It’s that time of year when I start to actually feel ready for fall to arrive. Our weather has gone back and forth, with a few cooler day here and here in between some warm and humid days. This week was no different, but it did remind me that fall is almost in the air. For the first time in months I saw a temperature starting with a 5 when I checked my weather app on Sunday morning! (It was 59 degrees, but with 93% humidity.)
We had a lot more going on this week than usual. It was Labor Day on Monday, Rob took the whole week off from work, and my mom came over a bit to help out too. I actually got to get my work done during the day! It was a good thing I had so much help because it was also the first week of virtual learning and I had tons of meetings. (With coworkers, I generally don’t meet with students.) Overall it seemed like the first week went well. Or as good as could be expected in these circumstances.
Let’s go over last week’s workouts and then break down the week a little more.
Weekly Run Down: Fall Is Almost In the Air
Monday: Strength Training + 4 Stroller Miles
Tuesday: 6.2 Mile Progression Run + Core/Glute Exercises
Wednesday: Strength Training + 3.7 Stroller Miles
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday: 10 Treadmill Miles
Saturday: 4.2 Stroller Miles + Core/Glute Exercises
Sunday: 5 Miles + Core/Mobility
Total: 33.1 Miles
Last weekend I asked Rob what days he wanted to run with us this week. (He generally only runs when we go together, so I wanted to make sure he could take advantage of his time off and get in some runs.) He said Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. So I planned my runs around that.
Progression Run
On Tuesday I ran a progression run that ranged from 9:20-7:30 minutes/mile. I wanted to get in a harder effort workout (I have a 10k in a few weeks) but I also didn’t want to push too hard because I had done a half-marathon at a moderate effort 3 days earlier.
The weather was pretty good for this run. When I walked outside it felt perfect for running, but once I was a few miles in I started to feel warm. Much better than what I am used to though!
Treadmill Long Run
I ran my 10 mile long run on the treadmill on Friday morning. I chose to do this on Friday because Rob wanted to do a stroller run on Saturday. Plus, I like getting it done early in the weekend and with him home I didn’t have to be done as early in the morning as I usually do during the week.
It was 74 degrees with 97% humidity, and I just couldn’t bring myself to do this outside. I took advantage of having a treadmill fan blowing on me during the run, even though it was pretty warm in my basement. It’s been a long time since I ran on the treadmill and this was kind of a struggle.
Going out into the “real world”
We have been very, very cautious about going anywhere over the last few months, even after things started opening up again. I could count on one hand the times I have driven since March. (2 pediatrician appointments, a drop-off at a Fed-Ex box, and a prescription pick-up at Walgreens.) On Friday we decided to drive to a park that is about 10 minutes away that has a playground. Our hope was that during the week and now that kids have school again that it wouldn’t be crowded. We were wrong. There were lots of people out walking, running, and using the playground.
There was a section of the playground for younger kids and we put Grayson on the slide a few times but he wasn’t really into it. We walked around and he had fun just running and picking up leaves. We could have done that in our neighborhood, but at least he got to go somewhere different and see some other kids around.
Visiting my Parents
We also went to my parents’ house this weekend for the first time since last fall. They live about 40 minutes away and we haven’t seen my dad since before the pandemic hit. As I said, we really haven’t drive anywhere in a long time. Unfortunately about 30 minutes into our drive there Grayson got car sick. It was the first time he’s ever thrown up (not just like spit up milk) and not only did it upset him pretty bad, it was also a huge mess and smelled pretty awful for the rest of our drive there and the drive home. But he did have a great time while we were actually there, and I think he forgot about the whole incident pretty quickly!
I cut my own hair!
My last haircut was in May of 2019, but I didn’t want to go to a salon. I wear my hair up every day so it just doesn’t seem worth it. I also don’t have a “regular” place that I was going to before the pandemic. My coworker sent me this video that I followed. It didn’t really work for my hair because the back layers are too short I guess so it only really cut the front part. I did feel like it freshened it up just enough and will hopefully get me through until whatever point I’m ready to find a professional to do it.
Wow, this seems like a much more eventful week than usual now that I wrote it all out!
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Do you feel like fall is almost in the air?
Do you ever move around your running schedule for someone else?
Have you found that public places are more crowded than you would expect during the week?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
LOL on Grayson most interested in leaves at the playground. It’s like Christmas when the box the big gift came in is what they really want to play with. 😉 Sorry he got car sick, but I’m sure it was great to see your parents.
