Last week was an exciting one around here. It included running 6 miles, getting a bike, and celebrating and engagement. Let’s get the workouts out of the way first.
Last Week’s Workouts (Running 6 Miles!)
Monday: 3 Miles Plus PT Exercises
It’s been so dark in the mornings that it’s tough to get out the door. I know we change the clocks back in November but I still think it’s gonna be a looong winter.
Tuesday: Total body strength training
It was chilly this morning and I was kind of glad to be staying inside! I’m not quite ready for the cold yet (I think it was just about 40 when I checked my phone)
Wednesday: AM: 3.3 miles PM: Physical therapy appointment
I ran 3.3 miles in honor of turning 33. I had a doctor’s appointment so I got to run about 30 minutes later than usual which made a huge different in how much daylight I got to see on my run! In the afternoon I went to PT and did all the usual stuff.
Thursday: 30 minute Pilates
I think I spent more time trying to log into my Pilatesology account and then finding a class than I spent actually working out. Maybe next time I will try to get it set up in advance. When I woke up my foot had that tight feeling that its had before, not painful, but like something is restricted. I E-mailed my PT and was able to stop in after work to have him loosen it up.
Friday: PT exercises plus some upper body work
My foot was feeling looser but still not 100%, and I wanted to run on Saturday so figured another day of strength training would be good. I did all the same PT stuff as Wednesday plus some push-ups.
Saturday: 6 Miles Plus Core Work
I went into this run having no idea how I would feel or how far I would run. 6 miles was my max (I did a little over 5 last weekend) and I felt good! I actually felt like I was starting to use my core the way I am supposed to (which I work on ALOT in PT). I was started to wonder how I ran at all without those muscles before.
It helped that the weather was absolutely perfect. I was wishing I was running in the Baltimore Running Festival, but there is always next year.
Sunday: PT Exercises
Getting a Bike
So, for the past few months I have been telling Rob that I think we should get an exercise bike. Without a gym membership, it would be really nice to have a way to do cardio at home, something different from running. Bikes can be pretty reasonably priced, although they range in quality quite a bit I’m sure. I had been doing some research to see if it made sense to buy something really inexpensive that could break in a year, or if we should wait and get something really nice a little later.
Well my birthday was last Wednesday, and Rob told me that he wanted to get me a bike as my gift! He did some research too and we decided on this one. It’s sort of in the middle price range but will hopefully have decent quality. It’s supposed to be delivered today, so I will let you know how we like it!
Celebrating an Engagement
The other exciting news of the week is that my sister got engaged on Friday! We went to my parents’ to celebrate over the weekend and meet Ben’s family for the first time. Of course everyone is so excited and already starting all the wedding planning. They are thinking about getting married next November because everyone else in the families had November weddings.
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- How were your workouts last week?
- Would you rather be running 6 miles on a Saturday or doing a half marathon?
- Would you rather own a treadmill, elliptical, or bike?
- Anyone else have a November wedding?
Congrats to your sister and happy belated! A bike will be a great way to get you through the winter when it’s dangerous to run or drive but you still want to get some cardio in. We bought a spin bike several years ago and it’s still going strong! I used to use it all the time but it bothers my ITB now. Paul uses it a lot. He takes spin classes on youtube!
Thank you! Thats too bad that the bike bothers your ITB. Classes on youtube are a great idea!
Happiness all around! I would love a bike–we were actually going to get me one for my graduation from grad school but then realize we had nowhere to put it…
Congrats to your sister and happy belated birthday!
Thank you! Hopefully you can find space for a bike at some point. I think it is a great option for days when we just cant get outside to run, or are dealing with an injury.
Sounds like such an exciting weekend! Happy birthday!! I’ll be excited to hear how you like the bike.. I’ve wanted one for a while too!
Thanks! It was delivered a little while ago and I am itching to get it set up:)
Congrats to your sister and her fiance! How exciting!
I bet having a bike at home will be so helpful, but I know they can get $$$$$! Adam and I are building a small gym at our new house and we’re trying to decide how to do it economically while still having everything we need – not an easy task! haha
There is such a range with the bikes- there are plenty for like $200 but if you want a really nice one they are way more than that. If we get a treadmill at some point we would definitely want a good one, but we arent as concerned about the bike. Hopefully this one will be good enough for what we need it for though!
