This was the first week that it really felt like fall with the cooler weather and darker mornings. I feel like it was just yesterday when I was anxious for summer running and the sun rising early but it feels like I was never really able to take advantage of that as I was dealing with this injury. I have been enjoying the cooler weather, though. It’s been in the 50s most mornings which is pretty much ideal I think.
Weekly Workouts: Dark Mornings and Fall Running
Monday: Physical Therapy
I was supposed to run on the treadmill before PT, so I didn’t run in the morning. However, there was a water main break near the gym where my PT office is located, so my appointment was moved to a different location without a treadmill. I did get in some good PT exercises, but no run. The weather was perfect so I was a little disappointed about this.
Tuesday: 3.1 miles plus PT exercises
I went through the same routine that I had learned at PT the day before so I wouldn’t forget some of the new exercises. I don’t remember too much about the run but I guess that’s a good thing!
Wednesday: Strength training
I did a full body workout but also threw in some of the hip/glute/core stuff from PT. This workout was kind of all over the place- I used weights, the TRX, bosu, and bands.
Thursday: 2.5 miles plus PT exercises
I wanted to run more than this but got out the door too late. It’s probably good that I do my PT stuff first so I make sure I always have time for that. Better to put in the work for that stuff rather than overdo it with the running.
Friday: 40 minutes Pilates workout
I decided to subscribe to a month of Pilatesology workouts. I was able to select a video that moved very slowly and focused on form. This one was mostly focused on abs so next time I hope to find a workout that incorporates the hips/glutes as well.
Saturday: 5.2 miles plus PT exercises
I wasn’t sure how far I would run, but I was feeling good and decided to push my distance a bit to see how my body responds. So far, I am feeling good as I am writing this on Sunday. I think I am really starting to be able to feel when I lose my form so I can stop, walk, and readjust. Right now it’s still really hard for me to keep good form while running uphill, so those were the parts of this run when I stopped to reset.
Sunday: PT exerises and core work
Just headed to the basement for some of my PT exercises. Nothing exciting, but it’s good to get those proper muscles engaged every single day.
If nothing else, this whole injury process has definitely been a learning experience. Now, if I can just continue with what I am doing with no further setbacks I will be happy! I feel like I am at a point now where I am running enough to feel like I am actually running. With all the PT work that I need to be putting in, I wouldn’t have the time to run a whole lot more than this anyway. Although I wouldn’t mind being able to do a long run on the weekends…but let’s not get greedy.
Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend! Looks like there were some great PRs happening out there!!
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- How are you adjusting to the cooler weather and darker mornings?
- Are you able to keep good form when running uphill?
I always think of you with the weather and sunrises each morning because I know it’s a big deal to both of us lol. it’s cool here today, 48 right now! so, I am excited to get outside, although I don’t like the darker mornings! it really messes with my schedule since I won’t run in the dark. when do we turn the clocks?!
It was so chilly out this morning! And I don’t think we turn the clocks until early November..seems so far away!
I”m pretty decent about keeping form running uphill–it is the rest of the time that I have to worry about! It is pitch black ark out there right now… and I am not that much of a fan of it!
The mornings have gotten dark so quickly. It’s gonna be a long fall/winter!
Great job getting all your PT exercises done. I am loving the cooler weather, although it is supposed to snow here on Tuesday. Not ready for that.
Thanks! Wow, I am definitely not ready for snow either!
I love your commitment to PT exercises. I know you’ve had a frustrating few months but it sounds like there is light at the end of the tunnel and you’re seeing positive effects from all the PT work you’ve put in.
I WISH I was acclimating to cooler weather, that sure would be nice!
I hope you get some cooler weather soon!
I think you will love Pilatesology! In the trial videos I really like Molly Renshaw’s magic circle video, and once you get to the full subscription, Alisa Wyatt has some great workouts. There are so many instructors to choose from!
Last weekend Sarah at Run Far Girl gave me great advice on how to run uphills. She said to shorten the stride significantly to short, bouncy steps to power out of the glutes. That helped my uphill form a lot.
Thats great advice- I will have to keep that in mind next time I run uphill!
I bet it is such a relief to feel like you are running enough to feel like you are running again. (Also, isn’t that such a runner thing to say!) 🙂 Keep up the good work on your PT exercises!
