This was a fun weekend of virtual running events: The Brooks Camp Run Happy Weekend! I’ll share more about what that was all about in a moment. It was also the Race Across Maryland Week 5. I can’t believe how close I’m getting to wrapping up my miles and its only mid-July. However, my goal for this was to get in the 250 miles with all running miles, so I have a few more weeks to go.
Weekly Run Down
Monday: Strength Training + 5.1 Mile Stroller Run + 1.9 Mile Walk
Tuesday: 7.1 Miles with Speed Ladder Workout + 2 Mile Walk
Wednesday: Strength Training + 3.6 Stroller Miles + .7 Mile Walk
Thursday: Rest Day + 4 Mile Walk
Friday: 10 Miles + 1.8 Mile Walk
Saturday: 4.1 Stroller Miles + Core Work + .7 Mile Walk
Sunday: 4.7 Stroller Miles + Hip/Glute Exercises
Weekly Run Miles: 34.1
Weekly Walk Miles: 11.1
Total Race Across MD Miles: 211.1/250
Speed Ladder Workout
This one definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. The purpose was to be running short intervals at faster than 1 mile pace. Well, most of my intervals were not faster than that pace but it definitely got me practicing those faster paces. I’ve mentioned before that sometimes I feel like my legs just can’t turn over fast enough. Hopefully intervals like this will help. I ran 4 sets of 400, 300, 200 repeats for a total of just over 7 miles with the warm-up and cool down.
Long Run in the Rain
I decided to do my long run on Friday this week. I saw there was a chance of some rain on Friday morning, so my logic was that I could run in the rain solo, but not with the stroller. When I started out it was warm and humid. At mile 5 out of nowhere the skies opened and there was a huge torrential downpour. It lasted about 5 minutes before settling down for a little while. It was so bad that I was having trouble seeing where I was going. (No headlamp these days since it gets light out so early.) I debated heading home but knew it would be really tough to switch to the treadmill.
After that initial downpour it rained off and off for the rest of the run. It got bad again a few times but not as bad as that first round. I had planned to run 10 miles but settled for 9.5 because that’s all I had time for.
Brooks Camp Run Happy Weekend
As a Brooks ambassador I had the chance to participate in their virtual Camp Run Happy retreat. Initially this event was supposed to take place in person, but that didn’t happen for obvious reasons. Instead, we were mailed these kits with our “camping supplies” and provided with a weekend itinerary of things to do virtually, both as a group and on our own.
Most of the sessions that we would have attended in person were pre-recorded so we could watch them throughout the week. I watched several of them on my phone while out out walks. Some of my favorites weres Sports Nutrition with Roxanne Vogel (Sports Nutritionist and Research Manager at Gu) and What’s Brewing? with Des Linden, where she taught us how to make the perfect cup of French Press coffee while chatting about racing, recovery, cross-training, and more.
On Friday night we had a virtual happy hour. It was a large group, so after a brief intro from our camp counselors we went into breakout rooms to chat in small groups of 6 or less. Then there was a musical performance by two of our ambassadors, “Stray Local”. They are so talented! On Saturday we could do a virtual run on our own but were provided with warm-up from our team coach. There were a couple of live sessions later that day.
It’s disappointing that we couldn’t do this even in person, but Brooks did a great job of making it virtual!
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Race Across Maryland Week 3 (Miles 84-128)
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How were your workouts last week?
Would you prefer real camping or virtual camping?
Ever get caught in a downpour on a run?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
There was a downpour like that during the ZOOMA Bermuda race. It was crazy. When I got back to the finish, I realized it hadn’t even rained there. It’s a bummer Brooks camp had to go virtual but it looks like they did their best making the pivot. That’s a cute box of goodies and the itinerary sounds fun. I went to Sweatpink’s Empower Camp last August and this year it is virtual as well.
The downpour was pretty crazy! Thats so strange that during your race it hadn’t even rained at the finish line.
Camp Happy sounds so fun! We had friends in Door County who named their cabin Camp Happy, lol. It’s too bad that your camp had to go virtual but looks like Brooks did a great job of making it worthwhile!
Nice miles this week, Lisa! I dodged some raindrops yesterday. It was so humid that I would have welcomed a downpour!
Rain has definitely been welcomed this week! This downpour was just crazy though. It was so intense that it didn’t even feel refreshing.
Sounds like your virtual camp was fun. Hey at least it is something entertaining to do right?! Nice job on those speed workouts this week. Have a good one!
Thanks! It was a nice way to spend the weekend while also being at home. I liked connecting with other runners and learning more about running too.
Amazing job on your runs this week! We had rain most of the day on Friday too, and then it was super hot all weekend, including today. Have I mentioned I’ve already started my countdown to Fall? lol
I saw a lot of posts on social media this weekend for the Brooks Camp Run Happy Weekend and it looked like a lot of fun! I love how companies are thinking outside of the box so that they can still hold their events.
Yes, I think everyone has to get creative these days! I kind of liked not having to leave my house to enjoy all the fun:)
I’m not much of a camper. Glamper, maybe. Sounds like fun though!
I bemoaned not feeling the run on Friday when it was so cool. That one (had I done it) also had a brief downpour — but that was it. Not only have I been caught in downpours & thunderstorms, I ran a half in a Nor’easter (which I will never let people forget, LOL!).
My turnover is definitely really poor. Then again, not much training this year. And I’m ok with that!
Yikes to running a half in a Nor’easter! I bet that is something you can remind yourself of when you are running in the heat!
Good on Brooks for making it virtual and for sending you all those goodies too! Plus that run in the rain sounds like quite the adventure! Runners are very special people, LOL! We get it done, no matter what!
Haha yes! I definitely felt a little crazy running in that weather!
I am so NOT a camper (in the traditional sense), but this camp would have worked nicely 😉 That’s neat that they had smaller sessions for chatting. The rain…I know what that feels like! Once you’re totally soaked, though, and the rain lightens, it’s almost best to just carry on and keep going, right?
Exactly! Going inside would have been so uncomfortable. I definitely would have needed to change which would have wasted time.
While I’m sure it wasn’t as fabulous as being there in person, I love that Brooks was able to provide a great experience for you. Brands are really working hard to pivot and make things happen and I do appreciate that.
Great week for you! Keep it up!
Yes, I could tell they put alot of work into this weekend! It worked out well even though we couldn’t do the event in person.
It’s good to hear about the virtual camp — doing a virtual warm-up together was a great idea. Now that I am becoming a full-on Brooks runner I am jealous of that swag. 😉 Congrats on a great week of running __ I kept my runs easy in the heat.
It was a fun weekend! Even though we weren’t together in person it was nice to do so many activities that they set up for us.
You know I’m team “real camping” 🙂 We are trying to figure out when we can squeeze in one more camping trip before all of the school madness begins. I mean, if school happens (ok, only kind of kidding). What a fun experience with this Brooks event! Sounds like they did a good job of making it virtual for you all.
I hope you can make time for another camping trip! If school is virtual you may have some flexibility to go camping again…if there’s wifi in the woods the kids can attend class from there!
Haha, no camping for me. Well, maybe as long as I can get a bed, electricity, and running water. Is that too much to ask? 🙂
Looks like a fun experience with Brooks!
Haha I hear ya! Those would be my requirements for camping too!