After months of debating about a fall race, I finally bit the bullet and decided to run a marathon at the end of November. I knew that if I did a full it would be the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, because Rob had already signed up, and we were planning to incorporate it into a trip to visit his sister’s family in Arkansas. The question had been if I would sign up for the half or the full.
So after weeks and weeks of slowly building my mileage and feeling good, I decided to commit to the full. Obviously I could always switch to the half if I feel like that is a better option as I move forward with my training.
As I started to think about my plans and goals for this race, I began getting really overwhelmed. I stared at a blank excel sheet (that I usually use to start drafting my training plan) and had no idea where to begin. I wanted to do things better this time around, but I wasn’t sure what that would look like.
I think my training for Philly went really well, but I wasn’t sure what changes I would want to make in order to have an even more successful race this time around. I knew I wanted to keep doing the strength training and core work, but wasn’t sure exactly how to work that into my running. I had other questions floating around my head such as if it was worth continuing the little bit of yoga I was doing, what my goal should be, and how many 20 milers I should do.
Previously, I felt really comfortable making these decisions for myself, so I’m not sure why this time around I was so indecisive. I think part of it has to do with coaching others. As I have gotten more experience making these types of recommendations for others, I no longer feel like I am capable of making them for myself for some reason.
Which is why I decided to work with a coach! After considering this for about a month and weighing my options, I contacted Kristy. I had been following her blog since before I had my own and had always been impressed with her running and training expertise. We spoke on the phone last weekend and I already feel so relieved about having someone to guide me through this training cycle.
I’ve always heard that in order to be a good coach it’s important to know what it feels liked to be on the other end, so I think this will also help my own coaching. In the past it was always a matter of feeling like I would be paying for a service that I could do on my own. However, I have come to realize that it is much different to have an outside perspective helping you through the training process.
So I’m taking this week to relax and prepare for training to begin on Monday. I haven’t run since Saturday, and with each day that goes by I become more and more excited for training to begin. I believe that my eagerness is a sign that I made the right decision.
Here we go again!
Have you ever worked with a running coach?
How do you usually decide on a training plan?
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
First, yay for the marathon! It’s awesome that you and Rob are running he same one, you guys will be able to train together at least a little and have someone to talk running with 🙂
Second, I know what you mean about feeling more indecisive as you gain experience, I felt that way this time around too. Working with a coach will be a great experience, no doubt. I’m curious for myself how it would help, at some point I’m sure I’ll go for it.
[email protected] says
I’m definitely excited to have a coach, and I think I will learn a lot too!
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Yay for the marathon, yay for a coach, and yay for making it happen! I would like to have a coach at some point (I agree with you on the need to be coached as well), but it’s going to be near impossible for me to do it for a while. Maybe for Boston. But then that means I will have to do workouts….
[email protected] says
I think you will know if and when the time is right. No need to force something like that if you have a good thing going on already!
meredith@ Cookie ChRUNicles says
I am excited to follow your training and see how you like working with a coach even though you are a coach. I think this is great!
[email protected] says
I’m definitely excited! It’s nice to not have to make a lot of decisions for myself and to have someone tell me what I should be doing:)
Laura @ This Runner's Recipes says
Congrats on choosing a marathon and picking a coach! I’m excited for you and look forward to following your training!!I can definitely see the benefit of hiring a coach as a coach. I want to hire a coach someday, especially once I have more racing experience and a better sense of my strengths, weaknesses, and goals.
[email protected] says
Thanks! Yes, I think its probably good for most coaches to have a coach at some point. I also think I will learn a lot of new things which I am excited about!
Katherine @ Sweet. Southern. Run. says
I’m working with my first running coach to train for my first marathon (a lot of firsts) and it’s definitely helping to reassure me that I can actually do this! Even though you’re a coach yourself I’m sure you will still learn a lot and help you stay motivated! Enjoy your week off of running!
[email protected] says
Thanks! That’s what I am hoping. Good luck as you start training for your first marathon! I think a coach will be a huge help in that process.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
Sounds like you are in a great place with your planning and training for your marathon. Having your own coach is so helpful. Good luck with your training!
[email protected] says
Thanks! I feel like everything is falling into place:)
Lesley says
Congrats on deciding. I’ve heard it’s a good race and November should bring nice weather for running.
[email protected] says
I love the late November marathons for the cooler weather!
