Hello and Happy Monday! Not that most Mondays are happy, but it’s good to say at least, right? This weekend flew by, as most do, and even though we didn’t have much going on we still stayed pretty busy! I’ll start by recapping last week’s workouts, and then share some scenes from the weekend.
Monday: Iron Strength Workout, foam rolling
Tuesday: Pre-Run Glute Exercises, 5 miles following this 5k workout, post-run myrtle routine. PM: 90 minutes (smelly) hot yoga
Wednesday: Glute Exercises, Oiselle Dozen, 3 miles, drills PM: foam rolling
Thursday: 10 miles, foam rolling
Friday: upper body/stability exercises, glute exercises, stability ball workout, 4.1 miles
Saturday: Rest, foam rolling
Sunday: 2 mile warm up, Pikesville 5k in 21:40 (5.1 miles total)
Total: 27.2 miles
I’ll have the 5k recap another day this week, but it was a good race. Although I am STILL stuck in that 21:38-21:40 range since December 2013. (My PR is 21:38 and this is my 4th race in that range). Still, I was happy with how it went and I’ll talk more about it later!
So anyway, here are some other scenes from the weekend. It started out with some wine and working on training plans on Friday evening.
Since Saturday was a rest day, I had a relaxing morning and sat on the couch with coffee making a meal plan and grocery list.
While Rob was out running I decided to bake muffins. I’ll be sharing the recipe at some point, but I totally made them based on what I had in the house and they came out great!
We spent the day running errands and picked up our race packets. The running store was next to a Panera so we stopped in for lunch.
After getting some food prep done we headed to church and then grabbed dinner at a local bar/restaurant. Rob convinced me to share a bottle of wine with him…I told him if the 5k didn’t go well I would blame it on the wine!
Sunday morning was the 5k. I loved that they had watermelon after the race! (Along with a ton of other food, but I couldn’t eat much right after racing.)
When I got home I ate a muffin (from the day before) and made Michele’s Pina Colada Protein Smoothie! I didn’t have any coconut milk but it still came out really good.
and then I headed to the pool for about an hour. It got kind humid out so I didn’t stay very long.
I’m not quit sure where the hours of 1pm-4pm went but before I knew it I was in compression socks drinking a beer and working on blog stuff.
And that pretty much brings me to the time I am writing this post! Considering there probably won’t be anything exciting happening this evening, I will probably just leave it at that. And I think that’s plenty of pictures of scenes from the weekend for one post:)
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- How were your workouts last week?
- Do you ever drink before races?
- Ever bake something when you have limited ingredients in your kitchen?
Glad you had the smoothie to treat you after the race! I’ve also made some of my best recipes just working off whatever was around 🙂
I was a little nervous to create something like that but I was glad it worked out well! And the smoothie was a delicious post-race treat:)
Awesome 5k times! That’s where I was looking to get to, but now I’m marathon training…one day! Compression socks and a beer looks so great!! Have a great week!
I definitely find it challenging to improve on my 5k time while marathon training. Not sure what my plans for the rest of the year are, but if I end up doing a full then I will mostly likely have to wait awhile to try to PR in the 5k!
Keep persevering my friend. I know you feel like you are stuck, but your body is getting ready for that breakthrough, and you are almost there 😀 Make sure you listen to the runners connect podcast this wed, I think this might be what you need….although you do some anyway…..you will see what I mean 🙂
Oooh I am definitely looking forward to that podcast! Thanks for the heads up!!
Great job at the 5k!! You will bust out of that range soon enough. That is still an awesome time. I loooove watermelon after races or hard runs, and beer of course 🙂 Last week was my first week of marathon training and my workouts went really well!
Watermelon was the perfect post-race snack, especially since the other options were things like eggs and bagels and I just couldn’t stomach that stuff immediately after a race.
I might have one beer or one glass of wine before a race. Carbs, right? It actually relaxes me and helps me sleep when I’ve got pre-race anxiety. I just make sure to drink lots of water. Great week! Have a good one
Yes, I agree the key is lots of water! And I think it helped that we have our wine around 6pm, so had a few hours to continue hydrating before going to sleep.
I usually have a glass or 2 of wine the night before a race. It helps me relax and that’s all good!
I am thinking I may need to start having a drink before a bigger race since I get so nervous the night before! I’m sure it wont really impact performance, as long are you are drinking water too.
