I mentioned last week that I was thinking about taking a break from running. I decided to just do it now! Who says you need to start a break on a Monday? I started mine on a Thursday since that was a rest day anyway. So I’m about halfway through at this point, if I start running again in the middle of this week.
Last week was pretty stressful in terms of balancing work and parenting. Each day I felt myself getting more and more stressed and the work kept piling on with no end in sight, which is one of the reasons I started my break from running when I did. As you may know, I like to go to bed early and get up early. I found myself staying up much later than usual to get work done and not sleeping well at night. Not running over the weekend meant I could catch up a bit on some of that missed sleep!
Weekly Run Down
Monday: Strength Training + 4.5 Stroller Miles
Tuesday: 5 Stroller Miles + Core/Hips/Glutes
Wednesday: 4.5 Stroller Miles + Hip and Glutes
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Strength Training
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
Strength Training
When I decided that I would be taking a break from running at the end of this week I decided to push back my second strength workout of the week from Wednesday to Friday. Instead of running and lifting on the same day, I would split them up. This was a nice change as my legs weren’t as tired for my run and I didn’t hold back at all on lifting to save my legs for a long run over the weekend.
Running in the Rain
On Wednesday Rob stayed home in the morning to be able to help out while I worked. (This meant he worked really late that night, but I was able to get a few uninterrupted hours of work done in the morning). Not only did he do this to help me out with work, but also so he could run with Grayson and I in the morning. 2 miles in it started raining pretty hard. We ran home and Rob took Grayson inside while I finished up my run. I ended up doing 4.5 miles total. It was hard to go back out into the rain once we were home but I was appreciative of getting to run a few solo miles!
Why I’m Taking a Break from Running
I’ll be talking about this more later in the week, but basically I wanted to take a break before fall weather arrived. I am also trying to figure out something to focus on this fall. I have one more week to go before my mom can come back and help out a few days a week, so this seemed like a good time to stop running and just push through with trying to get all my work done and take care of Grayson at the same time.
When will I run again?
I was planning on taking one week off. I might run on Wednesday (after 6 days) if Rob does the same thing with staying home in the morning to run and help out. But it depends how I feel and how things are going. Who knows, maybe I’ll add on a few more days if I’m not ready to run again mid-week.
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How were your workouts last week?
Are you taking a break from running at all this summer/fall?
If you stopped home after it started raining, would you head back out for more miles?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
I totally get the need to take a break….but for how long? I have taken a couple of days and I have cut back on miles but I don’t think I’ve ever taken a break unless I’ve been injured. I’ll be curious to hear more.
My original plan was to take off one week, but its only been 4 days and I’m already antsy! However, I’ve been getting alot more work done and been catching up on sleep!
I 100% understand needing a break from running. It sounds like you definitely made the right call to take a break. You’ve been putting in a lot of miles this summer so you’ve more than earned a break! Also, enjoy the extra sleep and I hope that work slows down soon.
Thanks! It feels good to have some time to do other things, even though its weird to not be running.
I go through phases of needing a break from running as well. When running (or swimming or cycling) start to feel like a chore then it’s time for a break. I also think it’s good for your body to get some extra rest. Have a great week
The rest is definitely appreciated! It’s been a crazy summer (year)!
I think a break will be good for you. It’s a nice reset, mentally and physically. I’ve drastically reduced my miles, but haven’t really take a true break, although there was no running in Atlanta at all and that’s perfectly fine with me. I think it’d be very challenging for me to stop home during a rain storm then head back out!
It really is a nice mental and physical reset. I’m glad I opted to do it now when it’s still so hot and humid out!
It sounds like a good time to take a break. You’re right to be thinking about the fall and being rested and ready for fall running — even if it’s just for fun and no races. Today I mixed things up and started with strength, so my body is more armed up when I start running. I’m trying to quiet my nagging ITB, but probably should take a break altogether.
I hope the strength training helps and that your IT band feels better! Its hard to take a break during all the COVID nonsense.
Aw! You deserve it -you’ve been working so hard!
Honestly, I’m so happy to be back that I never want to take a break ever! I hope you enjoy yours!
I hear ya! For so long I was constantly forced to take breaks due to injuries, so its kind of nice to choose to take this one. I do miss running though.
Enjoy your break! It makes complete sense to take a break in August. When I first started running I took a week off every month (for no reason other than I thought it made sense) and I was always raring to get back to it after my off week. Currently it’s pretty rare for me to take more than one day off running, but I do drop my mileage every few months.
Its so helpful to take a cutback week every once in awhile! And I think sometimes taking a week off can be good too. This is just such a weird year without any races to plan around.
Good for you for recognizing that you needed to take a small run break and doing it to take care of yourself! That is what healthy living is all about!
Thanks! I’ve been considering a break for a few weeks now, so when everything started piling on this week it just made sense.
High-5!! I’m taking a break from running, too (and walking & stair-climbing LOL)…but for several weeks. Oh well… last extended break served me quite well, so I’m alright with things. Hope you’re enjoying your sabbatical 🙂
Ugh. Well I’m sorry you have to take a forced break. But hopefully it won’t be as long as your last one!
It would definitely be hard to start running in the rain after a stop — I don’t think I’ve ever had to do that, thankfully.
I’m “training” (I use that word lightly) for a virtual 10k end of September) & then I plan to take a little time off of running. Although if the weather’s nice by then . . . we’ll see!
So great that you’ll have your mom to help out some soon. I’m also an early to bed, early to rise person. Just naturally.
That sounds like a good plan to take time off after your 10k! Who knows what the weather will be doing by then.
You’ve been so consistent even through the pandemic so I totally get it! Enjoy your break but the first days might be hard! They were for me – until I got used to it! I started with a week and extended it to two, but by then I was really ready to get back.
Thank you! I think I’m ready to get back out there, but of course its supposed to be really hot again now!
I definitely go through phases where I find a need a break from running – it’s a nice time to focus on other things like strength training. Getting caught up on sleep and work is a nice bonus, and I bet you’ll feel refreshed when you return to running.
Yes, I really needed to the down time to focus on some other things!
I hope you find the mental and physical rest you need during your days off. I will be taking a week or two off from my walk/run intervals and biking in October when I have surgery to remove another basal cell from my thigh…
Thanks! I hope your surgery goes well. Sounds like a good time to take a break from exercise.
It will be almost 2 weeks since my last run but I have been active on the Peloton. I would take 45 or 30 minute classes but yesterday was simply so tired that a 20 minute class was enough.
I’m all for taking breaks. Nothing wrong with it.
Good job listening to your body and just doing what felt good! Hopefully you can get back to longer workouts and running soon.