Last time I checked in I mentioned that I would be spending the weekend celebrating a bachelorette party with my friend in Newport, RI. Well, the next day I found out that my train there was cancelled due to the derailment in Philadelphia. After a few hours of looking into other options, I realized there was just no affordable/practical way to get there. Of course I was disappointed, but at the same time I was just grateful that myself or anyone I knew was not on the train that derailed. So instead of drinking wine and relaxing on the beach, I spent the weekend doing errands and household chores- fun, right?
Anyway, here is how my week of workouts looked last week. I cut back on my long run and added some faster runs throughout the week.
Sunday: Rest
Monday: 4 miles with fartleks (4 sets of 3-5 minutes at a hard pace- these were about 7:20) and core work. In the evening I did a 45 minute free online yoga video.
Tuesday: Another humid run, but kept this one at an easy pace for 3 miles. Went to my chiropractor in the evening where I learned some new exercises.
Wednesday: 15 minutes elliptical, Body Pump, and CX worx
Thursday: 4.4 miles that sort of ended up being a tempo run. I ran a mile easy and then tried to keep my pace around 7:50-8:00 min/miles. Chiro again in the evening where I get watched very closely while I do my exercises.
Friday: Iron Strength workout and core work in the morning, 20 minute easy yoga in evening
Saturday: 6 miles at an easy pace and core work
Total: 17.4 miles
I’ve also continued to foam roll and use my other “torture devices” daily. This week I have realized that I really have poor stability in my upper body and my hips don’t move correctly based on some of the exercises I have been learning. I’ve bee doing things like planks with leg lifts and dead lifts with a dowel…which I used to think I was able to do but apparently I was not doing them correctly! Even my push-ups needed alot of work. So its been back to the basics to retrain my body to use proper form. This is much harder than it sounds when you are used to doing things a certain way:)
Because of the changes I have been working on I will probably keep my mileage about the same for now as I learn to incorporate these changes into my running. I’m just glad to be out there regularly again!
How were your workouts last week?
Have you ever had a trip cancelled at the last minute?
Ever worked on changing your form?
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
That train accident is just terrible. It’s a shame your trip was affected but like you said, at least you are ok. Ugh. I can’t even watch it on the news.
[email protected] says
Agreed, I felt bad to even complain. I was just more annoyed that there were no other options (flights were crazy expensive and only left at like 5am and 11pm)
Tina Muir says
Ugh sorry you couldn’t go, but sometimes we make those weekends extra productive so we can have even more fun in the future as we are more relaxed. I definitely hear you with the exercises, you know I have spent a lot of time redoing everything, and yes, recovery tools, ouchie, but so worth it!
[email protected] says
I keep reminding myself of how much success your form changes have brought you! I am realizing how much different it is to have someone watch you do the exercises and make sure you are actually doing them correctly!
Brooke@runningonchange says
I have noticed that when I get tired I relax my head and neck back and it forces me to slouch a bit in my shoulders. This is something that I didn’t even know I did until I saw race photos where I am crossing the finish line and my form is horrible :). I like to feel the difference though when I notice things like that and start to correct them.
[email protected] says
Its really good to know what you do and to be able to “feel” how to do it right- that is my goal these days, to be able to feel the correct muscles working but its easier said than done!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
Good way to look at the cancelled trip, because being in an accident like that of course is much worse! Still really disappointing though, but I’m sure you made the best of it 🙂 I love how you’re doing so much core work and strength as you come back to running!
[email protected] says
I feel like I always do a ton of core work, but that hasn’t helped me in the past, so now the goal is to do some different things and do them correctly! Easier said than done:)
Kristina says
Aww that stinks that you missed the bachelorette party! I am sure your friends too enough pics that you can live vicariously through them! 🙂
I had to cut my long run short this weekend due to some stomach cramping. It’s such a bummer since I am JUST starting to rebuild my long run back up to double digits, but there’s always next weekend…. sigh!
[email protected] says
Yes! There is always next weekend! And Im sure since you are just coming back from injury it doesn’t hurt to cut back a bit on your training anyway…you will get where you need to be!
Sara says
That’s disappointing that you missed your trip, but your outlook is a good one. This was a hot and muggy weekend – I applaud anyone who got out there. Brian was out of town this weekend so I wasn’t able to run, but got in some in home workouts both Saturday and Sunday. I’m so glad to see you getting your mileage up!
