One of the top reasons why people don’t exercise is because they feel like they don’t have enough time. If you get a little creative, there are some ways to save time so that you have more time for working out.
Once you have started running, and you want to improve, you start to learn about all the “little things” that runners should do. For example: foam rolling, stretching, core work, speed workouts, and eating well. How do we fit in all of these other things into our busy days? Sometimes I feel like all of the other things outside of running take more time than actually running.
Today I am sharing 5 ways that runners can save time. Hopefully these tips will help you to make sure you can continue to run strong and fit everything into your busy day!
1. Save Time by Multi-tasking
This is my favorite way to save time. I am always multi-tasking, which is not necessarily a good thing. However, with fitness it can be really beneficial. Here are a few ideas:
- Foam roll while watching TV at night
- Take stretching breaks while you are at work
- Work on balance while you are cooking dinner or brushing your teeth
2. Combine Workouts to Save Time
There are some workouts that can provide two for one benefits. For example, you can do a core workout that can also be a pre-run warm up, like this one or this one. Or save time by using the myrtl routine for both a cool-down and to work on mobility. You could also use an interval workout like this to get in cardio and strength training on the same day. Also, yoga can be a great way to get in both stretching and core work.
3. Focus on Quality Over Quantity
If your runs are focused and planned out thoughtfully, you can get in high quality workouts while running fewer miles. Some training plans like Run Less, Run Faster (affiliate link) suggest doing 3 runs a week plus cross training to avoid injury and burnout. You could also consider working with a running coach if you are looking for an individualized plan that will fit into your schedule while helping you to get the best results.
4. Meal Prep or Plan Quick, Easy Meals
If you are trying to eat well to fuel your workouts, but find yourself short on time, consider meal planning and meal prep. This takes a little more time once a week, but then ensures that everything is planned out and ready to go when life gets really busy. When I am short on time in the mornings I throw together a quick smoothie so that I can get in some fruits, veggies, and protein powder and I drink it while I’m getting ready for work.
5. Save Time by Planning Ahead
Outside of just meal planning, getting organized with your training can be extremely beneficial and can help you save time. Make lists, use a calendar, write yourself notes…whatever works for you. Other things you can do are get your workouts clothes ready the night before if you are planning an early morning workout, or pack up your gym bag if you are planning to hit the gym after work. Know exactly what time you should be starting and ending your workout. If you are planning ahead and notice that you don’t have time to fit everything in, you can prioritize.
It’s not always easy to fit in running when life gets busy. Try to avoid an all-or-nothing approach. Even if you can’t run as much as you would like, try to get in a short run a couple days a week or even just get out for a walk to get some fresh air!
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How do you fit in running and everything else that needs to get done?
Any other suggestions for how to save time as a runner?
What is your favorite way to multi-task?
I definitely feel like meal prep is the thing I struggle with most. When the weekend comes around I don’t feel like spending hours in the kitchen, but during the week I always regret not having things prepped!
Its tough to set aside the time on the weekends but I do think it pays off during the week!
I’m horrific at meal prep… because I eat everything I’m prepping at once! Having to cook things actually helps me slow down!
I know you have told me that before…its kind of funny because I don’t eat any of the food I am prepping!
You could always run faster, right? That will save you some time…!
Great tips!
So true!
I have always made fitness/running a priority and schedule the rest of my day around it. I like the suggestion of multitasking! If I’m short on time, stretching is always the first thing to go.
Yes, me too. I’ve learned that it doesn’t always need to happen right after a run so instead I just try to focus on doing a little bit here and there throughout the day.
Definitely have to plan ahead to fit it all in. Meal prep is a huge help and I usually do stretch at night while tv too. Have a great weekend!
Planning ahead is definitely key. I hope you have a great weekend as well!
I’m impressed with your meal prep! If I make my lunch (I pack) the night before, that’s a win for me..haha.
I used to be the same way! Now I am just so used to the meal prep that I get so thrown off when I dont do it.
I see great minds think alike (on the meal prep thing). Usually it’s not that big a deal for me; I don’t work. But lately, with more time running & losing a day every week, it’s been a lifesaver!
I’m not really big on multitasking. I find I do better if I focus on the task at hand. I never really considered yoga to be multitasking!
I definitely think meal prep helps when things are busy! And I probably dont do as well with multitasking but I find myself doing it all the time anyway!
I suck at meal prep but just knowing what I’ll make for the week is huge. I often do myrtl as a warmup or cooldown!
Yes even just having a meal plan can be helpful!
I suck at meal prep but just knowing what I’ll make for the week is huge. I often do myrtl as a warmup or cooldown!
I love all of your time saving hacks! I often combine workouts. I’m also a huge fan of HIIT workouts because it’s a great way to work all the muscles in 45 minutes.
Yes workouts like those are so efficient!
I need to get back in the meal prep habit. I used to do it on Mondays after shopping, but lately I’ve let it slide by the wayside.
Great tips.
I like those 10-minute workout DVDs because everyone has 10 minutes, and I find myself adding on more workouts in an afternoon.
Short workouts that can be done when you just have a few minutes are so great!
Great tips! I work on foot and ankle strength while cooking or getting ready. It’s so much more time efficient than doing calf and toe raises on their own.
Exactly! I dont always remember to do them but I have been trying to be more diligent about it.
Agreed — all of these are great tips! I use yoga for stability, stretching, and core. In fact, I’m off to do yoga in just a little bit! Can’t wait. 🙂
So true! There are so many benefits to yoga. Hope you enjoyed your class!
