This past week we had a weather rollercoaster in Baltimore, experiencing everything from heat and humidity to thunderstorms to wind and cold. One day I was running in layers and the next in shorts and a tank top. This past weekend we were back to the cold which felt pretty rough after the spring-like weather of last weekend. I’m still loving the lighter mornings but not excited for DST which is quickly approaching.
I didn’t do a great job of spacing out my runs this week and ended up running three days in a row. Part of the reason was the return to running excitement coupled with the warm weather. I would also look at the forecast and see wind and cold for later in the week and figured it wouldn’t hurt to get out there again while the weather was enjoyable. After Wednesday’s run my shin got a little sore and I knew I had pushed it too much. Two days off running and some tape seemed to do the trick.
I didn’t write down my workouts throughout the week which makes it really difficult to remember what I did. I also had this issue with my phone not wanting to save pictures for a few days, so I don’t even have Instagram to help me remember.
Monday: 3 miles and stability work
Tuesday: 3 miles and upper body strength training
This part of the week was easier to remember because I know I split up my strength training into upper and lower body on Tuesday and Wednesday. (The running is easier to look back on because of my Garmin)
Wednesday: 4 miles and lower body strength training
This was the run where my phone no longer wanted to store photos. I had upgraded my storage the previous week so it was frustrating. When I went into my settings I had plenty of storage. A few days later and I was able to figure it out.
Also, if I am remembering correctly it was really warm out for this run. I was in shorts and a tank top at 5:30am.
Thursday: 45 minutes spinning and core/hips
Finally back on the bike for some intervals followed by core and hip exercises. The wind was howling outside so I had no problem keeping my workout indoors.
Friday: Pure Barre Mile High Series 1 DVD
Fridays have become a day for Pilates or Barre over the past few weeks. This seems like a good way to get in additional strength training in a different way other than lifting weights. I really liked the Mile High Series 1 DVD and hope to continue including this in my routine.
Oh, and my phone was working again!
Saturday: 5 miles
A real feel of 25 degrees? Ugh. It’s supposed to be March. The weather actually felt ok it was just frustrating to layer up after running in shorts last Saturday.
Sunday: Rest
Running: 4 runs, 15 miles
Yoga: None (oops!) However, I was really good about foam rolling
Strength Training: 1 upper body workout, 1 lower body workout, 1 Pure Barre DVD workout
This week my goal is to do a better job of spreading out my runs if possible. I know better than to do 3 days in a row especially after just coming back from 2 weeks off from running.
[Tweet “It felt like a weather rollercoaster last week! Check out the weekly wrap @milebymilerun #weeklywrap #runchat”]
How do you schedule your runs for the week? Do you try to spread them out?
How was the weather for you last week?
Do you have a hard time remembering your workouts if you don’t write them down?
Kristina Running says
The weather here was a bit crazy last week too. We had some warm days with the highs in the mid-80s but then towards the end of the week the highs were only in the lower 70s and the wind was crazy. I saw your comment on my blog about the wind waking you up, and that happened to me too on Saturday night. The wind woke me up and I couldn’t fall back asleep! I think some of the gusts must have hit 30 mph or maybe even more!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thats the worst when the wind is so loud it wakes you up! I was so glad I wasnt planning to run the next morning!
Marcia says
I totally space on my workouts if I don’t write them down! Yeah Saturday’s cold felt especially cruel after it’s been so mild. We even had a dusting of snow on the ground. Crazy.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Snow in March is the worst! It makes me feel like spring will never get here!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
I had issues with my phone saving pictures as well! Funny how we learn to rely on those pics to tell our story of the week!
Glad you got some good running in. I’m chasing the forecast too.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I dont know how I would remember what I did each week if it weren’t for my pictures (and my Garmin)
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
It is frustrating planning runs when the weather is so variable! We had sub 50 weather and I felt colddd – can’t even imagine 25 now!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It definitely feels worse now that we have had a taste of 70 degree weather! It apparently got up to 50 today but still felt cold to me.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner says
I schedule all of my workouts for the week and pretty much stick to the same schedule. I thought it was full on spring last week but kind of chilly again this weekend. Looks like you had a great variety of workouts this week. Happy Monday
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I prefer to stick to the same schedule but it doesn’t always happen. Lately Ive been trying to save my runs for days when the weather is nice.
Laura @ This Runner's Recipes says
The weather was weird here. The forecast said rain and a cold wind chill during my race, but then it ended up being 40 and sunny! A welcome difference of course, especially because yesterday we had some random hail.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Im glad that you ended up with good weather for your race! I can’t wait to hear more about it!
