your run. Maybe you could say- I’m gonna run fast until I get to the next stop sign. Or if you are listening to music you can go faster during one of the songs. Figure out something fun that will work for you!
Run with other people during training
I usually don’t run with other people but its a great way to beat boredom. You can find a local running group, find some runner friends, or recruit someone in your family to start running with you.
Change things up to avoid boredom
Instead of running the same route over and over find somewhere new to run. I really need to do this because recently I have gotten bored with covering the same areas every day. I loved being on vacation where I could run in new places.
Challenge yourself when training for a marathon
One of the keys to avoiding boredom while marathon training is to challenge yourself and set small goals. Try to beat your previous distance by a little, or do the same distance a little faster than last week. I am a running data nerd and I love to compare my runs but sometimes this can hurt more than help. But it is very motivating when you can look at the big picture and see improvements!
Add some cross training to avoid boredom
Rather than burn out on running and end up hating it, you could always do some cross training a few days a week instead of just running every day. This is another way to change things up! And if you use an elliptical or bike at the gym you can probably watch TV or play on your phone/iPad while you workout.
Show off and get support!
The world of social media is quite an amazing place. You can post pictures on Instagram showing that you went for a run and lots of people will “like” it and show you support! You can also get motivation by following other runners on social media. I prefer to post my runs on instagram where most of my followers are also runners than going into work trying to tell everyone each little detail about my run. Most non-runners don’t care!
Entertain yourself to avoid boredom
When all else fails and you are on yet another run and feeling bored, try entertaining yourself. Listen to music or a podcast, sing, think about something ridiculous, imagine winning the race- whatever will take your mind off the fact that you are still running!
What are your tips for to avoid boredom while training for a marathon?
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Get your own 18 Week Marathon Training Plan!
I ended up coaching my husband to a sub 4 hour marathon in 2017. I wrote his training plan specifically to keep him from getting bored, by including only 3 days of running, cross-training, and strength training. I’ve made that plan available to you for download! After 4 years of struggling through marathons this is finally the plan that got him to break 4 hours!
Break 4 and Don’t Get Bored! 18 Week Marathon Training Plan
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs , and Laura Norris Running to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
That HIMYM episode is my FAVORITE! 🙂
I don’t think I could ever pick a favorite, but its definitely one of the best!
Great tips. Training for a marathon, and knowing just how much time you have left before you run it (and keeping that in front of you for a long time) can be mentally exhausting, never mind the physical fatigue. You gotta keep things interesting!
Yes, for sure! I think it was today that I commented on your post about how I am feeling like I still have SO far to go. Mentally I need ways to break up the next 3 months so I don’t get overwhelmed!
I like this post
Haha Glad that you liked it!
When I get bored, I try to go different routes during my run and download new songs.
Those are great ways to beat boredom! I’m excited to run a new route tomorrow:)
I can relate! My husband is FINALLLY training for REAL for a 1/2 marathon we are doing—it’s sooo nice to see him taking it serious so he doesn’t get hurt like he normally does!
My honey doesn’t love to run–he’d rather do something intellectual.
Aka he hates how boring and waste of timey long runs are.
So! I suggested he download books and podcasts and listen to them as he runs. He LOOOOVES it!!!
And I love it too:)
Take care!!
That’s great! I’m glad he found something he likes to do while running. I hate seeing runners give it up because they get bored! Good luck to you both as you train for your half marathon!!
Ahaha love this! Sometimes I think the hardest part of running is restraining yourself from telling non-runners in detail about every mile split of your last run or how you felt on hill repeats… I think the most common thing I hear after people learn that I like distance running is, “I’d run, but I get so bored.” I’ll have to send them a link to this post!
I always feel like I want to share everything about my run! But nope no one cares:) I think thats why I ultimately decided to start a blog!
I am hitting that point in my training where the boredom is kicking in. But I run with my MRTT group and the cross training really spruces it up!
That’s great that you have people to run with and other activities to keep things interesting!
Good tips and really relevant to all of us I think! For me mixing up the route and using the time spent running to think about things in my daily life help get rid of the boredom. Even for people who love running it definitely happens when you do the same thing day after day.
It’s true, and I’m a little nervous about heading into my longer runs with no music. I better figure out plenty of stuff to think about!
Great tips!! For me, changing up the routes is key. If I run in the same place every single day, it bores me!:)
happy Friday friend!!!
Yes Happy Friday to you too! I’m finally changing up my route tomorrow…its long overdue!
Great advice! I recently started training for my first marathon, and I’m worried that boredom is what is going to make the 15 mile plus long runs so challenging.
I like running in places like parks where there are plenty of people around so that I can people watch. Sometime’s I’ll pretend I’m in a race and I’ll try to pass whoever’s running up ahead of me (maybe I’m a tad bit too competitive).
Those are some great tricks to make the running less boring and make the time pass faster! With those tricks you will have no problem getting those super long runs done!
I love the ecards and memes in this! I actually really love the suggestion about switching things up. While I vary my routes around here a little, I normally just run at whatever speed my legs are going on a given day. I need to throw some fartleks in there. Plus I really just like that word 🙂
haha yes fartleks are a fun workout and fun to say! I am not good about switching up my route but I do find that changing up my paces helps.
