Two virtual races in one week? In the middle of a run streak? Not sure how this all happened but it did. As I said in my Instagram post the other day, “If you always wait for perfect conditions you will never get anything done”. Conditions weren’t perfect but I pulled off a virtual stroller 5k and MCM 10k race week.
Weekly Run Down: Virtual Stroller 5k and MCM 10k Race Week
Monday: Strength Training + 3.5 Miles
Tuesday: 6 Miles + Core
Wednesday: Strength Training + 3.7 Stroller Miles
Thursday: 4 Stroller Miles (including stroller 5k) + Core/Glutes
Friday: 1.2 Stroller Miles and Walking
Saturday: 8.5 Miles with MCM 10k
Sunday: 3.6 Stroller Miles
Weekly Recap
I knew I would be trying to do these virtual races this week so I completed my strength training workouts early in the week. If I was actually racing and not doing virtual races I probably would have skipped these workouts this week. This was also the “Run Happy Family Fall Virtual Race Series” on Instagram. Other than the virtual 5k, there were other free events that families could do, along with other activities. I also participated in a “Mother Runner Chat” on Thursday night,
Virtual 5k Stroller Race
I ran another virtual 5k stroller race back in July, so my goal was to beat that time. Running hard with the stroller is so much different that running alone!
I had a hard time deciding when to do this because of my 10k and strength workouts. At first I was going to do it Wednesday even though I was also lifting, but then Rob decided to go in late to work and run with us. So I ran it on Thursday.
It was pretty warm out for this time of year and super foggy/misty, but still better than it was when I ran this over the summer. I only warmed up for about 5 minutes but we had to stop about 4 times for various reasons, so I was a little worried about how the actual “race” would go.
I tried to stick to the flattest route possible, but this meant dealing with lots of turns. Grayson did great during the first 2 miles and by mile 3 was asking for his snack. I managed to open his pouch while running and handed it to him to eat. We ended up finishing in 25:04, with a PR of 25 seconds!
Virtual MCM 10k Race
I ran this on Saturday, which was not ideal because the stroller race was only two days earlier. But the stroller race felt more like a workout that a race, and I really just wanted to get this 10k done. I debated between Saturday and Sunday- Saturday would be warmer but Sunday had a chance of rain. I went with Saturday because I like getting my long runs done early in the weekend and I was feeling good enough on Friday after a shakeout run and some foam rolling.
It was 62 degrees with 95% humidity when I ran. When I first walked out the door I thought “oh, it’s not that warm” but once I started to run I could really feel the humidity. During the first mile of the race my Koala Clip started to slide around on my back and I was worried it would fall out. I grabbed it and ended up holding my phone in my hand throughout the run rather than messing with it to put it back on. My tank top was loose and my sports bra was cut low in the back, so I really needed to push it down and make sure it was securely inside of my sports bra. Lesson learned for next time I wear that combo!
Early in the run I passed about 6 deer who were just hanging out in the middle of the road. I had to slow down quite a bit to make sure I didn’t run into one of them! It’s crazy how unphased they are when they see me running by, even with a headlamp on.
My paces were all over the place and I know they are impacted by all the turning I do on my route. But this was the easiest place to do a virtual race because there are no traffic lights, very few cars, and minimal hills. While I definitely pushed myself hard, my legs were tired from everything else I did this week, and I was also impacted by the humidity.
What’s next?
Well I have a few more days of my run streak then I will be taking a nice rest day! (or two!) This week will be all easy runs and I’ll probably keep the mileage relatively low. After that, I have no idea what’s next. Part of me wants to try the 10k again in cooler conditions and with fresher legs. But another part of me wants to leave that distance alone for a while! I’m sure something will come up that I will decide to do before the holidays.
You may also like:
How Not To Run A Virtual Half-Marathon
Can You Set a New PR in a Virtual Race?
How To Train for a 10k Race: For Beginners to Advanced Runners
Have you ever done two races in one week?
Do you plan to do your virtual races in ideal conditions?
