Well somehow it is Monday again already and I’m not quite sure how that happened. Anyone else feel like the weeks and months are just flying by? It’s been a pretty stressful week for me and I have just had this feeling lately that somethings gotta give. I’ll explain a little more but I think I need a little break from blogging until things settle down.
Last week I wrote about 5 things I learned from being injured for a year. Writing this post got me thinking about a lot of different things. I had actually written it last weekend, although it was published on Friday. At that point all was going (relatively) well.
I had my podiatrist appointment on Tuesday. To make a long story short the orthotics are being sent back to the lab for adjustments. I was told they could be ready at the end of this week, but I’m certainly not holding my breath. Based on the timeline of having them made the first time around I expect it to take at least a month, if not more.
On Wednesday I went out for a run and my ankle started hurting again. Ok, so I wasn’t wearing the orthotics, but I’ve had pain-free runs without them, it all just depends on the day. But I kind of had a breakdown at that point. I am so tired of all this and the stress that comes along with trying to run and then randomly having pain again.
Meanwhile, work stress has been through the roof. Most people who work for schools find the summer to be quieter, bur for me it’s the busiest time of year. With some work days hitting almost 12 hours and even going into the office on Saturday, it’s exhausting. I’m the type of person who can’t “shut off” things that are stressing me out so even when I am not at work I am thinking about all the things I need to do. I feel like I need to take something off my plate right now, and I think blogging has to be it.
I got back from that run on Wednesday like “I’m quitting running and I’m quitting blogging”. Since then I have gone back and forth about it all and am not feeling like it all needs to be quite so drastic. I’m planning to stop running until I get the orthotics back and then reevaluate things. With blogging it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, but it will be much more sporadic for now.
I ended up joining a gym that is across the street from my office so I can use the pool and elliptical. Having these options makes me a feel a little better about not running. I’m hoping pool running and being on the elliptical will make a transition back to running easier.
Last week’s workouts:
Monday: 3 miles, soft tissue work, mobility
Tuesday: Strength training week 6, day 1
Wednesday: 1 mile run, 1 mile walk home, soft tissue work
Thursday: Strength training week 6, day 2
Friday: 30 minutes spin bike, stability exercises
Saturday: 45 minutes elliptical
Sunday: Rest
As I was explaining to Rob over the weekend as we talked about this, everyone has different amounts of things they can carry on their plates. I just know for me personally I feel like I have reached my limit right now. I’m fairly certain that everything at work will settle down by the fall, and hopefully by then I can get back to my normal routine. Besides that, there are a bunch of things happening over the next few weeks: I’m traveling to DC for work, my sister’s bridal shower is in 2 weeks (which includes Rob’s family visiting and staying at our house), another work conference, and a vacation to Charleston (I’ll really need it by then!)
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Have you ever felt like you had too much on your plate and had to let something go?
Any vacations planned for this summer?
What time of year is the busiest for you?
I’m linking up with Holly , Tricia, and for Janelle for the Weekly Wrap.
I have definitely been in that place before, working 12 hour days and feeling on the edge. I couldn’t agree more that you have to take care of yourself, and if something’s gotta give blogging and running can easily take the backseat since family and work are the mandatories. I hope you enjoy your new gym and that it fills the void until you get your orthotics back. Maybe once they’re made, adjustments to them are much easier? Fingers crossed!
I’m not sure how difficult it is to make adjustments to the orthotics but I do know they had to be sent back to the lab, which is what worries me! Of course there has been no word on them yet, not that I’m surprised…
you are totally doing the right thing by taking a break from blogging! sometimes we don’t realize how much work and mental effort these posts take and removing it for now will definitely help. I’m glad you joined that gym! I bet it will feel rejuvenating to your routine because it’s something different, even though it’s not running. hopefully everything starts to work itself out soon with the running. ugh! stay in touch for sure until you are back to your blog!!
It’s definitely been nice to have the gym so I don’t miss running *as* much. The other kinds of workouts are definitely keeping me occupied for now!
I’m sorry to hear that things are crazy right now. I know fully what you mean when something has to give and if not blogging will lighten your load, do it. Good luck on spending time in the pool and on the elliptical. It’s not fun but I’m sure your foot will thank you!
Thanks! Its already taken alot of the pressure off to no long think about/worry about blogging and running. Even though I enjoy them both they can add some unnecessary stress!
I definitely hear you about the stress. I can’t turn my brain off either, and sometimes letting go or cutting back on certain things can definitely help. I’ve also found that saying no more helps, and less of saying yes to things that I am only saying yes because I feel bad rather than knowing they will advance me. Hope you have a better week!
You are so right about saying no! I find it almost impossible to say no. I always feel like I need a really good excuse to get out of things. Definitely something to work on!
I hope things calm down soon and you start feeling some relief! I totally get how you feel and letting go of blogging helps for sure, whether you are running or not. Enjoy some (extra) time to yourself!
Thanks! The blogging can definitely be time consuming, but I already miss it so hopefully things settle down soon and I can get back to it.
Summers are usually the quietest times for schools. What do you do?
I can imagine the frustration with the orthotics and running. Just be patient. It will all work out.
I work for central office so I help to organize alot of staff trainings which are all happening in the summer! Plus collecting data from last year and preparing new contracts for next year. I find that things start to settle down for me in the fall when the teachers are back to having classrooms of students!
I’m so sorry to hear that you had a stressful week 🙁 I think you’re making the right decision by not running again until the orthotics are adjusted for you. Like you mentioned, you can do a lot of cross training at the gym.
