Has this week felt like it’s dragging to anyone else? I knew this would be a rough one- it’s the last full week of school and my first 5 day work week in awhile. I also feel a bit thrown off after getting back on Sunday night and not really having time to adjust back into a routine. But it’s Thursday, so that’s good! It also means it’s time to “Think Out Loud” with Amanda.
My week was not off to the best start when I had the grossest pizza ever on Sunday night. We ordered delivery when we were leaving the airport and the website said it would be about 45 minutes. I called after placing the order and let them know we would be home in 30 minutes. Well 10 minutes later I got a call from the delivery guy that he was at our house. I explained the situation, and he said he would come back. When we got home he called again a few minutes later to make sure we were home. He showed up several minutes later…with cold pizza. I didn’t know it was cold until after he left but we weren’t about to send it back or anything (we were starving, hadn’t eaten in 8 hours, and had no food in the house) and I had already tipped on my card when we placed the order. To make matters worse, the pizza was terrible. We also got mozzarella sticks which I had one bite of and pretty much spit out. I had a stomach ache for about 12 hours after that meal.
I am so excited to have a weekend home without traveling. There’s been so much fun stuff going on, and more to come, but it’s so nice to have a few days to just catch up on life.
As I mentioned yesterday, I am supposed to run a 5k on Sunday. I’m not sure what to expect from the race because of the weather. It will probably be pretty warm out so I’ll just do what I can. I’m not sure if I will take a rest day Friday and do an easy run on Saturday, or vice-versa. Sometimes it’s nice to have a weekend day with no workout, to take full advantage of the day off.
When I don’t run, I rarely get in 10,000 steps. Actually, my Vivofit has decided to make my goal 11,000- I guess this is based on my average steps or something. So it’s kind of funny because Rob has a Fitbit, and he must take much larger steps than me because we can run or walk the exact same distance and I will always have more steps than him.
He suggested I wear it on my left wrist to see if that made a difference. It didn’t, but I guess the Fitbits have a setting for “dominant hand” maybe meaning that it overcalculates because you move that hand more or something? I think my tracker only tracks steps, because burpees don’t count as steps. As that kind of sucks because they are like the hardest thing ever.
Have you ever had really terrible pizza?
What are you doing this weekend?
Do you have a fitness tracker? If so, does it count burpees?
Bad pizza is terrible but when you are starving and coming home from a trip? Just awful! I don’t use a fitness tracker but my dad tracks his steps and is always telling me how many he is taking in a day lol.
I don’t think I would have bought my own if I didn’t win this one, but now that I have it I am always paying attention to my steps!
The thought of bad pizza is making me nauseous! I know exactly what you mean. Pizza can be just amazing or it can be flat out gross, something about the sauce being too sweet and the cheese thick I think. I’m also feeling the drag of the week. I think because my head is already at the end of next week!
That was the exact problem with this pizza- terrible sauce and thick cheese. I know I will never order pizza from there again!
Ugh, that stinks so much about your pizza!! Bad pizza is almost an oxymoron.
Seriously. I didn’t even consider that it could be so bad and I really don’t know how they are still in business.
Bad pizza? I would have been so sad! This Saturday I’m going to CCR Timonium for their birthday run and then Brian and I are finally going out for our anniversary (our anniversary was in May). Sunday should be a fun day laying around the pool. Looks like we’ll have great pool weather this weekend…hopefully your run starts early.
Sounds like a great weekend! The race is at 8, so I guess its early enough considering its just a 5k.
Oh no! Is there anymore more frustrating that a bad meal when you are starving?! It’s terrible to have to hate eat something that should be good!
I will have to check out if my vivoactive tracks burpees. It has an accelerometer in it so maybe? I wear it on my dominant hand too and I think it over estimates steps some days, so I just try to take the count with a grain of salt.
It was so sad/frustrating to be so hungry and only have gross pizza to eat!
I also just take my step count with a grain on salt; its more about just making sure Im moving enough throughout the day.
I’m sure that I’ve had some pretty terrible pizza, but I don’t think that bad, at least not in recent memory! I have been served a frozen salad at a restaurant before, so how about that? Love that you have to take so many more steps to get the same distance as Rob–I definitely do with Alex. My problem with fitness trackers is that I often hold my bag on the side that I’m wearing them, so they don’t really know I’m moving. Or it grossly over counts. I don’t really trust them.
Woa frozen salad?! How does that even happen? I don’t ever remember having pizza that was as bad as this.
I do think the step counts are off but it does help me remember to get up and move throughout the day, and I’m just more aware in general of my overall steps.
