This week is my 10 year wedding anniversary, so I wanted to share this post about what it’s like to be married to another runner! There are some pros and cons, but overall I would definitely recommend marrying a runner or trying to get your partner to start running if you can. I thought I would share a little about our running journey as well as 10 reasons to marry a runner!
The Early Years: “I will never run.”
Rob and I started dating in 2005 when I had just graduated college. I was working out regularly and dabbling in running. I liked to run as a form of fitness but wasn’t racing or anything. We were doing the long-distance thing for our fist year together so when I was staying at his place I would go for runs on the weekends. I don’t think I ever even asked him to run with me but he made it very clear that he would never run!
Running is a free workout
Once we were living together around 2010 I was running alot more and had done a bunch of races. I guess at some point he decided that he should start working out a few times a week. We had some game system (maybe it was a Wii at the time) and he used that to do some workouts. And then one day he went for a run. He told me he decided to run because it was free and efficient!
Racing together through the years
My husband is competitive so once he started running he wanted to race, and he wanted to run fast. We started doing races together the year we got married, 2012. Most of the time he was faster than me, but there are some races that I beat him in because he wasn’t in good shape at the time. I also hold the house marathon record.
Running + Parenthood
In 2018 we became parents and that changed things quite a bit. During the first few months after Grayson was born I wasn’t running and my sleep was a mess from all the nighttime feedings. Rob was getting up before work at 5am to run on the treadmill. Gradually I started running again and at some point he stopped. We haven’t done a race together since October 2017.
Once we got a jogging stroller we started doing family runs which has been a nice tradition. I will still run early during the week and sometimes do a long run early in the morning on the weekends. For awhile Rob wasn’t as consistent but last month he ran another marathon! He usually runs, bikes or lifts about 3-4 days a week.
10 Reasons to Marry a Runner
Now that you know our story, here are 10 reasons to marry a runner!
- You will have someone to talk to about running whenever you want.
- They won’t judge you (too much) for spending too much money on shoes and gear and races.
- You can make a vacation into a racecation (we did this for our Honeymoon!)
- They understand your need to go to bed at 8pm on a Friday night.
- They can run with you, if you want. Or not. No pressure!
- As a parent, you can alternate childcare duties with running time and not feel bad about it.
- They will happily carbo load with you whenever you have a long run or race coming up.
- They will support your need for having foam rollers strewn all over the house.
- They will still love you even when you have 3 black toenails after a marathon (true story…)
- You will both be healthier and happier!
Sure, you may be perfectly happy having a partner who doesn’t run. But it’s worth trying to convince your other half to give it a try! And if you’re single, be on the looking for a runner.
Check out all these Benefits of Running!
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Is your significant other a runner?
If you’re single, would you want to date/marry a runner?
Have you ever tried to get a non-running SO to run with you?
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner and Runs with Pugs to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas..
Congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary, Lisa!
I hope you have time to celebrate on a run together – maybe 9 kilometres?
I loved reading your story. Ours is very similar – I am so grateful that Kai is running with me.
And I have the 11th reason: you always have your personal photographer with you!
Thank you! That is another great reason to run with your partner. My pictures come out so much better when I have him there to take them!
Thanks for sharing.
I met my hubby playing tennis. He has always been a great player. I was not but definitely until 2010 I played daily and competively. Now he is the one playing tennis all the time.
I’ve tried to get him to run. I know he’s be good because he is very athletic. So far so luck.
He never complains when I prioritize my races and runs.
It’s important to marry someone who understands the importance of being active and healthy.
Happy Anniversary
Yes, you are so right! It’s nice that you are both active, even if it is not always in the same way.
Happy anniversary! I wasn’t a runner when I got married-neither was my husband. He’s been supportive of my running but hasn’t joined me on the road. While I have had thoughts that I’d love it if he ran, I actually enjoy my time alone in my running shoes.
I agree that the alone time is so important! I’m glad that we are both fine with running separately. I think we both prefer it actually!
Happy Anniversary!!! I love that the jogging stroller has gotten both of you out for those Sunday morning runs and pancakes. What will you do when Grayson outgrows the stroller? Maybe he can ride a bike next to you…
Thank you! I am not sure but I was thinking a bike might be a good option! I am hoping to get through the winter with some more miles with him in the stroller but I think by next summer he will be done.
This is a cute post, Lisa! Congrats on your anniversary! My hubby runs, but definitely has a much more competitive drive than I do. He’s also a lot more gifted with athleticism, which is why he doesn’t train as hard as I think he should for the (handful of) races he does. We don’t do many “couple” runs together, but that’s fine with me…he’s not used to talking as he runs, so it’s almost like running by myself anyways, LOL.
