Between daylight saving time starting last weekend and the snow we got on Tuesday, I was all sorts of thrown off this week. I ended up going to bed around 7:30pm on Monday night because I was so exhausted from the time change. Luckily I was off from work on Tuesday so I was able to rest up and catch up on a few things. The rest of the week just felt really weird, not knowing what day or time it was. The week flew by despite the gross weather we had.
Even by Saturday the snow wasn’t melted yet and the sidewalks were covered in ice. I keep thinking it’s winter and then I have to remind myself that it’s actually late March and spring is starting! When I look back on my TimeHop I see posts from a year ago and think to myself, no way, that was a year ago? It really feels like we are still in the dead of winter and by March last year it was sort of spring.
Ok, enough complaints about my difficulty adjusting to change. I went most of the winter without weather complaints but I knew they would be back at some point. Despite the weather I had a pretty good week of workouts.
Monday: 4 miles and core work
Knowing it was supposed to snow on Tuesday, I made sure to get in a run on Monday. It was pretty cold but I kept reminding myself that at least the roads were still clear. Of course, that was not the case the rest of the week.
Tuesday: Cardio and Strength Interval Workout
I was off from work so had time for a longer workout. I followed the interval workout that I made up a few weeks ago so I got in some time on the bike but also strength training. There was no way I was running outside in the ice.
Wednesday: 45 minutes spinning and hip/glute workout
Another day indoors, this time I rode the bike for 45 minutes straight. Finished up with some hip and glute exercises.
Thursday: Yoga and foam rolling
I go through phases with yoga, and this week I’ve been back into it. I did a 30 minute vinyasa flow that included some core work, and finished up with a little foam rolling.
Friday: 3 miles and core work
I was able to run a few minutes later this morning which meant seeing a bit of the sunrise. I was still nervous about the ice but my neighborhood is pretty quiet so I can run in the streets at that time of day. There were some icy spots but it wasn’t too bad.
Saturday: 7.3 miles
I decided to leave my neighborhood for this run and it was such a mess. Even if part of a sidewalk was cleared, there was then a long patch that wasn’t cleared. This meant I was either jumping over snow piles to get between the street and the sidewalk or just staying in the street. I was glad I got out around 7am when there still weren’t many cars out. I did find some quieter roads to run on but it was a pain. This stuff needs to melt ASAP.
Sunday: 30 minutes Yoga
I woke up to the sound of freezing rain outside…so much for the snow melting. It did warm up later so it’s actually almost gone now. I embraced a rest day indoors and did some yoga.
Running: 3 runs, 14.3 miles
Yoga/Mobility: 2 yoga sessions, a little foam rolling
Strength Training: 1 full body workout, 1 hip/glute workout, 2 core workouts
[Tweet “DST and snow made for a messy and tiring week. How were your workouts last week? @milebymilerun #weeklywrap”]
Did you get snow last week? Is it melted yet?
How do you feel about daylight saving time?
How often do you do yoga?
I’ve been in awe of all of the snowy pics filling up my Facebook feed. It does feel late in the year for all that snow. I know it feels late in the year for us down here in south florida to be “cold” too. Last week we were in the 50s at night which is totally bizarre for mid March. Usually by mid-Feb we are totally done with all of our cold weather!
I would have embraced a day indoors too. Cold rain sounds like the absolute worst type of weather to run in!
Its definitely late in the season for snow, but its happened before! Crazy that you have had such cool weather too!
Nice job working around the snow! We had a similar storm- with two days off school and a huge mess of ice/snow. It was an ideal week to be tapering. And almost all of those easy runs were on the treadmill… this week looks much warmer, so hopefully the mess will melt!
I guess thats the good thing about March snow- it melts pretty quickly!
All of that snow is mentally exhausting, if not physically! It is hard to navigate! Good job for being smart about it. I miss my sunrises, and it is weird adjusting to the light in the afternoons, but I’m just focusing on the fact that summer is coming 😀
Its definitely an adjustment but you are right- before we know it the days will be really long and we will be complaining about the heat!
While I was sort of sad the snow missed us, I’m not sad to miss the messy roads and icy sidewalks. You did great with your workouts though1
It was weird to almost go the whole season without snow, but now Im totally over it!
Good week of all around workouts! I hope this week helps the sidewalks clear off. They’re still bad up here too!
Things are definitely looking better around here! Hopefully they have cleared up for you as well!
I go through phases with yoga too, it really does help my aches and pains. I wish daylight savings would go away, it makes me grumpy and in my opinion is all around stupid… i want it light early and dark early.
I totally agree about DST. The days will be longer soon any way, so I really dont see the need to change the clocks!
I am determined to get more yoga in this week and get back outside on my bike as well
I hope all goes as planned this week!
You guys still have so much snow wow! I can run in snow if it’s not TOO cold/windy, but ice completely freaks me out. I’ve had a few falls (luckily nothing too bad) but I’ve learned my lesson!
Yea the ice is a deal breaker for me too! I am way too clumsy to navigate when its icy everywhere.
I actually embrace daylight savings time…it’s a sign of summer (though a bit in the distance yet). All of our snow is gone…hopefully for several months. I’m all over the map with yoga…I love the effects, but have a hard time “making time” to go through the motions.
I guess you are right that DST is a sign of summer…it just still feels so far off!
Congrats on another awesome week of training!
Stella decided to leave a lot of snow and ice so it messed up my training last week, but I’m looking forward to getting back on track this week!
I hope all the snow and ice is gone now!