I have started the tradition of having a beer the night before my marathons. I can’t speak to other races, as I don’t do that many of them. But I count it as part of my hydration and carbloading 😀
Sounds like a great tradition! And its certainly perfect for carboloading:) I might need to try it before my next marathon, just to help me relax a bit.
Can’t wait to hear about the race – that’s an amazing time, especially in the summer!! I love when they have watermelon after a race. I wish they all did because it’s what I am looking for when I cross the finish line as it is cold and refreshing!
It was exactly what I needed! At first I grabbed a water, and then I was looking for something like Gatorade, but didn’t see any. Then when I was the watermelon I knew that it was exactly what I wanted!
Watermelon after a race sounds like the best food option! So refreshing and full of hydrating watermelon juice 🙂 I had a recent race with ice pops at the end which were also good, but a little TOO sugary at 9am 🙂
That reminds me of when I had italian ice after a race…it was cold and refreshing but a little too sugary!
I didn’t touch alcohol before my first half, now I don’t care if I have a glass of wine or not. I just didn’t want anything to interfere with my first half, but I was wound up for it. Maybe the wine would’ve helped.
For most of my longer races I haven’t had any alcohol the night before, but I think now I would, as long as its only one glass and Im also drinking water!
Workouts were pretty decent… just focusing on getting my milage back up. I definitely do not drink before a race… I’d be far too nervous to see how that would play out haha. I’m not a big drinker anyways so it’s not much of a temptation for me. Congrats on another great race. I totally understand how frustrating it can be when you’re stuck at a certain time in a race.. but you WILL PR and you WILL absolutely crush it! Hope you have a happy Monday! 🙂
Congrats on another great 5K! With all the speed work you’re doing a PR is not far away, especially once the summer heat and humidity passes. I don’t drink before a race but maybe I should because it would probably relax me.
I do hope it will be easier to PR in cooler temps! And I am also thinking a drink would help me to relax before a big race:)
Looking forward to your muffin recipe! Sometimes those kitchen sink creations are the best. 🙂
I was a little nervous but glad it turned out ok! Now I am more likely to experiment again:)
Great week of workouts and way to go on the 5k!! Trying to PR on a 5k while marathon training is tough, I found it easier to PR on the half than the 5k since I wasn’t doing a ton of speed work when I was marathon training. Good luck and keep up the awesome job training!
Thanks so much! I feel like I am never just training for a 5k, so it definitely makes it harder to PR when there are longer runs and other workouts involved throughout the week.
That’s an AWESOME 5k time!! Especially with some tough workouts earlier in the week. Way to go!
Thanks! I have also enjoyed following your 5k journey this summer! It’s motivated me to get out and do some shorter races:)
Congrats on your 5K. What a great time. And good job running 10 miles so early. I did 10 miles the other day as well. First longer distance in awhile but I didn’t go until 10 am and it was way hot. I actually had an excuse to be able to wear my compression socks the rest of the day.
I love wearing my compression socks all day after a long run! And good job getting out for your 10, especially in the heat!
I made Michele’s smoothie this morning too and it was SO good!
Breaking a 5k PR is the most frustrating thing! Summer races are so hard and unless it’s raining I think it’s pretty hard to go for a PR.
Its funny because I really wasn’t expecting to come so close to a PR. So now I just nee to stay in this level of 5k shape so I can PR when it is cooler out!
Do I drink before races? Ha. Well… I’ve got that story from when I ran the Vancouver marathon in 2012… we went to a wedding the night before the race and I drank so much wine that I puked up the Indian buffet dinner on our way home from the wedding. Then I woke up 3 hours later, and ran the marathon in 3:10:26. Bam. That’s my claim to fame.
You always have the best stories…I really don’t even know how you do some of the things you do!!
If I want a drink the night before I will have one but nothing CRAZY. I would never try anything new, and would try to have a smaller drink than normal. This makes me sound like an alcoholic for sure, but I have a drink every night- but literally just ONE. If I wasn’t used to drinking I prob would not drink the night before a race because you never know!
You have an awesome week of workouts and it is motivating for me to see you running long and kicking ass in 5ks!
I don’t think there is anything at all wrong with one drink a night…and if that is your routine it makes sense to have a drink the night before a race!
Great 5K time! Sunday was a bit humid. It was cool in the morning though – great race weather. My workouts were pretty good…probably the last of my self made running workouts since my summer training group started up again. Now it’s all about the track on Tuesdays.
It definitely got more humid as the day went on! When we were warming up at 7 it was perfect, but when the race started at 8 it was kind of hot because of the sun. But it could have been so much worse!
