Another month has come and gone. Once again, I can’t believe it. May 2017 was a strange month. I think I mostly feel that way because of the weather. Each time we would get a hint of spring/summer, it would be followed by days or weeks of cooler weather or rain. My running was kind of “blah”. I spent the entire month in sort of a holding pattern waiting on my orthotics, not wanting to do too much and knowing I would slowly have to break them in once I got them.
Month in Review: May 2017
I guess the biggest focus of the month was on Rob’s marathon. It was nice to have that as a distraction from the fact that I wasn’t running much. After the marathon, I even took a cut back week. Other than that, I kind of just went through the motions of my workouts.
Here’s how I did with the spring goals that I set:
1. Follow my PTT Recovery Plan
For the most part I kept up with this. I have definitely made adjustments based on what I found to work best.
2. Take yoga classes in a studio
Total fail on this one. However, I kind of gave up on it last month. It’s just not worth the time and cost to me.
3. Continue with daily meditation
Another fail. I would like to get back to this but I need to really make the commitment.
4. Gradually build back up my running
I kind of went backwards with this one. I did start running more consistently again, but as of this past week I was only doing 3 miles of running/walking at a time. I’m ok with that though. I would rather be running very short distances than not running at all.
5. Document my progress
Other than keeping track of my workouts on the blog, I haven’t kept up with this goal either. I can’t seem to figure out the right place to leave my training journal where I will actually write in it.
Based on that review, I think it’s time to revise my goals. For now I’ll keep up with my recovery plan but not worry about the other ones.
Here are a few other posts from this month:
5 Tips for the Taper Weeks
Save it for a Sunny Day
What it’s like to Live with your Running Coach
Total Body Bosu Workout
5 Ways to Mentally Prepare for a Race
There are a few things I’ll be working on in June that I hope to share later this week. I’m feel cautiously optimistic (once again). I’m glad that I ended May with a few good runs, even though they are not nearly as long as I would like.
How did you do with your goals in May 2017?
Did May feel like a strange month to anyone else?
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This whole year has felt strange to me. I can’t believe we’re six months in already. I haven’t accomplished half the things I wanted to by now when it comes to running (and various other parts of my life). This year is flying by!
I totally agree! I thought by now I would definitely be back to racing.
Haha, one of my goals for years now was to take Ariel yoga. I finally gave up on that one!
Sometimes we have to readjust our goals. There’s not point in forcing ourselves to do something we no longer want to do.
I can’t complain about May. I ran a half, found out that run/walk intervals work for me on the days I feel fatigued, and I had a fast 5 miler that shows I still have some speed left in me. The weather, tho, was a challenge!
You had a strong month! Its great you were able to accomplish so much even with the challenging weather.
the weather was definitely weird! it’s been mostly cool aside from brief hot days – it’s never consistent!
Thats exactly how its been here. So strange!
It was so cold and rainy here too I feel sort of ripped off. Running-wise my month was good, although I haven’t even looked at total miles. Eating wise I was off the rails. Oh well.
I definitely felt ripped off by the weather this month. Hopefully June will be better.
I think the one complaint that everyone has had about May is around the weather – it’s been so crazy!! June will probably be more “normal” in terms of the weather.
I really cannot believe that we’re almost half way through the year. I’ve been busier than usual which has made this year fly by. I did okay with my goals this month but there’s always room for improvement!
I really hope June brings some normal weather! This year is flying by for sure.
It’s strange that I signed up for my race last year, since they open registration when the current year’s race is done. Now I ran it yesterday, and I’m feeling the post-race blues a little bit. I’m feeling “now what?”
It so strange to be done with a race you have been working towards for so long!
The weather keeps popping up on everyone’s “challenge” list LOL It’s great we all have a support system 😉 I know you are frustrated with your running,but I sincerely think you are being so wise to take things easy. If you rushed back into more mileage, it might force another setback. I know, easy for me to say LOL Keep your chin UP 😉
You are so right- thank you!
Goals can change – I think it’s smart of you to reassess them each month! May was a weird month and I found it hard to get into a groove on somethings. The weather has been so weird – we have had a few randomly hot days here!
Usually by now its pretty warm but this year we have only had a couple of hot days, the rest have been cool and rainy. Its ok for running but not for being outside otherwise!
I don’t make goals. Ha ha! I wonder why? Or maybe I always have goals going on and just accept the fact that I’ll only ever be able to do one or two of them. I dunno. May was okay, I guess. I can’t believe how fast time is going now though!
May has been such a weird month. I was feeling pretty good with my gym workouts and PT work but then I went on vacation and feel like a bloated fish. Lol. Oh well, back to reality. Speaking of, can we get some sunshine and warmth please?!?!
Vacation is the time to relax and slack off a bit, right? Yea, I could definitely go for some sunshine and warm weather too!
May has been on my calendar just because of the marathon. Aside from a couple long runs this month for training, I feel like I took May pretty easy to taper and recover. It’s weird that it doesn’t seem like much of a training month. You are so great with setting goals and trying to follow up on them – I need to actually write mine down!
Isn’t it weird how months like that are so centered around a race?
I always set a goal of meditating more but rarely actually do it. May was kind of a weird month and totally flew by, how is it already the end of the month!
I cant believe it either, I think Im ready for June and hopefully some better weather!
I usually love May weather but this year it’s been a total rainy month. I kind of want a do over for the month!
A do over would be nice! I feel like we were cheated out of nice weather this month.
I hope you get your orthotics soon so you can slowly start to ramp back up! I think you have done amazing with your training! My April/May have been different. I have been doing the regeneration therapy so my training is not fully what I like it to be (subbing in fast walking for running is OK but my brace is very rigid so I think about it the whole time I am out there). I am looking forward to June, getting out of my brace and focusing on my return (hopefully) to running!
Its going to be so exciting for you to get out of your brace and start running again!
The non stop dreary weather has gotten so old!! I’m glad that you ended the month cautiously optimistic… hopefully things continue to improve from here with your running!
Thanks, I hope so too!