Haha, well I think one thing thats nice about running with a partner is you can talk or not. It’s not like a friend where the expectation may be to talk. On the few long runs we’ve done together there have been times when I had a no talking rule, lol.
This is fun! Ironically, my husband used to run a 5K on the treadmill daily when we first met. I was an aerobics girl and did not run. He does not run anymore. I do like having my own hobby but it would be nice sometimes to have a partner. Happy anniversary
It’s funny about things change over the years! And it is nice to be able to do your own thing. I like that Rob gets it enough to understand how important it is to me.
Happy anniversary! I love the 10 reasons and I love that you hold the house marathon record! Well, I guess I hold the house half and full marathon records as Mr Liz only went up to 10k ever. He used to run but got shin splints each time he tried to do it consistently, so gave up (he walks as much as I run each year, though, so fair enough). I actually like having him NOT a runner – less laundry and someone to hand me a banana at the end of a race!
Thats a really good point about the laundry and someone to be there at the end of a race! During the races we have done separately its nice to be there to support each other.
Yes, having a partner who runs is a good thing! My husband started running when we got together. We used to run more together but now we rarely do. We’re doing a Turkey Trot together this month though. Usually I’m faster than him, but with all the recent foot issues i’m pretty sure we’ll be running at the same pace. He may even beat me! Grr.
Oh that’s annoying! But I’m sure your fitness will come back and you will catch back up to him soon! It seems like guys are automatically in decent shape without trying as hard.
No, I definitely do not try to get my husband to run with me! I do think it’s nice when spouses run together, but it took a long time for him to actually embrace the dogwalk, LOL!
I always tell him he doesn’t have to do what I do, but I’d love for him to find something (movement wise) that makes him feel as happy as running sometimes makes me feel. Plus it would be good for some of his health issues (movement in general).
Interesting that you have the marathon record in your household!
Happy Anniversary!
It’s nice that you walk together! Rob has always struggled with the marathon distance. I think part of the problem is he doesn’t like running as much as I do so he doesn’t train that well for the marathon. His PR is from when I coached him in 2017 and he finally followed a proper training plan.
Happy Anniversary!!! I feel like “it’s a free workout” is how many of us started running;-)
Thank you! That’s so true. It’s convenient and (supposedly) a cheap way to stay in shape!
Yes, yes, to all of those 10 reasons! In my relationship, you were Ditiro and I was your husband. Never, ever dreamt I’d be a runner until 5 years ago! I always supported Ditiro but always declined his offers to get into it!
Happy anniversary! I’m always glad that my husband runs too and we can share miles together!
These are all great!
My husband runs periodically, and that’s actually the best of both worlds. He will join me for a few of the shorter races, but it means that I get dibs on all the races and training.
Happy 10th anniversary, Lisa!
Ha, yes, having an active partner makes all the difference. Kai is not a runner by choice – he runs because he likes to support me. Now that I’m off running because of my Achilles, I’m not surprised that he doesn’t run much either, ha!
Thank you! I didn’t realize Kai was not a runner by choice! He does so much with you I assumed he loved it too! That’s great that he is so supportive and that you have a partner to run and travel with.
Happy Anniversary.
All great reasons. My hubby will never run. Sigh.
But he plays a lot of competitive tennis. That’s how we met.
Now we both do our own thing. But support each other’s activities.
That’s nice that you both play tennis! It can be good to have your own interests and activities too.
Happy Anniversary! It’s great to have a sport or activity the both of you enjoy together as well as on your own 😉
Thank you! I agree!
happy anniversary! My husband used to run on the TM after work when we first met. I was not a runner back then. Fast forward, he does not run and hates running. While I do sometimes wish he would take it up, it is kind of nice that each of us has our own thing too
It can be nice to have your own interests! I just appreciate that he understands my need to run because it would be so hard to do this without his support!
Happy Anniversary! I always think it’s cook when SOs run together, but it can be challenging sometimes when one is significantly faster than the other — but I guess that really depends on the people involved.
I’d be happy if my husband would take any interest in fitness. Right now I do have him doing Yoga twice a week (grumbling all the way, although it does seem to be helping him). He needs some cardio though!
Thank you! Its great that he does yoga- thats a start! It can be hard to get into a fitness routine when you haven’t found something you enjoy.
Happy 10th Anniversary Lisa! I love that you hold the house marathon record!! I think what I love most about both me and my husband being runners is that when we go on holiday, we always make it a point to explore on the run!