It was a challenging week of training for various reasons! The week started out pretty well, but went downhill pretty quickly. It was also pretty warm and humid most of the week, especially on my hard workout day. I just kept reminding myself to focus on effort. Overall, it turned out to be a pretty good week of training but I will need to continue monitoring how I am feeling and make adjustments as needed.
Weekly Run Down: Focus on Effort
Monday: Strength Training + 4.3 Miles
We were off from work for the 4th of July so went to the park for a run and playground time. We made it about 2.5 miles before Rob stopped with Grayson to play and I kept going. It’s always nice to run there on the path, and much easier without the stroller (since there are so many walkers and dogs). I also got my strength training done early in the morning.
Tuesday: 5.3 Miles Easy with Strides + Core
Since I was a little sore from lifting the day before I kept my run easy and did strides at the end. It was tough getting going after a long weekend!
Wednesday: 6.25 Miles with 2 x 10 mins Threshold (Focus on Effort!)
Workout day! It was a hot one and of course humid. I knew it would be challenging to run hard in the warm weather so I knew I would need to just focus on effort. My workout was supposed to be 1.5 mile warm up, 2 x 10 mins at threshold with 3 minute recovery in between, and a 1.5 mile cool down. My goal pace should have been around 7:25-7:35 but I decided to not look at my watch and hoped to keep it under 8 min/miles. They ended up being 7:37 and 7:43, which I was happy with.
Thursday: Strength Training + 3.6 Miles Easy
First I lifted and then I did a short easy run. Super hot once again but it was nice to just run really easy!
Friday: Rest Day
I was definitely ready for a rest day by the time Friday rolled around!
Saturday: 13.1 Miles
So a little background about this run. Grayson had come down with a cold earlier in the week. On Friday afternoon I coughed a few times and hoped I wasn’t getting sick. When I woke up on Saturday I felt fine, so moved forward with my run. It felt ok, not amazing, but no red flags. But when I finished I started coughing alot. I guess I did catch what he had. Luckily I feel good other than the cough, so I just hope that goes away quickly.
When I looked at my watch data it did show that I was running at a much harder effort than usual for that pace. I’ve also been VERY stressed this week, and not sleeping as much as I should. I go to bed as early as I can, but after Grayson goes to bed at 7:30 I’ve been doing work and going to bed by 9 at the latest. But I’m up at 4. It’s hard to pull off more than 7 hours these days.
Anyway, the point of all that is hindsight is everything and now I can see that it was probably all a bit much at once.
Sunday: 3.7 Stroller Miles (planned)
Usually we do a family run on Sunday mornings but I’m going to see how I’m feeling. If we do run I am going to request that we keep the pace VERY easy.
Another Stressful Week
So you may remember that 2 weeks ago I shared the drama of Grayson needing a COVID test which got lost so he needed another one. Well, he barely recovered from being sick then when his cough picked back up again. I wasn’t sure if it was the same one or a new one, but it started to get worse.
He had to miss school on Wednesday and get another test. This is test #5 since April in case you’re keeping track. Of course it was negative and luckily he could return to school Thursday. But he is still coughing really badly. This poor kid has been sick more than he’s been healthy these past few months.
So with all that going on, I have just been falling so behind at work. Summer is usually my busiest time and I have these all day trainings I do which I need to prep for and they take up my whole work day. So I’ve been working at night but also trying to get to bed at a decent time. It’s exhausting! The good news is I took off next Thursday and Friday. Now my goal is to get as much work as possible done before then so I don’t have to worry about it when I’m off!
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Do you focus on effort more than pace when you’re training?
How do you balance getting enough sleep and keeping up with everything you need to get done? -One thing I totally slacked on this week was laundry! I am usually SO good about doing it and putting it away right away but it didn’t get folded from Tuesday to Saturday this week!
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
I’m not good at prioritizing sleep or putting my laundry away. I’m sorry Grayson was sick again — and needed another covid test — and that you got sick too. I hope this week is better!
Thank you! I feel like when I slack on laundry and sleep its my sign that I’m overwhelmed lol, because I always prioritize those.
I’m lucky in that I don’t seem to need as much sleep as most people (I’m never in bed before 11:00 and am awake usually before 5:15 most mornings)…but I know that is going to probably change someday. I’m great at getting the laundry folded right away, but then it sits in the laundry basket for d-a-y-s LOL Sorry the hear about the continued sickness going on…hoping you all feel better soon!
Thanks! I used to get 8 hours most nights, but since Grayson was born its more like 7.5, which has been ok. Its when I get below 7 that I start to notice it.
Summer is a great time for focusing on effort–it’s what I do by running by HR. It’s been interesting lately because on the cooler mornings, I notice my HR is much lower than on the humid days at the same pace. Makes sense, I know, but it also helps me mentally to get my head around why it feels so hard on some days or why I have to slow down.
I am so sorry to hear about Grayson being sick again. If only he would wash his hands between playing with kids and not touch his face ever…lol… I know it’s frustrating, but like my pediatrician once told me, it’s like money in the bank. You’ll reap the benefits from all of this as he grows older and builds a very strong immune system. I get it. Hang in there.
I only use the HRM on my watch so I know its not totally accurate. But its helpful when I look back at my overall runs and I can compare one run to the next. I definitely feel better when its cooler out!
When I see everything Grayson puts his mouth on at home, I can only imagine what happens at school. I keep trying to remind myself that we would need to deal with this at some point, so it might as well be now. I guess its just all the increased protocols that make it extra hard. And I also think my immune system is weaker from being quarantined and in a mask for so long, so now I’m catching everything he brings home. (I worked with kids for so many years that I used to not really get sick!)
