For the most part 2017 is a blank slate, with not a whole lot planned at this point. Usually I have several races planned and my weeks begin filling up with a training schedule. I do hope to run a few races this year, but for the first time in a while my year will not revolve around my training. There are a few things that I do have planned for the year that I am excited about!
1. Running for fun without a training plan.
It’s been so nice to be back to running regularly, and even though I am sure the weather will be difficult, I am just looking forward to the next few months or running whatever I feel like. I always feel like it’s a struggle to get through the winter months, but running helps with that because it gives me a reason to get outside.
2. Coaching Rob for a marathon!
Rob is signed up for the Cleveland Marathon in May and has agreed to let me coach him! I think this will really help fill the void of not being in training mode myself, although I’m sure I will be a bit jealous. I may end up doing the 10k or half-marathon when we are there, but I haven’t decided yet.
3. Visiting Kansas City in April.
Rob’s sister and her family moved from Arkansas to Kansas City a few months ago. We are excited to finally make the trip out there in April for our niece’s 2nd birthday and to see their new house! I also hear there is a nice running trail in their neighborhood!
4. My sister’s wedding in November!
There will be lots of other events leading up to this, but the big day will be on November 4th. It sounds so far away but will be here before we know it!
5. Getting some more house stuff accomplished.
Last year we were pretty much focused on our deck. This year we have a few rooms in mind that we would like to work on. I think I’m the most excited to get our office done so I can finally get organized. That room has been a disaster ever since we moved in- a place to just throw all our stuff that we didn’t know what else to do with!
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What are you looking forward to this year?
I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness and Running On Happy for the Friday Five 2.0!
Hahaha the office is the place in our house that has been collecting all the stuff we don’t know what to do with too! The other day I finally organized all the stuff into piles along the walls so that at least it’s not all scattered around!
How exciting that your sister is getting married this year! That will be such a fun trip I’m sure!
Its gonna be so much work to get the office organized! And then I dont know where I’m gonna stick all the stuff that I dont know what to do with:)
That is awesome you are going to coach Rob! He is in good hands. It snowed last night so sitting on a warm deck DOES sound nice. Although miraculously they plowed my road so I think I will be able to run!
We got just a dusting of snow last night. They were calling for 2 inches so I was a little disappointed wed didnt have enough to get a delay!
It’s kind of nice not to have a lot of stuff on the calendar! But 2017 is a big question mark for me. I’ve got a few races this spring, and then we’ll see how things play out!
I think its nice to not have much planned out but I also like to have things to look forward to!
I need to organize…. my life. But that is never going to happen. Have fun running for fun and coaching Rob! May your relationship survive it ;D
I know, right? Between me getting jealous and him not wanting to listen it will definitely be interesting.
Looks like an exciting year for you (and your family!!) Happy 2017!
Thanks, you too!
Running for fun is what running is supposed to be right! Helping a friend achieve their goals is a fabulous feeling I did that last year as well. Getting house stuff done is on my list too!
You are so right that running is supposed to be fun!
Looks like a great year ahead! Coaching Rob will be so fun for both of you. I am coaching Ryan for his first half this year.
That’s exciting! I’m looking forward to hearing how Ryan’s coaching goes too!
I”m looking forward to settling in. My stuff arrived yesterday, so even though most of it’s in storage, it’s here, and I don’t have to worry about it. My decorations are in, and I’ll start decorating my office so the walls don’t look so bare.
I’m sure it will be such a good feeling to finally get settled!
How cool that you get to train your hubby ..that should be really fun! And yeah, you know you will have to run at least the half yourself 🙂
You also have a ton of fun social event’s this year to look forward to. I know it will be great to share those memories with your family!
Enjoy Lisa and Happy New Year!
Thanks! I hope you have a great year too!
Your plans for this 2017 looks amazing!
I’m looking forward to run more more miles every week, and maybe running my first half marathon.
Those are great things to look forward to in 2017!
Looks like you have a lot of fun things to look forward to this yr. It is always fun to run just because without a training plan. I think it takes the strss out of it.
I agree, part of me is excited to just run however much I want without a training plan!
Life adventures are fun. We talk running so much, it’s nice to see updates on making family memories.
So true! There’s always more to look forward to than just running stuff.
Fun is my main focus for 2017 as well! I will still be training (half marathons and a full…possibly a second full in the fall), but there will be less emphasis on finish times. It’s pretty freeing!
It can definitely be a good feeling to let go of some of the pressure that goes along with running for a time goal!
HOLD THE PHONE. Did I know you were coming in for CLE? I think I did. We must meet up. I’m writing this down as we speak… And you should do the half with me. 🙂
I think I did mention it awhile ago because I remember you said its either really hot or really cold (and this would probably be a really hot year!) I am waiting til it gets closer to sign up but Im really hoping to do the half!
so exciting about your sister- congrats! Make sure she uses AllSeated for the floorplan, seating arrangements, guest list and stuff lol. Ha! I’m happy to help if she has any questions. And I am totally with you on running without a real plan now for a race (and also looking forward to warmer weather and sitting outside again!)
Running in the cold and snow today made me really glad I wasnt training for a race and also desperate for warmer weather!
Yes! Ok I do remember this convo. Keep me posted on your plan. I finally decided I’m running the half. I was waffling for a while between half and full.
It sounds like you have a pretty great year ahead of you to look forwards too! Im excited for you 🙂 Im really just ready to experience new things and just see what all the new possibilities lead to!
I hope you have a great year! The start of a new year is always open to such great possibilities.
I’m looking forward to some major house projects too! And while I am enjoying training just for fun right now (no goal or race), I feel like I should sign up for something soon. I’m getting that itch!
I get that itch every couple of weeks and then I have to remind myself that I will probably regret signing up for anything too far in advance! Im excited to see what you decide to do next!
You’ve definitely got an exciting year ahead! How fun it’ll be to train Rob! I too enjoy just breathing into the space that a training plan would have filled and running freestyle.
Its nice to have a break from it all when we are so used to having a plan to follow!
Wow how cool you get to coach you man! Oh yea, I see you doing a race while your there too! I’ve gotten in the habit of looking for shorter races on the same weekend I race for my hubs. So far so good!
Even without a training plan, I’m excited to see what all you do and the variety you get in. Training plans sometimes limit other activities so yay for that!
Thanks Lisa for joining us!
I definitely agree about training plans- it can be nice to have time to do lots of different types of workouts!