Well at this point it’s been almost 3 weeks since I ran in the Baltimore Half-Marathon. This was my 4th time doing the half, and I also ran the full in 2013. This event will always be special to me because in 2007 the Baltimore Half was my first race ever. It’s also the biggest race in Baltimore where I have lived for about 14 years now. That being said, it’s not an easy course! There are some tough hills, but the crowd support is amazing, especially at the finish line. The last 3 miles are mostly all downhill and during the last 1/2 mile the course takes you through Camden Yards where the sides are PACKED with spectators. I’ve written about the Baltimore Running Festival several times, so check out these posts if you are interested in reading more:
Baltimore Marathon 2013
Baltimore Running Festival 2014
First Race Memories: Baltimore Half 2007
This year I signed up for the half-marathon as a training run, which I wanted to “race” conservatively. There is also a full marathon, 5k, and a relay, all starting at different times. The full marathon started at 8 am and then the half-marathoners joined in around mile 15. The half started at 9:45, and gets to see the marathoners run by next to us as we are lined up waiting to start.
9:45 is a late start time for me, so I didn’t really know what to do with myself all morning. Rob was running both the 5k and the half, and the 5k started at 8:20. He went down to the city early and dropped stuff off at his office so he could change in between races. I headed down around 7:30 and got to the bag check area in time to see him finish the 5k- he broke 20 minutes for the first time which has been a goal of his for quite some time!
Around 9:15 I made my way over to the start line. It felt really cold out until I started warming up. It was perfect weather for racing- just below 50 degrees and slightly overcast.
As usual I got a bit boxed in during the first mile (which seems to happen no matter where I start). I was able to settle into my pace right around 8 min/miles and felt pretty good. I didn’t want to go out too fast, and kept in mind the important lessons Tina shared with us a few days before this race in her post about pacing the first half of a race. I hadn’t tapered at all, so my legs were a bit heavy and I did hold back a bit knowing that there was some rough hills to come.
I saw Rob at mile 3 and we ran together for a few minutes before I went ahead of him. I knew he was beat from already racing a 5k. At mile 4 a spectator was yelling “you’re almost done! Just 7 miles to go!” Um, no we were not almost done, and we had 9 miles to go, not 7.
Mile 1: 8:08
Mile 2: 8:13
Mile 3: 7:38
Mile 4: 7:56
I was still holding around a 8 min pace or slightly under, but wasn’t sure because my watch was way off the mile markers. At mile 9 I didn’t think I was on track to PR, and figured I would just keep running at my current pace and see what happened.
Mile 5: 7:40
Mile 6: 8:04
Mile 7: 7:39
Mile 8: 7:57
Mile 9: 7:57
Around this time I went to get a gel from my FlipBelt. I was having a hard time finding the hole to pull it out though, and I heard someone behind me telling my where it was. I realized it was Rob, and he said he had been slightly behind me for a while. We ran together for a minute, and then he said he wasn’t able to pick it up at the end because his legs were dead, but that I should go ahead. I started to tell him how I wasn’t on track to PR, and my legs were tired, and I didn’t taper…basically lots of excuses.
He gave me a quick lecture about how he doesn’t want me to complain about missing a PR by 1-2 seconds again, and that I knew the course was easier from here on out, and I could easily throw down a few 7:30s if I had to. I started to try to give him some more excuses, but he just said “no talking”. Tough love, I guess.
But he was right. I did have something left in the tank, and there was no reason why I couldn’t go for it. After the 10 mile mark I started picking it up. I was also able to do some math and mile 11 and realized I was pretty much guaranteed a PR at that point. I kept pushing hard, and surprised myself each time my watch buzzed.
Mile 10: 7:58
Mile 11: 7:23
Mile 12: 7:27
Mile 13: 6:58
Last .1: (5:57 pace)
The energy from the crowds during the last mile was all I needed to give it that final push. When I crossed the finish line, my watch read 1:42:00 and I wondered if I had actually run a 1:41 something- it turned out I had, and my official time was 1:41:58, a PR of 1 minute and 18 seconds.
Rob finished about 2 minutes after me and I got to tell him about my big finish. I definitely psych myself out when racing, and give up on myself easily. I somehow need to find my own internal voice that can convince myself to push hard when no one else is around to say it to me.
After the race it got cold really quickly. We got some food and beers and I had checked a bag so was able to put on a sweatshirt. I was still shivering even with that on. I met up with my sister and her friend who were watching their friend run her first half, so I hung out with them while Rob went to his office to get his stuff. We stayed for maybe 30 minutes before heading home.
