Well, its been quite a week. What a way to be greeted by March. If the first few days are any indication of what this month will bring, I may need to hibernate until April. In general, everything was out of commission this week: myself and the electricity. Basically, this post will have more pictures of wine than of running. But some weeks are like that, and all I can do is hope that next week is better.
Let’s take a quick (ok it might be kind of long) walk through the week. No need to list out my workouts because there were only 2 (and only one of those was a run!)
Out Of Commission: The Week When Everything Fell Apart
Monday started off just fine and I opted to do my strength training that day. I think I wanted another day to recover from my long run before doing my tempo run. In general, Monday went smoothly. Compared to the rest of the week, Monday was a wonderful day.
On Tuesday I woke up and got ready for my tempo run and noticed I felt pretty tired. I even considered going back to sleep, but figured I would feel better after my run. I did 5 miles with 3 x 1 mile at tempo pace. As expected, I felt good after the run.
Down for the count
A few hours later, everything fell apart. I started to feel really sick while I was at work. Really tired, freezing cold, a little nauseous, no appetite. I had an all-day meeting with 3 coworkers which was really informal, so I was able to just sit there with lots of layers on and knew I could leave if things got worse. I made it until 4:00 at which point I headed home, and went straight to bed.
At one point in the evening I took my temperature and it was 100.4. When I woke up Wednesday morning it was back to normal. I thought I felt better, so headed into work on Wednesday. Another coworker saw me and insisted I go home. She wouldn’t even sit with me for a planned meeting, so I figured I should listen. I let my boss know, answered a few E-mails, and went home where I slept all day. I was finally able to eat some soup and crackers that evening.
Thursday was an improvement, but there were still no workouts happening. I had basically been living off of soup, bread, and crackers which was probably contributing to my lack of energy.
On Thursday night the wind started to pick up. It woke me up constantly throughout the night. I had also been sleeping in the guest room so I didn’t get Rob sick and woke up with a stiff neck from the pillows. It felt like it may have even been a pinched nerve. I knew I still wasn’t ready for any workouts.
Lights Out
I found out schools were closed on Friday because of the weather (high winds) and expected power outages. My office was open and the power just went out for a couple of seconds here and there. I found out through Facebook that my neighborhood lost power around 11am.
I usually take the back roods home but decided against that on Friday evening because I had heard there were a lot of downed trees. Unfortunately the highway was a complete mess and my 20 minute commute took me about an hour.
When I got home it was already pitch black in the house and freezing. We ended up getting an inexpensive hotel room nearby for the night…which ended up being quite interesting.
There was a restaurant at the hotel so we just ate there. They gave me the biggest wine glass I think I have ever seen.
Also, I wasn’t eating meat because it was a Friday in Lent so I got pasta (didn’t want to test my sensitive stomach on seafood) and they put this flower on it. Very odd.
I didn’t sleep well but was grateful to be warm.
On Saturday morning I had planned to work out in the gym but guess what? I didn’t pack my workout clothes. Turns out packing in the dark is pretty challenging. I had left them on the floor in my closet. We showered at the hotel, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to get in a workout later (not knowing when or where I could shower again).
That morning we ran some errands and got some much needed coffee before heading to the house. We managed to get the fireplace working (it’s electric but there is a way to run it on batteries). All day our electric company was posting updates saying the power would be restored in 30 minutes, then when that time would come the time would change to 45 minutes later. At 3pm we decided to go to my parents’ house for the night.
Back in action
We did some laundry, drank some wine, and went out to dinner. Around 9 we saw that the power was restored at our house. Woohoo!
Oh, the other fun part of all this was I had scheduled our Amazon Fresh delivery for Saturday morning. We kept the groceries outside where it was around 40 degrees, and then brought them to my parents’. When we got back on Sunday we had to clean out our entire fridge and freezer. It was so much work but probably a good thing to get done. It looks so empty now! I ended up cleaning the entire house after that, I’m not sure why. Spring cleaning maybe? Even though it doesn’t feel like spring.
And that brings me to now, as I’m enjoying the Wifi and heat while trying to make the most of the few hours left to the weekend. I really use my weekends to get stuff done and prepare for the week ahead, and this one really threw me off. However, I shouldn’t complain because there are many people still without power, so I know things could be a lot worse.
I’m excited to get back to my workouts this week!
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Did you miss any of my posts from last week?
The Good Kind of Sore
Month in Review: February 2018
5 Workouts to Help You Prepare for Your Next 5k
Were you affected by the storms this week?
How many times (if any) have you been sick this winter (I think this is #3 for me!)
How were your workouts last week?
Oh, sorry you got sick but glad you recovered quickly. We lost power for 24 hours and cleaned out our fridge too. I didn’t clean the rest of the house, but I did give the fridge a good wash down while it was empty.
That flower is an odd garnish!
It felt good to clean the fridge and now Im hoping to keep it that way, at least for awhile!
What a crazy week! Glad you are finally feeling better- but then the storm!! We got hit too… our power went out but we were at my parents for most of the weekend and thankfully they had power (and heat!)
Glad you made out ok! And I hope you are doing ok with round 2 that came through yesterday!