Happy belated birthday and congrats to your sister! Right now I want a new road bike with an indoor trainer. I used to have a treadmill and loved it for Midwest winters, but then we sold it once we settled into our apartment in Seattle.
Our next big home-gym item may be a treadmill, but probably not for awhile. A bike with a trainer is a great idea. I just didnt think I would be brave enough to bike outside so this made more sense for us!
I bought a trainer last winter to put my bike on, and I absolutely love it. I usually don’t mind running throughout the winter, but I wimp out on biking, so it allows me to keep biking all winter. Also it gives me a cardio option if it’s really icy/snowy outside and I don’t feel up for going outside for a run. We also got married in November! The 24th which happens to be Thanksgiving this year. 🙂
Its nice to have the option to work out indoors when the weather gets bad!
Yay for November weddings!:)
Happy belated birthday! The bike looks nice, and hope that you get to enjoy lots of miles on it. Congrats to your sister and fiance!
Thank you!!
My parents have two bikes, and really like it. They can’t always get to the gym, so the bikes are nice to have cardio when it’s snowing outside. I know I’d rather have a treadmill for the days I can’t get outside.
I would love a treadmill at some point, but I figured it would be good to have a non-running option- especially for when I am injured!
Happy birthday! Hope you had a nice day. It looks like things are going well with running and PT. Congrats to your sister!
Thank you!
Happy 33rd! You young little thang! And congrats to your sister. So exciting! That bike looks amazing. I had wanted a bike for home for so long but never spent the money on it. Then my older sister dropped her exercise bike here for us to store, but I’m allowed to use it. It’s awesome! If she ever takes it back, I will definitely need to buy one. I don’t use it much but it’s perfect for those days where I have bees in my bonnet and already ran too many miles.
Thats great that you can use the bike- it gives you a chance to test it out and decide if you like it! I am hoping that having a bike will be good for doing something besides running.
Oh my god! where to start! Happy Belated Birthday!! 3.3 is an awesome distance, perfect to celebrate 33 years!
Congratulations to your sister!
and a bike sounds like a great birthday gift!
I hear you on the core ! I need to work harder on my core, but I suck at finding time for core. Do you find it has made a great difference for you?
Thank you!! I do feel like the core work is helping, but only when I started doing it correctly. It took a lot of work with my PT to actually start being able to feel what was supposed to be happening. Now I am starting to feel it on my runs and I think that is helping my form alot!
Yay for inching up the miles and feeling good! Happy birthday, too! A bike is a great addition. We got one off Craisglist a year or two ago and I love having it. I don’t use it as much as I probably should, but it’s a great option- especially as it gets colder.
That was a good idea to look at craiglist- we ended up just ordering off Amazon. I definitely think it will be a good option to have during the winter!
Happy Belated Birthday! That is a great birthday gift and a perfect cross training activity. My sister got one when she was going through some injuries and she used it all the time.
Thanks! I definitely think it will be helpful for cross training during injuries or during bad weather.
Happy birthday! That’s a great birthday gift!
Thanks- I am definitely excited about the bike!
Happy happy birthday to you, girl!
I have an exercise bike and a treadmill (that I haven’t used in months as it needs the oil changed or something and I can’t figure it out, haha) and we have an elliptical which I can’t use as the stride must be too short for me as everytime I try to use it it pulls on my ITB and after having so many ITB issues last year I’m pretty much terrified of it happening again.
I had no idea that treadmills need oil changes! I would love to get a treadmill next, but we will have to see about that. I get so bored on the elliptical that i figured a bike will (hopefully) be a bit more exciting.
Happy Birthday! I think the exercise bike is a wonderful idea. Just think how nice it will be when it’s so cold outside. I have a trainer I can put my road bike on, but I confess I don’t do that as much as I should. Congrats on a great 6 mile run without any pain. Your hard PT work is paying off. Thanks for linking, Lisa!
I am sure I will appreciate the bike when we get bad winter weather! I remember wishing I had a way to workout indoors last year when the roads were really icy. Thanks for your support!
It’s a small world! It turns out we share a birthday… Getting a bike is the best gift you could have asked for. This year, I decided to invest in good activewear instead of regular clothes for my birthday. Congrats to your sister too!! Weddings are always fun occasions to get the family together.
Happy belated birthday! Activewear sounds like a great gift.