[email protected] says
I think I got out early enough on Saturday morning that it wasn’t too bad but the humidity is definitely back! I guess we need to get used to it:)
Carrie @ says
My workouts this week were fairly good! Although I was suppose to run a marathon relay on Sunday and woke up sick and couldn’t be more than 2 ft. from the bathroom. Gah! I was super bummed but luckily it wasn’t a race I was training for (it was only a 4 mile leg on the relay). Sorry to hear about your trip cancellation. Seems like you handled it as best as you could!
[email protected] says
So sorry you had to miss your race! Like you said, at last it wasn’t a goal race.
[email protected] says
Sorry to hear that you didn’t make it to your friend’s Bachelorette party. Sounds like you were very productive though by getting forced to stay home.
[email protected] says
Yep, I figured I might as well get alot done since I don’t have many free weekends these days!
Laura @ This Runner's Recipes says
That’s disappointing you missed your friend’s weekend, but you’ve got a great perspective on it – that derailment was scary!
Great week of running with strong paces, especially considering the humidity!
[email protected] says
This humidity is rough…but I will take it any day over the cold and snow!
Sara @ Lake Shore Runner says
I love that you are back running so much! I am doing the opposite – I have not been going out on runs much. I can’t get enough cross training. I’m not beating myself up about it. I know I will have to buckle down in June.
[email protected] says
This is a great time for you to cross train and ease back on the running…you will be ready for your training next month!
Jamie says
Workouts last week were decent. Definitely still focusing on recovery. I’m so happy to hear you are back out there for some serious quality runs! I have not worked on changing my form… I probably should as I am a total heel-striker.. eesh.
[email protected] says
I still do some heel striking but when I switched to a lighter shoe a few years ago it helped alot. When I am tired though I definitely overstride.
misszippy says
Such a bummer about your trip! I hope you can reschedule it soon–I did hear the trains are running through now.
Sounds like you are continuing to make good, smart progress with everything. Way to stay patient and dedicated!
[email protected] says
Thanks! It’s not easy but thats how I know that it needs to be done:)
Amanda @ Slimplify Life says
That is such a bummer, but you have a good attitude about it and still got in an awesome week of workouts!
I changed my form about a year ago – I basically run completely on my toes and it has SAVED my knees.
Have a great day, Lisa!
[email protected] says
Wow, that does sound like a big form change! Glad that its worked out so well for you!
Molly @ Motherhood and Marathons says
It looks like you workouts are going well – very well rounded. I really should focus on my form. I’m sure my push-ups look nowhere near what they should!
[email protected] says
I never knew how bad they were until I was cued on how to do them correctly. I was like sagging my back and dropping my hips first and then my chest.
Cheryl says
I am sorry that your trip was cancelled.
It sounds like you are doing a great job with cross training! All that strength training is really going to help you. I am sure I would benefit from some postural awareness during exercise!
[email protected] says
Its something I never thought about much before but I definitely need to work on! Hopefully i will notice a difference in my running.
Lily @ Lily Runs the World says
Sorry you had to miss your planned weekend! I think it’s a great idea to go back and relearn proper form on things like push ups, I know I could definitely benefit from that.
[email protected] says
Its pretty interesting to go back and relearn the basics- very humbling!
Megan @ Meg Go Run says
Sorry you had to cancel your trip! 🙁 We had to cancel a Hawaii trip last summer which was like the most HORRIBLE thing ever. We will get there someday.
[email protected] says
Oh no that is AWFUL! Definitely plan a trip there ASAP.
Alli says
We missed you!!!
[email protected] says
So sad I missed it. I hope you guys had fun! I was looking for some more pics but maybe that just means you had a really good time?;)
Salt says
Nuun is the most necessary thing in the world right now. Holy humidity this past week! I’m so looking forward to getting started on IronStrength now that my back is feeling better. You did such an awesome job on those runs!!
[email protected] says
Iron Strength is really tough! Those burpees with pushups at the end really do me in! But a great workout for sure.
Suzy says
I’m really sorry you weren’t able to go out for that party! That blows. As far as form goes, my running form is so rotational. I have so many weak areas! I do crunches every day now but I hate doing them. I know I should be doing a lot more strength stuff but I have such a hard time forcing myself to do them.
