I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22! 22 weeks pregnant that is. I can’t take credit for quoting these lyrics…I remember seeing Ali post them a few months ago, and as soon as I hit 22 weeks I couldn’t get them out of my head! While this will mostly be a weekly running update, there will also be some pregnancy related things thrown in because it feels like a lot has been happening lately!
I ran 31 miles this week and felt good…but also tired. When I wake up I have so much energy for running but then the rest of the day I’m dragging. I definitely noticed it on Saturday. My plan was to do 8-10 miles but I wanted to keep going and did 11. And then I had zero energy the rest of the day.
The heat and humidity are still rough but there was a day or two this week when it was a little better. It looks like maybe this week we will have a nice little break as well.
Monday: 5 miles (AM), Strength Training (PM)
I had an early start to my work day and there was a chance of thunderstorms when I was about to start my run. To save time and avoid worrying about the weather I just ran on the treadmill. I got home from work at a decent time so decided to get in my strength training workout.
Tuesday: 5 miles
Planned on 3-4, but ran 5. Don’t you love when that happens?
Wednesday: 6 mile fartlek run (AM), Strength Training (PM)
It was slightly cooler so perfect for a fartlek run. This week’s workout was a 1 mile warm up, followed by 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2 minutes hard with 2 minutes recovery after each set, and a 1 mile cool down. Dinner was already prepped for that night so I got in my strength training while I waited for Rob to get home from work.
Thursday: 4 miles + mobility
Just an easy 4 on tired legs.
Friday: Yoga
I knew a rest day from running was in order. I’ve been trying out some online prenatal yoga classes but haven’t really found anything I love yet.
Saturday: 11 miles
I actually got lost when I started out this run by taking a different turn and realizing I had no idea where I was. After a mile or so I got back on a familiar route. It was kind of nice to change things up.
Sunday: Rest
I was exhausted on Sunday and had a lot to do, so a rest day was in order!
22 Week Update
So I haven’t been doing pregnancy updates regularly because there usually isn’t much to say. This week I had my monthly check-up and my doctor said we have a very active baby! That doesn’t really surprise me, plus I was there on Friday so I hadn’t run, and I always notice much more movement on rest days. It makes me think that he likes running and gets antsy on rest days just like me.
We’ve also pretty much finished our registry and are looking into places for a baby shower. We found one daycare that we like and put down a deposit just to hold our spot while we decide if that’s what we want to do. I’m nervous that if we wait too much longer we won’t be able to get in anywhere!
We’ve also picked out paint colors and figured we might as well do a bunch of rooms when we do the nursery because we haven’t done any painting since moving in over 3 years go.
I finally started buying some maternity clothes and they feel amazing after squeezing into my regular clothes for the past few months. Even though I didn’t start “showing” until recently everything started feeling tight back around 11 weeks.
This week baby is the size of a spaghetti squash (depending on which app you ask) and things are really starting to move along now!
[Tweet “I’m Feeling 22! A recap of last week’s workout and pregnancy updates. @milebymilerun #weeklywrap”]
Have you ever gotten lost running in a familiar area?
How often do you run more than planned?
Do you ever like to work out twice in one day?
Any recommendations for online prenatal yoga videos?
Linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap!
Hi Lisa! When we first moved to Baltimore, I did get lost on a run. I was very close to home but took a street I was unfamiliar with, but wasn’t lost for too long. Phew!
Yes. If I’m feeling good, I will stay out longer than expected, and there were many times I worked out more than once a day. My favorite season for running is coming up, so I am going to be out there more! As far as prenatal yoga, I don’t know of any videos, but check out Rebecca Pacheco. She has yoga videos with Runners Works especially for runners. She now has a child so maybe she has some prenatal yoga videos as well. I am reading her book, Do Your Om Thing and really enjoying this book. You look great by the way!
I am excited for fall running too! Thanks for that yoga recommendation- I will definitely check it out!
You had a great week! Yeah things are going to really start moving for you now. Time for rapid growth! That’s a cute maternity outfit. I well remember how great it felt to not be squeezing into stuff.
