This was basically my 6th week of official training for the Charles Street 12. While my long run was cut back to 8 miles, I still had a tough workout on Wednesday along with my 2 easy runs. Next week I will cut back even more.
The week started out with more hot and humid weather but then we had a huge drop in temps on Friday. It was crazy; when I ran on Friday morning it was in the 70s and still really warm. A few hours later it started raining and the temperature dropped into the 60s and it was actually chilly outside. I was so grateful for a cooler long run on Saturday!
Monday: Rest
As much as I like getting in a workout on a Monday, it’s also really nice to have it as a rest day, especially after a full weekend of running.
Tuesday: Strength Training
This was my last week of my Phase 12 workouts. I’m thinking I will wait until after the race to start my next phase.
Wednesday: 5.25 miles with 5 x 4 minutes at 10k-15k pace
I felt strong during this run! It was pretty warm out so I didn’t know what to expect, but for my last set I ran a 7:04 pace! That’s faster than my recent 5k paces so probably a little too fast for this workout, but it was the last set so I gave it everything I had left. (Although to be honest, I did feel like I could do another set or two if I had to).
Thursday: Strength Training
This workout wrapped up Phase 12! I also went on a 30 minute talk with Grayson after he woke up.
Friday: 3 miles easy
I wrote a long Instagram post about my pace for easy runs.
This run had me thinking a lot about my “easy pace”. Maybe because it’s the first easy run I’ve done in a while without the stroller. I think I’ve had this expectation that my easy pace should be getting faster, even including the warm up mile before a workout. While my workouts and long runs are on target and my fitness is clearly improving, for some reason my easy pace feels stuck. That first mile is always a slog and is usually around 10:30 min/mile.
But why does this even matter? Why do I even care? Before I was pregnant my easy pace was more like a 9 minute mile. I actually had a hard time slowing down much more than that even when I knew I should. It felt weird to me to run much slower. Once I was pregnant I started seeing paces I had never seen before and learned how to run slower because I had no other choice. Now I notice much more of a difference between my easy paces and workout paces.
Here are a few things I reminded myself of this morning:
1) I am still only 8 months postpartum which really isn’t that much, especially after a C-section. And I didn’t start really running consistently until around 6 months.
2) Its summer and the humidity it awful! Of course my paces will be slower.
3) My body needs more time to warm up and maybe that is just something new for me after pregnancy and childbirth.
4) It’s better to run easy paces really easy and be able to nail those harder workouts.
5) This is a good thing. It means I am working hard on my other runs and my body needs a break.
6) Who cares?! It’s an easy run and it’s more about effort than pace. I need to not look at my watch and just focus on how my body feels <—Easier said than done right 😂
Saturday: 8 mile run
Thanks to the weather this was such a great run! All of a sudden my paces were below a 9 minute mile. I actually felt like I had to hold back to not go too fast a week before the race. It would be great to have weather like this next weekend!
Sunday: 3 miles
This was another early morning run which meant it was too dark to take any pictures. I can’t believe its already that time of year when its dark out for my entire run!
Now I am on to the last week of training! So far I am feeling good about the work I have done. I think I’ve made a lot of progress with my fitness in a short period of time. Now the challenge will be actually racing. It’s been so long since I have raced! And my last few races were 5ks.
The good news is that I prefer longer distances and this is one of my favorite courses. So if nothing else, I just want to have fun!
How were your workouts last week?
Do you prefer racing longer distances or shorter distances?
Do you strength train the week before a race?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
My pace has plummeted and I don’t have a baby to show for it! Even when the weather is nice and I’ve taken a few days off, I just am running slower. I don’t know if I should resign myself to it or try harder. I still hit my intervals at Orangetheory, so maybe some of it is in my head. You are doing great and will be so ready for Charles Street!
That’s interesting that you can still hit your intervals at Orange Theory! Maybe if you are doing hard workouts there then your body needs to slow down on your other runs?
You have had a great training cycle for this race and you are going to crush it. Just have fun and go enjoy yourself!
Thanks! That’s the plan!
Awesome job on your training this week! Wasn’t the weather this weekend beautiful? It’s amazing how much the weather, especially humidity, can affect our runs.
Totally! I guess if we didnt have bad weather we wouldn’t appreciate the nice weather as much, right?
I bet your race goes well!! Especially, since it’s a race you already know you’re going to enjoy, your pace (and “racing”) will probably be able to do its thing without much extra effort. Although I have had some decent “shorter” races recently, I much prefer distance. Most of the time, my body is conditioned to run based on how it feels…and my mind is content to just let it. I have much more consistent splits in longer races than in short ones because I don’t have to think about it as much.
Yes, I know what you mean! And I feel like in races like 5ks I either go out too fast or too slow because I am so focused on pace, and then its hard to either keep that pace or make up for it during the other miles of the race. Its easier to just ease into the run and settle into a good pace in longer races.
Cheers to race week! Sounds to me like you’re going to have a great race. Isn’t the break is heat/humidity fabulous? Running is a different animal when it’s cooler. I agree with you the growing darkness is a total buzzkill.
Yes running felt so nice in the cooler weather! Makes me a little bit excited for fall. If its going to be dark in the mornings, it might as well be cool too.
I want to marry this weather.
Your comment about pacing is really helpful. when I did a time trial it was gross out, and I can’t hit what they say is my 2m slower than marathon pace as that would be 15m mile. So I’m eithe running my longs (12-13/mile) at marathon pace, or a November marathon is going to be faster than a July time trial would indicate.
I’m in love with 6-10 miles. Less than 3 feels like a slog, which is bizzare
I definitely think that as the weather cools down you will see your paces get faster. Isn’t it weird how sometimes its easier to run those mid distances than a short 3 miles?
Your training has been great! Pretty sure all that running you did during your pregnancy was like money in the bank. I can’t wait to see how you do. You should feel really good about this!
Thanks! All those pregnancy miles feel SO long ago at this point. But it definitely made it easier to jump back into training I think.
You are in great shape for this race! Fingers crossed that you get good weather – although even if it’s humid and hot, I know you are going to crush it.
I personally don’t do strength training during the week of the race. Physically, it helps me feel fresh and mentally, I enjoy the bit of a break.
Thank you! Yea, I ended up just doing a really light strength workout yesterday that was focused more on mobility than anything else. No need to push it so close to a race!
Good luck on your race! Hope it all goes well for you. You seem to be ready for it!
Thank you! It went well, but it was pretty warm out there which made it tough!
I recently read something from Sara Hall about how she lets the first mile be as slow as possible. I always have a first mile around 10, 10:30. Just listen to your body! Seems like your speed is coming back though!
You are definitely right! I just get into my own head about my paces, even though I know that its better to just let my body ease into the run!