Another week of training is complete! It was another hot week with lots of adjustments for the heat. But it all worked out pretty well. I was also careful early in the week to make sure I was fully recovered from my 5k time trial last week. Here’ a summary of how the week went.
Training Week 3: Making Adjustments for Heat
- Monday: 6 Miles with 6 x 30 second hill sprints + Core
- Tuesday: Strength Training + 4.1 Stroller Miles
- Wednesday: 5.5 Miles: 1 mi w/u, 5 x 3 mins hard/2 mins easy, 1 mi c/d
- Thursday: Strength Training + 3.5 Miles
- Friday: Rest Day
- Saturday: 12 Miles With Fast Finish
- Sunday: 3.7 Stroller Miles (on the plan)
Monday: 6 Miles with 6 x 30 second hill sprints + Core
The week started out the way last week ended- HOT! It was in the mid-70s at 5am with something like 95% humidity. I slogged through these miles and then picked it up at the end to get through some short hill sprints.
Tuesday: Strength Training + 4.1 Stroller Miles
Rob and I were both off from work (technically, but are you ever really off now when there is so much that can be done from home) so we went for a stroller run after Grayson got up. Not only was it warm and humid like the day before, but it was also sunny out since it was later. We intentionally avoided any hills. I was also really well hydrated which I think helped. Gotta make adjustments for the heat!
Wednesday: 5.5 Miles: 1 mi w/u, 5 x 3 mins hard/2 mins easy, 1 mi c/d
The humidity had dropped to 85% but the temp was still in the 70s. While it was better than the last 2 days, I knew I would still need to adjust my workout. I had originally planned to do 800s this week. I decided not to do them Monday because I was still recovering from Friday’s time trial plus it was so hot. I adjusted my workout and ran by time (3 minute intervals) and didn’t look at my watch. I also walked part of the recoveries. The bottom line is that I ran a little faster, and I survived.
Thursday: Strength Training + 3.5 Miles
It was my second lift of the week and these workouts are tough! Tuesday had lots of squats and Thursday had lots of bench presses. When I got out for a run my legs were feeling heavy, but my Auroras helped me to get through my miles!
Friday: Rest Day
It felt good to take a day off and catch up on some other things!
Saturday: 12 Miles With Fast Finish
It was finally a little cooler and the humidity had dropped, so I took advantage and ran some harder miles in my long run! After 10 easy, I finished with the last 2 in 7:52 and 7:56. There was a slight downhill on the second to last one which is why it was faster. During the last mile I had to jump on and off the sidewalk a few times for various reasons which slowed me down a little. Over a good long run!
Sunday: 3.7 Stroller Miles (on the plan)
We usually do a few family miles on Sunday morning and this weekend shouldn’t be any different! We may get to do the same on Monday due to the holiday weekend!
This was a strong week of training despite the heat and recovering from last week. I think the adjustments I made worked out well. Now I’m seeing that its going to be pretty hot again next week, so I’m sure I’ll be making these kinds of adjustments all summer!
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The Heat Is On
How were your workouts last week?
Have you had to make adjustments for the heat?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
The heat definitely requires lots of modifications. I am also trying to stay on top of hydrating. It’s not always so easy! Way to get in all those miles this week despite the heat wave. We have to take advantage of these cooler days while they last. Have a great 4th
Thanks! Hope you have a good holiday weekend too!
You did a great job! Although I’m shaking my head at your 70s on Wednesday or was it Thursday? We were in the 90s/high 80s until about Friday! Weather is so weird.
Great job on adjusting to what mother nature handed you, Lisa. Enjoy your fourth!
Well it was in the 70s at 5am and got to around 90 later in the day. Thanks! Hope you have a good 4th too!
The heat has been something else this year! I had mile repeats for my workout this week and my coach told me that it’s OK to take longer recoveries when it’s hot so that was the key to getting through them. Thankfully it was cool this Saturday and it was such a nice treat for long run day.
