I usually post my training recaps from Sunday through Saturday, but I’ve been thinking it may make more sense to track them as Monday through Sunday. Usually Sunday is a rest day so it doesn’t matter either way. However, it seems like lately I have been doing more Sunday runs and why would I want to wait a whole week to share them? So this week’s will be Sunday through Sunday….Here we go with my weekly recap and weekend update.
Weekly Recap
Sunday: Rest
Monday: 3.2 miles easy, core work
Tuesday: 5.1 miles: Fast-Finish Focused Workout, myrtle routine
Wednesday: 3.71 miles, core work
Thursday: Strength training/Plyometrics and The Dozen Core Workout, PM: 30 minutes yoga
Friday: 9 miles
Saturday: Rest (20 minutes really easy yoga)
Sunday: 6.1 miles and Runners 360 from Build Your Running Body
Total: 27.11
I was planning for this to be a cut-back week, and I ended up running almost as many miles as the previous week. However, that is due to counting my Sunday run in last week’s mileage. I really ran 27 miles over 8 days versus 7.
When I went to write this post I had a hard time remembering exactly what core/strength work I did each day, so it’s not very specific. I should probably start keeping better track of that!
I was really happy to get my 9 miles in on Friday morning to kick off the long weekend. This was my longest run since I think January.
Weekend Update
On Friday night we went down to DC with my family to see the Nationals’s game. My dad was able to get tickets for a suite through work!
And there were fireworks after the game…
On Saturday we had everyone over to our house since my aunt and uncle were visiting from New York and wanted to see our place. We went out to dinner at a local restaurant, which was really empty! I guess everyone else was grilling out for the 4th.
And that’s my weekly recap and weekend update from last week!
How do you track your workouts?
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Monday – Sunday. The week sp”starts” on Monday, right? I find I try to add yo my recap each day, but somewhere around Wednesday I forget or get too busy & then try to remember what the heck I’ve done!
I need to start writing it down every day! I have my mileage on garmin connect, but I always forget the other stuff I do!
Congrats on 9 miles! Very strong workouts overall. Funny you said you’re changing the days because I was thinking of doing the opposite – Sunday – through sat rather than Monday through Sunday like I do now. I guess it probably doesn’t matter 🙂
It probably doesn’t matter, its just good to be consistent. Not sure why I have always done Sun-Sat but that always felt normal for me, but it definitely changes things up when I run on Sunday.
I usually track Monday to Sunday but often wonder if I should change how I calculate. Like if I run more than normal on a Sunday, that may affect me later in the week. Am I making sense lol
Yea I think that argument could be made either way. Like if you track Sun-Sat and do a long run on Sat and another one the next day they wont count for the same week but its still a lot of miles back to back! I guess it doesn’t really matter, as long as we are just aware of our own mileage over the course of the week.
good morning! Yes I track my workouts Monday to Sunday seems easier to me that way 🙂 The weekend went by to fast! Hard to believe it is time to go back to work. We had a nice easy Sunday too- the July 4th fireworks this year were awesome! Have a great week!
Glad you also had a good weekend! It sounds like a lot of people count their mileage Mon-Sun. I guess we all just get stuck in our ways!
Oh cool! Watching fireworks from a stadium would be fun, not sure I have ever done that. You have got in a nice little routine with your training. Very varied 🙂 I track mine sunday to sat as I have a long run and its cool to see the week that way for me 🙂
I think I always thought of my weeks as ending on Saturday with my long run. I guess it works either way as long as you are consistent week to week!
I guess I track my workouts from Monday to Sunday…I never really thought much about it, altho Sunday is my long run day.
I think for those who do a long run on Sunday it definitely makes sense to track Mon-Sun, not sure why but I always felt like since I did my long run on Sat I should end the week with that! I guess it doesn’t matter either way.
I usually track my workouts Monday – Sunday… I’m with you on Sunday usually being a rest day anyways. Nothing too crazy this weekend, lots of eating, some beach time, and LOTS of much needed rest and relaxation. So glad you had a great fourth! Those fireworks after the Nats game looked awesome! Have a wonderful Monday!!
