This week the temperature jumped about 40 degrees: Last Sunday I ran in the rain in 40 something degree weather and by Thursday it was just about 80 degrees. Be careful what you wish for, right? It’s ok though, I would rather this summer weather than any more of the cold and rain! The one part I could do without though is these allergies. Looking at my TimeHop makes me think that they are always the worst around Memorial Day Weekend!
I still managed to have a good week of running. In fact, I always notice my running improves when it gets warm out. It’s probably somewhat of a mental thing because I prefer to be outside when I feel comfortable and I get easily irritated about the cold. As you will see below, I returned to the track for the first time this year. I felt like I had to drag myself there but once I got it done I felt great!
This weekend I ran a 5k on Saturday morning, which was a struggle with the heat and humidity. I’ll post a recap at some point, but it wasn’t a PR or even close. I was expecting to do a little better than I did, but it just goes to show just how much on an impact the heat can have.
So, here is how the week looked overall:
Monday: 5.1 miles with 6 x 400s
These were right around 1:40, and I was happy that they were consistent. I was definitely exhausted by the end!
Tuesday: Strength training + 3.1 miles easy, PM: Yoga
Wednesday: 5.4 miles with hill repeats, core work
Thursday: 5 miles and core/hip exercises
Friday: Rest (Did a little core work in the morning and walked at lunch)
Saturday: 7 miles total: 3 mile warm up, 5k, 1 mile cool down
Sunday: 10 mile trail run! I stayed at my parents’ house on Saturday night and found trail about 15 minutes from where they live. Part of it was shaded so it felt a little cooler that would have felt running out on the streets.
Total: 35.6 miles
Walked: 27.5 Push-ups: 3 days
Yearly Total: 973/2016
I actually walked a little almost every day this week at lunch time. All winter I ate at my desk, so during the first warm week of the year I either ate outside, or went for a walk after I ate. The only problem was every time I went outside I ended up sneezing for about an hour straight afterwords! I have heard that taking a walking break is supposed to help you refocus; for me I ended up having a harder time getting back to work!
Anyone else suffering with allergies lately?
Do you have a hard time refocusing if you take a “real” lunch break?
How were your workouts last week?
meredith @ cookie chrunicles says
it’s crazy how it suddenly got so warm! I am definitely enjoying the sunshine and warmer temps though! I remain fascinated that I no longer have allergies since switching to a meatless diet. this used to be the most dreaded time of year for me because of tree pollen and now I just look at the trees, wait for an attack and I don’t have one. it’s crazy when I think about it!
[email protected] says
I always think about how you say that your allergies went away when you gave up meat! I just don’t think I could do it- but its tempting to try because allergies are awful!
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Allergies here are very different–we don’t have flowering trees, so my allergies are much better, generally! I had a great week of workouts, but now I’m having a little bit of tendonitis in my foot. Jury is still out on that.
[email protected] says
I hope your foot feels better quickly! It’s always something, right?
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
We also blasted right into summer! It was in the 80s and humid all week. I thought it would be bad for my race yesterday but for some odd reason, the humidity dropped and it was perfect. A gift, really!
Allergies are really bad right now. My car was completely covered with pollen yesterday. And when I run, I have to take my contacts out and clean them. They get so full of pollen. Crazy, right?
[email protected] says
My eyes were so itchy after my run yesterday! I should start cleaning out my contacts after my run, thats a great idea!
Sam @ See Sam Run says
You’re so right about the heat. I was surprised at how quickly the temps jumped. It’s gotten me to finally force myself to be a morning runner because there’s no way I would make it through an evening run in this heat! Did you do the Stonleigh race? I wanted to do it but ended up having to work.
[email protected] says
I did do the Stoneleigh 5k! I did it last year too. Its a fun race but definitely not a PR course!
HoHo Runs says
Another strong week for you! My allergies start mid February (with trees). So, I take Allegra for about two months straight and that keeps them at bay. But, it’s one of those things you have to take every day. Try it! A shaded trail sounds like the perfect place to run right now. I don’t mind the heat — I am a champion sweater! But, it’s the humidity that gets me. I can’t breathe. It’s such a game changer. But, it’s here until October so I better get over it! LOL. Thanks for linking with us Lisa!
[email protected] says
I used to take Allegra but then it stopped working! I think I get immune to allergy meds after awhile. I usually try to go as long as I can before I take anything. Yea, the humidity is definitely the worst!
Laura @ This Runner's Recipes says
We are still chilly here! Most of our Memorial Day weekend was rainy and cold. That’s crazy how much your weather has changed in just one week. Allergies aren’t as bad for me in Seattle, but I used to get so sick from them when I lived in St Louis and Ohio. Happy Memorial Day!