[email protected] says
I think that the key for me will be making sure I am doing a few exercises correctly..theres no needs to do hours of core work each week but its more important to make sure the exercises are going to actually help in some way.
Sarah @pickyrunner says
I’m bummed you didn’t get to go to Newport (it’s my favorite place in the entire world) but I’m glad you made the post of it! I can’t remember a specific instance but I’ve definitely had plans cancelled last-minute due to unforeseen circumstances. It always bothers me at first, but I’m learning to let go when I can’t control something.
[email protected] says
Yea, I was really disappointed but realized there was nothing I could do. Hopefully I will get there some day! And I have the wedding in cape cod to look forward to next month:)
Sarah says
Shame about your trip – but you’re right it could be a lot worse. Glad that you are running even if you’re not where you want to be. Every time I do exercises with the PT they are always a million times harder – it’s pretty difficult when you’re by yourself to remember all the cues. But it’s all going to be so beneficial in the long term.
[email protected] says
Exactly! I think I have been cheating my way through exercises for years…
Hailey says
Every time I read your posts, I’m motivated to stay on top on the little things. You’re being a great example to all of us :). I have some hip stability issues as well that I’m continually trying to work on and then one of my arms has a mind of its own when I run…and I feel like I’ve been working on that since forever haha. But it has improved a little bit over the years 🙂
[email protected] says
My right arm always flails out to the side and my PT told me it was because it was working to help my weaker hip stabilize. I still notice that I do it sometimes which means my hip strength is still not where it needs to be.
Amy @ Running on Faith and Coffee says
I need to work on my form. I could feel it failing several times during my half on Saturday. Your week looked like it shaped up very nicely! I need to work on speed drills/fartleks. Something to improve my speed as well as form.
[email protected] says
I need to start incorporating drills as well! There are so many little things we can do to improve our running, right?:)
Sam @ The Running Graduate says
I’m sorry about your cancelled trip! However that train crash was just to sad to imagine. I’ve thankfully never had a trip cancelled.
Good week of workouts! I’m glad you’ve found a place that seems to be working for you right now. I think it’s awesome that you’re taking the time to work on your mechanics to make sure you are healthy and running strong.
[email protected] says
Part of me wants to run more, but I know that it makes more sense to stick with this schedule. I wouldn’t want to undue all the work I have already done!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
It is so hard to get form right. I know I need to focus on that a lot more! Sorry your trip got cancelled. I’ve had a lot of trips go awry at the last second being a military family. I’ve learned not to get my hopes to high anymore 🙁
[email protected] says
Thats unfortunate that you have to change your plans alot! I get so excited for trips so its always disappointing when they don’t work out.
Form is really tough, its on of those things we might think we are doing well with and then we see a race picture and want to cringe!
Jennifer says
Sorry to hear of your cancelled plans, but I am glad you or your friends were not on that train. Crazy to think about since so many of us have used that regional train to go north.
[email protected] says
I know, I’ve taken that route so many time! Hopefully they will do what they can to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Sheena @ Paws and Pavement says
Such a bummer about your plans not working out but like you said at least you were safe. It was sad to hear about the accident, I loved taking the Amtrak when I lived in Chicago. It’s so nice to sit back and let someone else drive but we can take that type of thing for granted.
[email protected] says
I definitely loved taking Amtrak and I hate that now we have to second guess it. Hopefully they will do everything they can to make sure it runs safely.
Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness says
Aww no, what a bummer that your bachelorette party weekend was cancelled. I have a bachelorette party trip coming up in a few weeks that I’m excited about!
[email protected] says
It was disappointing, but now Im looking forward to the wedding next month!
James @ HalfMarathonJames says
I know what you mean about going back to basics.. it can be hard trying to change habits… Hopefully working on your form will benefit you in the long term 🙂
[email protected] says
Thanks, I hope so too! Its not easy to start doing something differently after doing it another way for so long!
Sandra Laflamme says
Hard to miss I am sure but so glad that you and no one that you know was affected. Such a horrible tragedy. I am from that area and it is hard to believe what happened!
[email protected] says
Exactly…its all about keeping stuff like that in perspective. There will be plenty of other times to see my friends, but the accident was just awful.