Getting a bad pizza is the worst! I had quite the disappointing one in Lake Placid with my mom. Not so much gross, but it was definitely straight out of a freezer.
I get to see my boyfriend this weekend for the first time in over a month!
That pizza does sound disappointing! Have a great time this weekend:)
Bad pizza is a crime. I remember having some really horrible stuff and still suffering from it the next day. Blah. And at first I thought the pizza in the picture was the bad pizza and I was like daaaaaamn! It looks good! 😛 Also, getting steps in can be tough when you don’t actually set out to go for a walk or run, but I’ve always found that using something that tracks them for me motivates me to get up and move more.
I think I’ve been more motivated to get up and move around sine wearing a fitness tracker. When I sit for too long a red line comes up and reminds me to get moving!
That sounds awful! I know all the good pizza places near me (and most pizza joints in Chicago are good anyways) and only order from them.
I don’t have a fitness tracker but I really want a fitbit!
Since moving to a new area we have been experimenting with pizza places…the other one we like don’t deliver. But I wont be going back to this one again!
I’m not sure I’ve ever had a bad pizza – the worst I can say is if it’s burnt. Or the one in the restaurant with a cracker-like crust – I like chewy, doughy goodness!
I don’t have a fitness tracker yet. Been considering one for ages. Can’t make up my mind. Do you like yours?
I don’t mind pizza that’s “well done”…burnt might be a different story:)
I like my vivofit! However, a red line comes up to tell me Ive been sitting too long, and sometimes that bothers me. Like if Im standing up it will turn red just because I’m not moving.
I don’t have a fitness tracker but there are times I wish I did. I’d be interested to see how many steps I took on vacation when we were walking around San Francisco.
It’s fun when I do a lot of walking to see just how many steps Ive taken!
Ugh horrible pizza might be the worst thing in the world. Like if you’re a pizza place, you should make good pizza – it’s not THAT hard! Haha. Nothing worse than soggy, over cheesed, cold pizza. Especially if the crust is super doughy 🙁 I’m going into NYC on Saturday for a friends birthday brunch and then another friends housewarming party! Should be a long day of day drinking… hopefully I can keep up haha. I do not have a fitness tracker, but I was thinking about getting one because I feel a lot more sedentary at my new job than at my old one. Maybe it would motivate me to move more ?
Everything was wrong with this pizza, but I think what stood out to me the most was the sauce. Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun!
We had the worst pizza ever in New York–it was cold and soggy and just ugh! I have the Garmin Vivofit too and it does not count burpees (as you know). It also never counts steps from mowing or pushing a cart…I guess because my arms are stationary. I got frustrated one day when I spent an hour mowing the lawn and my inactivity bar was on!
I don’t think I ever had bad pizza in NY! I feel the same way about my vivofit…it definitely bothers me when the inactivity bar comes up when I am standing or moving but just not swinging my arms!
I’ve had terrible GF pizza (because most are) but my worst experience was actually in my pre-diagnosis days with chicken fingers. My mom and I were visiting colleges way back when, and we were driving down to DC. We stopped at a Nathan’s for chicken fingers and fries – we each ate about 3 bites of a chicken finger and were sick for a day afterwards :/ Live and learn!
That sounds terrible! I have never tried GF pizza but now I know to stay away!
That’s just cruel that it doesn’t track burpees! Did you know that I have never owned a Garmin or any kind of fitness tracker? All the miles I log and all the years I’ve been a runner and I’ve just never done it. When I was 19 and training for my first marathon (almost 20 years ago) I’d drive my car along the route and mark out with chalk where to turn around. That’s how I’d measure my distance.
I can’t believe that you have never even had a garmin for running! That was pretty much my first big purchase when I started running longer distances. Before that I mapped my route on MapMyRun.
I used to have a tracker but I got rid of it because I’m so active even on a non run day with the boys, that it was kind of not worth the money to me, but I love the idea of them! If only money grew on trees 😉
I was lucky enough to have won my tracker on a blog giveaway, because I don’t think I would have paid for one for myself. It is good to see how active I am, especially on a rest day or when I’m at work.
Terrible pizza is a TRAVESTY. So sorry. I’ve got a half this wknd but have zero expectations because of the heat & humidity. Let’s just hope I survive. I also have trouble gettting 10,000 when I don’t run or workout-eek. That’s probably bad.
Good luck in your half! I’m really hoping the weather isn’t too hot and humid this weekend but I have a feeling it will be rough.