Ooh what a delicious looking muffin! Sounds like you got some good workouts in! I spend the majority of last week doing martial arts training… my arms were SORE almost everyday :P.
Good for you!! That sounds like an intense workout!!
Looks like a great weekend! I tend to drink unless it’s a really big goal race. My last few goal marathons, I’ve quit drinking a week or two before race day. I have no idea if it actually helps or not, but I like to think it does!
I stopped drinking for 2 weeks before my first full marathon, and now I feel like that was a little unnecessary. But I guess we all need to figure out what we can handle and what makes us feel our best!
Great time at the 5k, even if you feel stuck in that range…maybe try again in Sept and see what happens? (ahhh, fall!)
Love that you had wine before the race. I’ve done it but do try not to because it tends to wreck my sleep. As to baking w/ what’s on hand–I’m not brave enough!
I am definitely looking forward to the cooler temps of the fall! Since my current PR was on a 40 degree day, I’m hoping better temps is all I need.
Sometimes wine can mess with my sleep too, but luckily it didn’t this weekend! But that is a good point and I will need to remember that if I consider a drink before a more important race!
I always think it is fun to make something out of random ingredients, makes me feel like a contestant on the Food Network! Occasionally I might have a glass of wine the night before a 5K but the outcome is not good, so I have learned to skip it and celebrate after the race! Happy Monday!
I always like having a drink to look forward to for after a race, too! I think I would rather have one after than before:) And cooking with random ingredients can be alot of fun!
If ya gotta be stuck somewhere, I’d say 21:38-21:40 is a dang good place to be stuck! lol And I’m pretty sure 21:40 in July is like the same thing as 18:00 in less sucky weather. 🙂 At least that’s what I’m telling myself when I look at my paces these days. haha I’m seriously struggling so hard with coming off the bench after this injury. I have the hardest time with humidity even when I’m in good shape, so it’s really kicking my ass this year. I want so badly to talk to you about coaching me, but it kind of seems pointless when all of my runs are death marches right now!
The heat can be so defeating!! I was lucky that on Saturday the temps weren’t as bad as they could have been,so I think that helped. Let me know if you decide to chat about coaching!
That’s an awesome time for a 5k! I love it when they serve watermelon after a summer race.
So good!
I like to have a glass of wine the night before a race actually. Helps to calm my nerves and help relax. Looks like a great week of training for you! When it gets too humid at the pool I go in the pool. Actually I have to go in the pool with the boys no matter what so I don’t really feel like I notice it anymore 🙂
The wine is a great plan for helping to relax! And I should have just gone in the pool but I knew I would be leaving soon so I didnt want to get wet- I’ll have to go in sooner next time!
How is that Summer Ale?! I just spotted it at the store the other day and thought about getting it. Also…I wish I could get free Panera Bread every day of my life!
I like the Summer Ale! I’ve found that I like most Sam’s Seasonals so I wasn’t too suprised. Its pretty flavorful but not too heavy.
Oh I would love to be able to eat free Panera bread every day!!
You have a Pinterest board where you plan out your weekly meals? You’re so organized!!! But really that is kind of a genius move. I should try that out, I bet it would help me branch out and try new things more often. As it is most weeks I just make the same things over and over.
Yep! I just move the recipes I am going to make each week over to that board so they are all in one place.
You’ll crack that barrier in no time, especially with all the work you’re putting in towards staying healthy as well as your workouts. Can’t wait to read your 5k recap! Love that you meal plan on Pinterest! That’s actually productive…I’m not so much with it haha 🙂
Im hoping to be able to beat that time once its a little cooler! And I have found that Pinterest is the best for meal planning:)
Nice weekend! I don’t mind a glass of wine the night before a race, but I found that more than that and I’m in trouble with an early morning wake-up call. = )
I definitely need to get to bed early before a race! So if Im having a drink, it has to be early:)
Pretty handy to be creative enough to make something out of whatever’s handy. I need a recipe and a shopping list.
I had no idea how it would turn out! But I guess I got lucky…good thing I wrote down what I used so I can make them again!
I’m so far behind on reading blog posts; sorry for the delay! Looks like y’all had a great weekend, Lisa, AND you had a great training week! Way to go! Thank you for sharing this smoothie recipe; it sounds delightful. I try NOT to drink before races; it has only happened a few times, with mixed results – ha! Thanks so much for linking up with the blog!
The “mixed results” is exactly what worries me! Haha! I have drank before a few races, and its been fine, but I worry that it might not turn out ok before a big/important race!