I’ve talked a little bit lately about my efforts to work on pull-ups at home. Actually, right now I’m working on chin-ups. But either way, I wanted to share a little more about how I am doing this at home because I’ve had some questions about it. As many of us are still working out at home, it might be something to think about if you want to work on upper body strength!
How To Work on Pull-Ups at Home
Get the right equipment
You don’t need alot of equipment, but obviously you need something to pull yourself up to. If you don’t have a rack with a bar, or a bar built into a door in your house, you can use a doorway bar (affiliate link).
You may also want to get some bands so you can do assisted pull-ups. These are the ones I have. (affiliate link)
Progress yourself appropriately when working on pull-ups at home
Most of us won’t just be able to pull oursleves up into a chin-up or pull-up on the first try. It can take a lot of work. And if you can’t do a pull-up to begin with, how do you practice them? There are a few ways to progress to doing pull-ups or chin-ups.
Hand grips
First, get familiar with the different hand grips and figure out which is easiest for you. It’s best to start with the one that is the most comfortable and feels easiest. The 3 grips you can do on this bar are pull-up, chin-up, and neutral. I’ve mostly been working using a neutral grip. This post explains more details about all the different types of grips.
Isometric hold
I started by doing sets of isometric holds with my legs at 90 degrees. Early on I was holding them for 10 seconds and once I got stronger I built up to 25 seconds. Sometimes I did these with a weighted ball between my knees.
Negative Chin-Ups
Then I moved into negative chin-ups. For these you start at the top and slowly lower for about 5 seconds.
Using a band
You can also use a band to do assisted pull-ups. I tied my band to the bar by looping it through, and then put one foot into the bottom of the band. You can also bend your knees and put one knee in the band if that’s more comfortable. It will also depend on how heavy your bands are.
Get help with your pull-ups if needed
I am not strength coach or personal trainer, so what I’m sharing is my own experience. If you need help with working on pull-ups you can find a professional in person or online to guide you. I work with Mary from Lift Run Perform. There are plenty of professionals who could help you with this.
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Have you ever worked on pull-ups or chin-ups?
Are there any exercises that you’ve struggled to work on while working out from home?
I’m linking up with My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday!
we have a bar that we used to use in the flat. I actually used a chair while Ron spotted me! but in the new (old) house we haven’t found a place yet for the bar. We were actually thinking we’d incorporate something into the pergola we want to build in the back yard, but unfortunately that project costs too much for us to do at the moment :D. so we need to find a place and then start again. Great tips!
Hopefully you can find a good spot for it!
This is such a great post, Lisa! This is one area that I miss belonging to a gym. Years & years ago, I worked out with a personal trainer, which was awesome, and yes, we worked on pull ups. Assisted ones.
I also miss the bars you can hold on to do roman lifts is it? I forget what it’s called. Where you hold onto the bars and bring your legs up to 90 degrees.
I struggle with plenty of Yoga poses still!
I think I know the bar you are talking about! I don’t think I have room for anything like that at home…or any kind of rack. But we can just do the best we can with what we have at home!
Never done a pull up.
I miss the machines at a gym.
I actually just bought two 5 lbs weights.
Yay me.
Good job on your pull ups and chin ups! I do not have a bar and I don’t think I would even use it! They are tough! Go girl!
Thank you! I’ve had my bar for like 5 years and I only started really using is recently.
That’s a great start!
Pullups are something I worked on regularly at the gym but never do at home. I have no excuse either as we have a great bar.
It can be tough to get motivated to do them! If my coach didn’t put them on my plan I’d probably never do them.
I have to get a pull-up bar for home!!
It’s such a simple piece of equipment that’s so useful!
I used to be able to do a few years ago! I have not done them in so long but now you make me want to
I bet you could do them again if you worked on them!
We have a pull-up bar that attaches in the doorway…and I seldom ever even glance at it. My bad. I’ve been doing daily push-ups, this past year, which may help with some of the muscles utilized…but I haven’t tried. Okay, I’m going to try some pull-ups later today 😉
Push-ups are great too! Hope they go well if you give them a try!
Yep, I’ve been working on pullups on and off for years. I do negatives and use a band. I would like to be able to do at least one unassisted, but I just don’t work at it consistently enough. Currently I’m doing them one day a week- I think it will take a little more than that! This is a great post, because if you just get a bar and try to pull yourself up, it seems hopeless.
I can barely do one unassisted. But I’m closer than I was 6 months ago!
I had started working on pull-ups at the gym before last year’s shut-down. You’ve offered some great tips…now to get a bar for home!
Now that we are working out so much at home its a great piece of equipment to have!
These look so hard but that’s because I’ve never done them. I know you had sent me the info about the bar and bands a few months ago. I never got around to ordering them and I honestly don’t know where I would install it if I do get it.
They work in any doorway and you don’t need to leave them up. I use them in the bathroom door or the doorway to our spare bedroom in the basement, but I don’t leave it up when I’m done.
I want to try to do pull-ups again, but I’m afraid it will aggravate my recovery. I’ll do a test “hang” to see how it feels.
It’s definitely not worth aggravating your recovery! Sounds like a good plan to take it slow and just test things out.
You are amazing and these are such great tips. I’d probably pull the whole bar out of the door frame and really do some damage lol!
Haha! I’m sure you wouldn’t! They are sturdier than they look!