Those of us that run are often on the go, trying to squeeze our workouts in between everything else we have to do. It’s so important to take time to relax and recharge, to help prepare mentally and physically for our next run, workout, or race. Relaxing doesn’t always come easy to me. I really need to be intentional about it. Here are 5 ways for runners to relax plus a visualization exercise!

5 Ways For Runners To Relax
1. Pamper Yourself
Get a manicure and pedicure, or just do your own nails at home! Ever since COVID I’ve cut back drastically on getting my nails done at the salon, but even just giving myself a mani/pedi feels great. When I really want to treat myself and relax I get my nails done for me. It feels so good to just sit there and get pampered. Plus, it helps to make my runners feet look almost decent!
2. Get a Relaxing Massage
I wish I could get massages all the time, but they are just so expensive! In the past I’ve looked for deals online and then tried new places. Now I don’t think I’ve had a massage since I was pregnant, unless ART at the chiropractor counts! But a real massage feels so good and is a great way for runners to relax and take care of your muscles.
3. Get Away or Take Time Off Work
I find that if I am home and in my regular routine that I have a hard time relaxing. There is always something to do! I used to find that If I went away I would be forced to relax (or at least take a break from chores!) Now that I have a toddler things are different when it comes to traveling. If I can just take a few days off work and sit outside on my deck I find that to be relaxing.
4. Relax in a Bath
Taking a warm epsom salt bath can be so relaxing and also helps to loosen up tight muscles. When I have some time to myself I try to take a relaxing bath or I’ll try to squeeze one in if I am sore from a workout.
5. Have a Drink to Relax
These days my relaxing drink of choice is wine, but for others it may be tea, coffee, or something else. I am usually a coffee drinker but a cup of tea can sometimes help me to relax. It’s all abut making it intentional and not doing a million other things while you enjoy your drink.
My Relaxing Place
I also thought I would share a really simple activity that I used to teach kids in therapy sessions for when you can’t actually do any of these relaxing activities. It’s called “My Relaxing Place”.
The next time you are in the place where you feel most relaxed, or doing your favorite relaxing activity, try to take a snapshot of that moment. What do you see? Hear? Smell? etc. How does it make your body feel? Try to capture as much as you can about that place/moment. I would have the kids draw and write things about their relaxing place, and then close their eyes and try to picture it and pretend they are there.
Practice this, so when you need to relax it comes easier to you. I find the beach to be relaxing, so I think about the warm sun, the sand under my feet, and the sounds of the ocean.
I love that visualization can be done anywhere and no one else has to know you are doing it!
Hopefully you found these ways for runners to relax to be helpful and maybe it even gave you some new ideas to try!
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How To Conquer Your Negative Thoughts On the Run with Positive Thinking
How to Recover After a Bad Run
Helpful Race Mantras and How To Use Them
What is your favorite way to relax?
Have you ever tried using visualization?
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner and Runs with Pugs to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
Ah, great ideas. I’ve been buying massage packages to save money and force me to go regularly. I love the meditation and your relaxing place does look quite relaxing!
Massage packages are a great idea- I need to look into something like that!
As I read this I realize I’ve done none of these in a very long time. Pathetic! Love the visualization exercise. I do lots of visualizing positive outcomes when I run.
Visualization while running is great! I used to do that alot before big races.
I think I’m going to try meditation. I don’t really even have a place that I can go to in my mind right now to calm things, and I need to work on that!
Good luck with the meditation! Im planning to write a post about my experience with it at some point.
That is a great visualization exercise! I will try it as i know I can benefit from some of that. Mani pedi is on my agenda for tomorrow 🙂
Enjoy your mani/pedi! Thats a great way to spend a Saturday!
I find that I can only relax at home. When I am away, all I want to do is “go go go”!
That’s so funny- we are complete opposites with that!
ALL of my favorite relaxation ways 🙂 I got a mani/pedi last week and just love the feeling of feeling “done up”
Same here! Its relaxing to get it done and then also looks nice for awhile.
you know I love a good manicure and pedicure! I never really find my manicures relaxing thoug, it’s almost more of a chore sometimes but the weeks where I get a pedicure too are the best!
The pedicures (and foot rubs) are the best! I don’t like having to wait for my nails to dry but I do like how they look after they are done- I usually feel better when they look nice!
Really great tips! I dont take baths that often, unless they are epsom salt baths, so I could definitely do that more often.
Epsom salt baths are my favorite! I love that they help my muscles to recover.
A drink – beer, wine, coffee, or tea – always helpe me relax. I like to sit on the porch or by the complex’s firepit as well – instant relaxation.
Im sure the fire pit is really relaxing! I really like being able to sit outside with a drink when the weather is nice.
I signed up for Oprah and Deepak’s 21 day meditation and I didn’t start it. I have no excuse. I just didn’t do it. I think meditation (I keep typing medication-hmmm) would actually be really helpful for me.
Lol to the medication. It’s worth a try!
I love all these ideas. I get massage a lot! In the winter especially, I take 3-4 baths per week. Another way I have found for me to relax to is bake or do art.
