It’s been about 10 days since my last outdoor run. We have had usually warm temperatures over the past few days, making we want to get out there again! The snow is melting and ice is less of a concern. I think an outdoor run will happen very soon (aka as soon as my gym trial is up tomorrow).
Based on how I’ve literally had to drag myself to the gym this week I decided it doesn’t make sense for me to join. Also, I could have gotten the enrollment fee waived if I joined in January, but I wasn’t ready to commit last week. So my plan will be to transition back to outdoor running, continue to do workouts in my basement, and if we get another blizzard I will try to do a free trial at a different gym, or just skip my runs for a bit. At the same time I will continue attempting to convince Rob that we need a piece of cardio equipment…
While I am sulking over missing my outdoor runs (and trying to convince myself that treadmill running is good for me right now) it’s nice to look at pictures of what it was like when I got to run outside. It just so happens that the theme of this week’s Tuesdays on the Run is “Scenes from my run” so I will be sharing some pictures of my favorite places to run!
When I was living in the city I loved running around the Baltimore harbor. Since I have moved I have driven down there twice to run, but I really should go there more often. It’s just easier to walk outside my door and start my run without having to drive anywhere!
Now that I am in the ‘burbs my running route is rather boring. I enjoy running around a nearby lake which is kind of hilly but it’s just over a mile loop so I used it alot during my marathon training runs.
When I am feeling ambitious I will run on trails. There is a short train about 2.5 miles away but the actual trail only last a couple of miles.
The NCR trail is about a 20 minute drive away but this one is pretty flat and goes all the way to Pennsylvania! I ran on there once last summer. There were lots of other runners out but it’s an out and back so I was a little worried if something happened halfway through my run it would be a really long trek back to my car!
I also love running when I am traveling! Here are a few shots of places I have run that were memorable:
Jersey shore
And now I am really itching to get back to my outdoor runs! Hopefully my instagram feed will be back to pictures from outdoor runs very soon.
- Where are your favorite places to run?
- Are you willing to drive somewhere to run or do you prefer to just start your run from your front door?
- Do you miss outdoor runs when you can’t do them for awhile?
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I am super happy just stepping outside and running. I don’t care much about my scenery, maybe because it’s early or maybe because I am either focused or so lost in thought that I don’t notice lol. I hope you get outside super soon! It’s warm and everything melting here, it’s been nice to get outside again. I am praying it never snows again this year!
I feel like so many of my runs are in the dark that I can’t be too concerned about scenery. Its more about convenience, routes without stoplights, etc.
I adore running while on vacay! Seriously there is no better way to explore a new area. I’m hoping to get out for a run today before our “wintery mix” starts. Joy. Thanks for linking up!
I hope you were able to get your run in and that the weather there isn’t too bad!
Yup I need to be outdoors! I’m at the point where I will not run rather than go to the gym for the treadmill. There’s really nothing like running outside!
I am starting to feel that way too! I was glad to did the gym for a week but Im really over it now.
I never drive anywhere to run. I hate the whole parking thing and I’m just stubborn. Plus really spoiled 😀 Though I will drive really far out (like to the burbs) to meet people. But I’d rather run to meet people, then run with them!
Running to meet people to run makes more sense than driving to meet people to run:) And I think living it the city there are just more options and convenient places to run.
Even though it isn’t very pretty where I live, I have found pretty places to run. I love seeing the change of seasons–it’s really one of the reasons I like to run outside. There’s beauty in everything, right?
Yes, definitely! I think that’s what makes me appreciate being outside so much.
I actually get super bored with running in my neighborhood, which isn’t real long and not very scenic, and I walk there every day too. Yet I continue to do most of my runs there — yes, it’s so much easier to walk out the door.
And when Chester was alive, it was sort of a necessity, except on the weekends when my husband was home. I barely had time to squeeze in food shopping, much less driving to run! So now I’m spreading my wings a bit, so to speak, and exploring some new areas. Because: no snow!Weird, huh?
Yes, you need a treadmill at home. 🙂 If my old faithful truly died (bound to happen one of these days), we’d be replacing it quickly.
Sometimes its just so much easier for convenience to walk out the door and run. And I agree that I need a treadmill, now I just need to convince my husband that its a good investment:)
If I had ever been to Hawaii I am sure that would be on my list of favorite places to run too! Beautiful!
My favorite place to run is basically the only place I run: fort lauderdale beach. Running by the water is nice but I also just like the comfort of not having to think about my route. It’s a straight out and back up A1A for me every day. I like that there are no turns, no thinking about where I’m going or what I need to do to add on miles, etc. It’s a stress free running route! 🙂
If I lived by the beach I would run there all the time! I love that you don’t have to worry about cars or where to go.
I prefer to run close to home as well. All of those pictures look so beautiful right now. I guess the trees will come back soon right?!
I hope so! Although spring certainly feels like its a long way off…
I live on a busy road, and there’s not much of a safe option for running unless I run on a 1/2 mile hill in the neighborhood. I drive to run because there’s about 30 miles of multiuse trails with no cars. It’s beautiful also and I love being able to do runs without pausing for lights!
Based on your running pics I think its worth the drive!