Glad you got to relax a lot this weekend! I wish I could have had some beach time, but the weather around here wasn’t great, so it was just as well.
I track my workouts based on when my long run is–so that has changed with various races, you know? I’m “cutting back” this week as well, but I will run more mileage because of the fact that my long run will be on Saturday (this week I ran it Sunday). You can never win…
That makes sense- I know some training plans list the weeks as Sun-Sat and others Mon-Sun. I guess that’s why “weekly” mileage doesn’t matter so much as long as you are paying attention to the overall intensity of your training!
Looks like a great week of runs – nicely done!
I track my runs Monday-Sunday … BUT Sundays are typically my “off” day so it doesn’t ever really matter to me 🙂
That’s how I felt about it for awhile too! But with a few Sunday races and random running days I feel like I got all thrown off:)
I’ve always done Monday to Sunday.
Watching fireworks from a stadium is the best. We went to a minor league game a few years ago that had probably the best fireworks show that I’ve ever seen afterward.
Going to MLB games is one of my favorite things to do! We’re planning on going to St. Louis next weekend to catch a game or two. 🙂
Baseball games in the summer as so fun! And a fireworks show makes it even better:)
I track Monday-Sunday as Monday is always more mileage than Sunday–makes me feel more productive 🙂 Looks like you had a great weekend–love going to a Nats game!
Hm that’s an interesting way to think about it since it was always the same for me (more mileage Monday than Sunday) but for some reason I always ended my week with Saturday.
I track Monday to Sunday because I’ve always seen a “week” that way – Sunday is still part of the weekend of the prior week!
I guess that’s true but for some reason I always though of Sunday as the first day of the new week (I think because of how most calendars are set up). But it really as part of the weekend and should be associated with the previous week.
So happy that you are able to run more lately! I feel like I am going down the opposite slope. It will be what it will be 🙂 Just taking it easy, and trying to be smart so it can get better before it gets any worse. Happy Monday after a holiday!
Sorry to hear that, but just keep being smart and it will likely only be a minor set-back and you will be able to avoid anything major.
Last year I started posting on Mondays what my workouts were and taking Sunday as a rest day. it makes more sense to not blog on the weekends because those were my lowest stats days.
I also stopped blogging on the weekends- I feel like its nice to always have that break plus it seems like a lot less people read blogs over the weekend!
Great job on your workouts. Congrats on your long run. I haven’t done a long one in awhile. I used to track my workouts earlier this yr but I moved and took my calender down and haven’t hung it back up. I know what an excuse. ..ha. Fireworks are always so good at ballgames.
I keep forgetting to use my journal, and I do have a tracking system for miles but I always forget the other workouts I do!
Monday to Sunday! Congrats on that 9 miler. That must feel good to be getting back up in the mileage again.
Its crazy to think that 9 is the longest I have done in so long, while last fall 9 would have been a shorter weekday run!
It’s great to see you getting back into a running routine! Really happy for you 🙂
Sounds like an awesome July 4th weekend. I love baseball games with fireworks at the end. I don’t know what it is but they just feel so much more special.
Thanks so much!
The fireworks definitely made the game even better, especially since they were the only fireworks I got to see this weekend!
Wooo hoo congrats on the long run! Sounds like you had a really fun weekend too. I always do Monday-Sunday for my recaps because that is how my training plan counts mileage.
I guess a lot of training plans do it that way! Not sure how I got into the habit of always tracking Sun-Sat.
Sounds like a fun weekend! I can’t believe the long weekend is over too, poo!
Days off always go too fast and then the week drags on forever!
Looks like you had a fun week! I’m pretty generic when I record anything other than a run. I should probably start writing down what I do so I can refer back to it later. I like to report/record Monday-Sunday, the long run caps off the week, whether it occurs on Saturday or Sunday.
When I was posting links to workouts a few weeks ago I actually found it really helpful because I could go back and do the same workouts again. Lately I have just forgetting what I do each day, beside the running part! (because that is tracked on my garmin connect).
