I know I’m not the only one who can’t believe it’s already December. Thinking back on past years, December is usually a pretty good month for running. The weather is still relatively mild, and running helps ease some of the holiday stress. I also have some extra time off from work which means more time to run!
The month started out with 11 miles on December 1st. I actually took the rest of the weekend off running which felt kind of nice. I even spent a few minute doing some yoga which only happens once every few weeks now (if that)!
Rob had signed up a long time ago for a half marathon this Saturday. I was hoping to run it, but didn’t want to sign up too far in advance. On Thursday night he said “Oh yea, I have a half-marathon on Saturday”. It had totally snuck up on us! I considered registering but decided it was just too last minute for me. I had already done a hard run and two strength training sessions that week and just didn’t feel mentally ready for a half. Oh well!
So I moved my long run to Friday morning so that I could go cheer him on at the race. I definitely want to run this next year. It was the Race 13.1 and it’s only the second year that is has been held in Baltimore. The course is flat and goes around my old stomping grounds down near the harbor. They had great weather too. I have to admit I was a little jealous!
Here’s how the rest of the week looked!
Monday: 6 mile fartlek run
My plan was to follow this fartlek workout but ended up extending it a bit by doing a few more rounds of the 1 minute intervals. The longer intervals were tough but I felt good by the time I got to the shorter ones.
The workout looked like this : 1 mile warm-up, 5 x 3 minutes hard with 1 minute recovery (7:43, 7:37, 7:14, 7:32, 7:29), 7 x 1 minute hard with 45 second recovery (6:49, 7:02, 7:04, 7:00, 6:40, 7:02 6:52), 1 mile cool down.
Tuesday: Strength training
Wednesday: 3.5 miles easy
The weather this week was pretty good for running. I feel like I need to acknowledge that since 99% of the time I am complaining about the weather! It was nice to just head out for an easy run to start the day.
Thursday: Strength training
Friday: 11 miles with a fast finish
I was leaving for work a few minutes later than usual so had time to get in a long run. It was pretty crazy to have finished 11 miles by 6:45am! I gradually picked up the pace throughout the run and pushed it a bit during the last few miles.
Saturday: Rest
Just walked around a bit while spectating Rob’s half marathon. He didn’t train for this at all, but still did really great. When I take time off running it’s SO hard to get back into it for those first few runs, and my pace really suffers for a while. I think he actually runs some of his best races without training!
Sunday: 30 minutes yoga
I was thinking I would move my cross training day to Sunday, which is usually riding the spin bike. Instead, I just felt like slowing down and doing some yoga.
[Tweet “Somehow it’s Decmeber already, a great month for running! How are you starting out the month? @milebymilerun #weeklywrap #runchat”]
Don’t forget to enter my Holiday Running Gift Giveaway!
How do you feel about December running?
What’s the latest you have ever signed up for a half-marathon?
Ever run a half after taking a few weeks off of running?
Do you like getting your long run done on a Friday?
Angela @ happy Fit Mama says
I love getting a long run in before the weekend. It makes scheduling so easy! I usually wait the longest possible before signing up for a race. That fear of DNS because of an injury is always there.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I am terrified of signing up too soon for races now! I wish I had like a week’s notice to sign up, but 2 days didn’t feel long enough to get mentally prepared for a half.
meredith @ cookie chrunicles says
I may try to run longer this Friday because I will be away on the weekend and unable to run on Saturday for sure. we will see if I have the time though! and we both love the talk about the weather, always have and I always think of you when it changes, is too hot or too cold lol
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s definitely nice to get in a long run on a Friday! Haha, I think of you when the weather is intense too!
Kristina says
Wow way to go Rob!
December – February are such great months for running down here because the weather is actually bearable. I am definitely feeling like I’m missing out right now, especially because I am not even allowed to go on walks. Fingers crossed the doctor clears me on the 11th and I can try to make the most of the season to build up a little bit of a base before it gets super hot again.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I hope you can get back to running before it gets hot again!
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
Funny how men can be so much different – great job doing 11 miles before 6:45 am on a Friday – I’m impressed! What time do you wake up?
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I usually get up around 4:30. I started this run a few minute after 5:00.
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness says
I think that is true. When I don’t put pressure on myself by having a training plan for a future race, I usually do well. Please share Rob’s race recap. I can’t believe you managed 11 miles that early before work Fri am. You go girl!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I’ll have to see if I can get him to write a race recap! There is definitely something to be said for not worrying about a race.
Kimberly G says
Very true – you are not the only one that can’t believe that December is already here!
Great job on that long run before work!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks! And this year is just flying by…
Laura @ This Runner's Recipes says
Great job on that 11 miler! I prefer to do my long runs on Fridays. My work schedule is flexible and I like how it frees up the weekends. And congrats to Rob on his race!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s awesome that you can do your long runs on Friday all the time! It’s really nice to have it out of the way.
