This was one of my biggest meal planning/prep week fails in a long time. First off, I know I wouldn’t have much time to prep so I planned for meals that would be easy enough to make throughout the week. I also asked Rob to help out with a few things over the weekend while I was off drinking wine hanging out with my college friends. Then I ended up getting sick on Wednesday and didn’t eat anything besides soup and crackers for the rest of the week. Then we were heading out of town so a lot of foods went to waste. Annoying, but not much that can be done about it!
Here is how our meal plan was supposed to look this week
Sunday: Rosemary Salmon with Orange Zest, sweet potatoes, green beans
Monday: Sun dried Tomato and Basil Stuffed Rollatini, broccoli, roasted red potatoes ended up eating leftover veggies lasagna that my mom had made over the weekend. Planned to move this meal to Thursday, but then I got sick.
Tuesday: Fajitas
Wednesday: Plantain and Zucchini Stuffed Burgers, sweet potato fries I was sick and didn’t eat anything; Rob ending up making himself a regular burger and a potato
Thursday: Chicken parmesan with pasta and salad still sick, ate some soup, Rob made himself pasta and added some of grilled chicken that we had in the freezer.
Friday: Spaghetti squash pizza bake felt better by Friday,but still not up for “real food” -especially not cheese. Moved from only soup and crackers to bread with peanut butter and pretzels.
Saturday: Planned to either go out or have leftovers of the spaghetti squash. Not sure what I’ll feel like eating, but hopefully can use some of the food we bought this week but haven’t eaten!
Breakfasts and lunches were the usual (smoothies and eggs) but since I didn’t have time to prep I didn’t roast any veggies before hand or fry plantains like I usually do. On mornings I had a few extra minutes I made them as I was cooking eggs.
Snacks/desserts: Chocolate brownie bites, Coconut Cookie Dough Munchkins, fruit (apples, pears, blueberries)
As for food prep, like I said there wasn’t much of it last weekend. I did ask Rob to help out by grilling chicken for lunches (like he usually does) and also cutting up some veggies for salads. On Sunday afternoon I made chocolate brownie bites and coconut cookie dough munchkins; both were really quick and easy to make!
Do you ever have weeks that just don’t go as planned?
I’ll also be linking up with Mommy Run Fast and Jill Conyers on Sunday for their meal planning link-up!
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thanks for making my cookie dough munchkins!!!! they look so good! 🙂
They came out great!!
I definitely have weeks like that. I think it is this time of year and being sick [you definitely can’t plan that]. Being a planner sometimes you don’t think the unexpected will happen. Hope you are feeling a little better!
Yes exactly! I think as a planner I am always really thrown off when the unexpected happens.
I’m sorry you’ve been so sick – and throwing away food feels awful, but it isn’t like you chose to do that!
Also, I realized that I hadn’t responded to your email – I’m so sorry! I’ve been focusing on my comprehensive exams and letting things slip through? I’ll respond today – and hopefully get you something for next week if that works?
Don’t worry about it! Just let me know whenever you decide. And if you are too busy I totally understand. Thanks!
Oh I have defiintely had weeks like that – honestly, when you are sick I feel like it all goes down hill pretty fast. You don’t even realize how hard the body has to work to digest. Then ironically you can eat the veggies and such that are supposed to be the best thing. As long as you are feeling better that’s the important thig!
I feel so unlike myself with what I’ve been eating this week, and at this point I think Im just too scared to try eating real food again although I probably could. I was excited that I was able to drink a smoothie today- that was a big step!
I think anytime you’re sick planning goes right down the drain. Even when you’re just recovering and still tired I think it’s hard to find the energy to do much of anything.
That’s definitely a part of it too. And I am a little scared to go back to eating real food, so Ive still been sticking with soup until Im back to 100%. There’s no point in rushing it too soon!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets upset over wasting food if people get sick! When one person gets sick I’ve been known to freeze things in preparation for the whole family to go down! Of course, I also wind up going overboard and buying way more saltines, applesauce and bananas than anyone needs. Getting sick with a stomach bug just sucks in so many ways!
Since its been so long since I’ve had this its really throwing me off. And I am realizing how much differently I eat now then whenever the last time was that I got sick. The foods I typically eat now (meats, fruits, and veggies) are the last thing I want to eat lately, so its been all white bread carbs. I did manage to get a smoothie down today which was a big step!
I feel like there are times – holidays, school event weeks, vacation-prep and so on – when stuff all tends to fall apart. And then getting sick? Totally a deal-breaker! Can’t fault yourself for that. We hate when stuff ends up going to waste for any reason … but sometimes it cannot be helped. 🙁
Hope you’re feeling better soon 🙂
I think it was bad timing in general, and I was just grateful that I didn’t spend hours in the kitchen last weekend prepping for meals that we didn’t eat!
Oh no sorry you got sick but at least it was last week and not Christmas week! Hope you are feeling better today and can stomach some food 🙂
I’m slowly improving, thanks! And hopefully I will be back to normal in time for the holidays:)
haha that’s why i don’t meal plan. But i do have an idea of what i want to make. How did you like the salmon?
It was great! But we don’t have a zester so we used a grater for the orange and it was a little too thick. Oh well! All the flavors came together really well!
I’m so sorry you were sick! That’s no fun… yes, we definitely have weeks that don’t go as planned. I’m not making much of a meal plan this week- just some easy options from things we have on hand and we’ll go with the flow.
I think the holidays are just one of those times where you can’t do a whole lot of planning anyway. Since we will be away this upcoming week I ended up throwing out so much food, whereas if we were staying home I could have used some of it early this week. Oh well! It happens I guess:)
Aw, I’ve definitely been there! Sorry to hear you’ve been sick! Those recipes look amazing, there’s always another week to make them! Hope you have a nice holiday!
Sure I have weeks that don’t go as planned. The way I see it, that’s one meal for the following week!
Merry merry Christmas Lisa!
Glad you are finally starting to feel better! I hate weeks that go like yours did, but at least it is behind you, I hope you enjoy your holiday!
Thanks- I hope you had a good holiday week as well!