I’m so sorry about your son being sick again, that’s tough. And hopefully your cough is short-lived. The work stress sounds really challenging! I need 8 hours of sleep or I’m really dragging…
Great job on that threshold workout!
Thanks! I used to always get 8 hours, but these days its more like 7.5. I can get away with 7 or less sometimes, but day after day it starts to wear on me.
This time of the year, I definitely focus on effort. It was such a hot week again and it is so draining. I am sorry that you all are sick again. That is kind of how it goes at that age!
Yep, thats what I hear. I really hope it slows down soon though! The heat has been ridiculous, and it looks like this coming one will be another hot one.
Sorry about Grayson being unwell again, and you, too. I look at effort when it seems unusual and I can pretty well always blame it on not enough sleep. I have to get up at 6 to take a particular medication and I do find it hard to get to bed early enough – something I need to work on, too. I have to let time with my husband in the evening slide for that, which is sad!
I also like to have a few minutes in the evening to just relax with my husband which I’ve had to give up lately. I just keep telling myself that things will slow down eventually!
Sorry it’s been a stressful week – and then with the sickness too! I’ve been super busy at work, which is also stressful. I’m trying to get a bunch of work done before I leave on vacation. And trying to get everything packed for our trip. Ugh!! Hope all goes better for you and you can enjoy your days off 🙂
Isn’t it funny how we can get so much more busy just trying to prepare for a vacation!? Hopefully it will be worth it for some time to relax!
I just finished my weekly coaching calls and advised all of my athletes to focus on effort vs pace when it’s hot/humid like it is now. Ha! The struggle is real. I’m sorry poor Grayson has been so sick. That in itself is so stressful. I can’t even imagine making him take so many Covid tests. Poor baby!
He is so stressed just about being at the doctor’s office in general that it’s not like the test is even the worst part. But I feel like since he gets one pretty much every time he goes he is just always going to be afraid of going to the doctor.
Poor Grayson. 😔 and poor you! Let the laundry go! Give yourself some time to heal! You’ve got a lot on your plate. I hope that you BOTH feel much better this week.
Thanks! I guess that having my laundry done makes me feel in control of my life or something. Ha! I am definitely feeling better, now it would just be nice if we could all stay healthy for more than a few weeks!
I’m sorry Grayson’s sick again – I feel like you all have not been able to catch a break 🙁
Always prioritize sleep – it will help you to feel better…and the laundry will always be there. The humidity has been off the charts so I’m definitely just trying to focus on effort.
I think that getting to bed at a reasonable time has helped. Its not as much sleep as I would like, but it could definitely be worse. We are now caught up on laundry but I’m sure it won’t last long!
I always make sure I get enough sleep. Most nights I am getting ready at 9pm. I wake up at 4 to use the bathroom and feed my cats. Then I go to sleep and get up at 5 or 6. I do laundry on Saturday morning but then I usually put it away much later in the week (I line dry my workouts clothes but do use the machine to dry the towels, sheets, blankets). My coach has me focusing on effort on my easy runs. Oh poor Grayson! So many Covid tests. I’ve had one and that is enough.
After having Grayson we got in the habit of doing laundry almost every day. And since someone was always in the house it was easy to keep up with it. But now when I’m not home most of the week I’m not sure how we will manage! I’ve only had 1 test too and it was not fun.
Definitely effort not pace. Especially with everything you have going on.
Forget about the laundry!,
Hope things improve for you. Poor Grayson. Hope you both feel better soon.
Thank you! Yes, effort is key right now. We are caught up on laundry after the weekend but I’m sure I will fall behind again soon enough!
Ugh, the stress of a toddler in daycare combined with the Covid testing sounds really hard! If you’re getting around 7.5 hours of sleep each night I think that’s excellent- considering the number of things you’re juggling.
Good luck with it all- I hope you start to feel better soon and can enjoy your days off this week!
Thank you! My 7.5 hours a night feel good..its when it drops below 7 that I start to struggle. I’m just trying to the find the right balance, because everything has to get done eventually!
So sorry to hear that both you and Grayson aren’t feeling well 🙁 On of my friends works in the ER at a hospital in Pennsylvania and she said that they have seen a huge uptick in people coming in with summer colds and the flu. While Covid cases are down it seems like everything else has gone up. I hope that you both start to feel better soon!
It definitely seems like so many people are getting cold and stuff now, I guess because we are all out and about again! Thank you!
Oh Lisa, what a week for you! So glad you’ve taken a couple of days off – and hope its not disrupted in any way by work. It’s so important to get those reset moments but sadly not always easy as a working mum. Hope your cold goes passes quickly. Its the last thing you need right now.
Thank you! It can be so hard to truly get a break. But as long as things slow down a little it should be a good few days.
Poor G! And poor you! It’s like you can’t get a break.
I’m in the middle of an insomniac phase. My brain won’t shut off. And sometimes the laundry sits for a few days (or a week). And sometimes we eat a lot of takeout or cereal. It happens, and I don’t feel badly about it at all.
We’ve been eating more take out than usual too! That’s so hard when you can’t sleep. I’ve been there and it can be really miserable.
It sounds like you’ve have a couple of stressful weeks and I’m so sorry to hear that Grayson has been sick again. I hope this past week has been better!
Thanks! It has been better! Now let’s hope we can all stay healthy for more than a week…