I really can’t believe that it’s Monday night already as I am sitting down to write this- where did the three day weekend go? I can’t complain at all…I got to do lots of my favorite things like run, drink wine, and lay in the sun…but I’ll get to that in a bit. First, last week’s workouts!
Sunday: 90 minutes hot yoga
Monday: 6 x 400s with 400m recovery + warm up and cool down and core work (5.25 total)
Tuesday: 3 miles easy, core work
Wednesday: 15 minutes elliptical, Body Pump, CX WORX
Thursday: 4 miles with hill repeats, core work
Friday: Iron Strength Workout
Saturday: 5k race + warm up/ cool down (7 miles total)…more on this tomorrow
Total: 19.25
So it was another good week of running! Not much of an increase in mileage, but a little more intensity.
Hopefully I will share more about my race tomorrow, but I’ll start from there and give a mini-weekend recap…mostly in pictures. When I got home from the race my allergies were bad (probably because I was outside for Field Day ALL day long on Friday). I manage to put together something to eat and then I had to lay down for a bit because I felt so awful (luckily I felt fine before and during the race).
Rob was spending the weekend with his dad, so I headed to my parent’s house for the weekend, about 40 minutes way. When I finally got myself together on Saturday I headed over there and laid in their backyard reading before going to church, and then grilling out for dinner.
On Sunday morning I went to a yoga class (another hot class, plus I was laying next to the window in the sun, so it was extra warm!) and it was a good way to recover from the race. I actually wasn’t sore at all, but I really wanted to move and figured I shouldn’t run.
The rest of the day was spent laying out some more, and before long it was time for Sangria.
Around 5 we drove down to Annapolis for dinner and ate at Carrol’s Creek.
By the time we were done with dinner we were pretty tired and full, but made some room for froyo before calling it a night!
On Monday morning I drove to a neighborhood nearby my parents’ to run. I felt surprisingly good and ended up doing 6 miles. Starting out I thought the run was going to be really tough. After the first mile I felt great and just went exploring, got a little lost, and realized it was 8:30am and getting pretty hot out!
After a little more time reading in the sun, it was time to head home and get ready for the week ahead. I think that errands and chores are SO much harder after a long/relaxing weekend!
How was your weekend? Did you get to spend some time out in the sun?
How were your workouts last week?
Do you like getting lost when you run in new places, or do you prefer to know where you’re going?
Looks like a great weekend! I also really enjoyed being out in the sun and we only had one day that was really hot. Great runs too! I love the runs when you zone out and just get lost and don’t care because you feel so good.
Thats exactly how this run felt! Its so nice to have an extra day to the weekend, it made me feel like I could actually relax!
I am so lazy when it comes to running that I rarely venture out of my normal route and routine. I do love running by my parents house though since it is my old neighborhood. The streets are great for a long run and I know it so well that it’s fun to see what’s the same and what has changed.
Since my parents have only been in their house for 4 years I haven’t quite figured out the running around them…their development is small and there is nowhere safe to run directly outside of their development. I usually don’t like driving anywhere to run but in this case it made sense and I was glad I did!
Ohh I’m looking forward to hearing about the race!
I slathered on the sunscreen and spent lots of time in the sunshine this weekend!
I always think I’m going to like running in new places, but in reality I always get nervous about getting lost. On vacation I almost always end up just running on the treadmill unless I’ve been to the place before and know the area well! In the end I think I like running my same route at home over and over :).
I will usually do an out and back if Im traveling so that I don’t have to worry about getting too lost:)
Nice week of running and you got a 5k in there! Can’t wait to hear about how it went. Looks like we had similar weekends… wine, running and sun 🙂
I usually like to know where I’m going, but I have definitely gotten lost a time or two. I do some seriously google mapping if I’m running in a new area.
Google maps is great for planning where to run! Wine, running and sun definitely make for a perfect weekend!
Wow! It looks like your recovery is going well- hills, 400s, and a 5k. Ugh, I hope all that is in my near future too.
I hope so too! I think that adding the variety is actually helping me. Whatever works, right?!:)
Sounds like a great wkend! I had to work so nothing fun here. It’s always nice running in unfamiliar territory. I think it makes the run go by faster.
In this case my run went by so fast! I do think that sometimes when I run the same route it gets boring and feels like forever. Sorry you had to work this weekend..hopefully you get some time to relax this week!