Part of me thinks I need to “race” more- not just do more races, but actually work towards specific race goals so I get better at the mental aspect of it all. If nothing else, I think I will be able to look back on this experience during future races and remind myself that I am often capable of more than I think, and it’s worth trying to reach your goals even if it means risking failure.
Once again, I had an amazing experience at the Baltimore Running Festival. It’s a challenging but manageable course, and a fun event with amazing crowd support!
Do you give up on yourself in races or on tough training runs?
Have you ever thought you couldn’t PR but did anyway?
[Tweet “Read about @runningoutowine’s PR at the @baltrunfest thanks to a some mid-race tough love!”]
Awesome race! Congrats on that nice pr. It’s so terrific that you both ran the race and he was behind you! The mental part really plays a huge role in our running and especially in races. I felt the doubt in my last half when the wind kicked in, mentally I was like yeah so this isn’t good and I am tired and if the wind wasn’t pushing me I could do better and get my pr but etc…I realized in those moments it was the mental thing getting to me and I needed to push past it – something to work on!
Thanks! You are right, I think the first step is recognizing that its just the mental piece holding us back. When I start making excuses for myself I end up convincing myself that I don’t need to work as hard- which totally defeats the purpose of all the training I did!
Literally LOLing that Rob was behind you! If I were him I would’ve had to play some sort of joke, although I’m guessing I’d be tired for jokes at that point. Congrats on the PR! And how do you like the flipbelt? I wound up wearing mine for the marathon and it kept riding up which I wasn’t thrilled with, but I liked how it held everything in place.
Haha yea I think he was so tired himself that he couldn’t even try to mess with me:) I really like my flip belt, and mine doesn’t really move around at all. I find that I have to wear it pretty low on my hips but usually it stays where its supposed to.
Congrats Lisa! That’s a huge PR! You articulated so well the way we talk ourselves out of pushing when races get hard. I’m so glad Rob was there to get you out of your head. Well done!
Thank you! The mental piece can be such a challenge- definitely something to work on!
Congratulations on your half and getting a new PR. How cute that Rob was behind you for that long. Just a pep talk is all you needed. 9:45 is a really late start. I would love that time.
Thank you! Im not sure to starting that late so it was definitely a little weird for me:)
Sweet recap for an awesome race! It’s so funny how Rob ended up being right behind you. It was so perfect how he could give you the pep talk you needed to finish strong!
While the course was so hard it was my favorite race and I’m 100% doing it again next year.
Thanks! I complain about the course all the time but end up going back for more every year:)
Great job and well earned PR! Rob was just being a baby 😀 But you nailed it! I definitely should race more (once I get my back sorted). I haven’t pushed myself at those types of distances in a long time.
I always say this but at some point I want to take a break from marathon training and work on racing shorter distances. I think I have alot more potential for shorter distances but I am always focused on the marathon and never really put in the work for them. I hope your back is doing better! I need to catch up on what is going on with everyone!
Congrats on your PR and congrats to Rob on breaking 20 in the 5K! It’s so funny that Rob ended up being right behind you. I do tend to give up a bit on myself in races—something I need to work on for next year!
Thanks! Taming that self-doubt is definitely a good goal:)
Congratulations on the PR! I feel the same way about racing – I have entered a lot of NYRR races this year for the 9+1 program, but I haven’t truly pushed myself to really “race” any. I have been traveling, injured, etc. but when I start marathon training truly racing will be a priority.
Racing can be really intimidating. I think the only way to get better at it is to do it often!
Great job! A good run to build on for your marathon 🙂 For that one, remember, Just Keep Swimming.
Great job on the PR!!! Your husband reminds me of my husband…tough love. It works though! I love the pic where he’s right behind you. Hilarious!!!
I do give up sometimes. I’m generally ok with it though. As long as I’m running, I’m a happy girl. Even happier if there is beer at the finish line!
Good point! Sometimes I just want to enjoy myself when running too:)
I can totally relate to giving up in the middle of a race–not giving up I guess, more of just not thinking I can push it. you did great! And congrats on the PR!
That’s exactly what I deal with too. Thank you!
Nice work on the PR!
I really struggle with the mental aspect of racing. I think I tend to choose goals that are a little too conservative. I don’t think I’ve ever fully realized my potential on race day. I’m hoping to start changing that, because it’s a super frustrating way to feel at the end of a race.
Thanks! I definitely know what you mean. I am trying to tell myself that I am capable of more than I usually think. Its tough to work towards the harder goals!