My TICKR X counts burpees! Yes to bad pizza and delivery issues. We are less than 5 minutes away from this one pizza place yet the driver almost always gets lost. Ridiculous.
Have a great race! Tri for me this weekend. Eeeek!
That’s awesome that your tracker counts burpees! I feel like Im being cheated when I do them and it doesn’t count as steps:) Good luck this weekend!
I think different tracking devices are SO far off from each other. When I was wearing a iFit band, my steps would be way off when I was doing the same activity as my dad or friends with fitbits. One of my friends wore her iFit during a marathon and her sister had a fitbit and they differed by 30,000 steps! Obviously something isn’t right there 😉 but it’s good to see the trends you notice in your activity! I feel like that’s what they were designed for, and to make you more conscious about getting steps in. Although for me, on my “rest days” I probably get in like 3000 steps a day or less ha
I do think its good to just be aware of your trends in activity, and especially when I am sitting for hours I will be reminded to get up and walk around when I see the red inactivity bar show up. If I have a rest day on a weekend its usually a real struggle to get any steps in!
Everyone in my office has been commenting all week about how it feels like the week is dragging. I can’t even believe it’s only Thursday. I have been doing a lot of weekend traveling as well, and I’ll be gone this weekend too. I’m looking forward to next weekend at home before Ragnar the following one!
Its always nice to have a weekend at home after a bunch of weekends away!
Oh my gosh, I feel your pain. Last weekend we had the worst pizza! You know it was bad because we were a little tipsy when it got delivered and it *still* didn’t taste good. booo
I’m headed up to Tahoe to run a Tough Mudder this weekend. I’m really looking forward to the event, but totally not looking forward to having to run around tonight and get as much “weekend stuff” done as possible before we leave. I’m about ready for one of those lazy weekends at the house myself!
That’s bad when you notice that pizza is gross even when you’re a little tipsy!
Have fun this weekend! But yes, lazy weekends are definitely nice:)
That’s a bummer about your pizza :/ Some of the gluten free pizza I’ve tried tastes like cardboard so I can definitely understand bad pizza…
As for the steps, I can definitely tell you that a shorter person will walk more steps in a day than a taller person (if going the same distance). I’m a shorty and in group runs, other people have noticed that I can run 2 steps for each step that a taller runner takes! I feel like I’m doing a lot more work to run faster lol
I guess that makes sense…and our garmins track cadence and mine is always much higher than Rob’s so we know I take smaller/more frequent steps.
I will have to remember to stay away from GF pizza!
I feel your pain and disgust on the bad pizza. I’ve tried to block those incidents out of my memory, but I’ve definitely had bad pizza that leaves my stomach hating me the next day. I’m almost scared to try delivery places out here because what if it’s bad?
My husband always takes less steps for the same distance than I do. He’s 6’4 and I’m 5’9, so I definitely think it’s a height thing.
I would really like to find a place nearby where we could get good delivery but I just don’t know if its worth the risk!
I’m sure the steps are due to height…I think its more work for the shorter people but I think Rob gets a little jealous that my step counts are always higher:)
You better believe I have had gross pizza! I always wonder how it can get so screwed up? The picture you have here looks delicious though!
I don’t even want to think about the ingredients they used in that pizza. Once I am recovered from Sunday’s incident I will need to get some good pizza as redemption!
Sorry about the pizza! Also– what do you think of the vivofit? I’ve been contemplating getting one for the last month… thoughts?
So I actually won my vivofit on a blog giveaway, and I don’t know if I would have bought my own fitness tracker. But now that I have it I wear it all the time and I’m very aware of my steps. Its easy to use and I like that you can see your stats directly on your wrist. Its a little bigger than other trackers (like the fitbit) but not terribly big. A red line shows up after you’ve been inactive and gets longer if you don’t get up and move around. This is a good feature but also drives me a bit crazy if I don’t have an option to get up and walk around, like if Im in a meeting or in the car. Let me know if you have any other questions about it!
I have to know – is the ‘best pizza ever’ in Baltimore? If so, I’ll need to know where it is from so I can get by butt there ASAP because that looks AMAZING!
I actually got it in New York…I wish it was from Baltimore but then I would eat it like every day! In case you are ever in Brooklyn or Long Island, the pizzeria is Grimaldi’s (its a chain, but not sure where else they have it).
This has been such a long week! Glad I’m not the only one 🙂
Bad pizza is just… YUK.
I’ve heard so much about the Vivofit – it would be fun to see how many steps I take in a day!
Congrats on the last week of school!
I was really surprised to see my steps once I got an activity tracker…I really thought I took more than I do during the day!