10 miles on a treadmill takes a lot of mental grit!
He totally prefers boxes over the actual toy! (Usually)
It’s great that you got to see your parents! I’ve only seen mine a few times since March. It’s so hard.
I thought things would be less crowded now that school has started but I think with so many people working from home, there are a lot of people out and about.
Yea, and I guess on a Friday more people are looking for things to do. All the kids there were young, so it wasn’t even like it was school-aged kids.
Congrats on 10 on the ‘mill! That’s quite a feat, especially since you haven’t been running on the TM regularly. We have some “4’s” in our forecast for next week and I am very excited.
Wow, that will feel nice! Although I think those temps would feel shocking to me right now!
OMG, 10 miles on the treadmill….I bet it felt more like 20 (besides, treadmill miles count double LOL). I think your hair looks great! My parents live just a few blocks away, so we get to see them pretty often….it’s pretty easy to walk over and hang out in their driveway. Sounds like it was warm for you last week, unlike Iowa. It was cold and damp and all kinds of yuck here.
We had some really warm and humid days, but then this weekend it started to cool off. Its back to being warm again today. I guess its just that time of year when the weather is all over the place.
10 mile son the treadmill is awesome!
I’m glad you were able to see your parents. I love the photo with your parents and Grayson. That’s a shame that he got car sick but like you said, it seemed like he luckily forgot about the incident!
I think the adults were impacted by it more than him! (And we’re still trying to clean out his car seat, lol)
This time of year is most definitely my favourite. The ‘Autumn’ smell is something that just takes me back to going back to school as a kid (a LONG time ago 🙂 ).
I have to add my congratulations on the treadmill 10 miles. I really can’t get on with indoor running, it always seems twice as hard as the outdoor variety.
I definitely prefer running outside, but sometimes its just easier logistically to run on the treadmill. And at this point in the year I am really over the heat and humidity!
Congrats on the 10 m tread mill run. So glad you got to get out and spend some time w your parents. They look happy together. Wow brave cutting your own hair. I am sensing fall but ugh this humidity is still lurking around huh?!
The humidity is rough! Looks like this week might be better though.
Way to get 10 on the mill! That is never easy. I’m amazed (and maybe a little irritated sometimes) with how many people are out and about. Haha! How nice to see your parents. I finally saw my mom and wow her hair is LONG! Your self-trim looks nice!
Thanks! The few times I’ve gone out I’ve been surprised by how many people are out. Especially during the week!
With so many people WFH, yup, public places are often crowded. But during the week is still your best bet. And I’m sure Grayson benefited from it!
What a wonderful photo of him & your parents.
Yes, I have often had to move runs around for others. Just this week, in fact! Luckily our weekend had perfect running weather so it really wasn’t a big deal.
My hair remains uncut. Way too complicated for me to cut!
If my hair wasn’t so long I probably wouldn’t have cut it myself. I figured if I messed it up it wouldn’t be that big of a deal!
I am so very impressed with your self- haircut! Wow. I wear my hair in a ponytail most of the time too…especially since wfh.
Great week of runs, way to go!
Thanks! Yea, I really wasn’t too worried about cutting it since its so long and I wear it up all the time anyway.
No fall in the air here. That’s the “beauty” of Florida. Sigh.
Love your hair!
We have found that things are less busy in the mornings during the week. Once you get to lunchtime, it seems more people are venturing out. Add to that all the distance, virtual and home schoolers, and nothing makes sense anymoer.
We went around 10:30 on Friday, so I bet it got even more crowded as the day went on. I guess if we go out again we will need to get out earlier!
Double digits on the mill is not easy! Great job getting it done!
So nice that you got to see your parents – that picture of them with Grayson is so sweet 🙂
Thank you! We were glad we could get at least one picture where he was actually looking at the camera and smiling:)
Aww poor Grayson. Glad he rebounded quickly though and you were still able to see family. Nicely done on the hair!
Different leaves, clearly! My morning run was interesting today with back to school in fuller swing, although city public schools aren’t yet
I have to say its weird this year to not see kids out at the bus stop when we’re out running.
Poor Grayson! I am glad he still had a great time with your parents. So kids were at the park during the day huh? I wonder if my students are at the park too instead of logging in school. 🙂
Great job on the haircut! I was thinking about going to get it cut again but will just wait a few more months. It is still short so no need to cut off more.
The kids at the park were all young- looked like they were not elementary school aged. But I do wonder if maybe some days older kids go to places like that if they don’t need to be in the school building!