Let’s catch up over iced coffee (with a side of nuun)! It may be the second weekend of the month, but it’s all good because last week we got to Runfess and now we can just catch up over coffee or whatever your beverage of choice is these days. If you’re dealing with the heat like I am, grab a cold drink and your foam roller and let’s talk.
Let’s Catch Up Over Iced Coffee (With a Side of Nuun)
If we were having coffee…
I’d share that a few weeks ago the school system I work for announced that we are doing virtual learning through January. I don’t disagree with the decision, it’s just crazy to think about working from home for that long. I do think it’s nice for planning purposes for staff and parents to have a longer timeframe to work with. Last spring we were notified every few weeks that schools would continue to be closed.
I know there are alot of people who disagree with the decisions that have been made, and I certainly know that kids are missing out on a lot and it is a huge struggle for many parents. I just really worry about what would happen if we put all those kids and staff back into buildings and classrooms in a few weeks.
If we were having coffee…
I’d also share that we opted not to start Grayson in daycare this fall like we had originally planned. We were going to send him 3 days a week and my mom would watch him 1 day a week while I worked 4 days a week. Now, I’ll just continue the WFH while parenting thing and once my mom gets back from vacation and quarantines then she will help out twice a week.
I feel bad that he is not getting any social experiences this year. He is finally at an age where he would really love to be doing more activities and playing with other kids. That was one of the reasons we thought it would be good for him to start daycare. But it just feels way too risky right now. We don’t “need” to send him, so why risk it?
If we were having coffee…
I would tell you that I am now at 15 months without a haircut. At this point I would probably let just about anyone cut it, but I’m not comfortable going to a salon. (I don’t have a “regular” place or person that I trust). I also haven’t had a manicure or pedicure in 2020. That’s one way to save money! I did finally paint my own nails last week. I followed this guide to a DIY Gel Manicure. My nails have chipped a little but not nearly as much as they do with regular polish. And my toes have lasted with no issues even with all the running I’ve done!
If we were having coffee…
I’d share that my May half-marathon FINALLY gave in and said they wouldn’t be holding the race in person this year. (They kept sending E-mails that they were trying to move it to July and then to September.) We can defer to 2021 or 2022, or run it virtually. I haven’t decided what to do.
I’m leaning towards deferring but I don’t know which year to defer to. I’m not feeling super confident that we will be back to normal in May of 2021. Would they let us defer again if its cancelled? Maybe. Probably. But what if they hold it and I am not comfortable racing yet. 2022 sounds so far away to defer that long. Then there’s the virtual option. Do I want to use this as something to work towards this fall? In a way I will feel like I lost the money I paid for the race because I could just run 13.1 miles on my own at any time.
So that’s whats been going on around here! There’s also been lots of coffee, nuun, and beer/wine to get my through these last few weeks months!
What would you share over coffee?
Are you still working from home?
What are your running plans for the fall?
I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness and Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date!
Wendy says
I agree with the decision to resume remote learning-my fear is that we will never get on top of this virus if we keep reopening everything. I tell worried parents that everyone is in the same boat. I truly believe that once we get a vaccine, things will get back on track. It’s hard because not everyone gets it. Yes, kids need to be back in school but now is not the time. Sigh. Hang in there, Lisa!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I totally agree with you that if we keep opening things up we won’t get this under control. It seemed like we were on the right track until June when things started opening up again.
Coco says
The schools are in a no-win situation, but I think the virtual option is the best one — at least in our area. I finally made a hair appointment for next week. I just can’t take it any more. The stylist I go to has her own place and works solo, is mandating masks and upgraded her HVAC, so I figure the risk is as low as it could be. Plus, with my short hair it won’t take long.
If you do the virtual race, do you get swag now? The lawyer in me wonders how many of these races will even be in business when/if things aren’t back to normal in early 2021, let alone 2022 ….
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
You know I’m not sure about the swag. It think so but I should probably look into that!
Catrina says
That’s a tricky decision with the Frederick Running Festival – virtual, 2021 or 2022?
I think I would go for 2021 and then, in case it’s deferred again, hope that your registration will still be valid for 2022.
I’m interested to know what your decision will be!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I need to figure it out soon! I’m leaning towards deferring to 2021 and then I can just take it from there.
Marcia says
I agree with Wendy: Unless there is a vaccine, I don’t think we’ll be able to resume normal life as we knew it. Grayson is so cute! I well remember how “into every freaking thing” they are at that age. I used to take mine to a baby gym almost every day and I’m sad it can’t be that way now.
I totally get that schools need to be remote. Some schools around here that initially chose a hybrid plan have since changed to all remote through January. I am not super confident about a spring racing season at this point. Sigh.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I was initially surprised that our schools jumped to fully virtual so quickly. I’m glad they did because its nice to be able to start planning. We’ll see what happens in the spring but at this rate I am not hopeful about spring racing either.
Zenaida Arroyo says
I know everyone wants teachers and students to go back to the classroom. I get it, but I don’t think it is safe at this point. However, I do want to teach from my classroom. I miss it and frankly I am tired of teaching from home. A few months yes but now it is too much. We start school on the 26th with 3 days of Teacher Institute and then the students start on the 31st.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I bet its really challenging to teach remotely. I definitely agree its not safe right now to have everyone back in the buildings. I home the year starts off well for you!
Deborah Brooks says
It sure is hard at Grayson’s age not to have any social interaction. We used to do a bunch of playgroups and stuff at that age. Sigh- I guess it will just have to wait. I really hope we start to get this under control soon. It is really tough for working parents of little ones. I am glad you will have your mom to help out! Thanks for linking for coffee and have a good weekend
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s definitely hard that he can’t go out and do activities. Hopefully we can get back to doing things soon.