The longer recoveries can be really helpful! There’s nothing wrong with them if they can help you get through your workout! I was so grateful for slightly cooler weather this weekend.
Hydration can make a huge difference…but I still struggle in the humidity/heat no matter how much I hydrate. You did great this week and awesome work on the fast finish long run!
Yep the hydration is just one piece of the puzzle! And I don’t think its ever going to feel good to run in heat and high humidity. Thanks!
I love those trainers, they look like clouds! It’s hard to make adjustments here as the weather’s so variable – hot and sunny the other week, now really cool and absolutely pouring with rain! Well done for keeping aware of the need to adjust.
The changing weather can be so frustrating! Makes it really hard to get used to the heat when it bounces around so much.
I’m not a fan of running in the heat, so those cooler mornings we had this week were a bonus! We’re back in the heat again, so I’m planning on heading out early tomorrow for my run. I’ll carry water on this one. No fountains in the woods, lol
We don’t have fountains around here either. I need to start bringing water even on my shorter runs!
Crazy weather. I laugh when you explained about taking the day off. If I am off, I have to go somewhere.
Another great week of workouts. You are on your way.
My runs get slower and with more walking and the temps and or huidyt increase. I count them as time on the feel lol
Today I got lucky – 60s with light rain – best day of the week for a race.
The rain seems to be really helping with the heat this week! We are in a pattern of getting several days or high heat and humidity, then some storms/rain that finally cools it off for a couple days.
I think it sounds like you’re adjusting to the heat really well! You had some great runs and workouts. Aren’t you glad the cicadas are gone?
Yes, its funny because sometimes I forget they were even here! After I finished running yesterday I thought about how quiet it was without them screeching.
I did make a rookie mistake today on my long ride – I took only one water bottle and I was out with 6 miles left. I really should have taken two along due to hot temps. But otherwise my workouts have been slow and easy so the heat isn’t bothering me too much. Summer training is a challenge!
It really is! It can be tricky to know how much water we will even need. I hate to bring too much and have to carry something extra that I don’t need.
You had a great week, and it’s always smart to adjust the training (and the effort/goals) when the heat is so extreme. I’m not ready to “commit” to taking the hydration vest with me just yet, but I did take one bottle of water with me for yesterday’s 12-miler. The water did run out, but I only had a couple miles remaining so it wasn’t a huge deal. I think I’ll take water along with me for my 5K race tomorrow as well.
I like the vest since I can put so much other stuff in there too, and it leaves my hands free!
Yesterday’s weather was amazing for July — glad you were able to take advantage of it with your long run! Those shoes do look cushy!
Happy Fourth!
It was a nice break from the heat, which is looks like is returning again this week. Hope you had a good 4th!
You had a great week despite the crazy weather! You’ve got to make adjustments to what Mother N serves up – it will all pay off in the fall, right?
That’s what I keep telling myself!
Those Auroras are awesome! Look so other worldly. I know that Pride shirt 😀 Congrats on another solid week in the heat
Isn’t it a great shirt:) Thanks!
training in heat and humidity is so tough!! kind of makes you even more of a badass when you have a good training week in it!!
It does get tough! I guess you just have to do your best to get used to it!
Love the new shoes!
Yeah, I have slowed down quite a bit to allow for the heat and humidity. It’s not fun, but here we are. I also have to get up earlier to make it tolerable. That’s absolutely no fun.
Yep, its all part of summer running I guess!
The heatwave last week was just brutal. You did a great job at making adjustments and still getting in you workouts. We had a rainy/somewhat cool weekend here but the heat is back tomorrow (100 degrees) and I’m already dreading it.
I love that Run Proud tank from Brooks. They always have the best running tanks!
I feel the same about the next heat wave coming. I’m not ready for it!
Its such a great tank!
Yay for family miles! Wan’t it nice to have a little break from the heat over the holiday weekend?
It really was! I don’t think I could make it through some of these really hot weeks with a little break here and there.