Ever since I started running regularly back in college I have gone through phases with running on the treadmill. Some years I would run pretty much only on the treadmill, and then I might go three years without stepping foot on one. While treadmill running is not at all the same as running outside, it is certainly better than nothing.
When we bought a house 3 years ago and started building a home gym, I started to think about how nice it would be to have a home treadmill. I knew that I could slowly build up all my other fitness items, but that the treadmill would be the final big purchase to complete the home gym.
Now that I have had a home treadmill for about 2 months I can definitely say there are so many benefits to having one. I thought I would share some of the ways that having a home treadmill has been beneficial and also my initial thoughts on my NordicTrack 2950.
The Benefits of a Home Treadmill
If you have the space for a home treadmill, it could potentially be a good investment (if it will get used regularly). I have heard of people having their treadmill for 20 years! If you don’t need a gym membership, you are saving a lot of money every month. Here are a few benefits of owning a treadmills:
Convenience: You don’t need to leave your house to work out!
No dress code: You can wear whatever you want and no one will judge you! Except maybe your family or roommates.
Faster process: I always find I save time by running on the treadmill and not getting myself all ready to go outside with my headlamp, flip belt, charging my Garmin, etc.
Less laundry: You can wear a tank top and shorts- or even just a sports bra. Also, you won’t feel bad rewearing your running clothes because no one else will smell you when you’re running.
Mix it up: You can use the treadmill for walking, a short warm-up before strength training, or hop on an off between strength training intervals.
Zone out: You don’t need to think about where to run! Just hop on and hit start.
No darkness or extreme temps: Even at 4:30 am, you don’t need to worry about the darkness. And the temperature will always be pretty mild.
No wait times: Unless you share the treadmill with other family members, then you might need to plan ahead!
Bathroom breaks: No need for an explanation here.
Initial Thoughts on the NordicTrack 2950
Clearly I am loving having a treadmill at home so far. But what about my specific treadmill? We bought the NordicTrack Commercial 2950 which is a higher end treadmill. Our decision was based on the fact that 2 of us would be using it fairly regularly, and we really want it to last a long time. I know we won’t want to deal with repairs, although there are no guarantees.
Treadmill Feel
I have found that the ride is very comfortable. It’s something I haven’t really noticed or thought about which is a good thing. You can change the belt from a “road feel” to a more “cushioned feel”. We usually just leave it on the cushioned setting.
We are able to connect our phones to play music directly from the treadmill using bluetooth. This is nice because we don’t need to wear headphones while running. However, it does play music out loud so that may be a problem for some people if they share a space with others.
One thing that is a little different from other treadmills I have used is there isn’t anywhere right in front to put my phone or iPad. There are two water bottle holders on each side so I just put my phone in there.
This treadmill is iFit compatible and has a large touchscreen (22 inches) which is loaded with Google Maps. Basically, you can either use a regular setting which just shows your pace, distance, time, etc with a graph of your distance/elevation, or you can follow a route on Google Maps. In order to do this you need to either set up a route in advance (on a computer or directly on the treadmill) or follow a pre-planned route on the treadmill.
I’ve been enjoying making my own routes, and I think this feature will be really great when getting ready for a race. Imagine being able to see/feel what your race course is like before you even get there!
Two other nice features are the fan and decline. It can be set as low as -3%!
So far I haven’t really found anything I don’t like about it. Once or twice it had to “recalibrate” when I turned it on which just delayed my run by a minute or two- no big deal. If that’s the only problem I’ll take it!
[Tweet “Talking about my home treadmill today and sharing some initial thoughts on the @nordictrack 2950! @milebymilerun”]
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Do you have a treadmill at home? Do you want one?
How often do you run on a treadmill?
If you were to buy a treadmill, what features would you look for?
I’m linking up with No Guilt Life, MCM Mama Runs, and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Tuesdays on the Run and Rachel, Lora, and Debbie for the Coaches’ Corner!
I’m so happy you are loving your new mill so far! They really are so convenient. When we moved in here we designed our home gym around our new mill. It’s now over 17 years old and still works fine, although it’s far more basic than anything available now. When the kids were babies there were times I simply could not get to a gym so the mill was a training life saver. I can’t tell you how many miles I put on that thing. Knock wood, I’m amazed it still works so well.
Thats awesome that it still works so well after all these years! Im really hoping this one lasts a long time too.
I think I’d be more of a treadmill runner if I had a nice treadmill like yours! Mine is 20 years old and it’s on its last legs. I got it when my oldest was a baby and it’s seen a lot of miles. I’m glad I had it.
20 years is pretty great! But its definitely different to run on a newer treadmill vs an older one. Im sure its good to have as a last resort!
We have a Landice L7 treadmill and love it! My husband and I both use it about 2 times per week, but it depends on the weather. We definitely use it more in the winter and less in the summer. My favorite thing about having a treadmill at home is I can play music without having to wear headphones!
The ability to listen to music without headphones is really nice! And I don’t listen to music when I run outside so its kind of like a nice treat for the treadmill.
Treadmills are so convenient. Sounds like you got a great treadmill. I wish mine had a screen. My sister has the Ifit app and has been having trouble with it. I’m sure it is great when it works.
I’ve been reading about your sister’s issues with the iFit and it sounds like such a pain!
I’d love to have a treadmill at home. I currently don’t, but I can relate to all the “advantages” it would have … (and also that there are really ‘no excuses’ to get your run in).
I dont think I would run on a treadmill as often if I didnt have one at home. And its definitely nice to not have any excuses to get in a run!
So happy that you are loving your treadmill and have had a great experience so far. I love that your treadmill has a lot of different technology functions. That’s definitely something that was missing from treadmills 10 years ago!
