On Wednesday evening I got hit out of the blue with some kind of nasty stomach bug. Like literally I was fine one minute and then in so much pain that I just had to lay in bed and couldn’t move. When I first started to feel sick, I assumed it was just a stomach ache that would pass. Well, close to 24 hours later and I am pretty much in the same spot. Over the past day I have been reminded that I am really bad at being sick!
I couldn’t eat anything and was up pretty much the entire night on Wednesday. Whenever I would get comfortable enough to start to fall asleep I would have to run the bathroom to get sick. This lasted until about 4am and at 6am I started making calls to work about not going in.
I don’t think I’ve called out sick in 5 years. And this was not an ideal day whatsoever because I was supposed to run a parent workshop. Once I finally got coverage for that I was able to relax a little.
Rob was nice enough to go get me some survival items before he left for work.
Around 1 I was able to eat a little soup and crackers. It took me 6 hours, but I drank a whole bottle of ginger ale. I also realized I had a minor fever of 100.8- I can’t even tell you the last time I had a fever- years and years ago.
I have been freezing so I’ve placed myself under 3 blankets. Anytime I have to move out from under them its pretty much torture. Its even hard to blog because I have to take my arms out from under the blanket!
I have a REALLY hard time doing nothing so this whole process is not going over well. I feel so unproductive and I feel like its really putting a wrench in my plans for everything I wanted to get done this week.
Obviously there was no running Thursday morning- I mean I couldn’t even walk down the hall.
I don’t know how people do this. I am grateful that its so rare that I get sick like this but I also feel like its so hard for me to just relax. I get bored so easily!
I’ve actually watched several movies today and I’m on my 3rd Harry Potter movie. I am really bad about finding things to watch on TV so its easier to put in a DVD. Although that requires getting out of bed, so that sucks.
Anyway, sorry this is such a depressing post but its all I can really think of to talk about today! Besides, if I end up having to take another sick day from work I’ll need some human interaction. But fingers crossed this passes and I can make it in. I will seriously go crazy if I have to spend another day doing nothing!
- How do you handle being sick?
- How often do you take sick days?
- Do you get bored easily?
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I don’t think anyone does that kind of sick well! It’s the worst! I am a wreck when anyone in my house has a stomach bug, because I know it means we can all drop at any moment. I definitely live in fear of it a little. I hope it was a quick one and by the weekend you’ll be mostly better! Always the worst timing too 🙁
I can’t imagine feeling like this and also having to take care of kids! I’ve felt so helpless over the past 2 days!!
OMG that is the worst and I hope you feel better soon. I last had that three years ago right around now and it was awful. I don’t catch much often but that is the thing I get and when I get it, it’s bad. In fact, that’s what led me to be a vegetarian. Took me forever to eat normal again and the new normal became meatless. Get a lot of rest, it takes so much out of you.
Thanks…its no fun at all. I was trying to figure out if its food related but I haven’t eaten anything different and Rob ate all the same things as me this week and is totally fine. I probably caught it from one of the kids at school. But I have a feeling it will be a few days before I can eat anything besides soup and crackers.
I hope by the time you read this that you’re feeling much better! I know you want to go back to work but sometimes taking an extra day to recover makes all the difference on the world! A stomach bug is the WORST! I cannot remember the last time I had one of those!! Feel better my friend! You’ve got a big two weeks ahead of you!!
I thought about going in to work this morning but Im so glad I didn’t.Even though I felt better than yesterday I am still nowhere near recovered! I can only be up walking around for a few minutes at a time and then its back to laying in bed. But at least Im not running to the bathroom anymore and my fever broke, so I’m definitely on the mend!
That stinks! I hate stomach bugs with a passion. Last year I got the worst stomach bug of my life while Brian and I were on vacation and literally couldn’t be more than a few feet from the bathroom. Ughhh. I always say I’d rather poke my eyes out than do that again….ok….maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but I feel for ya! Thank goodness you’re getting this out of the way before Christmas. Feel better!
Thank you! Its really no fun and Im pretty sure its the worst kind of sick. But it does seem to come and go faster than the flu, so I guess thats the silver lining:)
Oh no Lisa I am sorry you aren’t getting better. Being sick is the worse – luckily I haven’t gotten too sick in awhile. Knock on wood. All I want when I am sick is for my mom and dad to come and take care of me. I feel like you revert back to a kid when you are sick ha. Feel better and I hope you have a better weekend than week.
I’ve never been good at letting people take care of me but when Im sick its really helpful to have someone around to bring you stuff:) Even heating up soup is a lot for me to handle right now. But I am getting better and hoping to be somewhat back to normal this weekend!
Ugh! Being sick sucks, so sorry to hear and hope you feel better soon! It is really hard to rest, but that is what you need!
I am an awful patient, fortunately I am not sick often. I was sick when I skipped the half marathon in early November, but still went out and ran errands and went to work the next day. Stupid. And believe it or not Lisa has never seen me throw up, and we’ve been together for more than 25 years … 🙂
Hope you feel better soon!
