Today is one of my favorite days of the year, and this time it’s gone global! Every year on the first Wednesday in June runners come together to celebrate their love for the sport. I first learned of this holiday in 2014, so this is my third year “celebrating” (which means posting about my love of running and of course going for a run!) You can read my other posts here and here.
In 2014 I shared my running journey, from how I started running to how I got into running marathons. Last year I created a few questions about running for myself and others to answer. So this year, I thought I would talk about what running has taught me.
Running has taught me…
…to be patient
….to never give up
….that things do get easier if you work hard
…that pain passes
…if you always wait for the “perfect” conditions, you will never get anything accomplished
…to believe in myself
…how to be competitive but also supportive of others
…that the view from the top is worth the climb
…the tough days make the good days that much better
…you can always make time in your schedule if you REALLY want to get something done
…that I am lucky to have found something so positive that I enjoy so much
…to appreciate the changing seasons
…to respect the things that are out of my control
…to be strong
…there is no better way to explore a new place than by running
…that as much as you can try, you can’t be in control of everything. And that’s ok.
There are probably about a million more things, but that’s all I will include for now. I hope you celebrate with a great run today!
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What has running taught you?
How are you celebrating global running day this year?
I’m joining the coaches’ corner link-up with Running on Happy, Suzlyfe, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs!
the best year ever for me was when global running day (wasn’t it called national running day before? that’s what I was wondering yesterday) was when it fell on my birthday a few years ago! first Wednesday of june sometimes works out to be my bday lol. and imagine if we waited for perfect weather conditions? we would rarely get to run!
What a treat to have running day on your bday! It was national running day in the past years. It sounds weird to me to call it global running day but I guess its a good thing because it means its even bigger!
I love this post, Lisa…it’s perfect.
EXACTLY. So perfect. Thank you for linking up with us!
And thank you for hosting!
Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
I don’t know how, but every single year I seem to post about something other than running on Running Day! I’m a rebel! 😀
“to respect the things that are out of my control” I love this one. It’s probably the hardest thing to do, and I’m always working on it, but running has definitely helped with it. I love that running teaches us lessons that extend to all areas of our lives!
I know- so many of the things I listed I realized applied to other areas of life! It really is a metaphor for so many other things.
Love these! I’ve learned many of the same things through running. I love how it has helped me go farther mentally than I realized I could. It has taught me perserverence, self love (through the good runs and bad), and determination in other areas of my life.
Determination and self-love are great lessons too! So glad you have also learned so much from running!
This post is so perfect and I agree with many of these! I love how so many of the reasons we love running also apply to life in general.
I celebrated at November Project this morning! I wish there had been more running in the workout, but I still got a little over a mile in. I’m just happy I’m not hurting (2014) or recooping from a half (2015) this year! Have a great day, Lisa!
The tough times definitely make us appreciate the good times- both in running and in life!
I love this post. You capture everything great about running! I love how running teaches us the reward of hard work – and how hard work can be enjoyable in and of itself.
So true! Its strange to choose to do something that is hard- but it ends up being worth it every time!
You pretty much nailed all the good stuff! I didn’t know it was global running day until this morning! I’m not sure how I’ll celebrate… hmm… maybe I’ll do my run in my birthday suit or something. 😛
Haha I hope that went well!!
I love this day of the year. I don’t think it’s a well known day outside of the running community, but it’s full of smiles. I missed it for a few years due to injuries so being able to get out there this morning made it extra special. I love how much running has changed my life- and not for exercise reasons. It’s amazing.
I think for so many people they may have started running for exercise reasons and then it became so much more. I’m glad you were able to celebrate this year!!
Tonight there is a running festival tonight for National Running Day in my town but of course I got to work so I will not be able to attend. So will have to run earlier in the day. It’s so true, anyone can run, you just have to make time for it. I always say we do not have any more hrs in the day than non runners, we just make it a priority.
Yep exactly. I think it just takes alot of adjusting and you have to make it a priority, but if you really want to get a run in, you can find a way to make it happen!
Great post! I don’t have any huge national running days plans, just a nice easy run planned.
I hope you enjoyed your run!!
so much truth in all of these! running has taught me that the only limitations i have are the ones i think i have and i celebrated with a 4 mile run this morning!!
That’s great! I hope you enjoyed your run!
Happy Running Day! Today is rest day, and I just learned of this holiday, so I am celebrating with a margarita. But let’s face it, the margarita was going to happen whether it was a holiday or not! 🙂
Haha I hope you enjoyed your well-deserved margarita!!
Yes to all of this! Especially the changing of the seasons. I don’t know why that one resonates so much with me but it does. <3 Happy Global Running Day!
I’ve been thinking about that lately when even though its hot and humid I and glad its no longer cold and dark. But soon enough I will be ready for fall running again!
Running has really toughened me up! I’ve conquered things that years ago would have intimidated me. I’m so happy I’m a runner!
That’s awesome! I think its toughened me up as well. I couldn’t imagine NOT being a runner at this point!
I always forget these days are coming! I DID get a run in yesterday though 🙂 Running has taught me so many things, it’s still my primary “me” time and the time I really think about all the important things.
That is an important part of running for me too! Glad you got a run in even though you didn’t know about the holiday:)
YES! So many life lessons from running… isn’t it amazing? I had no idea when I trained for my first ever race how much it would change my life. It helped me find my inner drive and apply it in all sorts of ways.
I love this post! I think the main thing that running has taught me is that I can do hard things; which has now become my running mantra. Sometimes I get stressed about hard workouts and getting through the miles or hitting the right paces but I realize everytime that I’m capiable of more than I think I am.
I think running has taught me that as well! Whenever I am faced with a new challenge I remember other things I have accomplished that seemed daunting at first!
“If you always wait for the perfect conditions, you won’t get anything accomplished.”
I especially liked this part; running has definitely taught me that as well. Happy Global Running Day!
Glad you liked it! I have definitely found this to be true, and I need to remind myself of it all the time.