Another month has gone by and it’s time for fall runfessions. I can’t help but wonder, where did summer go? Sure, we got cooler weather this year much earlier than usual. But also I’m left wondering what exactly I did this summer. There were no vacations, not even any time off work, and we really didn’t even go anywhere local. What a weird year! Just lots of hot and humid runs!
Where did summer go?
Every year by the end of August I am ready for cooler running weather. Usually we continue to have warm weather in Maryland until October. What a surprise that it’s been in the 40s for some morning runs lately! While it may warm up a bit again, I don’t think we are going to have the 80 degrees and humidity again, which is fine with me.
I runfess that this year I am embracing these fall temps, but I am also really nervous about a long, cold winter. Remember in the spring when it was still so chilly in May? Being able to get outside is more important than ever this year, so we need winter to stay away for a long time!
I don’t know how to dress (us) for these temperatures.
I runfess that seeing a forecast of 45 degrees left me wondering what I wear in those temperatures. I am not ready to put away my shorts yet so I’ve been wearing shorts, compression socks, and long-sleeved shirts for my runs.
Dressing Grayson is another story. His little hands get cold so easily, and he doesn’t keep anything on them. I put him back in his bear suit from last year which is a little small, but the arms can fold over and cover his hands. This worked for a bit, until he wanted to take a drink and eat his snack, which he can’t do when his hands are covered. I also tried covering him with a blanket, but he just pulled his hands out from under it.
I finally replaced my Brooks Levitates after almost a year.
I runfess I’ve been wearing the same pair of Brooks Levitates since October 2019. At the time I got 2 pairs, so I had another pair in my closet. I finally decided it was time to change them out. My guess is that I ran about 400 miles in them, but I really have no idea.
I’ve been terrible about tracking my shoe mileage.
I runfess that I have not been tracking my shoe mileage. Back in 2018 this was one of my monthly goals. I used an app on my phone and it was really helpful. Once I got back to running after having Grayson I didn’t start tracking again. I should start doing it now that I broke out a new pair of shoes. We’ll see…
Our fox neighbors have been creeping me out lately.
A few weeks ago when I walked outside for a morning run there were like 4 foxes sitting in the middle of my street. They didn’t move as I turned on my headlamp and started my run (in the other direction). We have a lot of them around here and they usually run away when they see anyone coming.
I runfess they’ve been making me a little more nervous lately. Neighbors have said that they will stand there and stare at their dogs (like later in the morning when it’s light out). Another neighbor said that as she was running down the street around 8 am one of them was blocking her on the sidewalk and didn’t move. There’s one in particular that is pretty big. I think I know the spots that they typically hang out, so I’ve been avoiding those streets on my runs.
That’s about it for my runfessions this month! I can’t believe over the next few months we will be starting to talk about the winter and the holidays.
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Are you wondering “where did summer go”?
Have you figured out how to dress for this time of year?
Any creepy animals in your neighborhood?
I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Runfessions!
I don’t think foxes will hurt people–but I’m not so sure. I’ve been told that about coyotes too. Maybe I’m just naive.
We’ve had a few chilly mornings but nothing below the 50s. That’s all going to change next week! It makes me kind of sad-like you, I’m worried about a long cold winter.
I’ve also heard that foxes won’t hurt people so hopefully that’s true! It’s just weird that they’re acting a little different this year.
I don’t see fox very often, but when I do they scurry right along. I’ve been overdressing lately. I know better yet I keep doing it. We’ve been getting cool overnight but technically our daytime temps almost hitting 80 are way above normal for this time of year. Go figure.
Cool mornings and warm days are perfect! It’s going to be tough when its not as warm during the day.
I have not seen any foxes, no t sure if there’s just not any in my area or if I’m lucky LOL This time of year is always tough to figure out the layers. Since I’m biking, it’s even trickier because the bike feels much colder (not cooler) than running. It seems the past few winters have arrived early and stayed late, so I’m in no hurry to kick summer out the door.
I bet it’s really tough to dress for the bike!
No creepy animals, thank goodness! Although we do have some skunks, but thankfully I’ve never seen (but have smelled) them in our yard yet.
It’s always hard to figure out what to wear as the temps are in flux! My outfit is pretty much like yours, but a skirt instead of shorts. I loved the cooler weather when I wore my vest, too, cause more pockets!
Grayson looks adorable in his bear outfit. 🙂
Pockets are always a good thing!
We have a lot of fox in our neighborhood as well. I don’t think they would hurt you. Summer did fly by! It does seem like w have cooled off a bit more quickly this September. I am not sure we are done w the humidity yet though. Still wearing shorts over here too.
It seems like the humidity came back over the past 2 days! I don’t mind it nearly as much when its cooler though.
Summer left here quickly as well, but no complaints from me, lol.
Those foxes would freak me out too! I’ve never heard of foxes being aggressive, so hopefully everything will be okay and they won’t attack any dogs, or people.
Agreed about the foxes! Although I do wonder about the dogs. I’m not sure if they would see them as a threat.
We have foxes around my neighborhood but they usually run when they see people coming. I think having them stare me down would make me a little nervous.
I’ve been terrible about tracking my shoe mileage, and still have a pair of Gylcerins from last year’s marathon training that I’m still running in but should probably retire!
It’s so hard to give up a good pair of shoes! Especially if you’re not fully convinced that they’re passed their prime.
Although I hate to see summer go (along with all those hours of sunlight), I must admit I am enjoying the cooler temps here in PA too, especially in the mornings. I like not having to get out at the crack of dawn to run before it is sweltering.
I am pretty good about tracking my shoe mileage ever since a bout of plantar fasciitis caused by wearing running shoes too long.
Cool fox photo!
Good for you for tracking your shoe mileage! It’s one of the easiest ways to prevent injuries.
I wore long sleeves on one run this week, but it was warm enough for short sleeves the rest of the week — I’d rather be a bit cold than overdressed. Since I am wearing both Ravenna and Adrenaline I am really trying to track my mileage using the Garmin app. It’s easy if I remember to “add gear” after each run. Grayson is so cute!
I’ve heard its easy to do with the Garmin app, i just need to get it set up! I think maybe when I tried a few years ago you could only track one pair at a time? Or maybe I was just doing it wrong, which is definitely possible.
I love summer so much, but I’ve been ready for fall running since May! I don’t run in the dark b/c I’ve fallen a few times (with a light) but there was many a morning when I would hear something in the bushes and know that it had the potential to not be a good situation.
It’s pretty well lit around here and I usually run in the street where it’s flatter than the sidewalk. I have a feeling I’ll be back on the treadmill soon enough so I’m trying to take advantage of the last few weeks (months?) when I can get outside.
Well, if you need some summer, you can come to my house LOL! It got up to almost 100 yesterday. Sigh.
FOXES! I love foxes. I’ve never seen them be so brazen, though. Usually, they are a little stealthier. Be careful.
I can’t help you on G’s hands. Our winters are always so mild so it as never too much of an issue here.
Summer returned here this weekend and now I’m officially ready for fall!
Yesterday morning was high 50s. I had capris and long sleeves but switched to the tee in the first mile. It’s so confusing, especially mid morning with higher sun than some weekday runs
That outfit on GRayson is so cute.
I track shoe mileage obsessively. I’m forever afraid of injuries
It’s really hard to know what to wear this time of year! Especially when it starts out chilly but warms up as the sun comes out.