I get the same way with work. What helps me de-stress a little is making sure that I get outside during my lunch hour. Even just 10 minutes of fresh air makes a huge difference!
Thats a great strategy. I need to be better about actually taking a lunch break, lol. Im usually just scarfing down some food while I do something else. I do have a 2 block walk to my car, so when i have meetings around the county I spend some time walking to and from my car. Usually its nice, but lately the humidity has make it kind of awful!
I’m sorry you are feeling overwhelmed. It’s the worst feeling! Good for you for letting one of your worries go at least for the time being.
Thanks! Its kind of nice to have one less thing to think about every day.
Take your break, get your reset. We will miss you, but the release of the pressures of blogging will help you so much! My fingers are crossed that the orthotics get back on schedule and work like a charm. xoxo
Thank you! I miss blogging already but its kind of nice to have one less thing to think about every day.
I’m so sorry you are feeling this way!! I have definitely been there trust me…you really have to do what’s right by you and if that means cutting things out, so be it. When I first started teaching, someone told me, “The most important thing you can learn is how to say ‘no’.” – and they were so right. I had a really hard time not feeling guilty – but at the end of the day you have to put your health and your family first. So you do you!
That is so true- I have such a hard time saying no! Taking time off blogging is already helping a lot. Now I need to work on saying no to other things that I don’t have time for!
I’ve definitely been there – too much on my plate. It can be tough sometimes to balance everything, so I think it’s great that you realize you’ve reached your limit and will start making adjustments. I’ll miss your posts but it sounds like the right move.
I hope your orthotics come quickly and are a better fit for you. Hang in there!
Thank you! I hope to be back soon, but I can already tell that this break is exactly what I needed.
Aww, i’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Keep looking forward to that nice Vacay! It will be here before you know it.
I’m sure it will! Time is just flying lately. Thank you:)
I think stepping away from another item on your to do list is just fine! You need to focus on you! I hope you get your orthotics back quickly. Hang in there!!
Thank you! It has definitely helped to give myself this break. I know I can come back to blogging whenever I am ready!
Oh yes, I know the feeling. Especially just recently when I signed up to 5K coach two days a week. What was I thinking?? It leaves me very little home time, which I need to feel organized. What do you do at the school over the summer?
Also, I’m curious to follow your swimming. I was exhausted just swimming a few minutes of laps in my pool!! I want to start swimming better (more strong) but I have no idea where to start.
Sorry it’s all overwhelming right now for you!
I agree that I need time at home to feel organized! I work at central office doing staff trainings and other projects that involve contracts and data collection. Things usually settle down once school starts up again!
I have no idea with the swimming! I know I don’t swim correctly because I cant get the breathing down. So Im either holding my breathe most of the time, or keeping my head up which is terrible form. I think Ive made it like 10 minutes total of swimming but I take breaks at each end of the pool!
July’s been busy, and I was stressing out last week, combined with lack of sleep due to being kept up by the anxiety. I hope the break is just what you need, and you can enjoy what you have planned the rest of the summer.
Thanks! The lack of sleep definitely just adds to the stress of a busy month.
I’ll miss your blogging, but I completely understand – you need a break with that much on your plate! Stress just makes everything worse and I’m sure it does a healing injury no favors. I hope you enjoy the pool running and elliptical and that your orthotics come back soon!
I agree about the stress and healing. I feel like its so connected! When Im not running I think about my ankle much less, and Im realizing all the attention I was giving it was just adding to all my stress. So while it sucks to not be running, I definitely notice Im a bit more relaxed already.
I am totally feeling you right now. I have so much on my plate that I am trying to manage. It has come at the sacrifice of sleep for me. Not the greatest thing for an athlete in training. Unfortunately, I am one of those people that needs about 8 hours of sleep a night. I’m not sure that I am ready to give anything up at this point but I will be looking for ways to work smarter and prep as much as possible over the weekends to devote time to self care and training during the week.
I hope that cutting back on blogging is just the fix that you need and that you find time to recharge!
I also do best with 8 hours of sleep, and that is not something I like to sacrifice! I wake up early no matter what which means I’m tired early and not very productive at the end of the day. I hope you can figure out some ways to manage all the things you are dealing with right now!
I’ve been feeling the same way lately (obviously, since i’m just commenting on posts from Monday!) But every time I think about giving up the blog, some really cool opportunity comes my way. I just keep trying to catch up.
Hang in there Lisa.
It’s hard to give up something that we have put so much time and energy into! I think whats helped me is knowing I can come back to it whenever I am ready. I also still enjoy reading blogs when I have down time, but I have put less pressure on myself to comment on every single one like I usually do, which is so time consuming!
Ugh, I am so sorry you’re feeling stressed out (hate that!) and that your foot/ankle is still giving you trouble. How very frustrating! I hope the orthotics come back soon and will help!
Mine seems to be healed (fingers crossed!) after two weeks of rest.
Thank you! I’m so glad a few weeks of rest helped your ankle. Sometimes thats all it takes!
Sorry it’s all hitting the fan for you and I think you’re very wise to change things up. Life has a way of ebbing and flowing and I’m sure things will take a better course. Hopefully sooner than later. Hang in there.
Thanks so much. I keep thinking about how other tough/stressful times have passed, and I know this will too.
I know those feelings so well! I’ve been feeling similarly with my blog off and on, and when you are injured or not training the way you’d like to be, it’s really hard to have the motivation to keep it going.
Do what’s best for you! We’re here to support you no matter what.
It all just made senses for now between being busy and frustrated with this injury. Hopefully taking step back will help to reduce some of the stress and also take any of the pressure off that I have felt as I try to heal.