Today marks the one year anniversary of starting my blog. I remember when I signed up for my free wordpress account I had no idea what I was doing! I didn’t tell anyone (in real life) that I was starting a blog (except my husband) until this past June, so in the beginning I had zero readers.
I continued to comment on the blogs I had already been reading, and eventually I began connecting with other bloggers and gained some readers. I’ll never forget how exciting it was the first few times people commented on my blog! I still get a happy feeling each time I get a new notification about a comment.
It took a loong time to get the hang of the whole blogging thing- and it is definitely still a work in progress. But I thought I would share a few things I have learned along the way.
Find your passion and then write about it
If I didn’t love running, there is no way I could carry on a blog about it. I knew going into blogging that it would be focused on running, but it took me awhile to figure out more of a focus. I realized that I love to talk about my training and workouts, nutrition, and life! I find inspiration for my posts from what has been going on with my running as well as from reading other blogs.
Make meaningful connections with other bloggers/readers
I don’t think I realized how important this was until I already had my blog up and running. It’s the part that makes you want to keep writing, in my opinion. Getting feedback from readers helps me to figure out the direction to take future posts in. I have found so many other blogs that may or may not be like mine. Yes, the majority of blogs I read are about running but not all of them. And each and every one is a little different from the other. I feel like I know alot of the bloggers who I have met, and that is simply because we take the time to read each others posts, comment, and reply to comments.
Join in on the link ups
It wasn’t until a few months ago that I discovered link ups. Not only do they help to give a little framework to how my week in blogging will look, but they have connected me with other bloggers who I may not have found otherwise. If you want people to find and read your blog, you have to put yourself out there!
Decide if self-hosting is for you
I made the switch about 9 months after I started blogging. I love having more options now with all the plug-ins that can be used, but its not something you would want to do if you aren’t planning to utilize the extra stuff or aren’t sure if you will continue blogging. I remember being so scared when I began the process, but it wasn’t that bad! And so many people offered to help if I had problems. Lots of bloggers have done posts about how to make the switch, which I found really helpful.
Don’t force it
Lately I have been in a rhythm of posting almost every day. But some of my posts don’t take alot of thinking- like my weekly recap and my meal planning/prep posts. Others I like to put more thought into, and I never want to post something because I feel like I have to. I believe that if I feel that way, it will come across in my post. I hope to continue coming up with original content a few days a week, while also continuing with my normal weekly posts and the occasional recipe.
Use social media
It took me awhile but I eventually made twitter, instagram, pinterest and facebook accounts for my blog. My favorite is definitely instagram. I never tweet, except auto-posts from my blog, links to instagram posts, or interacting with others. I am still figuring out how to best utilize my facebook page, but for now I just auto-post from by blog and occasionally add instagram posts there. And I love Pinterest for saving recipes that I want to try!
When in doubt, remember why you do it
Occasionally I will get overwhelmed and think to myself that I could just stop blogging. But when I think about that, I know it doesn’t feel right. It is something that I enjoy and that I want to continue doing. It’s not always easy- there may be technical issues or writers block or days when you have zero time to blog or read other blogs. But for me, its not a job, its a hobby, and I do it because its fun and gives me a place to talk about the things I love. If that part of it starts to go away, I’ll know I need to make some changes.
So that’s about it! I’m sure there are a million other little details of things I have learned along the way- but too many to remember! I’m excited to have made it to one year- Thank you all for reading!
Thanks, Katie!
How long have you been blogging for?
What have you learned since you began blogging?
What would you like to see more of on Running Out Of Wine?
Congrats! My blog started out the same way in April with zero readers. I definitely learned that being active on other blogs is the best for people to interact on yours 🙂
Definitely! Its also a great way for people to see your name and come check out your blog!
I love this Lisa!! And I love your blog!
Sometimes I get overwhelmed too, but you’re right-it wouldn’t feel right to stop. Balance can be tough!! I think it’s something all bloggers struggle with.
I’ve been thinking about making the self host switch…sooo scary though!!! Do you have all the posts that helped you to figure it out?
Happy blogaversary and I’m glad
You started your blog!!
This was one website that helped me with making the switch: and I also googled some stuff and found some other pages that I didn’t save. My process didn’t go the same as what was described in the post, so I kind of just held my breath and hoped for the best but it all worked out! I use Bluehost and they have a live chat option that I used when I had questions.
Thanks for all your nice comments, and good luck if you decide to make the switch!
Thank you!
Yay! Happy One year Lisa!
I’ve been blogging for 6 months. I’m also considering moving to a self-hosted blog because my wordpress account is so limited, but the idea makes me soooo nervous. What platform are you using?
I use Bluehost. It wasn’t that bad, but make sure you have some time to deal with any issues. I think I did it on a Saturday and it was nice to have time to deal with issues, but the actual switch didn’t take place until like a week later (I was still able to use free wordpress during that time). Good luck if you decide to switch!
Happy blogiversary! I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts and glad we have connected through the blog world 🙂 I’m thinking about going self-hosted one day too, and good idea about the link ups!
Thanks! I’ve also loved following your journey!
Great post! And I feel like I’m slowly learning these things too. The time involved I really wasn’t prepared for. I think your meal planning and organizational tips are great and would love more of that!