[email protected] says
Thats nice that you don’t have allergy problems out there, but its too bad its still rainy and cold!
[email protected] says
Great job on your wk of workouts. Fortunately I do not suffer from allergies I have never had a schedule lunch break in any of my jobs I have worked to be able to go for a walk during that time. Must be nice.
[email protected] says
I’ve never had a lunch break either. And now that I can take one it took 6 months for me to start actually getting away from my desk during that time!
Megan @ Meg Go Run says
I was wishing I had found a trail on Saturday. It was so hot but everytime I encountered some shade from a tree, I purposefully ran under it for just a few seconds of cooler air!
[email protected] says
The shade definitely helped! During my warm up before my race I was able to run in the shade, but by the time the race started all the shade was gone and I was running directly in the sun, which made it feel so much hotter!
Suzy says
YAY! I’m happy you guys are getting some sunny weather! Wahoo! That’s pretty impressive to do 400s and a hill repeat workout and a race all in one week. Your legs must be tired! Enjoy your long weekend!
[email protected] says
They are pretty tired! I am enjoying a rest day today which feels great!
Sarah @ BucketListTummy says
I feel like I need a “real” lunch break to get my mind away from work stuff for a little bit and come back refocused. Crazy how the temperature changed 40 degrees throughout the week!
[email protected] says
It is crazy how fast the weather changed but I had a feeling that would happen!
Kristina says
My allergies have been pretty bad recently too. It probably doesn’t help that I spent most of the spring running indoors and now I’m running outside again. More exposure to the allergens!!
I like taking lunch breaks away from my desk even if it just means sitting in an empty conference room and watching YouTube videos or a TV show I missed earlier in the week. Taking walks during lunch is also really nice, but only during the winter. I hate coming back to the office sweaty! I can’t focus on work at all when I’m hot!
[email protected] says
I think soon it will be too hot for me to keep taking walks for that reason!
Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes says
My allergies have been the absolute worst this year. I’ve never had to resort to taking allergy medicine before but this year would be a nightmare without it. I can’t stop sneezing and my eyes have been watering! I hope you have a good week this week! Good luck with training!
[email protected] says
Thanks! Last year my allergies weren’t too bad but for some reason last week was just awful. Hoping they settle down now!
Hilary @ Embrace the Neon says
So sorry to hear about the heat! But I’m sure sun is a nice change. Workouts were easy for me this week since I had a race on Sunday, but I’m ready to get back to my normal routine!
[email protected] says
It definitely is nice to see the sun! Looking forward to hearing about your race!!
Lesley says
Our weather’s been the same. It was raining and staying cool, then it’s heated up. I’m shopping for more tank tops and I’ve already found another one I’d like. Next month’s shopping!
[email protected] says
Gotta prepare for the heat, right?! 🙂
Kristy @ Southern In Law says
It sounds like it got warmer for you and SO MUCH colder for us! I really need to get on a plane to the US!
I find I actually tend to be more productive if I take an actual lunch break, however, lately I haven’t been doing that as I’ve just been so busy!
[email protected] says
Its so funny how its getting colder for you and hotter for us! You should definitely come to the US- just be prepared for the humidity if you’re coming to the east coast!
Jennifer @ Dashing in Style says
I wish I ran better in warm weather, but I run much worse. I’m much more of a cold weather runner, though I do like wearing cute summer running clothes, ha ha. Looks like a pretty trail!
[email protected] says
I think there is a point where I definitely run slower as it gets hotter, I just feel better overall if Im warm vs cold. I have to remind myself of how much I struggled all winter when I start to complain about the heat!
Alyssa @ renaissancerunnergirl says
The weather change was indeed CRAZY! My run last Sunday (May 22) was 50 degrees and rainy. My run this Sunday, also at 7am, 80 and sunny! But like you I’m glad the summer has arrived, even if it means slowing down to smell the roses (and sweat like crazy) 🙂
Tricia @MissSippiPiddlin says
I love the picture of the trail by your parents, you lucked up on that! I run mainly at the campground near my house because most of it is under shade and it makes a huge difference when I have to run in the afternoons after work!
[email protected] says
The shade is so nice on the hot summer days!
Debra @ Happy Running Sole says
Hope your allergies improve soon. It’s tough when the weather changes so drastically in a short time frame. Great job on your 5K! That’s an impressive time! My times always slow down in the summer months. I do prefer this weather over the cold, dreary months of Winter though. I hate being cold.
[email protected] says
I find that my times get slower but my body feels better- I think its just harder for me to get moving when its cold out!
Ana says
Awesome job on your 5K! especially with the heat and humidity! I dont’ know if you posted the recap yet, I’m going to go look for it.
[email protected] says
I didn’t post it yet- hopefully early next week!:) Thank you!