Now that I’m back to marathon training and my mileage is building, I’ve been focusing a bit more again on what I eat. However, one thing I’ve realized is that on my long run days my appetite is a little pickier, so I just go with what I am craving to make sure I’m refueling from my run. I thought last Saturday would be a good day to document what I ate since it was one of those days that I just went with what sounded good. Not necessarily the healthiest day of eating, but I knew I got a lot of good nutrients throughout the rest of the week so I wasn’t too concerned about it!
The morning started with a banana and a honey stinger waffle. I didn’t want to eat too much before my 15 mile run because I wanted to get out the door quickly.
Of course, there was also coffee.
At the end of my run it started pouring rain, and when I got home I immediately showered. I was pretty hungry, but had zero energy to cook anything. I grabbed one of these muffins which I had baked on Friday…and then a second one shortly after.
I was even too lazy to make my own smoothie. I had bought one of these the day before, so I mixed it up with a scoop of protein powder and drank it while laying on the floor scrolling through instagram.
Lunch was a turkey sandwich with a salad. I rarely eat sandwiches anymore, so when I do the bread needs to be perfect. I had picked up this loaf a Fresh Market on Friday so it was still nice and fresh.
Cheese and crackers made for a satisfying snack a few hours later. I knew there would be no way I would make it to dinner without eating something else!
We went to the Mount Washington Tavern for dinner and shared a bottle of wine.
I may not have witty comebacks or flawless dance moves, but it does help me relax.
Something about ordering a salad at a restaurant just automatically means it will taste better than something I make at home.
Dinner was a burger and fries– nothing exciting but it sounded good!
There was no dessert, but we did have another glass of wine at home and I was exhausted by 9pm!
I think I’ve figured out that as long as I eat enough on my long run day my appetite isn’t raging the following day, which is what has happened in the past!
Do you find that you crave different foods after a long run?
Are you too tired to cook after a long run?
Does eating more on your long run day help tame your appetite the next day?
My appetite craves sweet and simple after long runs and for sure, so long as I eat enough on long run day, my appetite is not raging the next morning. In general I have found that my pre and post run meals every day need to satisfy me enough or I end up with crazy runger the rest of the day. Breakfast is key for me.
Agreed- I think those morning meals are so important but also the trickiest! Its tough to eat enough before a run without feeling weighed down and then a lot of times Im not hungry right after a run. Its all about finding a good balance that works for you!
Love how we not only have the same topic but both used “eats” in the title! At least the food is different for originality 🙂
Exactly! But we both must have long runs and food on the brain:)
Eating more on long run day definitely helps me. I noticed I was really off when I had those 2 days in a row of hard running and I don’t think I fueled enough!
It can be tricky to fuel enough, especially when we aren’t starving. I think as long as I eat something every few hours I usually feel pretty good.
I’m definitely in camp “too lazy to make something” after a really long run. After 22 miles I found myself eating dry pancakes and wow were they ever good!
Haha I have noticed that the weirdest things can taste good after a long run! And the easier, the better!
I can relate to the salad comment so much. When I make a salad at home I always feel like it’s flavorless even if I’ve added fruit, nuts or other good toppings. If I have the same salad at a restaurant I love it. Go figure!
I love that wine print out they gave you at the restaurant!
My mom has always said that about salads and now that I try to make my own I definitely know what she means! Considering I ate almost the same salad for lunch and dinner, but the dinner one was so much better- maybe because it costs so much more!
It makes me so happy to see you made my muffins! I always want salt after my long runs so Ryan will start cooking bacon or sausage, eggs, and potatoes for me as soon as I get back from a long run. It’s tiring to cook after a long run so I’m always glad he does those mornings.
I would love a personal chef to make me breakfast after a long run! Usually Rob is just as tired as me if he has also been running, and he is generally lazy when it comes to food!
I think your days of eats looks fantastic and you managed to pack in a bunch of nutrient dense food.
Happy WIAW and thanks for linking up.
Thanks for hosting this week!
Mmmm I am always rungry on long run day but usually my runger strikes about 1.5 hours after my run these days… which isn’t good because I should eat RIGHT after. I don’t think I am running long enough to be hungry the following day as well, no matter how I fuel on my long run day. BUT I hope to be back up to those digits someday and I will let you know!
I also have a hard time eating immediately after my run, which is why smoothies usually work well for me.
I am always so hungry the day after a long run. And then I eat everything in sight. Haha. I feel like you had a pretty healthy day of eats ! I always cave and have dessert or a treat or two after my long run. 🙂
Usually I do too! But sometimes after a few glasses of wine I don’t crave dessert as much for some reason.
My appetite is usually the same the day after, but I have to get food the day of my long run, and quickly after my long run. Otherwise I’m ravenous the entire day.
Its definitely good to eat right after a long run! I’ve definitely noticed it helps keep my appetite in check for the rest of the day.
My post-long run meals depend a lot on the season. Before I got hurt, my go-to this summer was a popsicle. I’d literally walk right in the door, fill up my water bottle, grab one and eat it on the porch while I stretched. Then I’d usually muster up the energy to shower and make something with more substance like a sandwich.
Some of my other faves include: a BLT, chili over noodles (in the winter it REALLY hits the spot), burgers, or the sweet potato salad I posted in my blog the other day (
Oh those all sounds like great post-run foods and I will need to check out that recipe!!
I am usually too tired to cook right after a long run so I will have some chocolate milk or smoothie and then after I shower I will make something more substantial like eggs and an English muffin with PB. I find that I get really hungry after if I don’t eat enough leading up to my long run. I want to eat everything, lol.