Haha I knew that other runners would understand what I meant!
I would try to prioritize the PT exercises first too! I’ve never heard of Pilatesology but it sounds neat! I’ve heard of yoga subscriptions like that.
I did the free trial of pilatesology but I am excited for the subscription because there are SO many videos available!
I admire your positive attitude throughout this whole injury process. I’m glad you got a 5+ miler in and I believe if you keep up the PT and listen to your body that you’ll be running long runs on the weekends again in no time!
Thank you- I definitely hope so!
I don’t know if I lost form yesterday, but at the end of my run, my hip was tight and I felt it in my ITB. I wasn’t happy, but I got 5k done. Later, when I was doing a couple strength exercises, my glutes were quite tired. I’ve been trying to juggle running and strength training, but I think I need to double down on strength training again.
Its tough to do it all! I always think tired glutes are a good thing- it means they are working!
I’m glad that things seem to be going well with your running!
I really love the change to fall even though mornings are dark right now. It has been so hot in NC that I am grateful for cooler weather!
I feel like fall came so fast around here! This morning was only in the 40s…but its definitely a nice break from the heat!
Glad to hear that you’re continuing to progress and getting in some longer runs and feeling good. PT exercises are so important! I always find myself slacking off on them but they’re the most important thing to do!
They seem to be the first thing to go when the running picks up but Im really trying to keep up with them!
I’m loving the cooler temps. The darkness? Not so much. It’s so great to hear your hard PT work and patience are paying off and you’re able to run enough to feel you’re getting a good workout! Gosh I never even thought about my uphill form. I’ll pay attention to it next time. Ha!
I think I am just overly conscious of my form lately so its very noticeable that I struggle with the uphills!
I always struggle to adjust to the cooler weather (and I say “cooler” weather when in Australia it never actually gets that cold – we just think it’s freezing, haha) because I am such a summer person – and I also find I end up with horrible headaches/earaches when my ears get cold from running outside so I tend to take my workouts inside over the winter. Pluss…. it means I can wear whatever the heck I want and workout with the heater on 😛
There are some winter days that I really wish I had a way to run indoors! When its really bad Ill just opt for strength training in my basement.
Nice to read that you’re finally running again and feeling good. Strength is so important. I’ve been doing so well until these peak weeks, when I’ve let it slide a bit. You’ve inspired me to keep at it!
Its so hard to fit in strength training with all the running, great job keeping up with it even during marathon training!
The cooler temps have been nice for running, but I don’t like that it is so dark outside early. I hate running hills so my form is probably awful running uphill. I should incorporate more Pilates into my workouts. Maybe I will look for a dvd. I feel like the monthly subscriptions may be pricey for me.
The darkness in the morning is tough! And its only 41 degrees here this morning- I cant believe how cool it got so quickly!
We haven’t really had much cooler weather here, but the cooler temps are always welcome. I have to say that I’ve been having a really tough time adjusting to the shorter days. I’ve had to make my peace running hills, but I sure don’t like them. My form for sure changes, but I try to keep it in the “good” category 🙂 Good job sticking with your PT!
The cooler temps are a nice change. Hopefully they come your way soon!
Looks like you’re really getting in some great stability and core exercises in. Keep up with the routine even after you’re all healed up and you’ll see huge running improvements! It’s nice and cool here in western NC finally and I’m loving it! But, not loving the earlier darkness so much. Ha! Oh, and hill workouts are a great form teaching lesson. I’ve gotten better. It’s just important to remember not to hunch your shoulders and stare at the ground lol
I need to keep that in mind when running hills! I get tired so easily and find myself bending forward too much.
I love the cooler temps but the darkness, umm no! Even though I have a great place to run while camping I still just don’t like getting out there before it’s light out.
I never thought I’d say this but I’m actually looking forward to the time change in the mornings. Not in the afternoons. But it is what it is! Thanks Lisa for linking up with us!
I am looking forward to the time change too! Although Im not sure how much it will help. The winters are just so dark in general.
I commend you for handling your injury and rehab with such grace. It’s great to see your hard work with PT is now paying off. And what perfect timing with the cooler temps! Thanks for linking, Lisa!
Thanks! I definitely agree- this weather is perfect for a return to running.