Thanksgiving is the perfect time to think about all the things we are thankful for, including running! After over 20 years of up and downs with running I have learned to never take it for granted and that it’s ok for my running to change over the years. Some seasons are for PRs and others are for just doing what you can. What better time than now to talk about the reasons I’m thankful for running?
8 Reasons I’m Thankful for Running
1. I’m thankful that it gets me outside
When the weather is bad it’s not uncommon for me to spends the entire day indoors. However, I’m much more likely to get outside if I am going for a run. While I do resort to the treadmill quite a bit, I usually get outside for a run a few times a week.
2. I’m thankful that running gives me alone time
I’ve always been someone who needs alone time, and since becoming a mom it’s been harder to find that time. Running is usually a way for me to get some time to myself- unless, of course, I’m running with the stroller.
3. Running is good for my health
I’m glad to have found something I enjoy doing that is also good for my health (both physical and mental). It’s because of running that I also started strength training. I know it would be difficult to form these habits if running wasn’t something I enjoyed.
4. It allows me to work through my problems
Running is my favorite way to think through anything stressful I have going on in my life. I can usually solve (or at least process) most of my problems on a run!
5. I’m thankful that running connects me with others
It’s always nice to know that there are other runners all over the world who can relate to whatever it is you are dealing with! Black toenails? An injury? Burnout? Many others have been there. It’s nice to know you’re not alone.
6. It allows me to set an example for my kids
I want my kids to know that exercise can be enjoyable and that it’s important to have goals to work towards. My son has grown up watching both of his parents run and race, and he’s even started doing some of his own races!
7. Running gives me goals to work towards
While I am not always trying to set PRs or even race, there are always goals to work towards. Some weeks it may just be about getting in a couple of short runs, and that’s ok! I’m thankful for running because it keeps me motivated to achieve whatever goals I decide to work towards.
8. Running helps me to be the best version of myself
I know that I am at my best when I am running consistently. When I stop running I struggle to keep up with other good habits (my sleep suffers, I don’t eat as well, etc.) and it’s a downward spiral. I have more patience and am more efficient when I am running.
And as a bonus, I am thankful for running because it has given me the opportunity to be a running coach! I’ve been coaching for 9 years now and it gives me some much joy to help others work towards their goals. I feel so lucky to have a handful of amazing athletes who trust me with their training!
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5 Reasons to Give Thanks for Running
Why are you thankful for running?
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner and Runs with Pugs to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
Interesting point about running helping to keep up with the other good habits as well.
With no running over the past two months, I had to make a conscious effort to remind my brain and body that we’re still in “healthy mode”. Once you lose the right mindset, it’s a slippery slope!
It’s so true! Once I stop running I lose all motivation to exercise and eat well.
yes, to all of this and more! Running has brought so many fabulous people into my life both near and far. My running friends have become my best friends, Running also keeps me motivated to set goals and achieve them.
Yes! So many amazing benefits!
All great reasons to run.
I run to be healthy, active, confident and connect with other who feel the same.
Those are great reasons to run!
Yes to all of these – I especially appreciate that running helps you to be the best version of yourself. I feel the same way.
It’s really amazing how running can do that!
Total agreement with everything you highlighted! I especially hope that my running (and all of my fitness endeavors) provide some inspiration to my kids and other friends and family members. They all know I’m not especially gifted with “natural” athleticism, but I still make an effort (usually daily) to be active.
I agree, I think its so important for others to see that fitness can be fun and doesn’t need to be complicated! It has just become a part of our daily routines.
Yes, there are so many things we can all be grateful to running for. And, great minds think alike!
Yes! It’s good to remind oneself regularly why running is so enriching. I’m happy for all the experiences and exciting adventures it has given me. As well as of the great people!
Total agreement except for coaching. But I do that informally through mentoring.
Very thankful for running this year and always. As you said, I never take it for granted and appreciate every day that I can wake up and exercise. Running has brought the most amazing friends into my life!
You nailed it! I am thankful for running for many of the same reasons. I have also had to come to terms with how my running has changed through the years but that’s okay.
Like you, running has lead me to pursue & love many other forms of exercise. Along that journey, I’ve had some awesome achievements & met some fantastic friends. Absolutely totally thankful for being a runner!
I agree with all of the above.
Sadly, my kiddo doesn’t enjoy running, but he sees me out there and dedicated, and that’s the lesson that will stick with him.