Chocolate milk is such a great post-run option too! I love it when they offer it after races.
I feel like on long run days my appetite is really wonky. The day after though I’m ravenous. I try to eat pretty healthy most of the week so on weekends when my long runs happen to be, I just eat whatever I want. When you’re running 15+ miles, you can afford to be a little more relaxed 🙂
Exactly! I would rather eat enough than not enough, even if its not the most nutritious food. Its all about balance!
Eating more on a long run day definitely helps to curb the runger the next day…but I need to eat a lot, yet can’t stomach big meals, which results in snacking All. Day. Long. Literally, every hour there’s some cheese or fruit or popcorn or turkey slices or yogurt or whatever!
I snack quite a bit too! I also have a hard time eating huge meals so on days when I am really hungry I just eat every few hours and that seems to work.
I think it’s a great idea to eat that waffle and a banana before your 15 miler because it’s just enough to keep you alive but also teach your body to run on a bit of glycogen depletion later on in the run. I dunno. I’m not an expert or anything! But anyway, you’re so right about the salad at restaurants tasting way better than ones at home! Ha ha! So true.
I think your theory sounds good! I like to alternate between eating something light with practicing my pre-race fuel (which I am not sure what that will be quite yet).
I am too tired after a long run to cook. I definitely am not hungry as soon as I finish but the hours after are like a crackhead looking for the next fix. What is it with salads at restaurants? They must have some magic potion, because they always taste better out than at home.
have a great day
Yes to getting hungry a few hours after my run! I try to eat right away no matter what, but usually its just because I know I need to eat and not because I am hungry.
I have yet to figure out what my long run eating formula is…some days I’m starving, other days I’m like “I just ran 13 miles I should be starving so sure I’ll eat another slice of pizza” haha. Cheese and crackers are one of those snacks that always satisfies me…it’s decadent but still great for you! I can usually still cook after a run but talk to me after this weekend’s 20 miler…
Cheese and crackers will always be a favorite of mine! And long run eating is tricky…I don’t think I will ever really have it figured out!
I LOVE sandwiches after long runs, and I agree that the bread needs to be perfect. I love Jimmy John’s bread, so I usually will stop there on my way home or have one later that afternoon. Something about meat, bread, and cheese that just fills me up and leaves me satisfied!
Even better than making a sandwich is buying one that is already made!
I tend to crave queso and tortilla chips post really long runs! I wish I didn’t. I usually have a smoothie right after I come in and whatever we have in the fridge. I tend to eat little bits of food after the smoothie. It’s all in the snacking!
Sometimes I prefer snacking after a long runt too! I just eat whatever sounds good:)
I am easing back into running right now (finally!), so I have no long runs yet. But, I do notice that my appetite is raging the day after a tough workout if I do not eaten enough.
I love that the restaurant used that ‘health benefits of wine’ comic. Too funny
It’s always good to point out the health benefits of wine, right? 😉 I definitely think it helps to eat enough the day of a hard workout!
I always crave carbs so we make homemade pizzas on long run days. I used to love having eggs for breakfast after a long run but for some reason I just have been really turned off by the thought of eggs. I guess I have been doing the “eat what sounds good” method and didnt even realize it! Granted I should eat healthier all the time but dang it I burned those calories I want to eat them all back!
Mmm homemade pizza sounds like it would be great post-long run!!
My appetite after long runs varies. I’m always starving after 13 or 15 Milers and I can’t wait to eat, but 18 or 20 Milers leave my stomach in knots and I can’t eat for a few hours afterwards. Smoothies are my favorite post run fuel. It really helps my recovery. I do get more hungry the day after a long run, for sure.
I definitely have a tough time with the stomach after really long runs. It usually takes a while before I feel like I am ready to eat real food!
I hardly ever eat sandwiches either and when I do I’m super picky about my bread. It has to be just right or why bother, right? I like to get up about an hour before my long run so I can have a bigger breakfast before my long run so I don’t bonk to early.
Its definitely smart to get up early enough before your long run! Sometimes I like to practice running on a little less fuel though, and this seemed like a good day to do that, especially since it was supposed to rain later in the morning.
I haven’t done a long run in a couple years but looking back to when I did, I the following day was always when my appetite felt out of control. And in hindsight, it was probably for the very reason that my stomach was weird the day of and I didn’t eat enough. Good on you for making that connection and for going with what you’re craving. Like you said, you know you’re getting the proper nutrition the rest of the week, so one day that’s slightly less nutrient-dense isn’t the end of the world!
Exactly! I feel like its better to replace those calories with something after all those miles!
Lisa, this looks like a really tasty day; I love it! Yep, if I eat quickly after my long run and then continue eating at regular intervals throughout the day, I find that I don’t have the rungries as often the next day and later in the following week. I don’t usually crave anything specific, but in the summer I definitely want salty things – I guess because of all the sweat loss? I want a glass of wine now – ha!
Yes to all salty things in the summer! I’m sure its related to sweat loss. It’s always a good time for a glass of wine, right? (Well, maybe not at 5am as I am replying to your comment…)
I used to love going out and sharing a bottle of wine. Haven’t done that in ever! I always feel it’s half the price when you can drink at home:)
That saying about wine is too funny on the menu! When I go out I always feel guilty ordering a salad bc I can make one at home. But like you said, They are always better out.
Its so much less expensive to drink at home, but sometimes its nice treat to have a bottle out!
I definitely crave certain foods after a long run. As long as I refuel pretty close to the end of the run my cravings seem to stay at bay!