I am great about the meal prep but struggle balancing marathon mileage with strength training. As much as I want my running to improve, I also want to improve my overall fitness. It’s such a balancing act!
Thats a really good point! I would also say that my strength suffers a bit when I am running higher mileage and training for a race.
I think planning ahead is key! When you don’t plan well then things can quickly fall apart! Great tips!
Exactly! Its so helpful to know how you are going to get everything done!
Great list! I do double runs a lot because it’s way easier to fit in two 5 milers than one 10 miler. That’s the only thing I’d really add.
That’s a great one! Busy people need to squeeze in their workouts whenever they can.
Meal planning and laying out all my clothes the night before is key for me. My brain isn’t full on first thing haha.
Me too! I hate having to decide what to wear for my morning workout when I wake up. Its so much easier when my clothes are laid out and ready to go.
Great post! I’m always looking for ways to save time as I am training for an Ironman. Meal Prep is a big help!!
I bet that ironman training is extremely time consuming!
Do you want to know why I will never be able to get a beautiful meal prep picture like yours? CATS!!! lol!! Have a great weekend, Lisa!
Haha good point! Hope you have a great weekend too!
Your meal prep is gorgeous! I try but not very good at the one-go prep. Planning works for me better.
Thanks! Its good that you have figured out what works for you.
I don’t meal prep but I do meal plan! I also smoothie plan. Helps a ton.
If I were to get more creative with my smoothies I think I would need to smoothie plan as well. Currently I just throw whatever I have into a blender!
These are all great time-savers! I’m a slave to my foam roller at night when watching TV. I also do foot exercises when I’m washing dishes or cooking. Meal prep is my vice though, but I do try to make a weekly meal plan with dishes I can cook in less than an hour.
Thats a great strategy! I no longer prep all my dinners but I do have a plan and it always helps to have quick meals to make on busier nights.
Meal prep is a must and will throw off our whole week if I don’t prep on Sunday! I’ve started getting my kids involved too and they now prep their own lunches. Good habits start young, and this mom appreciates that I don’t have to do it all myself. 🙂 I struggle with getting strength training into my schedule. Is yoga a good mix of both strength and stretching? Thanks!
Depending on the type of yoga class, it can definitely be good for both strength and stretching!
So many great tips! I foam roll while watching TV as well. I’m a multi tasker so I tend to watch shows while I run on the treadmill, stretch at work as well among other things.
Its always great to be able to get more than 1 thing done at a time!
Lists are everything. I don’t think I could survive without them.
I will try to do work while I’m watching TV as my form of multitasking. It’s probably the best way to get it all done. I also get up really early in the morning to try to cram in as much as I can before the regular day starts.
I also get up early and get stuff done right away. Its my most productive time of the day!
ohh love your blog – very inspirational!
Meal prep is my jam! We are a family of athletes, so every day is full of practices, races, meets and games. Sunday is my meal prep day and it makes life so easy during the week. We can actually find time to sit down and eat as a family most days of the week even if it has to be quick by having everything ready and just in need of warm up.
Meal prep is so helpful for busy weeks! I can’t imagine not doing it anymore.
I’ll all about quality miles over quantity too. Unless I’m training for a challenge (back to back days of running) I don’t run more than 3 days per week. Not only does this help me to prevent injury, but it also helps keep me from loosing interest in running.
The quality of our runs is definitely more important than quantity! And like you said, also helps prevent burnout or injury by running less.
I am all about multitasking! Foam rolling during tv is the perfect way to go. I would love to get more in the meal prep game! Great tips!
I always need to be doing something while Im foam rolling, even if its just scrolling through Instagram! The meal prep is really helpful but can definitely be a challenge to fit in.
Great tips, Lisa! I like your multi-tasking ideas, I do these a lot too.
For my long runs, I get up extra early so that I’m finished by 10 in the morning and still have most of the day left. It also means going to bed early – but I don’t mind that. 🙂
I don’t mind going to bed early either! I also need to get my runs done early. Usually my long runs are done my 6:30 or 7 so my husband can run after me.
Great tips.
I always plan my runs. I take out my clothes the night before.
I also while I’m working from home try to prepare dinner at lunch so I can get out after work for a run.
That’s a great idea! Even though I don’t run in the evening anything to help make the dinner routine go smoother is so helpful.
I’m a huge list-writer…I utilize every scrap piece of paper I can find (so I’m a good recycler, too, LOL). I plan out a lot of my workouts, grocery items, household tasks, and blog drafts/ideas via lists throughout the day. If I don’t write things down, they disappear from my thoughts. I also set out my workout clothes before bedtime, because most of my workouts are first thing in the morning.
I love making lists! I use the notes app on my phone to jot everything down otherwise I tend to lose the lists that I start. Most weeks I write down my workout plan for the week on Sunday. Even if I don’t follow it exactly it helps to have an idea of what I’ll be doing.
I don’t know that I DO fit everything in, although I try. My days are so much busier, it feels like, but being organized and planning in advance definitely helps.
Sometimes it does feel impossible to fit it all in! I find that by writing down what I need to do then at least I can try to prioritize a bit.
planning workouts ahead and multitaskings are great helps. I am also a big fan of meal prep especially for breakfasts
Its so nice to have food ready to go after a morning run!
All great tips. Multitasking really can be beneficial. I have been known to stretch in the shower. 😀