Wow that is pretty remarkable! I’m not a good patient either, but when I get really sick I have no other choice than to rely on people to help me out with stuff. I usually push through colds and even the flu, but stomach bugs really knock me out. Luckily I don’t get hit with this too often (knock on wood!)
that sounds so miserable! I’m glad it was relatively short-lived. I, knock on wood, haven’t been sick in a long time. My kids stay pretty healthy, too, which helps, b/c they surely bring lots of germ potential to the picture!
It definitely helps that your kids stay healthy! I work in a school and am exposed to kid-germs all the time:) I thought I’ve gotten pretty good at repelling them but I guess not!
Feel better love! I don’t do certain types of sick well, but when I really don’t feel good, I just sleep the whole time, and try to burn through it that way.
I slept for 12 hours straight last night and woke up thinking I had only slept for an hour! I’ll probably do the same thing tonight, and I’ve been napping on and off throughout all of this. The worst was the first night when I couldn’t sleep at all because I felt so bad/was running to the bathroom constantly.
Ugh, that sounds terrible – so sorry you’ve been so sick, I hope you’re feeling better! I am actually great at being sick (that sounds weird) – my number one talent seems to be watching Netflix for days on end.
See I knew that some people are good at being sick! Since I don’t really like watching TV/movies it makes it hard to stay home sick without getting bored:)
I hate being sick too. The last time it hit me hard and went on for 5 hours before finally stopping as fast as it happened.
I wish mine was only 5 hours…it was really bad for about 12 hours the first night and is much better now but still nowhere near recovered! Being sick is definitely no fun!
I find a good series on Netflix and watch it and eat comfort food until I feel better, I also tend to worry about not making it to my runs, which is silly but I try to convince myself that if I run it will sweat out the toxins and hopefully make me feel better faster.
There are some kinds of sickness that I do try to run through but then once in a while I just know that I need to not run, and this is one of those times! Considering walking down the hall is still a challenge, running really hash’t been an option:)
Ugh I’m SO sorry! Get well soon! Same thing happened to me two weeks ago …and then I accidentally gave it to my roommate!! 🙁 Oops
Thanks! I really hope I didnt give it to my husband right before we start traveling for the holidays!
Oh no! I’m in the same category as you — I rarely get sick but when I do it ends up being a doozy! It’s like all the previous years that I should have been sick with a small cold add up and hit me all at once as a BIG cold.
Enjoy that soup, drink lots of tea and watch the remainder of HP movies! That sounds like a prescription for being as happy as possible while being sick.
Thank you! Im still doing all those things and it definitely makes being sick a little easier.
Oh no! Feel better soon!
I do get bored easily too. I pretty much down the same thing when I am in bad shape – bland food, tea and lots of movies. Feel better soon!
Thanks! Its like I always wish that I would have a day with nothing to do, and then when I get to lay around and do nothing I spend the whole time bored and wishing to could stay busy!
I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is the worst.
Oh man 🙁 I hope you feel better soon, so you don’t have to spend your weekend sick in bed too.
I’m like you in that I hardly ever get sick either. But when it happens, I take it as a sign that the universe wants me to stay home & binge watch Netflix all day. I rarely relax, so once my body finally forces me to, I give into it 100%. I also believe the key to getting better sooner is REST, so stick with those HP movies 🙂
Thanks! As hard as it is Im really trying to rest. Im sure this is my body’s way of getting me to slow down!
Oh Lisa, so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I never take sick days. I like to save them for sickations…haha. At least you have an excuse to be lazy and relax watching movies. Hopefully you feel better soon.
Haha thanks! I also hate taking sick days and have been able to avoid them for a long time until now!
UGH THE WORST. I never had a stomach flu as an adult until Betty started school and she brought one home. I remember as a kid that they lasted 24 hours, but for some reason now they last way longer. 🙁 I hope you feel so much better soon. There is so much ick going around right now!
Thank you! Im sure I caught this from one of the kids at my school. I never remember it being this bad as a kid, but maybe I was just sick a lot more often so it didn’t seem as bad? Who knows, but either way its no fun!
Oh no! I hate being sick too (who doesn’t?!) I hope you feel better real soon, Lisa! The positive: you should be good to go by Christmas 🙂
Thank you! Im sure I’ll be better by Christmas, but my traveling starts before then, so hoping I feel better before I have to get on a plane!
Hope you are feeling better!
Thank you!
Ugh! You poor thing! I hope you are better by now! That sounds like the start to the flu. Very happy you had someone to cover at work so you could focus on getting better without feeling bad about work 🙂
I take sick days… probably once a month cause I get these stupid awful headaches! GRRR!!!!
Thank you! And that’s terrible that you get headaches so often:(
I’m so bad at being sick too, I always end up getting the sickness a lot worse than my husband and I’m out for a week. I hope you are feeling better!!
My husband never gets sick unless I pass something along to him…and I’ve had a good streak lately of not bringing anything home! But I guess the streak is over now.
I hope you are feeling better by now! Being sick is the worst. I mean, there is “sick”, and then there is SICK. Luckily, I don’t get SICK like you very often. But it is quite depressing and humbling. Hang in there my dear. I have a feeling by this point you are starting to feel better!
Thanks so much! I think today I am almost back to normal…thank goodness because flying on a plane while sick is one of the worst things ever!