I miss outdoor running too! Hope you get out there soon and hope to on Saturday. You’ve run in some beautiful places! I love to run down to this park about 2.5miles from my house. It has beautiful gardens, a river and great nature. I mostly leave for runs from my house but will drive to change up scenery or meet people.
I can see you fixed your header; it looks good now from over here ?
That park sounds perfect for running! Once in a while its a nice change to drive somewhere to change things up:)
I definitely prefer to start runs from my front door. But if I do that I really only have 1-2 route options. They’re okay, but sometimes it’s just nice to try something new. Part of the reason I love the group runs I attend on Saturdays so much. We’re always running new routes in new parts of the city. Usually within a 15 minute drive from my house.
The same routes can definitely get boring when you run them every day! Its great you have some other options to change things up.
I’ve been fine using the treadmill for years, but this winter I’ve had a couple moments where I couldn’t face it. I bundled up and headed outside. I was cold, but I was happy.
Sometimes its worth being cold if it means getting to run outside!
Beautiful photos of where you run! Running on the trails is my absolute favorite – I really feel like I become one with nature!
I really want to get out on the trails more this summer! They are so relaxing and peaceful.
So pretty! I ran outside this morning and was so darn happy. The snow/ice is melting quickly here in D.C. and I felt comfortable running this morning, even though it was still dark out. I love running in new places, and I actually ran when we were in Hawaii too! I love running the Mt. Vernon trail and running around all the monuments. If I’m doing a long run, I’ll typically drive somewhere but if I’m doing a shorter run I’ll just start outside my front door.
Yesterday was actually really icy here because we had a refreeze. I am hoping that todays rain really washes away lots of the snow!
I’ve been itching to run lately too with the warmer weather but my hamstring is stopping me unfortunately. I do forget sometimes how lucky I am to be able to run right on the harbor!
The harbor is really one of the best places to run! I miss it so much. I can’t believe your hamstring is still giving you so many problems…I think you said you were gonna get it checked out. Hoping it heals quickly!
Oh I really love all those photos! Let’s see… when we went to the Myan Rivera I ran around and around the inside of our resort. It was pretty big but I still felt a bit moronic circling the same people over and over again. Luckily the views were gorgeous and the people-watching was rewarding. Ha!
I might not mind circling in a place like that! Circling my neighborhood, on the other hand, gets boring real fast!
these are some pretty routes! i never drive anywhere to run, as i live in NYC without a car and have the west side Hudson River route 2 seconds from my door – but i would, i think, if i lived somewhere else and there were pretty routes nearby. like, ya know, a beach. 🙂
I would totally drive to go run if I lived near a beach! I have always envied NYC runners because I feel like there are great places to run there!
You have run in some lovely places. While I am a TM fan, I also really love a good sunrise and try to get out to see them as often as I can!
Sunrise runs are the best! I can’t wait for the sun to start rising a little earlier so I can see it!
Great back-up plan to get a free trial gym membership if bad weather hits again! Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC told me about the NCR trail marathon. I’ve never been on that trail, but it’s my back-up race for my first full marathon this fall in the event that Philly has crazy hot weather. Hope you can get back outside soon!
I have wanted to do the NCR marathon but Ive ended up doing other marathons around that time of year. I think it would be a good one!
Even in the burbs it looks like you have some lovely places to run.
I put my gym membership on hiatus this month. I said I was going to just have a rest month but this warm weather is telling me to get out and run!
I think we need to take advantage of any good running days we get:)
you know i am far less likely to run if i have to drive somewhere mainly because that means i have to get up that much earlier to go running. i prefer running in my neighborhood because there is a lot of construction and im that weirdo that likes watching houses being built and neighborhoods cropping up seemingly overnight. you have some seriously gorgeous pictures of runs…maybe you shouldnt look at those until spring 🙂
Even driving to the gym to run feels like it adds on so much extra time!
Man, hang in there girl. I really hope the snow melts fast for you!
I am thinking this rain today will wash away alot of it! Either way, Im planning to start running outside again over the next few days, even if that means circling my neighborhood a bunch of times:)
During this recent blizzard this running paths were the first thing to clear near me. I was so happy to run outside!! Running indoors kills me.
That is so great!! The sidewalks here still aren’t all cleared, but Im hoping the rain washes away alot of the snow!
GORGEOUS running views. I can no longer run inside, but I am lucky because our winter doesn’t get too cold…..
Thats good! I don’t really mind the cold but its the ice that keeps me inside usually.
Pretty pictures! I haven’t been running too much outside this year but am somehow coping with my treadmill time. The only times I’ll drive to a location is on the weekends for a long run, during the week it doesn’t seem worthwhile especially as I have an awesome (but right now snow-covered trail system right by my work). And running on vacation is so nice. We did a run around Florence when we visited on our honeymoon and it was so pretty.
I bet running in Florence was amazing!
You’re a trooper for getting to the gym! I used to drive to run when I lived at home – my dad lives out in the boonies and there isn’t a safe place to run. I actually wound up moving about a mile and a half away from the spot I used to park… Now I run from the front door. Maybe you guys can take an extended runcation every winter? = )
I think thats a great plan!
Those are definitely some beautiful places to run! I love to run around the monuments in DC. For some reason it never gets old!
I don’t think I would get sick of running in a place like that either!