I really can’t believe it’s been a year without runfessions. It’s just one of the many ways that I am reminded of how fast time is flying by. After not really blogging much at all during the first half of 2019, it was just about all I could manage to get up a Weekly Run Down post each week since July and the occasional other random post here and there.
A year without Runfessions
To start out my runfessions, I runfess that I sort of forgot about runfessions! My last time doing one of these posts was October 2018. They are so fun to write and read! Nice and easy for a Friday.
I also runfess that blogging just hasn’t been the same this year. At one point I couldn’t get into my Bloglovin account so I fell REALLY behind on reading blogs. So now I just read them through link ups or from people who comment on my posts. One of my goals is to clean up my Bloglovin so I can start using it again. There are so many blogs I follow on there that I don’t read anymore or that don’t even have new posts anymore.
An Off Week
I runfess that this week has just felt OFF. I was away until Monday and then got sick on Tuesday. Usually I take some time on Sunday night to mentally prep for the week ahead, so when that didn’t happen I just felt like I didn’t know what I needed to get done all week. Do you know the feeing where you have stuff lingering but no real direction about what needs to get done or how to do it? I sort of felt that all week.
When I started to feel sick on Tuesday I decided to “sleep in” and skip my run on Wednesday. This meant waking up at 5 instead of 4. I still didn’t feel well all day so I know it was the right decision. A few years ago I totally would have ran when I started to feel sick. (I had a sore throat and just felt extra tired). After considering the pros and cons of running, it definitely made sense to skip my run. I needed to recover as quickly as possible! You can’t take a sick day when you are taking care of a baby.
Running Goals
I also runfess that I have big running goals for next year, but no plan to get there. I really need to nail down a timeline and choose a race. I’ve said I want to do a full marathon next fall, but I will also runfess that doing one in the spring has crossed my mind.
In general I have felt overly ambitious lately. My mind wants to do all these great things and then I remember that I just don’t have time to do it all. I’ve been trying to prioritize and limit multi-tasking as much as possible. It’s a work in progress.
Other Random Thoughts This Week
I runfess that I am so glad that I have this blog to look back on different times in my life. It’s so weird to read my last runfessions post from last year when I was 8 months pregnant. I don’t think I really overshare on my blog but there are little things I write about that I otherwise would have forgotten.
I actually found a post in my drafts that I had written like a week before I had Grayson. It was right after I found out I would be scheduled for a c-section. I never got around to posting it! Maybe I’ll share it one day. It’s kind of ironic because I wrote about how things don’t go as planned, but at least there was a plan for my scheduled c-section. Yet he came early anyway!
Finally I runfess that I am having all the feelings as we approach Grayson’s 1 year birthday. I am starting to feel sad that he is moving out of the baby phase. I’m excited for what’s to come next. I am anxious about having a toddler running around the house. I’m grateful for all the time I’ve gotten to spend with him this year. I’m proud of all the things we have accomplished. I could go on and on.
This is most likely my one and only Runfessions post of 2019 unless I can really get my act together during either of the next two months. The holiday season is already stressing me out so the blog will likely take a backseat. Then again, sometimes its nice to just sit down and write instead of dealing with other priorities.
How has your blogging routine changed over the past year? How do you follow your favorite blogs?
Do you run when you don’t feel well?
How do you prioritize your to-do list?
I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Runfessions!
Having a baby sure changes things! Moms can’t get sick..you have to reprioritize things..I get it! Even though my babies are grown, I’m entering a new phase as well. I have time for myself but I don’t necessarily have the desire to blog about it, lol. I keep talking about giving it up, but I’m not quite there yet.
Just do what you can! I love seeing you so active and your posts on IG keep me up to date.
I think I would find it really hard to totally give up the blog! Especially after putting so much time and effort into it. I know some people really make connections on instagram but I’ve found that harder to do. Most of the people I “know” and interact with regularly its because of getting to know them initially through blogging.
I’ve been blogging less this ear, but try to join the Weekly Run Down, Runfessions, and of course the Coffee Date I host with Deborah. I just haven’t had the energy for more. According to the url, today is my fourth October Runfessions post. 😉 Having your baby turn one is a milestone for all of you. I think the toddler years were a lot of fun!
I can’t believe the runfessions have been going on for that long! Its such a good one especially since its just once a month.
A couple weeks ago Thing 1’s sorority asked for a pic of her when she was younger, along with a fun story for their initiation ceremony, which prompted me to go through ALL the old pics and I sat here astounded by the passage of time and how I once would have viewed 18 years as a lifetime but to a parent, it’s a blip in time. It flies but it’s all good and we just have to savor and enjoy all the phases as they come. I think you’d totally be ready for a spring marathon. But you’re right: the time investment is a killer. I got a new computer a couple months ago and lost my Bloglovin’. I’m sure I’m not going to many of the blogs I used to. Also since I started working more I’m blogging less and that’s fine with me.
I think if I got a new computer I would really struggle with transferring everything over. As it is I find it impossible to keep track of everything. Its crazy how many times I have to reset my password for different websites.
Gah it already makes me sad thinking about how fast time is going!