I always track Monday through Sunday, but Sunday is consistently my rest day so it really doesn’t matter either way I guess. I’m trying to regularly recording my exact strength workouts also – I’ll remember having great core workout, but then not exactly what I did. My Evernote has all sorts of weird little notes about sets of lunges and planks now!
I just started using the Notes app on my iPhone to track my workouts (today is the first day)…so we will see how that goes! I should really use my journal more but I feel like its never around when I have a few minutes to write down my workouts.
Wow fireworks after a game sounds like quite an event! While most people like to rest on the weekends I actually find them better days to train. I like to take a random day in the week off, just so that I can get more reading and errands done!
Lately my weekends have been pretty busy, with alot of traveling involved, so its actually made sense to take a weekend rest day! But its also nice to have a rest day during the week too sometimes.
Monday to Sunday….
I use a spreadsheet to track my workouts. I used to use a paper log, and for a while used both (and I keep my paper logs) but I’m on the computer so much a spreadsheet seemed the way to go.
I use an excel sheet but I’ve really only been using it to track my mileage. I guess I need to figure out a way that makes sense to track everything else!
What a great long run! I like tracking training Monday-Sunday. I’m like that with everything though, I like my calendars M-S too 🙂 I use the Believe training journal to track everything, but if I don’t write it down right away I completely forget what I did!
I need to get back in the habit of using the Believe journal! Its just not in a good place where I remember to write in it often enough.
I guess I like a “Monday” start to the week! Sunday always feels like an end of the week rest day to me. To each his own, right? 🙂
I can definitely see both sides of it! But really, I guess it doesn’t matter all that much:)
You got some great workouts in! If you were more detailed about your strength and core stuff, I would definitely be interested!
I do my workouts Sat-Sun and post them on Sat simply because I know a lot of people are too busy to read blogs on the weekends, so if I always post my workouts on Sat, then it’s not like people are “behind” or “miss” something important. You know, the 7-10 people that read my blog. 😉
I’m hoping to find a better way to track that stuff so when I go to share I can include links!
I used to do my recaps over the weekend but now I just like to take the weekend off from blogging completely:)
I track my mileage Monday thru Sunday, since I long run on Sundays, so in my own mind it feels weird if I start off by writing down a long run for the beginning of the week for some reason. Sounds like a fun weekend! And great job on your long run!
I think that definitely makes sense to track it that way if you are running long on Sunday…we always do our long runs at the “end” of the week, right?
Lisa, how exciting that you were able to attend the Nationals Game WITH the fireworks – whoa! That is awesome! Great job on your training week, too; you are definitely inspiring me to make sure I create time for my strength and core work. Thanks so much for linking up with the blog today; hope your week is off to a great start!
Seeing the fireworks at the Nats game was a great experience!
I have found that once I make the strength work a habit, its easier to get it done!
I track my workouts from Monday-Sunday! Just makes more sense in my brain for some reason. I just got my official marathon plan from my coach and he has scheduled me core work and strength workouts, so I”m hoping that will keep me in line and force me to do them! Can you believe I’ve never been to a Nats game?!
That’s great that you will have more core and strength work scheduled- sometimes all it takes is having someone else tell you to do it!
Nationals stadium is so nice! It was my first time there and I was very impressed.
I track Monday through Sunday for the blog and in my training log, but I think for blogging purposes it would be easier to do Sunday – Saturday so that I could post a weekly review on Sunday! haha
Good point! I guess it would depend what you like to post your weekly recap:)
Your question about when the actual workout week days are reminds me of how my hubby and I always joke around about when the week truly starts. He prefers the European way of calling Monday the first day of the week, and I get what he’s saying, but I’m like, “We’re American, so Sunday is the first day of the week okay!” Haha.
I think that’s why I have always tracked starting on Sunday, because in my mind that is when the week actually starts!
Congrats on reaching nine miles! Sounds like things are going well for you! I still can’t get over that awesome speed workout!
Thanks! It was a tough one but a good one:)
The game looks like so much fun and a suite is always so nice!! 🙂
I track Monday – Sunday. I guess I always have done it that way and I’m used to it.
Great work last week!! And awesome that you did your longest run in a while. NICE.
Have a great day!