Baking is actually kind of stressful for me! I don’t like making a mess, but I do like having yummy food to eat:)
I get a pedicure after each race. My feet need the attention, and since I take time off after a race, it’s perfect. Sometimes I ask to keep my calluses, sometimes I don’t. It depends what mood I’m in that day.
A post-race pedicure is the best!
This is so good. I needed to read this TODAY. I felt kinda manicky yesterday, moving nonstop, doing all the things and keeping busy so that I didn’t have to sit still and deal with my problems. I need to force myself out the door (it’s sunny today) with Callum and just hang out at a park with him for a few hours, with a tea, and a view of the mountains, watch the bald eagles fly overhead and just BE with my crazy thoughts for a while.
Your description of all that made me relaxed just reading it! I hope you were able to go and do that and are feeling better!
Yoga helps me relax. I love the visualization exercise. I need to remember that!
After I made this list I was thinking that I should have included yoga! I find it really relaxing too.
The beach is my favorite place to relax. I only live a few miles from the sand, so it’s easy for me to get there. I also love running, barre and yoga on the beach, too.
That’s so nice that you live so close to the beach! I love running on the beach and I did yoga there once too.
I do find meditating relaxing. I only do it in short bursts, usually 10 minutes at a time.
10 minutes is about all I can handle too!
Massages after big races are the best! And I’ll never say no to a big glass of wine after a long run.
Both are totally deserved after a race or tough run!
Nothing better than sitting by the lake with a glass of wine just listening to the rippling water- gotta go! 🙂 TGIF!
That sounds amazing!
I can visualize anything! What a great idea. On Sunday I’m having ice cream, a bath, and a glass of wine. Not necessarily in that order, but possibly all at the same time. #YOLO
That sounds perfect! No judgement at all- you deserve it!
Massages are definitely my fav way to relax, but I’m with ya – they can get pricey and add up. I’ve always got my eyes peeled for deals! 🙂 (Did you get any groupon credits in that recent settlement? I randomly got like $60 to my account which will most likely go toward a massage!)
No, I didn’t! I went like a year without buying any groupons so I wonder if thats why I missed out. Thats awesome that you got some extra cash to put towards a massage!
I am all about visualization but life has been so busy lately that I have forgotten to do that. Maybe this weekend is my time to do this for me.
I forget when I get busy too!
I do find that the older I get the harder it is to find that time to relax. 🙁 I did get s pedicure today though and I was fantastic! My husband and i sometimes go to our cabin. We just relax. Watch movies and recharge. So nice!
That sounds perfect! I think just being out of our regular environment can sometimes force us to slow down a little.
I haven’t had a mani/pedi in a while – so need to change that! Massages are definitely one of my fave ways to relax 🙂
I feel like spring is such a great time to get a pedicure, now that its sandal weather again!
Every runner loves a pedicure and a massage! It’s on my list, too 🙂
They’re the best! I wish they both didnt cost quite as much.
I am SOOO not a bath-taker. Sitting idle in a tub of water does not appeal to me….but I do realize the value (and rewards)in doing so. I should make myself do an Epsom soak each week after my long run….(stay tuned….)
When you put it that way a bath doesn’t sound quite as appealing! But I do feel better after.
I could do with all five of those things right now! Unfortunately I can only go for the drink option. 4 out of 5 ain’t bad though, ha! To wind-down I love to read and listen to music. Val x
Haha, maybe you could do some tea? 🙂
Excellent points, Lisa!
You are right about travelling – going away for a short trip often adds to the stress, especially if you have a toddler.
Just being off work and spending time on your deck with a glass of wine and soft music sounds so much more relaxing!
Yes, its all about making the time off relaxing, wherever you spend it!
Love this.
Yes. On manicures and baths. A glass of red wine. Ahh.
In the winter in front of the fire place.
In the summer looking at water. Lake or ocean.
Oh yes! I love sitting in front of the fireplace when its cold out! Looking at the water is so relaxing.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a professional manicure, but I do them on myself weekly. It id a nice relaxing thing to do that doesn’t require much “active” thinking, LOL> When she was younger, our youngest daughter LOVED giving manicures, so she often ask to do them for me. That was SO nice!!!
That sounds wonderful! I like not having to go anywhere to do my nails, but it can be really nice to have someone do them for you.
It’s been so long since I’ve had a massage! And don’t forget about an assisted fascial stretch! It feels as good as a massage and has longer term benefits.
Great visualization tips. It’s hard for me to relax too and this could help.
I need to work on using visualization more! Its something I often forget about.
I am all about the mani pedi and the massages. Visualization techniques can do wonders for peple!
Getting pampered is always nice and relaxing!
I love relaxing on a cold day with a hot cup of coffee! I’m also a huge bath taker. I use CBD epsom salt bombs and they are amazing. Haven’t used visualization to relax yet but I use it in races as a tool to see myself hitting my goal time or conquering a difficult obstacle and it helps immensely!
Oh those CBD epsom salt bombs sound great! Yes, I’ve used visualization for races too and it really does help!