As you may know from my recent posts or instagram, lately I have been backing off a bit from running and focusing on trying out some different types of workouts. I don’t have a gym membership so all of my workouts need to take place at home. I thought I would share some of the types of workouts I have been doing with links to specific websites or DVDs.
Barre3 Online Workouts: These workouts pull from barre, dance, and yoga. The site offers a lot of variety and has membership options for 1 month, 6 months, or a year. I really liked the filters that allowed me to find the exact type of class I was looking for. (I used this site for about 6 months last year.)
Pure Barre DVDs/Online Videos: I have the Mile High Series 1 and 2 videos. I also just subscribed to 1 year of access to flex series (which has six 10 minute workouts) thanks to Meredith’s recommendation. We were E-mailing this week about how challenging these short videos are!
Do Yoga With me: has lots of free online videos for all different levels
My Free Yoga: I’ve only done 1 video from this website but there seems to be quite a few good options available
Fightmaster Yoga on YouTube: I first heard about Lesley Fightmaster from Michele and would have to agree that she leads some great classes. Typically I struggle with finding good yoga classes on YouTube but so far I have found that with Lesley Fightmaster you can’t go wrong.
Reflexion Yoga: This site offers a 30 day free trail and then some different membership options.
The Yoga Collective: There are a few free classes available on this site as well as a 15 day free trial, and then monthly/annually membership options.
Yoga Home Practice Guide: A great list of free yoga online yoga videos with descriptions
Pilates for Runners DVD: I have had this DVD for a few years and it burns every time I do it. I especially have a love/hate relationship with the side-lying leg lifts
Pilatesology: I signed up for a 10 day free trail of this site and I have only used it once. I had some technically difficulties when I tried to use it again but I’m not sure if it was because of the site or because of my old/slow iPad.
The Benefits of Pilates for Runners: Great info about pilates with some other links to check out
Pilates for Runners: Quick StartL Includes a pilates-inspired ab workout
Strength Workouts
Iron Strength Workout: I follow the workout from the book Running Strong but the link is to the video and it looks like there is a free trial available.
Pinterest Workouts: When in doubt, I log onto Pinterest and easily find whatever kind of workout I am looking for. I created a board of “strength workouts” as a place to save workouts I found online and want to try.
What are some of your favorites ways to work out at home?
What types of workouts do you do in the off-season from running?
I am obsessed with these barre workouts! Was going to mention our conversation in my post on Sunday lol.
I am excited to try out the other ones! (I have still only done the first two)
There are lots of great workouts here 🙂
I have been trying to do 20 minutes of yoga every morning and home and not only is it relaxing me, but it is helping me with my other workouts too I think.
Yoga is such a great supplement to everything else! I always have a hard time making it to studio classes, so online videos are perfect.
I used to do Tae Bo to cross train at home. I loved it! If I did it now, I would be so freaking sore though. You know me, I love to lift at home! It is way better than going to the gym.
I used to do Tae Bo too! I wonder if I still have those DVDs…
I had them on VHS 🙂 I used to do them in college and the people that lived below me would bang on the ceiling because I was doing the videos and jumping at like 6am! Haterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I have found Tae Bo on youtube, if you are ever in the mood 🙂
What is this ‘off season’ you talk about?!?! Haha 🙂
You do have a great list and variety of workouts there to help mix things up. Personally I just try to get in some body weight stuff, planks and so on. I have an old high school friend who was a tennis pro on Cape Cod for years and now has a fitness system out there (BMAX) and is the fitness trainer for the Patriots cheerleaders.
But aside from just running all the time, one thing I notice is that from spring through fall there is just more movement and outside time, and more sedentary time in winter. So I have tried the last couple of years to walk around my work facility. The building (a development scale up site) was an old laboratory glass factory for Corning, so there is a aisle around most of the outer part that I can walk …. Every bit helps!
I actually thought of you when I referred to the running off-season! I guess it’s more of a “training” off-season really, since I’m still running, just alot less!
My job has recently changed forcing me to spend way more time sitting than I would like. I am still trying to figure out ways to get moving more, and it’s much harder in the winter because it’s dark when I get home. (Over the summer I was more likely to go for a walk after work.) That sounds like a great place for you to walk- I need to figure out something like that!
Totally saving this for when I start coming back and/or sharing with my clients. I won’t be ready for full runner’s strength workouts, so these will be great for helping me rebuild strength.
Yes, and I love that most are on the shorter side and not too challenging, so hopefully you will be able to find something you can do as you are coming back.
I have started doing the Ultimate Sandbag workouts and I am a big fan of Grokker for video workouts when I don’t run. I run throughout the year (I live in VT and I do run through the winter) but it is less and my miles decrease. I am focusing on strength training to be a better runner come spring.
That’s what I am planning to do too- continue running just cut back and focus on strength training. That ultimate sandbag workout sounds really challenging!!
I’m glad you’re enjoying the Pilates workouts! I should give the Pilates for Runners DVD a try. I really enjoy at-home strength work. I even keep a Kettlebell stashed at my parents house for doing quick strength workouts when I visit them over the holidays.
That’s smart to keep a kettlebell at your parents’ house! There are so many ways to work out at home if we get creative.
Great ideas. It’s always nice to have options on days when you can’t make it to the gym. I don’t believe I follow you on pintrest. Will have to add you so I can see your strength workouts. I go on there alot.
It’s amazing how many ways there are to work out at home! And I am never as motivated to go out to a gym when it’s cold outside:)
This is such a great roundup! I’m totally with you here in the off-season! I love yoga (thanks for linking!) but I also want to try barre again this year after not quite giving it a fair chance last year 🙂
I’ve been referring to your yoga post alot lately! I hope you give barre another chance, I think it has alot of benefits. However, if yoga works for you then there’s no need to force it:)
I’m loving the at-home workouts, and I feel they are better for me than weights. I can feel myself getting stronger, and I can hit some more difficult yoga poses now because those muscles can hold the pose now. I love my PB classes, but I also have Pilates, Iron Strength, and 10-minute workouts for home.
That’s awesome that you feel like you are getting stronger! Thats a great collection of workouts.
The pilates for runners DVD sounds like a good one! I have free weights and a yoga mat at home that come in handy during snow days when I can’t run outside or make it safely to the gym. I love strength training and incorporating moves like jumping jacks, squat jumps, mountain climbers, etc. to get my heart rate up.
I have a love/hate relationship with those plyometric exercises:)
Thank you for sharing so many great workout resources! I will definitely be trying some since I am doing more supplementary workouts this time of year.
I hope you find some workouts that you like!
Thanks for the roundup! This isn’t an off season for me since I now have two January half marathons and one in March, but having indoor barre and pilates for cross training is a godsend 🙂
I think some of these workouts are great to supplement a training plan too, so I hope you can find something that works for you!
Off season from running? NO SUCH THING. Ha ha ha.
Good point! Let me clarify: a “training” off-season or just forcing myself to run less for a few months:)
Thanks for this! I really dislike going to the gym, so I tend to do a lot of at-home workouts. Yoga with Adriene (youtube) is my current favorite.
I’ll need to check that one out, thanks for sharing!
I do a lot of yoga both during training and off season. But i’m always looking for some new videos! Thanks for this!
Yoga is such a good workout either to supplement running or on it’s own- I definitely vary the types of yoga I do based on where I am with my training!