Will you be doing any challenges or races during the rest of 2020?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
Kim G says
What a busy week for you! I’m always so impressed with how much you’re able to pack into a week. Awesome job on your virtual races – you’ve definitely earned a rest day, or two!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks! It will be weird to take a full rest day next week!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Congrats on your double race week! Not for the feint of heart for sure. The closest I’ve ever done is 7 days apart. I’ve done a mix of ideal conditions and specific dates for my virtual races, and I agree that there comes a point where you just have to go for it. I have a strong preference for Saturday > Sunday races. It’s just nice to have Sunday as a recovery day.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Totally agree about preferring Saturday races. When I’ve done virtual races sometimes I’ve even done them on Friday when I can.
Deborah Brooks says
Perhaps the run streak did take more out of you than you expected. Why not do the 10K again after a few days rest? That’s the beauty of the virtual races! I have a Turkey trot 10K virtual for Nov but that’s it so far! Who knows what else might come up. Thanks for linking
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I’m thinking about trying it again but I’m not sure how I will feel about it once the run streak is over. I need to look into a Turkey Trot to do virtually this year.
Kimberly Hatting says
I have mixed feelings on doing virtual races…we all want perfect conditions, but they are difficult to control LOL When I did all of my 5K time trials (the first 12 weeks of COVID), my goal was to improve my times each week (or there abouts). But, I had so much wind and unpredictable weather, I threw that idea out the window. But, I do believe all of those virtual 5K’s served me well, even without the desired finish times. I guess the crappy weather gave me a true “simulation” of a real race LOL
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s true! I thought that by doing this race at the end of October that I would at least have cooler weather. Its so hard to find that rare day of perfect running weather.
Jen@CurrentlyJen says
Wow busy week! I’ve done a few 5K’s but they’ve been more fun runs or obstacle course races like Warrior Dash or the WipeOut Run…I’m so curious about these virtual runs, I should see if there are any in my area!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
For virtual races you can really do any race! Since you are running it virtually it doesn’t necessarily need to be in your area (as long as they will mail any packets or medals that are given out as part of the race.)
Zenaida Arroyo says
Great job on your two races! I’ve done a couple of challenges where I’ve had to run on Saturday and Sunday. I’ve also run two half marathons on back to back weekends. Not ideal but still doable (no racing but running for fun).
Waiting for the perfect conditions is not possible. During real races we run whether there is rain or snow. However, we do have a choice as to whether we want to run it or not.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s very true! And part of the reason why I just pushed through and got this done.
Wendy says
Nice job Lisa!!! I would love to plan my virtual races around the weather but there are so many other factors. Usually, it’s more about my work schedule. Real races don’t get planned around the weather, right? I think you did great!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Exactly! I felt like there were so many other things going on this month that I just had to get it done. There will be plenty of other opportunities for races, especially virtual ones.
Marcia says
Way to fit in #alltheraces this week! I do not wait for good conditions for virtual races. I just go. The most memorable multi-race week I ever had was one with a half and a full marathon in it. And the half after the full was a PR so riddle me that. Haha!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Wow! That’s amazing! I remember doing a 10k 5 days after my first full marathon. I did pretty well in the 10k but it was not a good way to recover from the full….
Jenn says
I have done live races on back to back days, but not so with the virtual races.
Sorry about your koala clip. That sounds super frustrating.
I don’t wait for an ideal day. I either do the virtual race on the assigned day, or I just lay it out when it feels right.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
The Koala clip thing was totally my own fault. Not a huge deal to run with my phone in my hand, but I’m just not used to it!
Coco says
That’s an amazing finish time for a stroller run! I think I’d have to drive to the bike path to do a virtual race if I cared about the time — I can’t get too far without possibly hitting a traffic light.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
If I had a bike path or something like that it may be better option. But most other places around here are either too hilly, too busy, or too far away.
Jessie says
I’m so envious of your shorts weather still! I need to move to a warmer climate 🙂
Congrats on the virtual races, well done!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! We have had a really warm fall this year. I’m sure it will get cold soon!