Suzy says
Our weather has been so crappy but it doesn’t go to extremes like yours does. It’s just been stuck at freezing or just above freezing, with no sun, all clouds and dreary freezing rain and snow. It’s been weeks of this now. I’m having a super hard time getting through this greyness! There is no end in sight, either. For the next 14 days, the forecast is the same. GAHHHHHH.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
You guys have really had it rough this winter. Hopefully that means you are due for a really nice summer!
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness says
I have a hard time taking a day off from running too especially if it is nice out. This weekend it was cold here as well so I wasn’t too upset to skip a run. I am in taper now anyway so it was a nice change.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I definitely don’t mind skipping a run when the weather is bad! It was not at all desirable to run at the end of last week when there were crazy winds and freezing temps.
Rachel says
I’ve never done a barre workout but I’m really intrigued. I’ve heard great things!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Its a great workout! Definitely works the core, glutes, and thighs.
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
Move to Austin. It’s nice 90% of the time 🙂
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Now THAT sounds like a good plan!
Jenn says
I tend to run on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Sometimes, I will add in an extra day on Wednesday or Friday. I don’t do great with back to back runs – my body just doesn’t like them.
I write everything down, and my workouts are no exception. I have a general idea of what I want/need to do, but it’s nice to see it in writing.
Weather has been lows of 40s, highs of 80s. We’ve also had some crazy rain and awful wind.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I bet it is helpful to always have your workouts written down! I have been trying to avoid the back to back runs as well. I think my body appreciates the day off in between.
Coco says
I sort of stick to a schedule but definitely would rearrange my runs for great weather! I rely on my IG photos to remember my weekly runs. ;-0
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Same for me, what would we do without instagram?!
Kim Hatting says
I write down my mileage (don’t use my Garmin for every run), but still rely on my pics to jog my memory on details.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
When I started taking running pictures I never realized just how helpful they would be!
Kimberly G says
I just started training for a half marathon last week and I currently run 3 times a week. I use my Compete Journal to write down all of my workouts.
The weather rollercoaster is so frustrating! We had the same weather here in CT. I hope this week will be much better!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I have the Believe Journal to track my workouts- I just keep forgetting to actually write in it!
Gina says
Like you – I’m SO not looking forward to Daylight Savings Time – my 6 am sunrise will now be 7am. Bummer for my long runs. And, like you i’m SO over the cold and the wind! I’d be so happy in the 40’s with little wind – come on March – bring me some nice weather. 🙂
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Its gonna be a struggle for a few weeks to have that later sunrise! And hopefully the weather will take a (permanent) turn for the better soon!
Katie Shepherd says
Great job on your workouts this week! I try to run or walk Monday through Friday so my weekends are free to go to my kids’ events. I have 3 very active children who play soccer, baseball, and dance!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks! That sounds like a really great plan to fit everything into your schedule!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
I agree, the weather last week was quite the roller coaster. I’m ready for Spring weather to finally stay here for good.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Same here!
MCM Mama Runs says
This up and down weather is driving me crazy. I ran a race in many layers this past weekend, wore a tank to run today, and will be in all the layers at another race this weekend. Ugh.
I run a lot of back to back runs – in part because I tend to run 5 days a week and in part because I’m practicing for back to back races.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I really cant keep up with the weather either! Thats a smart strategy to run back to back if you are planning to do back to back races!
Mary Beth Jackson says
That does sound like a roller coaster! YIKES! I do space my runs out and I enjoy the training so much more that way. I have also bumped up to 2 yoga classes each week the past couple of weeks and it feels great! Have a warmer week (I hope!)
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Nice job with the yoga! I go through phases with it and lately I just haven’t been making the time for it.
HoHo Runs says
I’ll run consecutives days a lot of times when I see the weather is going to be bad. I think we all have to do that. Just this week, I started using Notes on my phone to record my daily workouts because I can’t remember when I get ready to write a recap! I’m glad to know it isn’t just me. 😉 I hope the weather moderates for you. Thanks for linking, Lisa!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thats a good idea to record your workouts in your phone! I try to use my training journal but its never in a convenient place when I think to write down my workouts.
Tricia@MissSippipiddlin says
I have to say I should be use to your title choice this week because it mimics our MS weather but do you really ever get use to that ?
I do try and spread out my 4 runs by M, T, T and Sat but sometimes it doesn’t work out. I need to start doing more back to back races in preps for 5k/half’s coming up.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I dont think we can ever get used to the weather being all over the place. They are calling for 5-8 inches of snow here on Monday night!
Anna @ Piper's Run says
I started going to Barre last Fall and loved it! Though I don’t get there enough, I think I should get a DVD and do it at home, what a great cross training workout! The weather has been all over the place here during the last few weeks: super warm to extremely cold!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yep, exactly the same weather here. And I love doing Pure Barre workouts at home because it saves so much time (and money!)