Is it really Thursday already?! I’m still so thrown off from the long weekend! Blogging this week has been all about running, (but I’m always thinking about running) so why not continue the trend? I mean isn’t that what I always talk about anyway?
Still Thinking About Running: Track Workouts
I made it back to the track on Tuesday for the first time since I got sick in early August. This week I did 800s. It was pitch black when I got there.
Something else interesting about this workout was that I listened to music for the first time in about a year and a half. I was a little intimidated to be doing speed work, and really not excited about making 28 circles around the track, so I thought maybe music would be a bit of a distraction.
I am shocked at how well I recovered after the Charles Street 12. I ended up talking to my coach and moving around my runs a bit because we are supposed to have thunderstorms all day today. So today is rest day and then I have a MP run followed by a 15 miler! I’m excited to be building up my long runs but it does sound very intimating.
On Monday I thought I would be one step ahead of myself and make a smoothie to drink on Tuesday morning after my workout. I was hoping it would turn out well and I could share the recipe, but I think I need to tweak it a bit. However, there were some good nutrients in there, and that’s what counts, right?
Still Thinking About Running: Tight Hips
I’ve created a “standing desk” of sorts at home, which looks out a window. I realized how much sitting all day makes my hips tight, so when I am home I just try not to sit as much as possible. I have definitely noticed a difference over the past week!
Still Thinking About Running: Compression Socks
I’ve also been living in my compression socks whenever I am at home. I guess I won’t be too sad when it’s boots season and I can wear them all day long:)
One other thing that has nothing to do with running: Last night I made this parmesan crusted chicken for the first time in way too long. It was one of those meals that I used to make all the time and then we got sick of it, and then forgot about it. It was nice to have it again after so long!
- Do you run with music?
- How much time do you spend sitting during the day?
- Are you ready for
compression socks seasonboot season? - Ever had a smoothie fail that you drank anyway because it had good stuff in there?
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I’ve been running with music about once per week when I do my goal pace runs and it helps! During long runs I’ve been listening to podcasts and that helps pass the time too. I go through phases with listening to stuff.
I’ve been listening to podcasts on some of my easy runs and its a nice way to change things up! I don’t even miss music when I don’t have it, it’s just comforting to know its there if you need it.
I eat and drink all of my fail recipes regardless. I don’t leave food. I just don’t. I’m not sure how I would feel about doing Yasso 800s in the dark…
Luckily I had my trusty headlamp! But there other people on the track and it was tough to see them until I got close. There are lights around the track, they just aren’t turned on for some reason.
I can’t imagine doing any runs without music. The only time I don’t is when I am running with someone so we can chat. That parmesan chicken looks tasty. I love any chicken recipe. I don’t usually make smoothies for the reason that they never come out the way I’d hope so I’ve just given up on them.
I usually just throw random ingredients in my smoothies and drink them regardless, so I don’t really expect them to taste that good:)
Absolutely yes to the smoothie fail!
I love my booties & boots, but I seriously do not want to wear them yet. Maybe because it wasn’t that hot a summer, despite this past week, and I’m not really ready to give up summer clothes (or sunlight) yet.
I gave up running with music a couple of years ago. One of these days I must download some music to my phone (it’s on my ipod right now) so I can try out that feature on my vivoactive.
There are alot of things about summer that I am not ready to give up either! It’s so nice to be able to put on a pair of sandals and not have to layer up.
I always run with music but do sometimes listen to a podcast. I have to listen to something! I have been living in my pro compression socks too, love them! Isn’t it fun to bring back a favorite recipe? I used to make a parmesan crusted chicken too that you now reminded me about ! (it involved mustard, Dijon I think, have to ask my parents it was their recipe first lol).
When I went from using a real recipe book to pinterest I started forgetting about all my old recipes- its time to look back and try some others that I have forgotten about!
I listen to music during my regular runs but for whatever reason I don’t like listening to music during long runs. I usually shut it off after mile 13 or so and I run the rest without music. Funny right? I love your standing desk, such a wonderful idea. My hips tend to get tight after sitting too long. Not a good feeling. I had my share of failed smoothies before, but I drank them anyway:)
When I sit all day I have to constantly get up and walk around or change positions. I don’t like listening to music for too long while I run either- a 60 minute track workout was about all I could handle!
I love your DIY standing desk! But more than that, I love that you’re as obsessed with your compression socks. I wear mine out- they’re too comfy!
Thanks! And yes, compression socks are SO comfy!
I only listen to music during treadmill runs to cancel out the noise of the machine. Otherwise, I run music-free. I eat every failed recipe – I can’t stand to waste food. And I am so ready for boot season. After running shoes, boots are my favorite footwear.
If I ran on a treadmill I would definitely need to listen to something too!
Love standing desks! I spend a lot of time on the computer for work, and sitting for too long makes me feel all sorts of crappy. Now if only I had a treadmill desk, my life would be complete 🙂
I think treadmill desks are such a great concept but I feel like I am so clumsy that I would probably hurt myself trying to work and walk at the same time!
I almost never follow smoothie recipes, so, yes, I’ve had quite a few fails. I always drink them anyway, not just because of the nutrients, but also because I hate wasting food! Ha!
Glad I’m not the only one!:)
Most of the time I like to run with music or a podcast but it’s definitely nice to unplug sometimes:)
I tried a ton of different post-workout smoothies this summer. Some turned out much better than others but I’ll admit to drinking them anyway. Wouldn’t want to waste all of its ingredients!! I tried to get my mom into green smoothies this summer but she could not get past the colour! So funny!
