I runfess that I haven’t done a runfessions post since August! Not sure what exactly happened in September but it’s kind of disappointing because I didn’t miss any other months this year. Lately things have just been so busy that it’s usually hard to get up a Friday post, so I guess that’s my excuse. So let’s see, what do I have to runfess now that it’s the end of October already?
1. I’ve stopped looking at my watch
Now that I’ve been wearing long sleeves for many of my runs, I’ve kept my watch hidden under there and I try not to pay attention at all when its buzzes at each mile marker. I know that my paces are slowing down, and even though I don’t care, I also don’t want to see just how slow they are and try to force myself to speed up. The only problem with this plan is still making sure I’m back home in time to get ready for work! I usually estimate that my average run will be at around 11 mins/mile. Most of the time they are just under that but it gives me a bit of a cushion.
2. Dressing for runs this time of year is a struggle
Even though I shared some tips for adjusting to running in cooler weather, this has still been a struggle for me. I like to set out my clothes for my run the night before but usually I wake up, check the temperature, and then pick out something different. I feel like often times the weather app just doesn’t appropriately reflect how it feels outside.
3. It’s hard to get out the door for weekend runs
When the weekend finally rolls around all I want to do is curl up on the couch (sometimes with the fireplace on) with a cup of (decaf) coffee. Unfortunately there always seems to be something on the weekend agenda which means I need to get out the door at a certain time if I want to get in a run. It sort of feels easier to get out during the week when I just wake up and get out the door immediately.
4. I still haven’t committed to a race
I mentioned that I would like to run a race while pregnant, if the timing worked out. Now it’s finally cooler but the weekends have just been so busy. I’m getting slower by the day so I should probably find one over the next few weeks if I still want to make this happen. Preferably, I’d like something very inexpensive since I won’t be “racing!”
5. Running makes me happy
So I know this one doesn’t really sound like a runfession, but hear me out. Last weekend at childbirth class the instructor was talking about ways to distract yourself in early labor (when you first start feeling contractions but it’s too early to go to the hospital). She insisted that we do whatever makes us happy during that time. Of course, the first thing I thought of was running! Then she went on to give the example of going for a walk. But also pointed out not to overdo it because you need all the energy you can get for the rest of labor. So I guess going for a run is not the best idea…I’ll need to come up with something else!
[Tweet “It’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for runfessions! What running confessions do you have this month? @milebymilerun #runfessions #fridayfive”]
What do you have to runfess this month?
Do you ever hide your watch when you don’t want to see your pace?
Are you having a harder time getting out the door this time of year?
I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness and Running on Happy for the Friday Five and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Runfessions!
Totally agree with you on dressing for running in this weather. It’s normally hot or miss for me for the first few runs as I tend to overdress.
Yep I either underdress or overdress- it’s so hard to know what to wear!
I hear you on needing more time because you’re running slower. My mind has me running paces that have long left the building and I always think I have more time than I actually do!
I still automatically think a 5 mile run should take 45 minutes. Nope! Not anymore.
Running while in early labor may actually speed things up…something to think about 😉 …not that you want things to happen too quickly – the hubby and I barely got to the hospital on time with our first LOL
Hmm interesting point! I think what’s stressful is having no idea what to expect or how it will all happen!
Dressing right now is SO hard!! I feel like I put out 3 different outfits options at night so I can just pick and choose what I’ll actually wear in the morning.
You could totally run for a mile or two when you go into labor and just walk for a bit otherwise! It would be a fun story to tell to people to say you ran while in labor.
That’s true! I guess I will just have to see how I feel.
Maybe you should take up reading. It’s been harder for me to get out the door as well when it’s been cooler and you have to start wearing layers. It was so. much easier in the summer.
Between the darkness and the colder weather this time of year is hard! I think I’m slowly starting to get used to it.
The cooler temps have been great but I have to admit I over dressed this week or sure twice. Takes a few weeks to get used to the temps. I warm up quickly on my upper body. You are just glowing and look fantastic!
As long as it’s not too windy out I also tend to warm up pretty quickly. Its that first mile that can be deceiving!
Dressing for running this time of year really is not a pleasant experience !
It can really be so tricky!
I usually walk the dog before I run and because of that, I overdress for my run because of course it’s colder walking. You’d think I’d have this figured out by now.
I never had any pain with early contractions so no advice there. Thing 2’s water broke in the shower (talk about perfect) so I went in. Yay thanks for linking! I hope you find the perfect race!
I always get confused when I see people walking their dogs when I’m running and they are wearing winter coats and I’m in shorts. I always forget how different it is to walk vs run!
I runfess I have not read your blog in awhile and just found out you are pregnant! Congrats!!!!!
Thank you!
The long sleeves definitely present a challenge. many of my shirts have thumb holes, and I like keep my wrists warm that way. If my watch is under the sleeve, I can’t just move the sleeve back to look at it. If I have my watch over the sleeve, it doesn’t feel tight enough on my wrist.
Yep, I’ve had them same problem! Its kind of nice to not look at my splits while I’m running though.
Dressing at this time of year is definitely challenging!
It can be so tough! I always either underdress or overdress.
I feel you on the weekend agenda. That’s not my normal, but it was the last two and it’s hard to adjust. I’m similar re: not looking at watch. It’s less stressful, though I”m currently addicted to my new Garmin’s data
The data can be really fun! And I like sometimes surprising myself when I see my pace at the end of a run and its faster than I expected.