He’s so cute! Blogging definitely took a back seat this year and probably will going forward. My life is just too full right now, thankfully in a good way.
It’s definitely good to be busy in other ways!
Things do not go as planned! Your me time is pretty limited when you have a 1 year old. What a fun time for you all. Every week they do new things. It all goes by so fast! Enjoy it
Yes I am just trying to make the most of it all! I would much rather be spending him with him than trying to get up a blog post. Luckily he still sleeps quite a bit so I do have time to write at night or during naps.
I also need to clean up my BlogLovin page. Like you, there are a lot of blogs on there that I don’t read anymore so I need to remove them.
Like you, I need to figure out my plan and goals for next year. I’ve thought about a few races I want to do, but haven’t really nailed down any goals.
My husband and I were just talking about race options and its getting me excited to finally pick something! Now the goal is to just stay injury free…
It’s nice hearing from you! I haven’t blogged a lot lately either, which makes me sad because I have missed it! Such busy times these days – it is fun to look back at the blog and remember the old days.
I definitely take more caution to not run when I’m not feeling well. Between being pregnant and my past injury history, I listen to my body and give myself a little rest. It’s tougher to do during a training cycle, but it always pays off! Hope you feel better soon!
Thats really good that you are giving yourself a break when you’re not feeling 100%! Your body is using a lot of energy to grow your little one. I bet you will appreciate looking back on your posts even more once she is here and remembering certain things- it feels like I was a whole different person last year before he was born!
Sometimes I’ll run when I feel a little off because sometimes I’ll feel better afterward — and sometimes not. A sore throat — a real one, not just scratchy — is usually a deal breaker for me because it usually means that I’m getting really sick.
I don’t know how people with kids every accomplish anything. All you moms out there are so awesome — even if sometimes you don’t feel that way. It’s amazing what you moms accomplish!
I mostly use the linkups & comments to follow people. Often just don’t have time to read more if they’re not interacting with me!
It depends for me too. This week was weird because I will start to feel better and then I will feel worse again. So I’m thinking I’ll take another rest day tomorrow (I took today off too) and wait until I’m back to normal before running again.
Even just having one kid makes me really wonder how moms of multiple kids get anything done. I really can’t imagine taking care of a baby and also having an older kid to chase around!
I agree about the linking and commenting. Blogging is more fun when you get to know people!
Awww…your little guy is adorable in his suit! So cute! Don’t stress about trying to do too much. Blogging and running will be there for you when your son gets older and needs you less (yes, it does happen eventually!) Run (and blog) only when it really makes you happy to do so. I give you permission! 🙂
Haha thank you! I do enjoy it and I’m glad I’ve been able to get back to it to some extent. I’m sure before I know it he will be doing his own thing and I will be wishing he needed me more!
I have so much stuff lingering, it seems, and no real direction so I get that feeling all too well!!
I tried to blog more last year and (speaking of which) get into a routine and then, yes, it changed, again – after my surgery and now since my herniated disc. I don’t feel much like a ray of sunshine, or that I have a lot to say that isn’t the same old broken record, so I tend to shut down. But then I also miss out on others’ blog posts. And to be honest, when I feel this crap I do find it hard to also be happy for people. No sugar coating it.
I can’t believe Grayson is almost 1! I’m sure it still feels like only yesterday that you were bringing him home.
Oh I totally understand that its hard to read and be excited for others accomplishments when you are struggling! I had a really long injury a few years ago and it was so hard to find things to post about and read about other runners doing race after race when I was sidelined or not able to run much for so long. However, it did keep me motivated and it was nice to have alot of support.
Team cooties also. Feel better!
I’m very good about the weekly run down. I try to read the Tuesday Topics. I’m less good on the weekly Fridays. I don’t always do a coffee or runfession, but enjoy reading those
I think the weekly run down is the easiest one to write! Its nice to have a place to share my workouts all together and summarize how the week went. Plus I usually have some time on the weekends to write it.
Yes. And it’s great to have it to refer back to as well
So glad to see you linked up with us! I can not believe Grayson will soon be one! It seems like just yesterday I was commenting on your running post saying what a strong runner you were to be running pregnant like you were!
We’ve cut way down on blogging too. It’s easy to just let it slip by and miss a week or two, but then that makes it easier to miss even a few more weeks. For that reason we’ve been trying to post every Friday and having the link up keeps us accountable. I think once a week is good because quite frankly I dont think people have time to read blogs more than that. I usually only read blogs on the weekends myself. I use to use Bloglovin but I really didnt see the point when I have a Reading List on Blogger. I saved blogs on there ( years ago, and I am able to see whenever they post a new blog post).
This year has seriously gone so fast! I definitely know what you mean about missing a post or two and then it turns into a few weeks. I’m trying to be a little more consistent because I did miss it earlier this year when I stopped writing!
“My mind wants to do all these great things and then I remember that I just don’t have time to do it all.”
Oh man, does that resonate with me (and I don’t even have kids!). There’s just not enough hours in a day! 😉
I use Feedly to follow blogs – I find it easier to navigate than Bloglovin.