We are almost through the first month of 2018, so it’s time to check in to see how the month went! I actually set some goals for this year, so I’ll be checking in on those as well as thinking about what I want to work on in February.
One of my goals for 2018 was to set smaller goals each month. I didn’t share any monthly goals for January, but there were a few things I was working on.
First, I wanted to set up a new system for tracking my spending, which I did. It’s going to take some getting used to but I think it will be more effective over the long-term.
My other goal was to not put any pressure on myself this month. (Isn’t it ironic that that’s a “goal”?) I feel like January can be a month where everyone is trying new things and focusing so much on working out and eating well. For me, right now I’m not training for anything and between the weather, traveling, getting sick, etc. it’s just felt like running and working out had to take a backseat. Knowing myself, I would have tried to push through and run x miles this month, when there is no need to do that. I think I ended up with 57 miles so far this month, which is perfectly fine.
Here are my other goals for 2018:
PR in “Something”
I haven’t raced this year and I’m not sure when that will happen. Maybe March or April?
Track my Shoe Mileage
Check! I’ve been doing well using an app to keep track of this. Right now I have 162 miles on my Pure Flows and 165 miles on my Levitates. (Check out this post to read more about my running shoes!)
Get Rid of Back Issue
My back has still had it’s ups and downs this month, and there is really no rhyme or reason to it. When it does flare up I try to think about what may have caused it, but I haven’t been able to notice any patterns. I do think it helps to do some foam rolling and breathing. Also, I should probably be more aware of my posture throughout the day.
No Injuries
Aside from the occasional low back tightness, I’ve made it through the first month of 2018 with no injuries!
Improve Running Form
This one I haven’t really worked on yet, other than continuing to follow my strength training workouts each week.
Be More Strategic about Saving Money
I wouldn’t say I’ve been more “strategic” but I did do well with not spending much this month. Now I need to figure out exactly how to invest some of my money as the year goes on!
Read at least 6 books throughout the year
I read one book so far this month: Roar by Stacy Sims. It was an interesting read and I definitely recommend it for female athletes, especially anyone who struggles with their workouts during certain times of their menstrual cycle.
Ok, now it’s time to set a couple of smaller goals for February.
Goals for February:
- Drink plenty of water– usually this isn’t a problem for me but I’ve noticed that in the winter I tend to drink less water! My skin has been super dry which may be a sign of dehydration.
- Get outside at least once a week– again, this is usually not a problem for me but I could see myself getting tied to my treadmill this winter! Even if I opt to do my runs indoors, I think it would still be beneficial to get outside for a walk once a week.
- Start reading another book– I’m thinking of reading Mindful Running by Mackenzie Have, which I heard about from one of Wendy’s blog posts.
[Tweet “It was a pretty good start to 2018! Check out @milebymilerun ‘s January month in review. #tuesdaysontherun”]
How did you do with your goals in January?
Have you read any good books lately?
Do you get outside regularly in the winter?
I’m linking up with No Guilt Life, MCM Mama Runs, and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Tuesdays on the Run!
Oooh, I loved Mindful Running. I incorporate a lot of her tips into my runs and I think it’s helping a lot.
I’ve been buying so much INKnBURN that I’m afraid to track my spending!
I’m excited to get started with reading it!
I love your goals for the year and I’m sure that you will achieve them!
I’m sorry to hear about your back issues – I’ve also been dealing with some back issues the past 3 weeks and I also do not know what is causing it. I’ve been trying to do more back strengthening exercises in hopes that it would help
It can be pretty frustrating. I think it would help if I knew what caused it, and Im sure you feel the same way!
I’m reading a different book with the same title (Mindful Running) and also Run Strong Stay Hungry by Jonathan Beverly. Both are very good. My thyroid issue has derailed any goals I might have had. I suppose my main goal is getting that balanced again.
I will need to check out those books as well! I hope you can figure out the thyroid stuff.
Your goals are great! I like how you check in at the end of month – I bet it really helps with accountability! I found that increasing my cadence really helped my running form!
My cadence isn’t too bad but could probably use a little work!
I like smaller goals. My January goal was to rebuild my base. After a couple weeks where the runs quite frankly sucked, they’re getting better.
Thats good! It can take some time to get a base back after the off-season.
How is it the end of January already? I didn’t have any goals for January. I did a lot of runs on the treadmill. I am currently reading While my sister sleeps. My sister did a review on the blog the other week about it. I’m intrigued because it is about a runner.
I remember reading her review of that book and it sounds interesting! I also cant believe January is over already.
I think I’m gonna set a goal to get outside everyday in February. Obviously, I will not be running every day, but even a brisk 20-minute walk around the block will do me good.
Wow, thats pretty awesome! I have such a hard time getting outside in the winter, especially if Im not running outside.
I’m currently reading Your Best Stride by Jonathan Beverly and it’s really good! Lots of interesting information about preventing injury and improving running form. Your goals sound like they are off to a good start!
I read that a few months ago! It was a good one and I may need to go back and look it over again!
Breaking up your goals into smaller, manageable ones is the way to go, I think! I need to start reading more…my mind is so distracted lately, so it is hard to focus.
I have a hard time focusing too. It seems like when I get in the mood to read a book I can read like the whole thing at once, but if I lose focus then I never finish it.
People can really stress out in January about goals and I think not putting pressure on yourself is a nice gift!
Exactly! We don’t need to accomplish everything the first month of the year!
One of the best books I read in 2017 was “The Art of Racing in the Rain”… it’s told from the perspective of a dog and I never ever though that I would like it, but it was an amazing story! Recommend!
Sounds interesting- thanks for the recommendation!
I like the idea of separating goals from dream goals, makes it more realistic! I’m also trying to better track spending and be more cognizant of my budget.
It does make it easier to manage- I don’t want to give up on my dream goals, but I know it may take some more time to reach them!
I love your goals! My month definitely didn’t go the way I expected so I’m looking forward to a bit of a reset in February. Your 2018 goals are great! I still need to find a book to start reading!
I hope you have been able to take the time you need to take care of yourself!
I “know” Wendy through the Runners’ Bookshelf Facebook group. So long as you two keep linking up, you’ll have no shortage of book ideas. I’ve found so many good ones through her posts.
And wholly agree re: shoe tracking, although one of mine I felt it in feet even before tracker told me.
Good luck with your goals.
I know Wendy will always have great book recommendations! The shoe tracking can be helpful but I agree- its also important to pay attention to how they feel!