Yikes! What a week. Your headline made me fear you were injured. I can’t believe the storm you guys got! And we sit here with a week of uncharacteristically gorgeous weather. Knock wood, I’ve never experienced power out for that long. What a pain. Hope you’re feeling better and back to normal this week.
The weather has been crazy this year! Hopefully some of that nice weather will come this way soon.
Oh Lisa! What a week you have had. I am glad that you are feeling better and this upcoming week can only get better, right?!
We lost power on Friday also. Friday night I basically wrapped myself up in blankets like a burrito to stay warm and it worked, lol. I was also very confused by the flower on top of your pasta, but I guess they wanted to make it fancy/pretty? I hope that it was at least a good meal and I’m sure the large glass of wine helped!
Thank you! Im sorry you lost power too. I was pretty worried we would be out for longer than 2 days because of some of the things the news was saying. I think some people here are still without power!
Wow, what a tough week! Glad you survived…sick AND a power outage, my goodness. At least it seems that your flu/sickness was short lived.
Yes, looking back on it now Im glad it all didnt last too long! But it was quite a week.
It sounds like the wrecking ball found you as well. It seems like it was a crummy week all around for a lot of people. I’m glad you’re feeling better and that your power is back on. Now back to regularly scheduled life!
It definitely feels like last week was a tough one for many. Hoping we can have smooth sailing now until spring officially arrives!
Man, sounds like you had a rough week! Sorry to hear about all this. Good thing you didn’t have any major plans this weekend. We had crazy winds here too but luckily our power didn’t go out.
Glad to hear you feeling better.
Im glad you didnt lose power! And yes, it would have been hard to do much of anything last weekend if we had any big plans!
Sorry to hear you had such a tough week! We lost power too 🙁
Hope you have a great week this week!
It’s tough to be without power! Hope this week is better for you as well!
Luckily we didn’t lose power but it did flicker both at my job and at home. I was getting nervous we would lose power and have to go to my boyfriend’s parents house for the night. Apparently another storm is supposed to come to New Jersey on Wednesday so fingers crossed it’s not bad.
I hope you can jump back into working out this week after being sick!
Thanks! I hope that you made out ok in the storm that came through yesterday!
This week was the third time I’ve been sick this season. I’m normally healthy and the worst I get is a head cold. I bought Clorox wipes to clean my office and door, and Purell to clean my hands. I’m so over this sick season.
Its been a rough winter for so many people!
I am sorry to hear you were sick and lost power -that’s a rough week! We had a big snowstorm in the mountains that stopped traffic and later shut down the passes, but fortunately, everything was fine in the lowlands. I hope this week is better for you!
Thanks! When we get snow it seems like the entire state shuts down. At least last week’s storm didnt bring much snow or even rain!
This week just HAS to be better than this!!! A couple of years ago we had serious power issues – so I know the pain and when you are sick, and its winter, it’s just not fun! Glad you had the hotel option as well as your parents place… and some wine! Here is to a great week ahead!
Thank you! This week is already so much better!
ugh what a week for you! I sure hope you are feeling better now and that you have a better week ahead. I need someone to come clean out my refrigerator and freezer!
It’s such a pain but also a really good feeling when it’s done! Although I need to remember to replace some of the random things I threw out but don’t use very often.
Knock on wood, I have not been sick all winter. Not even a runny nose. That’s rare, I usually have a cold at the very minimum. I hope I can make it through the next few weeks…by then, the worst of the cold weather should be history.
This winter has been weird for me. Usually I might get a small cold, but this year I’ve been hit hard. Hopefully just a few more weeks until spring!
Oh goodness, Lisa, what a week! First you got sick, then you had a power outage and were displaced for a couple of nights. No wonder your schedule was completely thrown off. I hope this week (and the rest of March) will be much better!
Thank you! It was a crazy week but it feels good to be back on track now.
What a challenging week! I hope you are feeling better. Power outages are so frustrating! We were without power for 5 days once due to a hurricane. It’s really stings to have to throw away a refrigerator full of food. I hope everything is back on track this week. Thanks for linking!
Thanks! Ugh 5 days sounds awful! I was worried that we would be without power for much longer based on what they were saying on the news, so I think we got lucky.
wow! You got hit hard! We had really high winds and rain but didn’t lose power. We did have flooding at the coast and there’s still a lot of roads closed. And there was a half marathon at the coast that had waves taking runners out. The tide was so high!
Oh my gosh, that is so scary about the waves taking out runners! I hope everyone was ok. I’m surprised they didnt cancel the race!
Aw man that sounds like an awful week! I hope you are back on track soon and you’ll be better than ever. I don’t know what is worse – being sick or no power!
Thank you! I actually think losing power was worse, but they were both pretty bad!
I’m sorry you got sick. That’s how I was when I got the flu. It sucked. I slept for two days straight.
AND we lost power last week as well. And totally cleaned out the ‘fridge. Not before eating some food from it like complete idiots, of course. Which threw us into a panic that we just gave ourselves food poisoning. Luckily we didn’t. Phew.
I’m so OVER this winter. Glad you’re feeling better!!
Thanks! I don’t think I had the flu, but some people told me that since I had the flu shot that maybe I got a really mild version of it. Who knows, Im just glad it didnt last too long!