Kimberly Hatting says
Oh, how I remember those days when the kids were impossible to contain LOL (of course, now I’m currently dealing with a recovering dog, so it feels like familiar ground). It’s nice that you are able to keep Grayson home with you, though it does add to the challenge of getting your work done. Sounds like we have similar decisions to make with races going virtual…to run virtual? to defer? No easy answers…
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
At this point with race I’m just sort of over it. I kind of wish they had just gone virtual back in May!
Cari says
Still working from home, although no official time table. We rapidly went from a week at a time to indefinite. I’m in awe of toddler parents like you. It’s such a challenge for many reasons. Glad you’re able to come up with a plan that works.
I had a Nuun the other week for the first time since the end of marathon training when my tongue decided it hated them all. Yep, still true. I just can’t stomach it.
Cari says
oh and forgot to say.. I’ve gotten two pedicures, but yeah my hair is a wreck. I cannot wait to cut it this fall (when I don’t need pigtails for running)
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It will feel so good to get a haircut after going a long time without one!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Oh wow I can’t believe you don’t like Nuun! That’s too bad!
Kim G says
I don’t envy anyone that has to make a decision about children returning back to the schools because it’s such a hard situation with no clear answers 🙁 I feel for all the parents and teachers as I am sure it’s such a stressful time right now.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I agree! I had my opinion about it all but I was glad it was not my decision to make. There’s no good answer.
Chocolaterunsjudy says
Wow, Grayson has gotten so big! I’m sure he’s a handful. It’s so hard on the kids — young & old. I personally think it’s highly unlikely kids can be safe in a lot of schools — but that’s easy to say since I don’t have kids. It’s such a difficult decision.
I am actually hopeful that maybe there will be races in 2021. But who knows? I do think 2020 is toast as far as real racing goes — but I suppose that also depends on your comfort level with social interaction.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I would agree that it would be really hard for kids to stay safe in schools. As for racing in 2021, I think it really just depends on if we can get things under control. I feel like with the way things are going its just going to keep getting worse.
Jenn says
Love the manicure. I just realized I don’t have the patience anymore and started doing Color Street polish strips. I love that you don’t have to wait for it to dry.
Mr PugRunner is back at the office, but it’s just him, so no big deal.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Oh polish strips sound like a great idea! I’ve never tried those before.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Work announced this week that we’re home for the rest of the year, and I’m happy about that. Honestly I do not miss the commute and my team has really adapted to WFH, there’s no reason to be at the office. One of my coworkers just came down with COVID, so there is a reason why we’re all staying away from each other. Not sure if your half is a race that you’d potentially be interested in running two years in a row, but if I was me I think I’d defer to 2022 and then if racing is back in 2021 I’d register for 2021.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Hmm that’s a good idea! I’m not sure either if I would want to do it 2 years in a row. I guess if I deferred to 2022 then at least I could just decide about 2021 as it gets closer.
San says
I am glad you have some longer term decisions from your school district. It’s crazy to think that you will be teaching from home, but better than not knowing what happens after a few weeks…
I am contemplating what to do about a race that I was signed up for, too, and it’s hard to know where to defer to. I understand your dilemma.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I’m actually not a teacher- I work with staff doing alot of adult training and program management. So it’s a little easier for me to do my job from home and its actually given us alot more ways to reach teachers and get them information. I couldn’t imagine how hard it is to be a teacher trying to work with students!
The race stuff is so tough. I also feel bad for the organizations that may not make it through all of this.
Laura says
We are in a similar situation with Isla. Right now most of her social interaction comes from FaceTime. We originally planned on starting her in a Montessori program in the spring, but it now depends on the pandemic situation.
I deferred marathon because I really want to run it next year, but other races I just let them have my money. It’s a hard year for races and some of them may not make profits to continue beyond 2021.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Its so tough for little kids right now. I don’t even want to take him anywhere because he doesn’t understand not to put everything in his mouth and I think he’s still a little young for a mask. We do lots of FaceTime too!
That’s a good point about the races. Since I don’t feel strongly about it either way maybe I should just let it go. I just don’t want to regret it if May comes around and I’d have the chance to race again.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says
Juggling WFH with a toddler has got to be tough! Everyone is just trying to do their best. I’m sad that baby E isn’t able to socialize much with our neighbors’ babies, but we’ll make the most of it when that time finally comes.
I was supposed to do the Philly half marathon year after deferring last year due to being 7 months pregnant. Now I’m not sure if I want to defer again or just get my money back…it’s tough!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
The wfh is definitely tricky! I end up doing anything I really need to focus on during nap time or after he goes to bed at night.
That’s tough about your half-marathon!
Farrah says
I think resuming remote learning is a good idea–there is noooo way to enforce social distancing with kids. It’s definitely a difficult and stressful time right now though. :[ Hang in there!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yep I totally agree. Thanks!
fairytales and fitness says
I am surprised that you were notified that you would be working from home till January! I don’t think I would mind that at all. Our school is resuming on August 31st. I know a lot of teachers have concerns. I guess the rate of infection in our area isn’t as concerning as others, is all I can think of. Neighboring districts are having the option for virtual learning.
I know working at home with a toddler will be challenging, but you will look back on these days ( months) and be so happy you got to spend all this time with him!
Thanks for linking up with us! -M
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Oh wow so you’re going back to school full time? Everywhere here (I think all the public schools in Maryland) are virtual for the first half of the year. That would make sense if your rates are low.
You are right that its nice to spend so much time with him! The days are long and hard but they are passing by quickly.