Jamie says
YAYAYAYAYAY! I can’t wait to follow along with all your training 🙂 I’ve never worked with a coach before, and I think that’s just because a little bit of my type-A personality always liking to be in control. But I have definitely given it some thought and am trying to figure out a time to try one out. I’m so excited for you 🙂 Hope you have a fabulous week !!!!
[email protected] says
It will be much different to not be in as much control- but I think that’s I good thing! I need someone else’s expertise helping me make smarter decisions.
Marcia says
Congrats on pulling the trigger on a marathon. I’ve heard good things about that one. All the best with your new coach. I have been coached before and it was great!
[email protected] says
Thanks! I am definitely excited about it!
Suzy says
Oh, this is great news! I’ve never worked with a coach but I’d love to one day. I think this is going to be your most epic marathon ever just because you train so smart now after dealing with your hip stuff, plus having a coach will keep you in line too! So exciting!
[email protected] says
That is what I am hoping! I feel like I have learned a lot on my own but hopefully a coach will help me pull it all together while also being a voice of reason.
Maddie @ Dixie Runs says
Sooooo exciting!! I think a coach is a great idea. I’ll definitely consider one for future marathons, but for my first one in November I’m just trying to finish 🙂
[email protected] says
Thanks! It definitely makes sense to just enjoy the experience considering its your first marathon.
Sarah @pickyrunner says
I’ve never worked with a coach but we’ll see how this first marathon goes and then maybe I’ll think about it. Excited for you that you chose a race to focus on!!!
[email protected] says
That definitely makes sense! You’ve been running for long enough that you have no problem training on your own.
Hilary @ Embrace the Neon says
= ) !!!! So stoked for you! And excited to follow your experience. I am toying with the idea of hiring a coach for a marathon next year – so far, my training plans have been for beginners just looking to up their mileage and finish. This training cycle is (knock on wood) going pretty well, so I’d be interested in seeing what I can do next year with real training.
[email protected] says
I definitely think each marathon is a learning experience, that’s for sure!
Meredith @ ImRunningWithErasers says
Way to go on deciding to run the marathon this fall! It is always super overwhelming to get going on a training plan, but just a day at a time! I have never worked with a coach, but I would love to try it at some point!
[email protected] says
It is a bit overwhelming to think about which is why I am happy to have a coach!
Alli says
love this! sad a Minnesota race didn’t make the cut though! come visit anyway? pleeease.
when I used to blog & went to Healthy Living Summit one year, I hung out with Kristy a lot. She’s fantastic.
[email protected] says
We might still do something for that race, just not the full! We will definitely try to visit soon though. I remember you talking about Kristy back then!
Jen@jpabstfitness says
Best of luck!!!
[email protected] says
Kristina says
Nice!!! Very exciting that you’ve officially chosen your fall marathon! Looking forward to hearing about your goals for the big day.
I like working with coaches – I think it helps me grow as a runner. One day I might train for a race without a coach, but right now I am really enjoying learning about different training philosophies. I could read about the different training styles online, but I like hearing why a coach really likes one style over another and what success his/her clients have seen from using the recommend style.
[email protected] says
I think that is such a huge benefit to having a coach! Its awesome that you have had such success with coaches too!
[email protected] says
Congrats on finally biting the bullet. I am thinking about a fall Marathon as well. I just don’t know which one and what my schedule will be during that time so I can’t commit yet. I have never had a running coach. Good luck with that. I’m sure it’ll be a nice change then coaching someone else that you have done in the past. Seeing that you are excited about this makes you know you made the right decision.
[email protected] says
Thanks, and good luck with figuring out your fall race plans!
Megan @ Meg Go Run says
Wonderful that you are running the full! I know exactly what you mean by it seeming overwhelming. I ran 7 miles today and THAT seemed overwhelming. Am contemplating a half… but I am scared! Who am I??? haha. I have never worked with a coach but I have often asked fellow runners who I trained with for input and guidance. I usually develop training plans on my own based of what I know, researched, etc. It doesn’t mean it is the perfect way to do it but that’s how I have rolled.
[email protected] says
Now that I have gotten to 11 miles the half seems way more manageable….the full will take some time to wrap my head around!
Ive always made key own training plans too, I’m just ready to try something different this time around!
Pam says
YAY!!!! I always get so excited hearing about other people’s plans and training. For me, clicking that registration button is one of the most exciting parts about running!
