I’ve been doing much more walking lately than ever before. Over the past 4 months, I’ve been home every single day with my son who is now 18 months old. 5 days a week it’s just me and him. The days can be long, and walking has given us a way to get outside. It keeps him contained and gives me a break from chasing him around. I also know it’s good for him to get out of the house and see the world around us, including other humans. Besides all of that, I think that all the walking has been a good supplement to my running. I’m going to share 6 reasons why walking is good for runners.
This post isn’t specifically about the run/walk method or taking walking breaks during your runs. Those can be great for some runners too! This is more about why walking in addition to running can be good for runners, mentally and physically. How you add in those walks is totally up to you.
6 Reasons Why Walking is Good For Runners
1. Extra time on your feet
If you are trying to build mileage, walking is a great way to start adding in some more time on your feet. It will take you longer to cover the same distance, but you are less likely to get injured. This can be a slow, gradual way to increase your mileage. You can eventually transition some of your walking miles to running miles, or play around with different amounts of mileage to see what works best for you.
2. Low Impact
Walking is much gentler on the body than running, making it a great cross-training activity. If you are coming back from an injury or injury-prone, walking is a great way to supplement your running. For those of you who prefer exercising outside, this is a way to cross-train without having to get on an elliptical or bike. Not to mention, it’s free and accessible to pretty much anyone!
You may also like: Walking a mile a day: Benefits + 7 tips to get you started
3. Shake out your legs
If your legs are sore or tired, walking is a great way to recover. There were some days when all I wanted to do after a long run was lay on the couch, but that’s not an option when you’re watching a toddler. So we would go for a walk, and my legs felt better afterwards. The key is going as slow as you need to and continuing to listen to your body. Even though it’s low impact, it’s still extra time on your feet.
4. Engage your muscles
When you are walking, you are moving slower and have more time to think about actually engaging your muscles properly. I have a really hard time feeling my glutes when I run, but I can more easily focus on engaging them when I walk. It’s also easier to pay attention to posture and keeping your core strong. I think (hope) this translates over to better running form.
You may also like: How Walking Can Make You a Better Runner
5. Slow down your mind
When I run my mind is either going a mile a minute, or I completely zone out. I feel like there is no in between. However, when I walk I feel like I can slow down my mind and actually spend some time thinking. Walking can be a much more relaxing activity for some people, especially those of us who tend to get stressed out easily.
6. Noticing
When I walk, I am much better at noticing everything going on. This includes what is going on around me, as well as what is going on inside me. From my body (are certain muscles tight) to my mind (wow, I didn’t realize how anxious I was feeling today) walking gives me a chance to check in with myself. I also pay attention to things around me in nature that I tend to ignore when I am running.
Being home with a toddler has certainly had a huge impact on my motivation to go for walks. It seems many people who are home more due to COVID-19 are getting out to walk more as well. While walking will never be my favorite (compared to running) I’ve certainly learned that there are many benefits to it, especially for runners.
[Tweet “Should runners add walks into their routine? Here are 6 reason why walking can be good for runners. @milebymilerun #runnersroundup”]
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Do you like to go for walks?
Have you noticed any of these benefits from walking?
What other cross-training activities do you enjoy?
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs, Running on Happy and Organic Runner Mom to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
Catrina says
Great list, Lisa!
I definitely will need a walk today after yesterday’s mountain-bike ride and 16k run up a mountain.
I like your tip about engaging the glutes when you walk and tighten the ab muscles. I’ll try that today!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Hope it went well!
Laura says
Walks are great! I find they help recovery from runs and prevent tightness.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yes! They definitely feel good after a run.
Deborah Brooks says
Walk run intervals have been so incredibly helpful for me the past few years. I am able to build up my. mileage without getting injured. I also find the recovery to be faster when I do intervals.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yes! Walking is so great for building mileage and running longer.
Kimberly Hatting says
YES to everything you highlighted! I’ve always done a lot of walking, but after my surgery (three years ago), walking was all I had for three months. It kept my endurance up (I had just run a marathon prior to my surgery), gave my legs some needed movement, and got me out of the house. Also, it’s a great cardio option in the warmer months since it’s not as strenuous as running 😉
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yep, definitely! I am enjoying my walks right now much more than I did in the winter:)
Darlene S Cardillo says
Perfect. I am walking more than ever. Not training for a race I don’t need the miles.
And you can walk anywhere at any time.
Love tennis but not as easy to do.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yes, walking is just so easy to do pretty much any time, anywhere!
Wendy says
I’ve been really enjoying slowing down on my trail runs–they involve walking in some of the treacherous spots. You really see a lot of things you wouldn’t otherwise notice!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I think with ultras being able to stop for those walk breaks is really important! And you’re still getting the time on your feet!
Chocolaterunsjudy says
I’ve always loved to walk. Of course, much of my walking is walking the dogs, and mostly I’m watching them or watching out for anything they might react to. I kinda miss just walking by myself, not gonna lie. You do notice a LOT more than when running!
And of course Yoga is one of my other fav crosstraining. 🙂
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I never walk by myself any more. But since I’m not worrying about pace or distance I don’t mind pushing the stroller when I walk.
Denise says
I’ve been walking a lot more now that my older dog cannot run, and I actually enjoy it. I know my neighborhood so much better now.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s nice to explore places that you may not see when you are running!
Jenn says
I am walking so much now- every day that I’m not running. It keeps me moving and helps ward off stiffness in my ankle and foot. It’s not my favorite but I’ve found a benefit.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s definitely not my favorite either. When I’ve been injured I completely avoided walking as exercise. I think its different now that I’m home so much and it gets me outside with Grayson.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Doh! I walk a few miles every day b/c I have a dog…I need to be using that time to engage my glutes and abs…the two things that I know I need to work on for my running. Thanks for the idea!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I don’t always think about it either, but its good to try! I do find if I do some glute/core work before I walk its easier to work on engaging those muscles.
Debbie says
When I go for a walk it’s usually fairly short and slow. I just enjoy getting outside on a day that is a running rest day.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s nice to still get outside even when you’re not running! My walks are really slow, especially since I’m pushing the stroller and stopping alot.
Shathiso says
Before running, I used to do a lot more walking and although like you I prefer running to walking, I do miss it and keep telling myself I need to do more walks! Thanks for the reminder!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
There are definitely nice things about it! Hope you can get to do it some more!