It’s been way too long since I have shared my runfessions, but as I have been running more and starting to race again it’s time to do some sharing. Be sure to join the link-up and share your own!
1. Every year around this time I struggle with my hair getting in knots when I run in the humidity and/or rain. Before my race last Saturday, I decided to try a trick that I read about in Laura’s post a few months ago: I put coconut oil in my hair and then braided it. Usually when I braid my hair it shrinks up into a huge ball of knots before I am even done running, but this time it stayed in a braid and was easy to comb through before my shower! I am definitely going to continue doing this, although I did feel kind of gross greasing up my hair with coconut oil.
2. Other embarrassing facts about my race a few weeks ago: the smelling and the chafing. I don’t deal with these issues as much in the winter, but it’s like spring comes and I am reminded that I can’t escape them. How many times have I swore I would never skip using body glide again? Well once again I am making that promise.
3. I have to admit that my recent appreciation for running is definitely tied to being outside in the daylight. I don’t think I realized how much all those dark, cold mornings affected me. Now I just need to appreciate the spring/summer months (despite the heat and humidity that will be here soon!) knowing that my motivation will probably decrease once again when the days get shorter. But let’s not think that far ahead just yet. I always prided myself on being a year-round runner so I feel a little guilty admitting just how rough the winters can be to get through.
4. This time of year is my “sweet-spot” for running I think. I notice that my easy pace is faster than the colder and warmer months. I know there are alot of runners that run faster in the cold, but I feel like my body doesn’t want to move and never really warms up. When it gets too hot I slow down too. These 40-60 degree temperatures are perfect.
5. There is a hill in one direction from my house that I have been avoiding for months. It’s about a mile long and descends on the way out, so the way back is really a struggle. Last Sunday I finally got over myself and ran that way for my 9 mile run. The last uphill mile was really tough, but I did it, and it’s those kinds of runs that make us stronger.
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What do you have to runfess lately?
Do you avoid a certain route due to hills?
Have you ever tried using coconut oil in your hair?
I’m linking up Marcia for Runfessions and with Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia for the Friday Five!
Running that hill really will make you stronger. My neighborhood is the opposite – I have to run up (a much shorter hill) to get out.
I think I would prefer the uphill on the way out because you get it over with right away. But I bet I would complain about that too because it would be a really tough way to start out a run!
I definitely avoid the hill in my neighborhood for the same reasons! I need to get better at running in the morning or at night because it’s already in the 90’s and humid in Charlotte! That’s really neat about the coconut oil, I’ve never heard that.
I can’t believe its so warm there! This week it’s been like 50 degrees and raining here.
This time of year is totally my favorite too! Mornings in the 40’s-50’s are ideal, and I don’t have to wear ten layers to feel comfortable. There’s a pretty big beast of a hill near the Capitol and I used to avoid it like the plague, but lately I’ve been including it in my easy runs once a week.
Its so good to just start doing those hills and then they become (somewhat) easier!
I can’t really avoid these 2 monster hills in my area. I have to choose path 1#- hard on the way out, somewhat easy on the way back or hill #2 very hard on the way up, and very easy for about half mile on the way back. haha. I used to dread them, but the more I avoided them the harder they were. I run them several times a week now and i accept that i’ll be a little slow, but the days i crest the top are the best! Huge confidence builder!
Most directions from where I live have hills but I just have to pick my poison. This one is long (takes over a mile to get to the top) so it’s my least favorite. I would rather do a short, steep one that is over faster. But yes, they are definitely confident boosters!
Every time I leave my house without Body Glide when it’s 1. raining or 2. more than 50 degrees, I totally regret it…
When will we learn?!
I got a huge chaffing rash on my lat during the race on Saturday. It was super disgusting but now has scabbed over. So gross.
Don’t feel guilty to admit winters are hard- that’s one of the reasons you should be proud of running all year! You know I run through winter too, and now when I am out on my runs I see soooooooo many people. Everyone in my neighborhood is out enjoying the weather and I’m all like “Where were you guys 2 months ago???”
I hate the scabs from chafing! And I know, I have seen so many more runners around here lately too!
Lol! It took me a few times to read to understand how you ‘brain’ your hair hahaha! Love when these typos happen! Don’t worry, I’m not a spelling nazi, I am just not fully awake 😀 Oh, and congratulations for tackling that hill. I’m still trying to convince myself to start including them. 😀
Hahah thanks for pointing that out! It’s something spellcheck wouldn’t catch and clearly an oversight by me!
We have no hills here to avoid. I have to seek out “one” if I want to do hill repeats. Coconut oil in hair: Who knew? THanks for linking up!
That was how it was for me when I lived in the city! I had to purposefully seek out the hills!
omg you know the winter months are brutal for me in the dark and early morning dreary cold! I do run faster in the cold but I love the early morning daylight and warmer temps! I do use coconut oil in my hair but as a treatment, not for before I run but I hear it’s a good idea.
I have never thought about using the coconut oil as treatment but maybe if I wear it for running often enough I will get some of the benefits:)
Congrats on tackling that hill! Who knows, you may be in love with it one day!
Yes, coconut oil is amazing for the hair, I love to use it. It’s a great conditioner too!
