Maybe I’m a little biased because I haven’t been running a ton lately, but I think I’ve managed to stay pretty positive about running in the heat and humidity so far this summer. Usually by this time I am constantly complaining and counting the days until fall. We usually go to Maine at the end of July which is a perfect break from the gross Baltimore weather. I know that many of you have it worse than me (I was in Florida in May and it was already brutal!) but today I am going to talk about why summer running isn’t all that bad…in fact, it can be very good in some ways!
1. You don’t need to think about what to wear.
All winter I would constantly be checking the weather to see exactly how many layers I would need for my run. Getting dressed took forever. Its harder to move in all those layers, and there’s so much more laundry. In the summer, I just know its going to be hot so I always just throw on shorts and a tank top. They get super gross so I’m doing laundry all the time anyway, but at least it’s less clothes to wash.
2. It’s easier to remember to hydrate.
I find that in the winter I don’t feel like I’m sweating as much so I sometimes don’t drink as much water as I should. When its hot out it’s easier to pay attention to our thirst and we should constantly be hydrating!
3. More daylight hours.
It’s nice that its hardly ever dark anymore when I’m out running. I remember in the winter some days it was still pitch black out when I finished my run. This also makes it easier to get up in the morning (not that it’s usually a problem for me). I’m sure this is the same for those who run in the evening- its light out until like 9pm lately!
4. Suffer now, benefit later.
We will all get so good at running in the heat and humidity, that we will be SO fast when the weather cools off! This equals lots of PRs in fall races.
5. More people are out running.
I guess this can be a positive or a negative. If you want to be out running all by yourself, you may not be able to do that during the summer. But when you pass other runners who are also drudging through the heat, you can give each other a wave or smile and know that someone else is sharing in your pain.
6. The hot weather forces you to slow down.
Don’t expect your easy run pace to be the same as it is in the winter (at least not at first). Your body will need some time to adapt to the heat but it will probably still feel harder all summer long. Use it as an opportunity to learn what a comfortable/conversation pace feels like based on feel (can you sing the Brady Bunch theme song?) rather than by the numbers on your watch.
7. You may get a nice tan.
But remember to wear sunscreen:)
8. It may force you to get your run done first thing in the morning.
If you’re not usually a morning runner, this may be the time to try it out. I shake my head when I see runners out on the weekends at 1pm. Knowing that it will only get hotter should be a good motivator to get you out the door first thing in the morning.
9. You will never have to worry about ice. And wind feels good.
Remember 6 months ago when it would snow every other day and then melt and then freeze? It was a little scary (and annoying) to deal with dodging ice all winter. And that wind chill that would make it feel like –15 degrees? I definitely don’t miss the feel of that smacking me in the face.
10. You might even look forward to an ice bath.
How hard is it to get in an ice bath after running in the cold? But when I come in from a hot run, it actually doesn’t sound too bad.
So embrace the sweat. Appreciate the ice-free sidewalks. Smile at the other runners who are suffering alongside you. Wear sunscreen, and think about how fast you will be this fall!
What are some other positives of summer running?
If you had to choose- would you rather run in heat and humidity or cold and wind?
Yes I agree with all those things. Plus I like not having to wear a bunch of layers, a hat and a headlamp, and that it’s light out really early. Also since I too haven’t been running as much lately, I like that even short runs make me feel like I worked hard!
Oh yes I almost forgot about having to wear hats, gloves, etc…I know what you mean about feeling like you worked hard even after a short run!
Nope, will never look forward to ice baths. I will wish for one the entire time I am out running, but as soon as one foot is in there, you might as well have shot me. MOMMYYYYYYY
Haha! They are never fun once you are in them. I think I mind them less in the summer because I never get them super cold…so its kind of cheating.
All great things! We are headed to NH for 2 weeks starting next week! Have fun in Maine! Where are you going? I think i prefer the heat? Yikes, not sure about that…I spent my entire winter on the treadmill at the gym because I couldn’t hack the cold. BUT it was unusually cold this year…
I complained quite a bit this winter because it was colder and worse than usual! But I am an outsider runner 99% of the time.
I’m going near Brunswick, Maine. My husband’s grandfather has a house up there. Have fun in New Hampshire!
Oh man, just looking at pics of your ice bath made me shiver! I am such a huge wuss when it comes to the cold!
Texas summers are so brutal and our winters are so mild that I would really much rather run in the winter, but I do agree with the plus of having more daylight hours and using the summer to get TOUGH for those winter races!
I couldn’t imagine running in the Texas summer heat! I have heard that Texas winters are mild, but I must be unlucky because I ran the Houston marathon in January 2013 and it was freezing cold and pouring rain and windy! But I guess typically the weather is mild in the winter and probably about 1000x better than what we deal with up here:)
Totally agree! I’ve been loving summer running this year. Way less laundry to do, for one. And I love running super early in the morning, with the sun coming up and the world just starting to open its eyes. Feeling like a badass running in crazy humidity doesn’t hurt either 🙂
Yes! All great reasons why running in the summer is awesome!
I’d rather run in the heat and humidity. I’m such a baby in the cold that I end up using the treadmill a lot more often than I’d like in the winter. One of my goals for this year is to try and tough it out a little longer.
That’s an awesome goal! I hate the treadmill, so I rarely use it and will suffer through almost any weather (not ice or lightening).
You are right, it isn’t SO bad running in the summer. I really do love the extended summer daylight hours. That is a major perk. I was just noticing yesterday how much water I have been drinking, which is definitely a good thing.
Me too, I’m always thirsty lately so I’m always drinking water! And I love that no matter when I want to run its pretty light out!
I’m totally with you–I honestly don’t mind it. In fact, I’ll take it over winter any day of the week. Sure, I don’t like to race in it (I mean, it’s almost a why bother!) but I feel like I always come out of summer much stronger for having trained through it. And I LOVE not having to think about what to put on!
Racing in the summer is no fun! Well unless you really don’t care about your time. I agree that I would prefer the summer to the winter, although it always feels great when the fall finally comes around!
I am definitely enjoying more daylight hours, especially since I run in the evening. It’s nice to get home from a run and still have a little bit of light out there! I don’t mind running during the summer that much… except for speedwork days. Those are extra extra extra tough!
I think any kind of harder run in the summer can just be so challenging. I try not to have high expectations if I ever race in the summer because its just so much harder. But those extra daylight hours are nice!
To me, it’s not fun/easy to run in the summer… however, biggest benefit is that I get more time for it compared with the winter season.. yeah!
I wouldn’t run in cold and wind as I tend to easily caught a bad cold ;(
The extra daylight hours definitely help with summer running!