I love exploring new places when I’m running, and I don’t mind getting lost as long as I am not trying to get a workout in. Last week I was happy with my 5k race time. I felt like it was a good indicator of fitness. Plus racing the afternoon on tired legs made me feel good. I would’ve liked to do two 10 milers this weekend, but I think my body has been needing the rest. I was able to spend the majority of my weekend outside which was incredible. The sunshine makes me so happy : ) Hope you have a great week !
It was probably smart of you to listen to your body and get some rest! Glad you had a good weekend too– I love being able to spend so much time outside!
Great week of workouts! I prefer to stick to my usual routes when running, and if I try somewhere new I prefer to map out my new route beforehand.
We spent most of our weekend outside cycling and hiking, although we also had to unpack all our stuff because the movers came!
Sounds like a fun way to spend the weekend (minus the unpacking). I probably should have mapped out by route but I thought I knew where I was going..oh well, it worked out ok!
There wasn’t a whole lot of sun to get lost in… sigh. I did get out and see friends, did a little shopping, and spent a lot of time on the couch. The cat was rather clingy yesterday but I didn’t have anywhere specific to go.
Sorry that it wasn’t sunny near you! But glad you have a good weekend anyway:)
Lots of time in the sun over the weekend and it was glorious! 😀
You had a great week and I absolutely love that yoga mat! Please do a race recap for us. 🙂
Yay for a beautiful 3 day weekend! The picture of the yoga mat is actually the towel I put over the mat when I go to hot classes:) Recap will be up tomorrow!
Looks like such a fun weekend! We did not have much sun which kept us inside for the most part. It will be nice to get some sunshine back soon! Great job with your workouts.
I definitely hope you guys get some better weather this week!
Ohhh, I can’t wait to hear about your race! After having been injured and MIA for so long, it must have felt amazing to lace those shoes up and run ’em hard. Glad you had such a great weekend!
It was a great feeling to be out there! And even better that I felt good during and after:)
Great workout week and fun weekend! I’ve definitely gotten lost while out running on vacay and was not a fan. I had to call the Caveman. Ugh!
Oh wow Im glad I never got that lost! One time Rob and I were running on vacation at the Jersey shore and he got lost and had to call me to find him…I was familiar with the area because I had been going there with my family since I was a kid, but it was his first time there and he got all turned around!
I can’t wait to hear more about that race! I’m pretty much of a creature of habit when it comes to running, but then there’s times where it’s just fun to mix it up a bit 🙂 Your training sounds like it’s going really well! I’m happy for you!
Thanks, its been fun to change things up a bit! I can be a creature of habit too but I do enjoy running in new areas from time to time:)
You had me at Sangria! Looks like a great week of runs. I definitely spent some time in the sun this weekend. How could I not? It was gorgeous! Monday AM definitely got hot quickly. I wish I had started my run earlier, but I really wanted to sit and enjoy my coffee.
It really was so beautiful this weekend! But you are right, Monday got so hot. As I was running I realized I should have brought water. Thats the one thing about summer running- gotta get out there early!
Love Annapolis and love good sangria–btw, Tapas Teatro at the Charles has amazing sangria!
Congrats on getting a 5k in! I hope it went well for you.
My weekend was anything but relaxing–two soccer tournaments, one in Gettysburg, plus my son’s confirmation. No time to kick back. But the end is in sight–two more weekends of soccer, then a little bit of lax, then onto summer swim team. I guess that’s better?!
I actually remember having sangria there a long time ago! I forgot about that place, so good!
Wow, it sounds like a busy weekend for you! I guess it never really stops, does it?:)
Sounds like a great weekend with your parents! I wish I could spend more time with mine but they live in NH. I try to avoid the sun at all costs these days! Don’t forget your sunscreen!
Oh don’t worry there was SO much sunscreen!
Looks like you had a nice weekend – I love that your neighborhood has a trail on the side. Sangria in the sun sounds splendid 🙂
Thanks! It was definitely nice to be outside with a nice summery drink!
What a fun weekend! Congrats on racing a 5K too – that is so awesome!
I love when I can travel to a new place and run without a care in the world or an idea of where I am going. I feel so free!
Isn’t that such a nice feeling? I wish I had runs like that more often!
Great week, Lisa! I’ve never done a 90 minute hot yoga session. I usually prefer the 60 minute sessions because the 75 minute ones always seem so long to me!
I also got to relax one day. On Monday I laid out on my hammock reading ‘Wild’. But I think ‘Girl on the Train’ will be my next summer read! Let me know how it is!
I think in the 90 minute classes they move a little slower and to me it doesn’t really feel much longer than the 75. During the week though I prefer the shorter classes!