Congrats on your PR! Those are some really strong paces girl! 🙂
I ran the Baltimore full one year… not sure when. I think it was 2009. I like it, very pretty course!
I would say parts of it are pretty- other parts, not so much:) But actually I think the full has alot of the nicer sights along the way.
Awesome race and congrats on the PR! I have definitely gotten caught up in self doubt during tough races or runs but try to reel it in since I know how much our mindset impacts the outcome. Have a great weekend!
Thanks! The self-doubt can be tough to manage- its definitely something I need to work on!
You really have a gift at this running thing! I love the race pics and my favourite is the one of Rob behind you smiling away and you had no idea he was there. Love it. And I also love how he told you he doesn’t want to hear you complaining later on about missing your PR by seconds. Ha ha! So awesome. You two are a great team! Congrats on that PR. You earned it.
Haha, thanks! I couldn’t believe how close behind me he was when I saw those pictures. Very sneaky! But it ended up working out well.
What a great race and congrats on the PR! I’d love to do the Baltimore half or 10 miler next fall!
Thanks! I hope you decide to do one of those races!
I come up with so many excuses in my head when I’m racing too. I was listing them all off to Tim during the marathon and he was giving me a lot of “tough love” too. I’m glad it worked for you and you were able to PR! I think running more races is the best way to work on the mental part of racing. It’s something I need to do if I want to get faster too. Congrats on a great race!
Sometimes I think its so good to be able to complain out loud and then have someone rationalize things mid-race. Although its not always what we want to hear!
awesome race! how funny Rob was behind you and you didnt even know. great timing on his part giving you that pep talk. i know i always need a little pep talk around mile 8. for some reason thats when my mind starts to fall apart. nice job on the PR when you are that fast already 1 minute plus is a big deal!
Thanks! Its always good to have a pep talk mid-race when you start to doubt yourself and want to give up.
So awesome! Great job on the PR. Thinking I couldn’t PR and then PRing after all was pretty much the story of Baltimore for me. = )
Maybe it was something about that day:) The finish is definitely helpful on that course!
What a great finish, Lisa; you rocked it!! I’m so happy that you were able to push through those last few miles and get your new PR; it can definitely be tough to fight the mental battle. That is awesome!!
Thanks Tara! It was definitely a great feeling when I was done:)
Congrats on your PR!!! You did amazing! That must be so awesome to run part of your race with your husband. So glad he gave you the tough love to push through that day! When I know I can’t PR it can sometimes be hard for me to push through whereas if I know a PR can happen it’s easier to muster up a little extra energy for a good finish.
Thats exactly how I felt! It was good he was there to give me the push I needed at that time:)
I am running this race next year and I can’t wait! I plan on doing more smaller trail races this coming year and one more half, but have no specific time goals or anything. I am definitely going to read all of your recaps!
Thats so exciting that you will be doing this next year! I hope you find the recaps helpful:)
Wow great race and love how Rob is so supportive and how he runs with you! Great time!
Major congrats to Rob for breaking 20 min in the 5k and to you for PRing when it wasn’t a goal race – right in the midst of marathon training! The Baltimore half is a HARD course, so the fact that it holds your new PR is amazing! Also, I love that Rob had to give you some tough love mid-race, you guys are too cute 🙂
Thank! Baltimore is definitely challenging so I do hope I could break that PR on an easier course, maybe when Im not in the middle of marathon training:)
Ok, I’m on a quest for some new races next year. I think you just convinced me to do this one!! Congrats on a great race Lisa!!
Thanks! I hope you decide to run it next year:)
That sounds like such an awesome race! Congratulations on a great PR! You have been working so hard, and it is great to see it pay off! The mental aspect of racing is really tough. I feel like I am slowly getting better at it. You’re right though, it really only improves through experience. Painful as that experience may be!
Exactly! I notice that when I race frequently I am better at handling the mental piece.
Awesome PR! Sometimes a little tough love (paired with all your hard work!) helps gets the job done 🙂
CONGRATS on the PR!!! That tough love sounds like it did the trick!
What an awesome race girl I was glued to every work. Congratulations on a great PR!!! I just can’t even imagine those paces!! Thanks so much for linking up and supporting us.
Yay!!! Congrats on the sweet PR!! Rob is awesome and loved how he was there and encouraged you to go for it. Those are great splits!!
You are going to be so ready for your marathon!!!!
Congrats on the PR! It sounds like your hubby’s tough love was the momentum you needed to push through.
Thank you! Yes, his pep talk definitely helped:)