Last week was…interesting. As I mentioned work was sporatic due to the weather, and I stopped working out besides PT. Which meant alot of time inside doing nothing. (I don’t really ever do “nothing”…it was more like blogging, checking social media sites constantly, and cleaning out random areas of the apartment).
If you had asked me a month or two ago how I would have a felt about a week of sleeping in (aka not setting an alarm and sleeping until 5:30), laying around in pajamas all day, and alternating between coffee and wine, I would have told you that it sounded like a perfect break from the busy schedule I am used to.
And it was nice, for the first few days. But then I just started to feel like a slug. I wanted to get back to my old schedule of up getting up and running and then being a normal human who wears real clothes for 9 hours a day.
But there’s good news! It looks like spring is heading our way! Just looking at the forecast did wonders for my mood and got me rejuvenated for a new week to begin. So, I’m hoping to make the most of this one! Even if I can’t exercise in the way I would like I think that even getting walks in will help me to feel better.
So, let’s recap last week’s workouts.
Just kidding, there is nothing to share. Except that I did my PT exercises every day and ran on the Alter-G on Monday (3 miles) and Wednesday (4 miles).
On Friday I needed to get out so went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical and then some weights. I’m trying to figure out if/what cross training is best but I don’t think the elliptical is the answer. When I got off I knew immediately that my hips were out of alignment.
I also went the gym on Saturday and did 30 minutes of 5 minutes run/1 minute walk intervals on the treadmill. I felt good until minute 29 when my piriformis decided to point out that it was angry. Grrr….a few steps forward, and a few back I suppose.
It also helped to get out and about over the weekend. We started some furniture shopping on Saturday and then had dinner with my parents and stayed at their house for the night. We also went through some of our wedding gifts that we had stored in our basement so we know what we will be moving into the new house. Sunday brought more furniture shopping followed by meal prep!
Other than that, not much else went on this weekend but…it didn’t snow or ice for the first weekend in about a month so that is exciting! Now let’s just get all this white stuff melted!
Alright everyone, here’s to making it a good (and warm) week!
How long can you handle doing “nothing” before you get bored and need to get back to a schedule?
What did you do this weekend?
Do you like furniture shopping?
I’m joining Tara for the weekend update link-up!
Ahhhh, okay I swear I haven’t been bored in YEARS. But I guess that’s what happens when there are six kids. My personality doesn’t survive in boredom anyway; I thrive in chaos. I’m really glad your weather is getting warmer but I’m sorry to hear about those damn hip issues. 🙁
Oh I could only imagine how I would have felt on those days home if there were kids running around! I’m sure I would need to get out of the house but not because I was bored!
Yay for furniture shopping (so many furniture stores on my street). I am glad the temperature is rising the days are getting longer. This past weekend was a nice mix of busy and doing nothing.
Sounds like a good weekend! We had to drive all over the place to go to furniture stores..kind of annoying but hopefully we will have what we need soon!
After a few days off from my schedule I start to get antsy and just want my routine back. I’ve never been very good at relaxing.
That’s how I feel! I guess its good that I’m back to a regular routine today:)
I always wish to not be busy and to have a day when I don’t have anything planned. But when that rare chance comes, I have absolutely NO IDEA what to do with myself. At all. And I eventually find something to do. I can’t even sit in my pajamas all day. Why did that have to change as I got older??? I’m glad you are starting to see Spring trying to thaw the place out. I hope we see it soon!
I think one day of doing nothing is about all I can handle! As much as I like laying around in pajamas I realized I can’t do that all day long or I start to go crazy:)
I know it is frustrating, but it will make you CHERISH every moment when you can. You can do it 🙂 I actually love my 2 weeks off after races, I barely move off the couch, and I LOVE it! So I guess my limit is 2 weeks 😉 Keep working hard at that PT!
Thanks!! I am already thinking about how much I will appreciate running regularly when I am back to it. And of course I am making all sorts of promises to myself to never get in this situation again…however, I’m still trying to figure out what I did wrong, so that’s tough because I can’t avoid making the same mistake if I don’t know what it was in the first place!
I always look forward to resting after a race. But then the race is over and I get the urge to run again! Usually after about a week of rest I feel like I really need to get moving!
I know the feeling. I was housebound last week because I had a cold (was sick enough to not go into the office, but not sick enough to not work) and then got snowed in. I was suffering a bit of cabin fever by Friday. At least I recovered enough to start training again. I don’t know the back story on your injury but I saw piriformis in there. Good luck with recovery. I had piriformis syndrome in 2013 and I know that is not fun.
This is not my first time with this issue, and it is so annoying! (My PT thinks that my SI joint isn’t stable enough and my piriformis gets really tight…not sure which caused the other!)
I hope that you are feeling better and hopefully you can get out of the house more this week!