Though fall is my favorite running season, I do enjoy running in the spring before the weather gets too hot! I just wish the weather could be more consistent, it’s been all over the place!
I totally agree about the weather! This week has been so depressing, especially after the gorgeous spring weather we had last week.
for some reason i definitely run faster in cold weather. i think it has to do with the fact that i cant really feel my legs…. hahaha.
and i’ve put coconut oil in my hair once and almost didn’t go into work because it looked so greasy. never again.
My hair was SO greasy when I put the oil in it before my run. I don’t think I could use it any other time!
I do the braided ponytail too. My ponytail has gotten very long, and I hate when it whips me in the face when I run! 🙂
Me too! I wish I could do a double french braid for running but I’m not that coordinated:)
I’ll have to try the coconut oil/braid trick! Thanks for sharing, and glad it worked! Running confession: I get the smell thing. I used my hydration pack for the first time in months last weekend and realized that even though I washed it, it still smelled awful. = (
So much of my running gear has a permanent stench. Glad I am not the only one!
I do avoid hills if I can. Sometimes they aren’t bad, and I don’t mind them, but if it’s either a long hill or steep hill, I try to go around it. I’ve never heard of the coconut oil trick, and your post reminded me I need to buy some more body glide. I ran out a couple weeks ago.
Running out of body glide is the worst! But now I just need to remember to use mine:)
I love running this time of year, too! I’m more motivated to get out of bed and get going when it’s not bitter cold. I love that coconut oil tip!
I look forward to my morning runs so much more when it’s warmer and lighter out! And the coconut oil was amazing, I can’t believe I dealt with knots for so many years before learning about this!
I will be the first to admit that I HATE winter running! It was nice this year though because we really didn’t even have winter weather until AFTER my marathon (in January). I just feel it is harder on the body in general and plus I am never motivated to run outside in the cold! Enjoy your spring running. It’s the best!
I guess this past winter wasn’t too bad but spring is definitely better:) I’ll even take the hot and humid summer days over the cold of winter (but I am sure I will regret saying that in a few months!)
I have a hill I avoid in my neighborhood as much as possible. But, I’ve got to run it at least once to get back home! Oh, my family tells me I stink all the time after running. I wear that stink with pride!
The only 2 people living in this house are both runners so I am sure combined we stink really bad! but at least there is no one to else to complain about it:) Although sometimes I do have to tell Rob to go shower because I can’t stand how bad it gets.
Thanks for sharing my link! I’m so glad the coconut oil tip worked for you – tangles are the worst! I need to buy bodyglide because I had my first real experience with chafing this morning and it was painful. Ouch. Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh no! I hope the chafing wasn’t too bad- definitely get some body glide!! Hope you have a great weekend too!
40 to 60 degrees are my favorite temps. I don’t like running in the heat, and am generally an early morning runner, so it rarely an issue. I ran all winter in the cold and dark. SO GLAD spring in here ! now I just need to re-find my motivation.
It will come back! Especially as the weather continues to improve!
Yay!!! Congrats on conquering that hill! My house sits about halfway up a hill. It’s not a big hill, nor is it steep…but it’s a hill none-the-less. Every run either starts (or stops) on an incline. Not a fun scenario, but it’s my reality. As a result, though, I don’t have a fear (or dread) of hills to the extreme that a lot of others do. Glass half full 😉
I guess when you have to deal with that every day you just get used to it! Plus it makes you stronger:)
Oh I love this! I use coconut oil in my hair before I shower just to make it easier to comb through. I guess it’s the same principle. And I totally avoid certain routes around here because of the hills. We live around so many steep ones, though. They’re unavoidable.
That’s a good idea to use coconut oil before you shower! I will probably try that if I ever forget to put it in before a run. Ugh steep hills are tough. But the more we run them the stronger we will get!
We don’t have a lot of hills where I live. So I was really worried about Big Sur. Not to worry, tho, my coach had me very well prepared with that sled pull. I’m not afraid of hills anymore…altho I won’t consciously seek them out!
I am sure those sled pulls and other strength exercises prepared you well for the hills of Big Sur!
Great list. It does get so much nicer running in the daylight of spring.
haha I love the term runfession! That’s hilarious! My runfession is that if I don’t run in the morning the chances of me completing my run after work are slim to none. I need to figure out a way to get over this!
It’s tough for me to get in evening workouts too! I always plan to run in the morning otherwise it just won’t happen.
Congrats on finally conquering that hill!
I’ve used coconut oil on my hair at night before going to bed as a mask but never tried it for eliminating knots from running. I’ve been getting some really bad ones lately so I’ll have to give this a try. It just always makes my hair look so oily so I’ve been hesitant to do it when I’m not just sitting at home!
Thanks! Definitely give the coconut oil a try, as long as you are planning to was your hair after the run!
Hair is a huge issue for me on runs, and I can’t never decide if I like my hair short or long.
But I’ve read that coconut oil is a great conditioner for your hair, so I hope that at least will feel better with time (?)
We have not been avoiding hills, in fact we train where we know there will be hills. We are just crazy like that! Way to push yourself on that hill!!
Thanks! And good job training on those hills, they definitely help with building strength!