Blogging can really take so much time. I feel like I could do it all day long if I really wanted to do everything. But since that’s not an option I just do what I can:) Some days I have zero time to blog, other days maybe a few hours.
Congrats! You know that I am glad that you are here 😀 Sometimes, I still feel like I don’t relaly know what I am going. And I know that I don’t use my blog to its fullest potential. But I think that a big part of that is that my goals for it have changed even since this May, when I went self-hosted.
I think that’s the nice thing about blogging as a can kind of take it wherever you want to go, you’er not obligated to post anything specific or every day. And it can change as your goals for it change!
Happy 1 Year Lisa! I really like your blog! I am going through your archives and I am up to February, but also read the current ones. Distance running as opposed to speed/time, has always been my preference, but I can relate to the love of running. So enjoyable! Keep running and blogging! Congrats!
Thank you! I hope you aren’t getting too bored reading my archives:) Thanks for reading and for your awesome comments!
Awesome job girl!
I LOVED reading how it’s been for you–great tips and insights!
I like the idea of not posting when you just aren’t feeling it–I think you’re right about your readers not feelin’ it!
Thank you! There was a time when I only posted twice a week, and now I typically post every day, but some days it is harder than others to come up with content! It can be tricky but I think planning ahead/saving ideas helps. And if you take a day or two off its not a big deal!
Happy Blogiversary! I started like you, with zero readers. My friends and family didn’t know about my blog for several months and most still don’t. I’m a little more open about it than I used to be and the responses were surprisingly positive. Your list is great! Connecting with other bloggers is my favorite thing ever- I’m kind of loving living in Baltimore which seems to have so many bloggers out and about!
Its can be such a weird thing to share my blog with people in real life. I find it really awkward to bring up in conversation, so I usually just don’t. And like you, most of the responses were positive but I think I get nervous that people will feel like that have to read it, and I really don’t expect them to! I wouldn’t think most non-runners would have an interest in all the running talk:)
Congrats on your blogaversary!! It’s such an amazing experience to share a passion with other bloggers and readers.
Keep it up. You’re doing great!
Thank you!
Happy birthday runnihg out of wine 🙂 I think you’ve put together a lovely space in the past year, and I’m excited to see what the next brings!
Thank you!
Hi! Thanks so much for this post. I’ve been blogging now for about 3 weeks so it’s all very new to me but so far it’s been so much fun. I started just as another challenge to add into my current marathon training cycle. And I love how it has given me new motivation and holds me accountable. But I especially love just stumbling on new blogs to read by other running obsessed people!!
Welcome to blogging! That is so exciting that you got your blog up and running! I think finding and connecting with other running bloggers is the best part of it all:)
Congrats! Your love of running really shows in every post – and that makes your blog such a great read. I need to learn more about these link up posts… I particularly like your “Thinking Out Loud” Thursdays!
It took me awhile to join in on the link ups but its so fun and easy! Thinking Out Loud is my favorite because you can seriously write whatever you want…its perfect for a day when you just have a bunch of random stuff to share!
Happy happy Blogiversary!! These are some great tips. I have been leaning toward self hosting for awhile now but have yet to bite the bullet. (I wrote another blog for years and that one was self hosted so at least when I do switch there won’t be a learning curve.)
I love your blog and I’m glad you’re here. Cheers to the next year! My blogiversary is coming up at the end of next month. 🙂
PS Love that pic from Chuck 12!
That will be nice that if you go to self hosted you already know what you’re doing. Honestly I don’t even know if I could do it again because I don’t even remember how I did it! Ha…so hopefully I won’t have to go through that process again! Oh and I will probably be throwing random photos from Chuck 12 into all my posts over the next few weeks:)
Happy one year! 🙂 I’ve been blogging for just over a year. I love that you write what just comes natural to you. I find myself doing the same thing. If I try to force something just because I haven’t posted in a while, I think in shows in my writing and I delete in anyway, so I’m in the same situation I was before haha. I really enjoyed your gear review posts, especially the uncommon stuff that people might not think about, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy whatever posts you do in this new year of blogging! 🙂
Thanks! That is awesome feedback.I agree that trying to force something never works out. I can tell those days when I’m just not feeling it because I keep deleting stuff and starting over!
Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog and this was a great post! I’m just a couple months into blogging and slowly getting the hang of it. Your insights are right up my alley.
Thank you! I feel like there is such a learning curve to blogging. And I still feel like I have a long way to go!
Happy anniversary! I love your blog, your honestly, kindness, optimism, and voice. You do have a bunch of great tips – they all seem like ‘common sense’, but are all things we need to remember! (which is why it is always great to read them!
As for what I want from your blog? I said it before, and see it again here – I honestly feel you need to really appreciate why your readers love your blog. You have said that you feel yours is ‘like many others’, and while in some ways sure it is, it is YOU and you bring a unique voice and perspective that keeps around.
Again, great milestone!
Thanks for the comment! That is nice feedback since I’ll probably just continue doing what I’m doing:)
Great post and congrats on your 1 year blogiversary! I’ve been blogging about a year and a half now and just went self hosted in the last few months! I love reading your posts! Don’t change a thing! I love connecting with other bloggers!!
Thank you! Connecting with other bloggers is definitely one of the best parts of blogging- I think it makes you want to continue!
Congrats!!! I’ve been blogging for 15 months, and I love following along with your journey!
Thanks, Megan!