I know it is tough! I was home for 10 days after my surgery with limited movement and it was like, WOW! yikes what to do , what to do! Rest up and let that body heal and have fun with all that shopping!
I remember being on the couch for a week after I had surgery 4 years ago, and I’m not sure how I survived that! Actually, I remember I was cleared to ride a stationary bike so that helped me from going crazy!
I can do a LOT of nothing – actually, I plan it into my routine. 🙂 I used to love shopping but really can do without it now. We may at some point shop for a kitchen set, and I’ve browsed online but going to stores I don’t really like anymore. Unless it’s a running store or a bookstore.
I prefer to do all my shopping online when possible! But with couches, we obviously need to be able to sit on them to see which ones we like:)
I am so happy to hear the weather is going to warm up for you too. That’s always uplifting news after the winter we had!!
Wine and sleeping in sounds great too… but I totally get what you mean about after a few days feeling off!! Last week I was off too 🙂
It’s a nice break for a bit but I get tired of it very quickly:) Yay for warmer weather!
I’m the same way…I beg to do nothing and then after a day or so i’m begging for my routine back! Wasn’t the weather amazing yesterday? I can’t wait for spring to be here!! And I’m with you about the elliptical, I’d rather poke myself in the eyeballs 😉 Have a great week!
Not sure why the elliptical is such torture! At one point I was able to stay on it for an hour but not anymore!
Doing nothing all day makes me want to punch myself in the face. And that is after one day of it. I just don’t like feeling cooped up. That is so aggravating that you are still having such issues with your alignment. Hopefully it is a matter of retraining the muscle memory sufficiently, so that it’ll just take a few weeks. I think your best bet might just be spin bike, if your PT oks it.
I’m gonna ask about the spin bike today…in generally he has kind of suggested that I see what feels good and says my activities should be “self-limiting” so I have just been experimenting to see what feels good. I do think that retraining the muscles is key- and veryyy slowly I think they are learning.
Weird that you say this because last week I did not feel like myself either – my energy was way down. It is amazing how when your routine is thrown off it can throw you off. I am with you on feeling sluggish after resting for awhile but know in the long run it is good for you (pun intended)!
I guess we need breaks like that once in awhile. Hopefully this week will be better for both of us!
I’m on day 15 of no running (because of an injury that sounds strikingly similar to yours, I might add), and I’m about to go batshit crazy. Biking and other stuff just doesn’t do it for me like running does.
Ugh sorry to hear you are dealing with something similar! Especially now that its starting to warm up I am just itching to get outside!
We now haven’t had a storm in 3 weeks- however it hasn’t been warm enough that anything has melted yet… But this week looks nice! It seems that all the bad stuff that had my area, has moved on to you, unfortunately! I am so excited for you and Rob that you’ll be moving pretty soon! It’s so exciting… Thing about all the new areas you’ll have to run outside!! Planning new routes is tons of fun!!
We definitely had the worst part of our winter over the past 3 weeks or so. I can’t wait for all the snow to start melting! (And now that its above freezing it wont constantly turn to ice!)
Honestly I think part of the reason I decided to have 3 kids is so I’d never be “bored” and oh I was so right about that! Since it’s so rare I do like that down time if I can get it lately. Any gym machine is the last thing I want to see, good thing the bad weather is coming to an end. No more treadmill!
I’m sure that parents who were stuck home with kids had a much different experience on those snow days than me! I really shouldn’t complain about feeling bored because I am sure there will be a time when I never get any time to myself. Hopefully now we are in the clear with weather and there will be no more snow or ice!
Hahahahah I didn’t do any exercises except I ran 7 miles and then ran again on Saturday for 30 minutes and then I also did the elliptical and weights.
Marathon runners… we don’t have a good gauge on what not exercising is like! 🙂
I totally get what you’re saying though. Being out of routine sucks. That’s how I felt all of last week too! Whenever one thing falls out of routine for me I just throw my hands up in the air and start wishing for the weekend! haha
Ha I didn’t even realize that but you are so right- I did get a decent amount of exercise in all things considered..just not what I am used to.
I always love the first day of doing absolutely nothing but after that I start to get a little anxious. I hope furniture shopping is going well. I’m on of those people that absolutely loves that part! Hope you have a fantastic Monday!
I am so bad at making decisions so furniture shopping is extremely stressful! I also find it exhausting:)
I get bored way easier than I would like to admit- the IDEA of taking a day to rest or whatever is good, but in reality it’s SO hard for me to sit still. I enjoy going, going, going apparently 🙂 This weekend we had fun- we went to the Opryland Hotel and walked around with friends, did the boat ride and water show. SUCH a neat place! We pretty much stayed out all day yesterday because it was SO nice out also!