Thanks! It’s been such a nice feeling to wear comfortable clothes that fit better for the past couple of weeks.
You had an awesome week of mileage and workouts!
I’ve gotten lost on a run before. Thankfully it hasn’t happened too often, which is surprising since I have a horrible sense of direction lol
I usually run the exact same routes week after week, so I guess I learned my lesson that if I take a different turn I may get lost!
I’m pretty excited to see that bump! So funny that your baby wants you to keep moving, right? You called the baby “he”–are you having a boy?
Yes, it’s a boy! I knew before I even announcement my pregnancy, so there was no official gender announcement.
I’m so impressed with all of your running – great job and you look wonderful!
Thank you!
I’m feeling a bit jealous that you’re running more miles than I am! ha! Glad you are feeling so good.
I am pretty surprised that I’ve been able to run this much! Not sure how much longer it will last for.
Glad to hear that things are going so well during your pregnancy, plus you had a great week of workouts! I hope you find some good prenatal yoga videos…I’m surprised there aren’t dozens of options on Youtube!
I have definitely gotten lost while on a run…not far from my neighborhood either! There are a lot of hidden streets that trails that I seem to find once and never be able to locate again, lol!
There are lots of prenatal videos but the ones I’ve tried are not very good! I think I’m also struggling because many of the videos are really slow and easy, and I’m still looking for a little more challenge at this point.
Great work and I love how you’re being sensible but still active, lovely to see. Hope you can continue on and on as you progress through the weeks.
I regularly get lost on one particular road as I always turn the wrong way – doh! It does add miles though!
Thank you! And added miles is definitely a plus of getting lost on a run!
I used to push my mileage, before my ITBS. Now I stick with the plan since I don’t want it to flare up. It does feel good after my run to know I could do a little bit more.
That is a good feeling! And it sounds like you’ve been really smart to manage your ITBS by not overdoing it.
I am so impressed with your continued mileage each week! And your little bump is so cute 😉
Thank you!
I’m so jealous of all the cute maternity fashions these days. All the clothing was the “circus tents” back in my day…but the trend was just starting to shift to the more fitted stuff right after our youngest was born…wouldn’t you know? LOL You look great, and congrats on staying so active 😉
There is a lot of cute stuff but its hard to find! And most stores only sell maternity stuff online so it’s been a guessing game. I finally started to find a few items thats work and I’ll stick with those for awhile.
A chance of thunderstorms during a run is the worse! It’s happened on 2 of the last 3 long runs I did so I had to stay close to home which was hard mentally. Better that than being caught far away though.
That’s awesome you still feel good enough to get in a fartlek workout!
It’s pretty annoying to deal with a chance of thunderstorms, especially on a long run day! It always leaves me questioning if I should run outside.
That’s great how well running has been going for you in the second trimester! I love those days where I run more than planned because the run feels good.
It’s such a good feeling!
Wow! 31 miles and a long run is impressive. Baby must really enjoy running! Oh, gosh. I remember those sleepy afternoons. I’d lay my head down on my desk for “just a minute” and wake up much later in a pool of drool. And I didn’t run while pregnant! I don’t know how you have the energy. I like the fruit/veggie comparison. It’s easy to visualize. I hope you’ll keep reporting that. Thanks for linking!
I actually think the exercise has helped alot. I feel better on days I run and I sleep better at night too! But there is no denying that I’m more tired than usual these days:)
I must have missed a revealing of the gender post? Sounds like you are having a boy!! Congrats!! I went to Texas to visit my sister a few years back and got lost on a run. I have a pretty bad sense of direction. My husband knew to start looking. for me when I wasn’t back after an hour My whole family was out looking for me….embarrassing!!!
Thank you! I actually didn’t do a “gender reveal” because I knew what I was having before I even announced my pregnancy.
That’s crazy that your whole family had to go out looking for you when you got lost on a run!
wow you are barely showing! You look great and how fantastic that you are able to keep up such all of your runs so well.
Thanks so much! I actually feel like I’ve gotten much bigger over the past week. It’s weird how it shows in some pictures but not others!