Marcia says
Mad props to you for getting in 11 before work! I do love getting a long run before the weekend when it’s crazy, as it is now. Takes so much pressure off! Congrats to your hubby!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks! I definitely agree- its so nice to be done with the long run before the weekend even begins.
Erinn says
I can’t believe you got in 11 miles before work! Your running is back in a big way!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I felt a little crazy doing that but I was also so excited to have a solid workout done so early in the day!
Wendy says
I bet it was so hard for you not to just sign up for that race at the last minute. It is a half, after all… I’m very impressed with your restraint!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I was really tempted but it also made me a little nervous! I feel like I need a week or so to mentally prepare for a race, even if I don’t register until the day of.
Lesley says
I’m right there, trying to get back into running after taking some time off. The first runs are usually rusty, and I need to get the motivation to start. I haven’t done much, but I do know once I get back to my routine, running will be easier.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I think having a routine is key! I like knowing what days I will using run, strength train, etc.
Megan @ Meg Go Run says
I had a dream about you last night! I dreamed you did a ten mile run with the last three miles at a 4:51 pace!!!!!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I started laughing out loud at work when I read your comment! That is awesome and I wonder what it means?!?
Catherine says
I’m going to have to join the bandwagon…I can’t imagine getting 11 miles in by 6:45. There’s not enough coffee in the world. Way to go!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Haha well I am naturally an early riser so I didnt have to get up earlier than usual…I just had to get out the door quickly!
Laura says
Awesome job on that fartlek! I always dread the colder weather but so far I’ve been overdressing and toasty warm, so that gives me hope that I’ll make it through just fine. 🙂
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I think there has only been 1 day so far this season thats been really cold, otherwise Ive felt ok. Not sure how I feel about the really cold days to come though!
Kimberly Hatting says
Now if it were me, I’d have done the half LOL I have serious FOMO (especially when I’m somewhat in shape and not injured). Good for you, though. I have done a lot of races I probably should have sat out. December running (so far) has been good…but our weather is about to change for the cold….
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I really wanted to run it but I felt like I wasn’t mentally prepared. I don’t mind signing up for races at the last minute but I like having at least a few days to plan ahead!
San says
I signed up two weeks before the Napa Half in September. I had tentitavely thought about it, but never committed to it (or training for it)… it was supposed to be just a fun run for me, no pressure, so it was totally ok 🙂
I understand thow that you didn’t want to be THAT spontaneous after having a few harder workouts under your belt that week 😉
HoHo Runs says
I think those long runs before work make you feel extra accomplished! I have signed up on the day of a half marathon several times. I don’t think I would have had your self control. LOL. Here, December is mild so it’s a great month for running! Thanks for linking!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I would be ok signing up the day of a half as long as I had a few days before to mentally prepare! And I would have liked to go easy on the workouts before a race. Oh well, there’s always next year to do it!
Sara says
Great job with your training! You are totally an inspiration to me now!
I want to stay half ready so that I can just sign up for them whenever I feel like it. I’ve never run a half after taking a few weeks off but I’ve done a 10 miler and that worked out pretty well for me. I actually got a new PR.
December running isn’t my thing….it’s going to get really cold here this week. I’m dreading it already lol.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I feel like if you can do 10 you can do 13! Its nice to be half-marathon ready even without any races coming up. Stay warm!!
Samantha says
The 13.1 race sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you are able to do it next year 🙂 I enjoy getting my long runs out of the way before the weekend just so I don’t have to worry and can be with friends longer!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yes, it’s so nice to have the long run done on a Friday before the weekend even begins!
Teresa says
Great week Lisa! That fatlek workout looks challenging but fun. I always wait until at least a few weeks out before signing up for a half marathon since I’m so dang injury prone. The only times I’ve signed up really early is if it’s a great price and I wouldn’t mind losing that $$ if I end up not being able to run.
Congratulations to the hubby for a great race!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s so tricky to decide if its worth signing up early to save money (but risking not running) or waiting unit the last minute and paying more!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says
I will have to save the date for the 13.1 race…I still haven’t run a race in Baltimore and it’s so close! Congrats to Rob!
Your week of running was great! Those intervals are so speedy! I enjoy running in December, especially when the weather is a bit warmer than usual!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
You should definitely try to do the 13.1 in Baltimore! It’s a flat and scenic course, and the weather is usually pretty good. The other Baltimore races I like are held during warmer times of year!
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
Friday is my day off work, so that is my long run day! I’d much rather get it done while my kids are in school, so I can have my weekend to do other things. I know a lot of people run more on the weekend, but I’m the opposite!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
If I had the time every Friday to do a long run I definitely would! But it wasn’t ideal to have to finish up my run and rush to work…its nice on the weekend to have more time to focus on recovery.