Exactly! I always think I would like a day of doing nothing but then I get bored immediately! Sounds like you had a great weekend! Love that the sun is out and the weather is warm enough to be outside!
I think staying home and having nothing to do always sounds nice in theory, but then I get really bored 🙂 I like furniture shopping! The part I hate about putting a house together is picking paint samples….it always looks so different on the wall than it does on the sample and it’s hard to get it right.
Oh I am sure paint would be impossible for me to pick out! My parents are in that process now and it seems so overwhelming!
Oh, my gosh; I can only handle being at home/inside all day for about one day and then I’m over it. This weather has been tough to handle! Like you, I’m so glad things are going to warm up and thaw out this week; we deserve a break! I can’t stand the elliptical; I can tolerate the treadmill much more, for some reason. Who likes that thing? Kudos to you for finding ways to stay active, in spite of the weather and with respect to your recovery. I know it’s got to be a challenge. Those sofas are all really cute; can’t wait to see you put everything together! Thanks so much for linking up with the blog today; hope your Monday is going well.
Yes, one day inside seems to be my limit as well! I know that I feel better when I am active, so I am just doing the best I can to find things that work. Thanks for hosting!
I find that if I am inside and don’t work out, I become very depressed. Even if I can get outside and walk the dogs, I feel so much better.
The weather looks like it is changing here too. I am ready for the snow to melt!
I like furniture shopping, but have difficulty making the final decision! I am also a very visual person, so I like to see the furniture in person, and the fabrics too!
Yes, I really think that being outside does something for my mood! It’s hard to go days without leaving the house!
I don’t do well with making decisions, and with couches I definitely need to see them and sit on them. It’s just tough to picture what they will look like in the house!
I can completely relate to what you are saying about the doing nothing period–I too fantasize about it but then when I actually do it, I’m ready to move on. Good ying/yang for the soul, though, I think. And YES to all this melting! I actually have some daffodils peeking out of the mulch. Spring will get here!
I agree that its good to slow down every once in a while. It feels like spring is on its way- finally!
It’s good to hear that warmer weather is in your future!
I’m also terrible at doing nothing…although right now that sounds really nice. I’m giving a talk at a conference in a couple of weeks, and I spent the entire weekend going through my data trying to get ready…Thankfully I also had a great long run and a couple of fun nights with friends. Have a good week
Sounds like you were busy but also got to have some fun, so that’s good! Hope you have a good week as well!
I’m with you- it’s nice to have a break, but after a day or two, I start going stir crazy (mostly when I feel like I’m “stuck” inside).I just like having structure to my days and it’s hard to maintain that when you don’t have to work/the weather is terrible/you’re not running as much as you’re used to. Doing nothing seems so great and like a dream come true, but in reality it kind of makes me feel crazy! It was nice to have some sunshine and warm weather though! Hopefully it stays this way and that you get a little more normalcy back in your life 🙂
I sure hope so! My coworker was asking if I thought we would get any more snow…I have convinced myself that winter is over and it will only get warmer from here! I would be so sad if it snowed again!
I hear ya on the sitting around…especially if I’m cooped up in the house because of the weather. After a day or two with no schedule or structure I get a little stir crazy. Horray for the warm weather!!!!
Yes, exactly! Hopefully from here on out we will be able to enjoy some warmer temps!
I’m thankful my complex’s gym is easy to get to. After the ice melted two weeks ago, but work was still closed, I walked over there to run and get out of the apartment. I don’t do well when I know I “can’t” get out and get stuff done. Cabin fever hits early and it’s not pretty.
That’s really nice! I have to drive to my gym, so when there’s ice and stuff its not worth it. I figure if the weather is so bad that work is closed that I probably shouldn’t be driving anywhere!
I haven’t furniture shopped in 10+ years! Our family room sofa is begging to be replaced too. Caveman wants to recover it. Oh but these dogs….
I am dancing in the street with the warmup!
The only time I have ever bought a couch was when my husband and I first moved in together, and we needed something cheap so we bought what we could find at Valu City. I’ve never had to pay attention to comfort, design, etc. and its kind of stressful!
I “work” from home (and by work I mean unpaid freelance writing/editing and household chores) and I get stir-crazy easily without being able to go outside. I have to be cleaning, writing, reading, or cooking/baking.
Glad your weather is finally changing! Hopefully everything will melt soon!
Furniture shopping is not my favorite, but I seriously love shopping for kitchen appliances. Not that we have room for them in our apartment, as many of the appliances we got as wedding gifts are in storage right now.
I definitely need to keep busy when I am home! Even though I was off on Friday I felt like I was more tired than working all day because of all the cleaning and errands that I did!
I had so much fun registering for kitchen stuff for our wedding. We have so many of our gifts stored in my parents basement until we move because we had no room for them in our apartment!
