Hi there! I hope everyone who celebrated yesterday had a nice Thanksgiving. We are actually planning to celebrate tomorrow. My dad had back surgery on Tuesday so we didn’t want to plan anything for yesterday not knowing how his recovery would be going. Rob and I went over there and just hung out with my parents but kept it low-key. My sister and her new husband will join us tomorrow for big, home-cooked meal!
So can we just talk about the fact that it’s the last Friday in November which means December is right around the corner? How is that possible?! I should also start out this runfessions post by saying that I haven’t runfessed since June! Oops!
1. Running Fuel
For the past few weeks I have headed out for my long runs without a clear plan in mind. Therefore, I didn’t bring any fuel! Big mistake when you end up running 10-11 miles. I mean, I was ok, but I feel like it kind of throws me off to not take anything for that long. But really, I just haven’t felt like carrying water in the cold. And I don’t like taking gels without water, so that’s probably the real issue.
I did eat oatmeal before my run this past weekend, and I think that helped me power through my long run workout. However, I did have some cramps in the beginning, probably from eating too soon before the run. (I usually just have a banana and honey stinger waffle).
2. 5k Fear
I shared on Instagram yesterday that I ran a 5k Turkey Trot. How was I more nervous to run a 5k than a half marathon? Does this happen to anyone else? I think it’s the pace that scares me, even though I tell myself there’s no pressure. No matter what, if you are running a 5k hard, it’s going to hurt! It was one of my slowest 5ks, but I also had no idea what kind of pace I could hold for that distance. You have to start back somewhere, right? More about this race next week…
3. Cold Weather Adjustment
I think I’ve finally adjusted to running in the cold- and I think I like it. What I don’t like is the wind. I actually contemplated a 10k last weekend but when I saw wind gusts of up to 50mph I decided against it. I am actually kind of enjoying temps in the 30s, plus I feel like it’s helped me to get some of my speed back.
4. Gym Update
I am embarrassed to share how long it’s been since I went to the gym (4 weeks) but the really bad part is I think I have only gone twice in the past 2 months. I keep thinking I should freeze my membership (so I would pay $10 a month during the time that I wasn’t going and then wouldn’t have to pay another joining fee, while my usual membership is $25 per month). I don’t know, I will definitely need to reevaluate this whole gym membership thing after the winter passes.
5. Running Shoes
Is it bad that I have absolutely no idea how many miles I have put on my Brooks’ Launch running shoes? I got them last January, but I have worn other shoes too. Those are the ones I have worn the most consistently this year up until October. I think I have run about 500 miles this year, so I guess they could be past their prime? Whenever I wear them I think that they feel a little worn out but the soles look completely fine (they aren’t worn down at all!) I think part of the problem is that I like my other shoes better (Levitates and Pure Flow 6s). I guess I will just either stop wearing them or only wear them for really short runs.
On another note, has anyone tried the Brooks Anthems? I am part of a Brooks Facebook Group and someone posted about these and how they are similar to the Flows. How have I never heard of them?? And they are only $70! I might need to give them a try.
[Tweet “November runfessions are up on the blog! Join in and share yours for the month! @milebymilerun #runfessions #weeklywrap”]
Don’t forget to enter my Holiday Running Gift Giveaway!
What do you have to runfess this month?
How do you keep track of your running shoe mileage?
Do you get your money’s worth from a gym membership?
Thanks to Marcia for hosing Runfessions and Lacey, Meranda, and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0!
Hi Lisa! First off, how is your dad? I’m sorry to see he had back surgery! I hope his recovery goes well. I will keep him in my prayers. Yesterday I started the runners world run streak. Do you know about that challenge? You run one mile (at least) a day for 40 days, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. There is one in the spring too from Memorial Day to July 4th. Being the elite runner you are, this would not be hard, but for me, it won’t always be easy. Katie has introduced me to many workouts through beachbody, so I am enjoying them. I don’t keep track of shoe mileage, but for me, I usually purchase a new pair every year. Sorry this post is so long! Have a great weekend!
Hey Sue! My dad is doing well, thanks for asking! He came home from the hospital yesterday and is getting around pretty well.
I have heard of those run streaks and they sound like so much fun! Unfortunately I seem to get injured when I run more than 3-4 days a week, and I need to make sure I have time for strength training and cross training. Good luck with the challenge!
Can we talk about THE WIND? It’s really been tough going with that wind lately. Ugh.
On the other hand, it’s so great (I keep saying this) to see you running so well again.
Thanks so much! It’s been quite a year, right? Wind is the worst, it’s my least favorite part of winter.
I never log actual miles in each of my shoes, but I should. I have several pairs I rotate through (depending on the distance), so it’s really a hodge-podge of what get’s used and how often. I’d say, if you’re feeling like the shoes may be worn a little, they may be showing their age LOL even if the soles are looking good. I heard that the support/cushioning can wear out but we don’t always realize it because it happens more gradually than the wear and tear on the soles.
Thats a good point! I just feel like they don’t have as much bounce left to them or something. I might as well use the other, fresher pairs I have since these aren’t feeling as good.