It’s too bad some people can’t get past the color because you really can’t even taste the spinach!
I have soooo much music on my phone and 9 times out of 10 I listen to it while I run but sometimes I take a break and just have silence. Music is a must for track workouts though. A must. And I probably spend a grand total of an hour and a half sitting each day. Maybe two hours. It’s not much.
I actually rarely sit when I am at home- I am always up and about doing something, but at work, I am forced to sit way more than I would like.
It’s not smoothies but if I buy stuff like muscle milk, it doesn’t taste great but I know I need the protein when I have heavy strengthening sessions.
Yea sometimes it’s good to just make sure you refuel in any way you can:)
I go through phases with music, but I usually never race with it so I try not to train with it too much either. When I was doing my long runs by myself last winter I either listened to music or the podcast, Serial though.
I spend WAY too much time sitting. I try to get up and walk around at least every 30 minutes though.
And YES I’m so excited for fall. It’s been in the 90s and sooo humid here in Boston. Can’t wait for cooler, crisper weather!
This heat wave in September has me ready for fall weather, too!
I resisted running with music for a long time but went over to the “dark side” eventually. Parm-crusted chicken is awesome. I haven’t made it in awhile either. Yay for strong 800’s!
I don’t think I’ll do too much more running with music- but I will probably try putting together a good playlist before my mile repeats next week!
I recently switched to using an exercise ball at work and it’s made a huge difference. I’m still working my way up to using it for an entire day but my back isn’t as sore and I’m not as tired at the end of the day. I was shocked. I’m not someone who runs with music… for some reason, it makes my runs feel longer. I’m not sure if I’ll break down for the marathon though. I feel like I might need something to distract me.
When I first stopped running with music I was really nervous about running a whole marathon without it. I didn’t miss it at all! I have a stability ball in my basement but once we put together an office I am thinking about moving it in there (or getting a second one).
I usually always run with music, but it’s nice to leave the iPod at home every so often 🙂 I sit far far far too much during the work day, and am hoping to really start using my stand up desk more! And I’m totally ready for compression socks… I miss wearing them to work!
I need to figure out a way to stand up at work! My computer is so small and I always feel like I sit with such terrible posture.
Hahaha you know I barely wore my compreshies all summer but I know I will wear them EVERY day to work under my boots once it cools down!
I can’t wait for that!!
Lisa, I love that you decided to use music for your tough workout; I typically save music for races and tough speed work, too, and I think it gives me something to look forward to! Um, yes to boot/compression sock season; that’s so exciting! I think we’re finally going to get some nice weather this weekend and I’m really excited about that!
Music can definitely be helpful during a tough workout!
Glad I am not the only one who is excited for boot and compression sock season:)
I’m definitely crossing my fingers for some nice weather this weekend!
If I make something and I mess it up, I take one for the team and eat/drink it anyway!!! I just feel like people dig through trash cans looking for food, how ungrateful am I if I throw something away because it didn’t turn out right? I listen to music, but I am growing tired of music and have been researching audio books. Have a great day
I’ve tried a few audiobooks as well-its definitely a nice way to change things up!
I need to try compression socks! I’m ready for boot, scarf, sweater, pumpkin, apple cider season for sure! I love summer but there is just something so great about fall time.
Compression socks are the best, especially when its cold out! Fall is a great season..I have been clinging to summer but now I am kind of over this heat:)
Running with a stroller means running with music to keep the toddler entertained 😉 When it’s just me, no music.
Your dinner = amazing!!!
That’s smart! And its awesome that you run with a stroller- I would imagine that it is so difficult!
This is my first time reading your blog, and I love it!!
I go through phases, sometimes I listen to music and sometimes I don’t. But whenever I am stuck on the treadmill I watch TV shows!!
Lately I have been sitting a lot more than usual. I need to change that!
My mom got me a Juicer for my birthday last year and I have been in a big juicing kick, and I have definitely had my fair share of fails, and I drank them anyways, some of them were pretty tough to swallow.
I definitely need some kind of distraction when I run on the treadmill!
A juicer sounds like fun, but I would probably have alot of fails as well! Good for you for drinking them:)
I used to rely so much on music for running, but then for a few months this summer during the bar exam I laid my iPod aside to give my ears a rest from listening to lectures, and sort of just stopped. The dumbo half was the first time I did music on a run since June, and I only listened for eight of thirteen miles. I like to think while running and take in the nature around me instead!
Isn’t it nice to have some time out running with no noisy distractions? I do think it can be helpful in a tough run or race though!
I normally listen to books on tape when I run, unless it is a race or speed workout – I love it! Brian’s boss has a standing desk at work and he has talked about doing the same. I’m chasing my boys all day and actually hardly ever sit, so I love it when I get a couple of minutes to sit! And, I am more than ready for fall!
I think it would be really challenging to stand at a desk all day! But I do think its nice to have the option to alternate between sitting an standing. Its funny because on the weekends I rarely sit down; Im always moving around doing stuff!
I do run with music but only when I’m running alone. Sometimes I need that extra push to get through a tough part of the run! I definitely need a stand up desk too. I’ve been feeling the tightness in my hips when I find myself on the computer too much! Great idea!
I have also found that it helps to just change position alot! It’s the sitting still that really tightens them up.