Have you ever tried riding a stationary bike? For another cross training activity while dealing w an injury. I know it is no comparison to running but it’s worth a shot. Here’s to spring! So over winter. Soon enough I know people are going to be saying how hot it is. I will love it, hotter the better for me.
I might give that a try, or at least ask my PT what he thinks. I’ll do anything to keep active as long as I’m not aggravating my injury!
I can’t wait for the hot weather either- I don’t mind it (although I am sure I will complain when I am running in it:))
I can last about a day without doing much and then I go crazy, I can’t sit or be cooped up too long. All the snow days this year really killed me! You definitely deserve an award for making it so long on the elliptical, I just cannot do more than 5-10 mins on it, I get SO bored! I love furniture shopping, I love picking out new things for the house.
I did ok with the furniture shopping until we got to store #4 and I realized how many choices I had! I think I was better off just going to one store and making a decision there. It’s fun to pick out any designs we want, but definitely a bit stressful too!
I’m sorry about your injury troubles. I’m frustrated for you!! For what it’s worth, I think it’s great that you’re really working on your problem area and trying to hone in on the things that aggravate it. Maybe the warmer weather will help too? It’s gotta be better on your muscles and joints than the freezing cold anyway…
Hope you have a good week! 🙂
Thanks, and that’s a good point! The cold always makes everything more achy!
I missed some time for the weather, but I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like for someone who works in a school around here. I definitely have felt very lazy and unmotivated with all of this being forced inside! The weather this weekend has me feeling so much more optimistic and I think the time change is helping as well. We’ve got good weather coming finally! It’s time to get our motivation back!! 😀 Haha I love your random picture of couches. 🙂
It’s just so much harder to get back to a schedule after so many days off! But it does feel good to have a routine. The warm weather should definitely help our motivation!
I know we had similar weeks work-wise. I loved having off, and today was a rude awakening. No 2 hr delay!? WTH!!?? hehe.
I know, right?! A full 5 day week is just ridiculous!
I can handle about a day, maybe 2 of nothing and then I start to go stir crazy.
So exciting to be furniture shopping!!!
I hear ya! Its nice for a little bit, but after a day or two I need to get out!
I am soo not good at sitting still and doing nothing! I get more tired that way than if I am busy running around.
Me too! It’s like a vicious cycle…once I start sitting around doing nothing then i start to feel tired and its harder to get motivated to do anything!
I feel the SAME WAY about days of nothingness. So exciting to look forward to, but then a few days in, I feel like a complete waste to society and embarrassed by what I haven’t done. When did forced vacations and relaxation mean torture? Adulthood? Is it our inner runner?
I was so freaking happy to finally run outside yesterday! The weather this week has me feeling good too. Melting snow + sunshine + walks outside = happy dance.
& for the record – the elliptical is so boring. Anything besides the treadmill or stairmill pretty much bores me to tears.
See now I can’t deal with the stairmill! I can handle the elliptical only because I am still running, even though its so much worse than being outside.
Man, I feel for you Lisa! I hope you can get back on track soon. I find it hard to get excited about any other kind of cardio and the elliptical…..ughh! But at least the weather is improving and your house is almost ready!
Completely agreed! It sounds awesome to wear PJ’s all day and relax, but then it starts to settle in and you want to be out and about doing well, just something. At least Spring is around the corner. 🙂
So funny! I am so like you. I always want what I can’t have, then get it and go a little crazy! If I have a weekend of nothing (aside from teaching class in the am) I end up depressed by Sunday night, but when busy weekends roll around I am praying for a day of nothing! 2 days is my max! Thus, this 3 month stint off of work is kicking my butt! Glad your warming up! We are too and I cannot wait to see the sun on a regular basis!
Sorry you haven’t felt like yourself lately, that’s never a good feeling. I hope some warmer weather makes it’s way to you this week and helps jumpstart you again! We’re a lot alike in that I feel off if I don’t do anything. That’s how this past Sunday was, even though it was only one day and I had absolutely no desire to go anywhere or do anything, I still felt like I should have if that makes any sense at all haha. I know this injury you’re dealing with is incredibly frustrating, but there will be light at the end of the tunnel as long as you keep doing what you’re doing even though it seems so far off now. Have you tried ultrasound therapy for it yet? I did that for a few weeks along with some rehab exercises and at the time I thought it was a waste, but now with it being so much better I’m wondering if it actually did help.
Hm I don’t even know if my PT does that. Right now we are talking about trying an SI belt. I really just go out of alignment ALL the time. I really didnt want to get one because I feel like I will never wear it and it sounds like taking the easy way out…and its not gonna get me back to running any sooner. But the more i thought about it I figure with all my copays already whats another $40…and maybe I’ll wear it to bed at night if nothing else.
I last about 5 minutes, ha!