Hope your dad is recovering well! I’m the same way about shoe mileage tracking. I do it by feel. Since I have so many pairs in the mix at any given time, it can be awhile. Ha!
It can be kind of confusing to rotate through a bunch of pairs at once!
There is something on your garmin connect that you can put when you start running in new shoes. But here’s the thing if you keep swapping out it doesn’t register that your running in different shoes. I have those same shoes but have other pairs of the Brooks launches as well that I run in. I don’t know if it’s my shoes or my feet but in every pair of my Brooks I have a hole right above wear my pinky toe is. So weird!
Thats weird about the hole in your shoe! I like the idea of using Garmin connect to track the shoe mileage but since I wear different pairs I think it would be too confusing.
5Ks are so much harder but I LOVE them. Short and fast. 🙂
I can’t say I’m loving the cold weather. When it got cold I bailed and came to Phoenix. I runfess I have no interest in heading east today!!
Have a great thanksgiving with your fam!
I think I need to do more 5ks so I can actually get better at them! I just get so intimidated and end up either going out too fast or too slow.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I hope your dad’s recovery is speedy! Enjoy your big meal with the family tomorrow. 🙂
I haven’t been to PF in a couple months because I have been lifting at home. My membership is only $10 though so I keep it! (My membership doesn’t exist anymore, it’s $10 to go to all PFs… so if I ever canceled, I could get the $10 price but not the “any pf” perk. The cool thing is, they said instead of cancelling I could transfer it to someone. Isn’t that cool?
Wow thats really great! $10 a month is perfect. I wanted to join a PF for the price but there were none convenient to there I live/work.
I hope your dad is doing well. Enjoy the holiday tomorrow!
I hope your dad’s recovery is going well!
I have 5k fear too. I mostly don’t like doing them because I don’t like to run fast like that all the time. Plus, I’m always afraid I’m going to go out too fast and bonk HARD and I don’t want to be that person that ran a blazing fast mile and then had to walk it off. lol
I (try to remember to) write down in my running journal the day I start wearing new shoes. Then, 6 months later, I can go back and add up the mileage.
And yes, I have a Y membership but haven’t been in …. hmmm…. *shrug* I should probably cancel it but if I do, it’ll suddenly snow and I’ll need to use the treadmill. haha
I am scared of going out too fast in 5ks too! I was really worried I would have to walk yesterday.
It definitely makes sense to keep the gym membership “just in case”…at least thats what I keep telling myself!
I do have trouble pacing for a 5K as well. I always start just way too fast!
I either start out too fast or too slow! And yesterday I was boxed in for the first mile so I spent the rest of the race trying to make up for lost time.
I haven’t really “raced” a 5 K in a very long time, but it’s such a tricky distance to run!
I hope that your dad’s recovery goes well.
5ks are really tough to pace! And I think the only way to get better at them is to run them more often.
Thank you!
Hope your dad is feeling better!
I love the idea of doing a “Runfession” post…hmm 😉
I’m also really bad about drinking water/running fuel during a long run!
And I definitely think the nerves are more about the pacing than the distance, 5Ks freak me out too because I know I’m just going to be running all out the whole time! A longer race on the other hand let’s me actually get in a pacing groove.
One of my runfessions: sometimes I run routes purely based on avoiding uphills.
Hope you’re enjoying your holiday weekend!
I also sometimes try to avoid hills when I run! There is no way to avoid them all around here, but I may go a certain direction to hit them during certain parts of my run.
I hope you have a great time with your family today! We’re celebrating as well because I worked both Thanksgiving and black friday!
For my runfession I’d have to say Ive been slacking on keeping track of shoe mileage and shoe rotation…
I hope you had a great day too!
Its so hard to keep track of running shoes.
I’m loving the colder running weather but I definitely don’t love the wind!
It’s funny, how you feel about the 5K is how I felt about running an 8K. It can be really tricky figuring out what’s the right pace. I can’t wait to hear how it went for you!
And I hope your Dad is doing better. It sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving!
Thanks- my dad is doing pretty well! I have never run an 8k but I’m sure the pacing would be really hard. I think with the 5k I just get scared to run that hard even though it’s not for very long. I just need to get used to it I think!
I know what you mean about the wind. It can be a pleasant run at 30 degrees but add the wind and then it is brutal. I am a Brooks fan as well and have never heard of the Anthems. I think you have a Garmin, right? What don’t you use that to track the mileage of your shoes? Whenever I finish a run, I add the shoes I wore for that run. It is a nice way to keep track of mileage.
I need to look more into the Garmin shoe tracking! I thought you could only use it to track one pair of shoes. If I can track multiple pairs that would be great-thanks for the suggestion!
This is the first year I’ve tracked my shoes. I use runkeeper and I have one pair I keep at work and one for home. Ive been really surprised at how bad I am at noticing when the cushioning goes flat just by feel. But now when the miles get up around 450 I’ll go get a new pair and be amazed at the difference.
I definitely think it helps to keep track rather than go just by feel! I always notice a big difference when I switch to a new pair of shoes.