That’s a lot of snow! I miss the light in the mornings but I enjoy the lighter evenings. Winter is so dark here in Seattle that I am excited for longer daylight and spring.
Once the sun is up by 6ish I will be happy. Its just so tough to get out the door when its pitch black out!
Great job – especially dodging all the snow and ice! We still have a good amount of snow left, but the worst of it seems to be over thank goodness! I went to barre class for the first time in weeks and “rediscovered” all of my weak areas, lol!
Ah nice job getting back to barre! It always burns the first time back after awhile!
I’ve been so tired lately and it started before the time change so I can’t even blame the time change! I think I am starting to feel better though and the sun is starting to rise a little earlier each morning again. the snow is starting to melt and I pray that we don’t get any more until next winter!
Totally agree, only good things from here on out!
We did not get any snow last week, but it was just as cold. I have felt really tired lately as well and slept for 12 hours the other week. It was lovely!
Thats great that the snow didn’t hit you! And sometimes we just need to catch up on our sleep!
I like Daylight Savings. I have never done yoga! And I haaaaaate snow. I hope that’s the last of it for you guys! We haven’t had any snow in a while now, THANK GOODNESS.
Did I know that you never did yoga? Maybe if you have to cut back on your running you could try prenatal yoga! I’m glad you guys haven’t had snow in awhile…you were really getting more than your fair share this winter!
I’m enjoying the light in the evenings, but it took me a whole week, and napping this weekend, to fully adjust to the time change. I wish we could nap during the week because it would speed up my adjustment. Or why don’t we do the time change Friday night, then we can have the whole weekend to sleep.
It takes so long to adjust to the time change! And Rob and I were talking about how the time change should be a different day- Saturday night just doesn’t give us enough time over the weekend to adjust. A day off from work would be ideal:)
Runs like your 7+ miler are mentally and physically draining! I too am missing that hour still, although I appreciate the daylight in the evening. I’m just recently back to yoga after this hamstring fiasco but really haven’t done much. Most of our 10″ is melted, thankfully.
Hamstrings are so tricky when it comes to yoga. I’ve been really careful with mine too.
Finding a clear running route after a snowstorm is the worst! I’m believing this was the last of the winter weather for the year. A friend who lives in DC was just saying how hot and humid it’s been…maybe she meant before the snow last week???
We had a really warm day the week before the snow storm, but other than that its been mostly cold around here! Its been a strange winter overall and Im definitely ready for spring.
I’m STILL not recovered from the time change! We didn’t get as much snow as I thought we would (we never do when there’s a predicted storm) but we still had a snow day on Tuesday anyway.
Sounds like you had a great week of workouts!
We didn’t get as much snow as expected either, so that was definitely a good thing!
I do have to say I’m pretty darn sick of the cold and snow too! When will spring get here?? And I’m MN we can get surprise snowstorms all the way into May sometimes. Great job navigation through and modifying your workouts!
Ugh I hope you dont get any snowstorms in May! Now that its the end of March I feel like the weather should really start warming up.
I’d say that last week was tough, mentally for a lot of us. We had that warm February and then we got hit with snow and cold. Here’s hoping that spring is just around the corner!
Last week was definitely a tough one for many reasons. Spring has to be here soon, right?!
Great week for you!
No snow here, but it was definitely in the low 30s this week. Boo.
I don’t love the time change – for some reason, I started getting to bed way later than I should, and I haven’t been able to shake it. We go back to school tomorrow so that should be interesting.
It can really be tough to adjust to the time change! I feel all thrown off when its lighter in the evenings but I am already really tired!
Sounds like you had a pretty active week, that’s awesome!! It’s been beautiful weather here. I’m afraid the snow may sneak up on us!
Im glad you have had nice weather and I hope you don’t get any snow!
I was right there with you with the time change. Last week was non-stop with a pageant and soccer, I only taught 2 workout classes and ran 12 miles total for the week. I was exhausted. No snow for us down south. The weather is warming up here! Have a great week!
It seems like alot of us were just exhausted last week! Let’s hope the weather is warming up for good!
I feel like a broken record saying I need to get back into yoga and I never act on it! If my gym would offer a class it would sure help me. Right now I’d have to go pay for classes at another place.
DST really threw me for a loop for actually about a week. I think I’m about adjusted to it now, but I do love it the extra daylight in the afternoons!
Thats annoying that your gym doesn’t offer yoga. I always do classes at time because it saves time. I think I am finally adjusted to DST too but it sure did take awhile!
I had to work around the snow last week too, which was a struggle. Way to get it done!!
It’s not easy when the weather doesn’t cooperate for your workouts!
The time change and snow definitely throw a lot of us off last week. Here’s to a much better, and more consistent, week for all of us.
Agreed! Let’s hope this weather improves from here on out.
With kids I dread the time change but we actually did really well this time around! Fingers cross for the next time! I’m loving how bright out it is later these days. We did get snow but also freezing rain and more rain – it’s kinda just ugly out now.
Glad you guys did well with the time change this time! Im so over the snow, freezing rain, cold weather…hopefully it will start to feel like spring soon!
I feel like so many of us have been feeling off because of the time change and then that wacky winter Stella stopping by. Hopefully you are feeling back on track now!
I definitely agree- it was a weird week for sure!
All the snow pictures just amaze me- way to get those miles in! I don’t know about DST either, it seems to have thrown a bunch of people off last week. I hope it is warming up where you are- the calendar says Spring! 🙂
I do hope it finally starts to warm up. It will be April soon!