I’m a fan of the treadmill for all of the reasons that you listed, especially no dress code. I often do my treadmill runs with a sports bra and capri pants or shorts.
This winter my basement has been pretty cold so a good place to work out. But in the summer I might be running down there in just a sports bra!
I love being able to wear tank tops in the winter. I heat up fast, and it’s always tricky to figure out layering. I don’t have to worry about that inside. I throw on a tank top and although i may be chilly at first, I feel great during the workout.
Its nice to just throw on a tank top and know that you will be warm enough running indoors without all the layers.
Your new treadmill sounds awesome!! Very cool features. I didn’t know they had a few of those options even available. Kinda like buying a new car, you’re not sure what you’re missing until you find out it exists!! But, with ours built so solid, I’m sure we won’t be shopping for a new one for many years from now. I agree about the “less wash” comment. My weekly runs pretty much consist of me wearing a sports bra, shorts and socks, and the bra and shorts often get worn twice. Especially with the easy running I’ve been doing – not sweating a ton.
Its great that yours is going to last awhile longer! Ive definitely noticed a difference in the amount of laundry we have when we are running on the treadmill vs outside.
I have the NordicTrack 1750, which is a step or two down from yours, but has some similar features, including incline/decline and iFit capability. I freaking *love* iFit! I’ve been using it for over three years and have done virtual runs just about everywhere in the world—but the beaches and the European cities are my favorites. Whenever I hear about someone online doing a race that sounds interesting, I try to recreate that race map in iFit.
TBH, I feel defensive whenever other runners rag on the “dreadmill.” I’m a working mother, and my husband’s health problems mean he usually doesn’t have the energy to child wrangle while I’m off running. My runs happen at 5:00 a.m. on my trusty treadmill or they don’t happen. But I’m still a runner.
Yes, you are totally still a runner! While the treadmill is not my favorite way to run, it still gets the job done. Everyone has their own ways to make their workouts happen and if this is what works for you then that’s great!
I have been wanting a home treadmill for a long time and I think this is the year it might happen! Soon I will be obsessively reading all the reviews for different models that I can find. I run on the treadmill at the gym pretty often because I can take my kids to the gym child care there but then I do have to plan my running schedule around the times it is available. Would be nice to have the treadmill at home for more flexibility. I do like running outside better of course but I am a wuss about bad weather so that is definitely another perk.
Oh that’s so exciting that you might be shopping for a treadmill soon! There really are a lot of perks, especially not having to worry about the weather!
That’s NICE yours has a built-in fan! My treadmill does not…and is positioned directly under a heat vent. SO, yeah, it’s always hot.
Ugh that doesn’t sound like a good place to be running! Although maybe in the winter the warmer runs are appreciated.
I have a treadmill and honestly, I don’t know how I survived without it before ESPECIALLY because I live in the snowbelt, haha! Definitely worth the investment.
I totally agree that it’s worth the investment! Especially if you live in a place where you cant always run outside.
That is one awesome looking treadmill! I will only use mine if there is NO other option…I definitely overdid it on the treadmill running in college. It’s so nice to not worry about what you’re wearing though!
I ran a lot on the treadmill in college and also in my early 20s. But after a long break I think now I can find a happy medium between running outside and treadmill running!
I love how much you have come to love your treadmill. I am so glad that I have one in my home gym but I rarely use it. I just love to be outside whenever I can.
Its a good option to have for sure. I wonder how much I will use it in the summer, but I have a feeling when Ive had too much of the heat I may find myself on there from time to time.
I don’t personally like treadmill running but that could also be because I only run on the treadmill in my parents basement when I visit them. Right now I don’t have space for one in a one bedroom apartment, but I’ve already thought about if I would buy one when we move into a house. This looks like one fancy tradmill!
I didnt like treadmill running when I was using the one at my gym…having one at home as been a game changer!
We’re in the process of looking at treadmills now! Does this one have pre-programmed workouts, or just routes you can upload?
Yes, there are pre-programmed workouts! I haven’t used those much though because I like creating my own. Some of the pre-programmed ones had more than just running, like someone would lead you through a run and then have you stop and do squats for a few minutes.
I’ve definitely gone through my phases with the treadmill over the years. Right now, I am really liking the treadmill and choosing it more often than outside! I’m waiting to see if that changes during the spring and summer months though. I don’t have one in my house but the gym in my community is a few steps away so I count it as my own lol. I grew up with a treadmill in our house though which was really nice when I was younger and I still lived at home.
Its really nice that you have one in your community! I used to have one when I was living in an apartment and I used it all the time. Its definitely similar to having one at home (expect sometimes you may need to share the space with other people!)
Your treadmill sounds awesome! I had a NordicTrack a few years ago and would buy one again if we ever needed on. The simulated routes make a huge difference for me when on the treadmill – they give some sensation of actually moving because the scenery changes!
Yes, it makes a huge difference! I definitely need a distraction when running on the treadmill.
I don’t have one but would like to . Yours sound wonderful!
Thanks! It’s definitely been nice to have.
I love having a treadmill in my home! Another great benefit for me is, I like to run first thing early in the morning around 5am and sometimes my 9 year old sister sleeps over so I wouldn’t be able to go out for my 5am run and leave her alone in the house. With the treadmill I can hope on while she is sound asleep. I get my run in before she even wakes up and I never had to leave the house.
That’s perfect! Its so nice to be able to get in a run without even leaving the house.
The fan! I just recently trialed Octane’s bike/elliptical hybrid and the fan was lovely. I miss that from earlier treadmills.
Sometimes I wish apartments with fitness centers were in my price range, they’d be lovely to avoid the gym travel
Yes! I used to live in an apartment with a fitness center and it was so nice having a place to work out right there.