I definitely agree with most/all of these! I am running one race a month just like you said. Today was my race for September! Woohoo! I run 1-2x a week with a week, but also enjoy my solo runs. It is a good mix. I definitely think different types of runs add variety too. The speed workout, the recovery run, the long run. You nailed it all!
Exactly! It sounds like you are doing everything right to prevent boredom!
I loved that episode of HIMYM, haha. When he was stuck on the subway after running the race, it rang pretty true with what happened after my first marathon 😉
I definitely think shorter races help break up the cycle. I’m kind of shocked I didn’t do a single race during my marathon training last summer. But this summer I’ve run quite a few tune up races for fun in preparation for next week’s half.
I listen to podcasts on my long run to beat boredom as well. I totally geek out and listen to running podcasts while I’m running. #runnerd alert 🙂 But I also like How Stuff Works and NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me.
Haha That HIMYM episode is awesome:)
I think that when I’m feeling good during training I tend to do more races, while if I feel like I’m getting close to an injury I won’t race because I usually can’t run in a race “for fun”. But I do think tune up races are great!
I’ve actually never listened to podcasts…I should look into those!
Great tips! This was the first summer that I decided to race in rather than just train, and I think it’s important to have those other races along the way before your goal race. It was definitely a big help to have those to look forward to this year and as motivation for getting up early before it got too hot out. I’m with you though, I don’t really ever find it boring! 🙂
I have also been liking doing shorter races while training! I think it helps you get used to racing more and comfortable with a race routine. Oh and beating the heat is key!
hehe…thank you, I’m glad you got a kick out of my fartlek toon there! 🙂 May we all find our Fart….or lek. 😉
PS- Barney will always have a spot in my heart!! hehe
Thank you for these tips, Lisa!
I love to run with a group. I schedule my long runs for the weekend so that I can do it with others. We chat while we run and the miles just fly by.
That sounds great! I know so many runners really love group runs. Maybe one day I’ll give it a try:)
Great tips. Maybe I’ll run another. Lol.
Actually I never got bored. I didn’t really change anything from my normal running routine. I just ran longer long runs. The most important part was to make sure I had company for some of my miles for those really long runs.
It’s interesting how some of us really don’t get bored while running!
Great tips, Lisa! When I trained for my 18 mile race, I also was training for a half. So I raced the half, ran 15, ran 17, and voila! Read for 18 miles. Of course I know 18 miles is nowhere near a marathon, but still, it worked well for me.
Kudos to you for coaching your husband and not killing each other in the process. 🙂
18 is still alot of miles to run! It was about 4 years ago when I coached my husband, so I’m not sure if he would still tolerate having me tell him what to do:)
Avoiding boredom is key to keeping it fun (I use that term loosely LOL) and steering clear of burnout. As you know, I do a lot of my runs with my friend, Barb, but I also enjoy having some solo runs mixed in as well. The last few marathon training cycles have had me playing around with speed work a lot more, and that’s been a win-win.
Changing up paces can help alot! Not only does it keep things interesting, it can also help prevent injury.
I do love running with other people all the time. Signing up for shorter races as motivation and training is great for marathons and half marathons. I like to throw in a few 10K’s and a 10 miler race if possible
I usually do a half-marathon while training for a full. Its a great way to change up one of those long runs!
I rarely get bored during marathon training. Well, maybe that’s not true. But not as much as I would think. I do get bored during races sometimes though! Weird, right?
That’s interesting! I bet most people feel the opposite. I don’t really get bored either but its probably because I already do alot of these things naturally when I train.
I’m like you- I don’t think I’ve ever been bored while running. Tired and uncomfortable, yes, but not bored. But I know that’s a problem for many people. All the things you mentioned are great. I love listening to podcasts, and use music at the end of long runs when I really need extra pep. Or sometimes I’ll think about all sorts of crazy things- like pretending I’m Shalane Flanagan about to win the NYC marathon. It’s a bit of a stretch, but I can do anything I want in my imagination!
That’s awesome! I don’t really listen to music anymore when I run but podcasts really keep me entertained.
These are such great tips! After my running slump a couple of months ago, I’ve really gone the extra mile to make my marathon training more exciting. One that has me hopping out of bed at the moment is trying to cover every single street in my neighbourhood, then coming back home to colour in the streets I’ve done. I realised that although I thought I’d run in my neighbourhood I was repeatedly doing the same 15 – 20% area! The last month has been so much fun, just seeing different things and experiencing new places so close to home.
That’s so great and such a fun goal to keep you motivated!!
I ran so so many races when training for my marathon. I figured if I had to do the miles anyway, I might as well get a medal for the efforts. It was a strategy that worked for me!
That’s great! Races can definitely help prevent boredom!
I think having a training partner is so helpful, especially for long runs. They help with motivation and accountability as well as reducing boresome. And when I’m running alone I’m usually listening to a book so I don’t get bored.
So true about running with someone else! I’ve never tried listening to a book during a run. Actually I may have done that once a long time ago. Great idea!
I listened to audiobooks on my long runs during my last marathon cycles. I find picking an interesting route helps also!
Audiobooks are a great idea! I think I’ve only done that once but may need to try it again this summer.