[email protected] says
The start of a new training cycle is so exciting! I also love hearing about others’ race plans!
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl says
Congratulations on taking the plunge! I decided this year that I really do want to run a full marathon once in my life and am aiming to get in to NYC in 2016 through the 9+1 program. I know I will need to have a coach or program for this, unlike my solo winging-it for my first and subsequent halfs, so plan to do some research now that the bar is over into all that fun stuff 🙂 Can’t wait to see how you go on your own journey to 26.2!
[email protected] says
That would be awesome if you could do NYC next year! I would love to do that one some day as well!
Sandra Laflamme says
How great that you found a coach to work with for your marathon training! I have a coach who I have been working with for a few years who has coached me to a BQ. It has been so helpful to have someone help me with my training! Good luck and happy running!
[email protected] says
I’m so glad to hear you have had so much success working with a coach! I am definitely excited to see how this experience can help my training.
[email protected] says
Congrats on signing up for a Marathon! Running it with your husband will be so exciting. I have a feeling you will be great and working with a coach will be great experience for your running.
[email protected] says
Thanks! I am pretty excited about it.
Charissa says
How exciting!! It’ll be so much fun to follow your journey with a running coach. I love having the flexibility of making my own schedule and plan, but the more I think about it, the more I realize I may need to consider working with a running coach in order to achieve my big goals!! I am thinking about taking this on next winter/spring 🙂
[email protected] says
I am definitely excited to have someone help me along the way!
Tara @ Running 'N' Reading says
YAY!!! I’m so excited for you, Lisa! I definitely think a running coach has been very helpful to me and my running has progressed in positive ways that it likely would not have without that assistance. You’re going to do great!!
[email protected] says
Thats great to hear! I am definitely looking forward to having a coach.
Hailey says
Yay! That’s an exciting decision! I’m so excited to read all about your training leading up to it and I’m sure I’ll be even more in tuned to picking up tips along the way as I’ll begin my own marathon training in October!
And I absolutely think it’s a great idea for you to have a coach to see what it’s like from an athlete’s perspective. My philosophy is that a lot of people can string together a good training plan, but you can pick up a lot of great tips from a coach that don’t necessarily involve running itself like knowing when to hold back, knowing when to change the plan, etc. And you can use tips you find helpful to help your clients 🙂 It’s also a big time saver, life gets busy and sometimes it’s nice to have someone take a little bit of the work out it for you. I haven’t had one since college, but I’m considering getting one again, especially if the marathon ends up being a distance I like. My coach in college told me that I never needed a coach to motivate me or to tell me what to do, but I needed one to keep me from going overboard haha. The most important tip I do have for you with having a coach for the first time though, is to be honest with them, and by that I mean let them know when something isn’t working for you or when you’re hurting. That’s what they’re there for. I learned that lesson the hard way when my coach asked me why I didn’t tell him I was hurting at times until three weeks after the fact. I’m excited for you!
[email protected] says
That feedback is so helpful! I have a feeling I will be the same way, with not necessarily needing a coach to motivate to get me to run, but to keep me from going overboard! I definitely think there will be benefits to having a coach, and I am excited to learn alot from her!
James @ HalfMarathonJames says
I normally try to have a weekly and monthly training plan, with a rough idea in my head of where I want to be at each stage. I’m not sure if this is the best approach, but it means that it’s not rigid and I can change whatever needs changing.
Good luck with the coach, I’m sure it will really help you 🙂
[email protected] says
That makes sense! I think its important to be able to be flexible with your training, but also get in enough mileage to be ready for the race.
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
Yey!! So glad you are feeling healthy enough to do a marathon!! That’s awesome! I totally agree about the coaching thing…it’s hard to take your own advice. My husband asked me why I was using a coach since I was one, but it’s a totally different ballgame when it’s you! Can’t wait to see how your training comes along!
[email protected] says
Its definitely different to coach others! It has already taken alot of pressure off for this race:)
Natalie says
I am so excited for you Lisa!! I think having a coach will make your training easier and you won’t have to think about the details.
I always get so excited to start day one of marathon training. I hope you had an awesome first day! Can’t wait to follow along!!
[email protected] says
Thanks! Its always so exciting to start following a new plan, and I am definitely looking forward to having a coach to guide me along the way!